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Gathering of Grief - Commemorative Poetry Booklet

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reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilNov 28, 2023Commemorative Poetry BookletMourn All That IsDisconnected From Love

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GATHERING OFGRIEFOn Giving Tuesday2023, the Reimaginecommunity gatheredto mourn all that isdisconnected fromlove and find somehealing against thebackdrop of currentglobal crises.reimagine’s100VirtualVigilthNov 28, 2023@letsreimagine @lets_reimagine@letsreimagine Reflections on “Gathering of Grief”Dear Friends,As we reflect on "Gathering of Grief," Reimagine’s 100th vigil, I'mfilled with gratitude. This event was more than a milestone; itembodied our goal of providing accessible community support infacing life's adversities. Our vigils represent sacred pausesinviting us to embrace both grief and joy within our community.This commemorative poetry booklet is a testament to our sharedjourney. It's a collection of diverse voices and reflections,symbolizing the power of unity in times of loss. Over 100 co-hosting organizations and 1100+ registrants (with almost 400attending live) joined us, highlighting the strength found incommunity solidarity. Amazingly, 50 of our cohosts contributedpoems for this booklet, which were then pulled from to createthe collective Cento Poem, “Grief Is...”.At Reimagine, we create spaces for open discussions about life,death, and everything in between. In these times of globalturmoil, our collective approach to navigating complex emotionsand diverse views has never been more crucial.Thank you for your presence and contribution. Together, wecontinue to build a compassionate world, honoring every aspectof the human experience.With appreciation,Brad WolfeFounder & Executive Director,Reimagine2

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reimagine’s100VirtualVigilthNov 28,2023PAGE 2PAGE 4PAGES 5-7PAGES 8-11PAGES 12-61PAGES 62-77PAGES 78-81PAGE 82Table of Contents3

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WATCH RECORDING OF EVENTGathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilPictured: The beautifulflower altar created byguest speaker ShayaiLucero, Earth & SkyFloral Designs, along withsacred offerings to helpcleanse the space← Return to Contents4

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SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCATE & INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKERLeon Ford, is an author, speaker, activist, mental health ambassador, andcivic leader in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is also a Reimagine boardmember.His knowledge of social disparities and injustice comes frompersonal experience. When Leon was 19 years old, his life drasticallychanged when the Pittsburgh Police unjustly shot him five times at a trafficstop. This horrific case of mistaken identity has left him physicallyparalyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Still, Ford hasn’t allowed hiscircumstances to deter him from positively impacting his community.Through mentorship, he has sparked a movement cultivating leaders,organizers, and social entrepreneurs by empowering them to use theirvoices, platforms, and resources to evoke change and reshape theircommunities for generations to come.FOUNDER, EARTH & SKY FLORAL DESIGNS & NATIVE AMERICANCOMMUNITY ADVOCATEShayai Lucero was born and raised on the reservations of the Pueblos ofAcoma and Laguna. It took Shayai 16 years from high school graduation tofinish college. However, during that time she was Miss Indian World (1997),Executive Assistant for the All Indian Pueblo Council, and was the TribalLiaison for Native Visions Arts and Communications. Upon graduating,Shayai became an entrepreneur with the purchase of Earth & Sky FloralDesigns. Shayai was commissioned by the FBI to create the “NativeWarriors Wreath.” She’s been featured in floral industry magazines and hasreceived honors in floral competitions in the US and South Africa. Last yearshe traveled to the United Nations in Geneva to advocate for Indigenousreproductive rights with the Changing Woman Initiative. This fall sherepresented rural entrepreneurs in Washington DC at meetings withpolicymakers, lawmakers and members of the Biden-Harris administration.Shayai is also a knowledge keeper of medicinal plants and was a featuredspeaker last December at Cultivating Justice, a Reimagine panel discussionon plant medicine, health and liberation.5Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilFeatured Guests← Return to Contents

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FOUNDING DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR LOVING KINDNESSRabbi Ron Symons is the founding director of the Center for LovingKindness and Civic Engagement at the Jewish Community Center ofGreater Pittsburgh, where he serves as Senior Director of JewishLife.Dedicated to the long-held values of ‘love your neighbor as yourself’and ‘do not stand idle while your neighbor bleeds’, Ron and the JCC Centerfor Loving Kindness community are committed to redefining neighbor fromgeographic term to moral concept.Ron was ordained by Hebrew UnionCollege and has served synagogues and Jewish schools in Pittsburgh,South Carolina, New York, Massachusetts, and Israel.Ron and RabbiBarbara Symons are the proud parents of a Jewish overnight summer campdirector and two rabbinic students.ARTIST & SOUND HEALERPhoenix Song is a queer, nonbinary performer, teacher, coach, writer,expressive arts facilitator, and sound healer. They were featured in SanFrancisco Magazine’s Best of the Bay. Phoenix also facilitates grief rituals,ancestral healing workshops and trainings. They have performed andtaught at SF Jazz, Esalen, Stanford, and UC Santa Cruz. Phoenix offers amonthly sound bath at Grace Cathedral in SF with their band Fractals ofSound and leas thead drum journeys and sound baths around the Bay Area.They have appeared frequently at Reimagine festivals, vigils and othervirtual events. CHAPLAIN & MUSLIM COMMUNITY COORDINATOR,SHENANDOAH UNIVERSITYHanaa Unus works as a chaplain and Muslim Community Coordinator atShenandoah University in Northern Virginia. She is the first clergy personinthe school’s nearly 150-year history who does not identify as Christian. Sheworks with all students to address their spiritual care and needs, creating asafe and understanding space where they can practice their faith anddiscuss their concerns. She educates students of other religions aboutIslam and Muslim culture in order to create a peaceful environment both oncampus and locally. 6Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigil← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigil7“From when somebody experiences some sort ofsymptoms of a mental illness--and compoundedgrief is one of those–to where they get help, theaverage time in America is eleven years.”HANAA UNUSChaplain & Muslim Community Coordinator,Shenandoah University“I believe that the purpose of community iscommunity.”RABBI RON SYMONSFounding Director,Center for Loving Kindness at JCC Greater Pittsburgh“If psychotherapy doesn't work, that's okay. Maybemusic works. Maybe dogs and cats work for you.Maybe it's horses, maybe it's art, maybe it'sjournaling; I would encourage anybody on here tolook beyond the status quo because you deservethat.”HANAA UNUSChaplain & Muslim Community Coordinator,Shenandoah UniversityNotable Quotes“When you're Native American and you're told totake care of an altar–the sacred space–it's a hugeblessing. So, thank you for allowing me this honor.And may you all be returned blessings tenfold, ahundredfold, infinity-fold for allowing all of us togather here together.”SHAYAI LUCERO“Gathering of Grief” altar makerof the Acoma and Laguna Pueblos“The breakout room is life. We're going to break outinto life and tell people what we learned from thisexperience together: that it's possible–even online,even when not speaking–to create something ofvalue for our world and our planet just by beingtogether.”BRAD WOLFEReimagine Executive Director“You know, there's an African proverb that sayswhen all has been said and done, there's no need toextend the meeting. So I would just simply say thesewords from Helen Keller, based upon the poem thatwe heard: alone, we can do so little, but together,we can do so much. ”COREY KENNARDReimagine Board Chair“Let’s redefine the word neighbor from a geographicterm to a moral concept…Neighbor means that Icare about you deeply. And when challenges faceus, I'm not going to shy away from being inrelationship with you.”RABBI RON SYMONSFounding Director,Center for Loving Kindness at JCC Greater Pittsburgh“Wherever there’s collective pain, we have to bevery intentional about collective healing.Because it's easy for us to believe that we are theonly ones experiencing it. But when we understandand realize that so many other people areexperiencing different stories but a similar pain, wecan have more compassion for one another, and wecan create space for one another and help oneanother heal.”LEON FORDSocial Justice Advocate & Inspirational Speaker← Return to Contents

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Ann JacobusAuthorGrief is a tempestCheryl Espinosa-JonesGood Grief RadioGrief is a stormy sea without a boatNefertiti MoorDearly BereavedGrief is insurmountableMelanie WilsonDeath of the PartyWhen I see people of all ages experiencing pain, I find myself asking what is thepoint?Karin HolmesGrief & Mental Health SupportWhen I see hatred, I ask myself what is the point of nurturing love?Barry KochTGBeyondGrief is sneaky and insidious and grief is its own captainGail RubinA Good GoodbyeWhen I see individuals isolating others, I ask myself why does this happen?Sara K SchneiderTHE HUMAN JourneyGrief is like trying to see with your glasses offAnn JacobusAuthorWhen I see a wounded child I ask myself who shields the children and enablestheir healing?LaUra SchmidtGood Grief NetworkWhen I see systemic injustices and climate breakdownJenny DiltsGrieving CoachWhen I see groups suffering from stereotypical labelsAde AnifowoseThe Business of BeingI find myself asking why does "the system" hate black people so much?Nina RodriguezGrief & LightI find myself asking what if it were you?Sai DanchukSojourn And InsightGrief is forgiveness I need to seekGrace HarmanGrief AlchemistWhen I see murderMartie McNabbThingtide Show & TalesLonelinessSusan LieuPlaywright & AuthorApathyMike BernhardtVoices of the Grieving HeartTraumaShweta ParmarGUTSierLivingI ask myself, Is this really part of the divine plan?Elizabeth WerbeLeadership CoachGrief is a heavy weightLaUra SchmidtGood Grief NetworkHow can I keep my heart open and connected?Gail MarquardtNFDAGrief is fear.Yvonne BrockSpiritual Wellness CoachWhat can I do?Helen CondonGrief Relief SupportGrief is universal---it comes to all of us.Joan RupramJR CONSULTANCYWhat am I being called to become aware of within?LaUra SchmidtGood Grief NetworkGrief is an opening.Stefanie ElkinsBe Present CareOne helpful piece of advice I’ve learned along the way is to lead with curiosity.Mike BernhardtVoices of the Grieving HeartListen to what grief is asking of youMartie McNabbThingtide Show & TalesTears are anti freeze for the soulGathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is...A COLLECTIVE CENTO POEMCo-Created by 52 Event Co-Hosts← Return to Contents8

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Colleen ThomasThomas Ritual ArtsGrief is not being able to breatheGabby JimenezThe Hospice HeartOne piece of advice I’ve learned is to breathe and take a pauseGail MarquardtNFDANever stop telling stories about your loved onesSundari MalcolmThe Dinner PartyIt might not get better but it will get differentSheila CollinsBody Wisdom Inc. (InterPlay)I’ve learned that only love is stronger than hateReimagineI’ve also learned how important it is to mournBarry KochTGBeyondFor to mourn is to feel what needs to be felt, even if it hurtsMaggie LoveThe Sacred HearthTo empty the heart and bow down to its sacrednessSai DanchukSojourn And InsightTo mourn is to acknowledge that love existedSheila CollinsBody Wisdom Inc. (InterPlay)To stand with those suffering lossChelsea RushtonThe Other SideTo face into the darkness, glowingAnn JacobusAuthorTo be blown apart and remadeMartie McNabbThingtide Show & TalesTo mourn is to embrace life.Sundari MalcolmThe Dinner PartyWhen I lost my parents I felt untethered to the world around meDr. Agapi ErmidesHospice & Palliative CareWhen my dog soulmate passed away I felt pain so deep I could not reach itAnn JacobusAuthorWhen I was wounded as a child I felt the urge to self-annihilateShukri Devi IshayaMeditation Changes LivesWhen my boyfriend diedLaura MinerLaura Miner End-of-Life CareWhen my mom diedDenna BabulThe Fatherless Daughter ProjectWhen my father was murdered when I was 13Mike BernhardtVoices of the Grieving HeartWhen my wife diedEmily Thiroux ThreattThe Grief and Happiness AllianceWhen my husbands diedMegan SheldonBe CeremonialWhen I experienced my miscarriagesButterfly (Tony) PhamButterfly Truth, LLCWhen I heard a spiritual brother and mentor passedJenny DiltsGrieving CoachWhen parts of my identity felt ripped awayStephanie ThomaHolistic AmbitionWhen I moved to a new cityLisa SnidermanAoedeWhen the fabric of my reality unraveled in chaosSai DanchukSojourn And InsightWhen I lost youKarin HolmesGrief & Mental Health SupportWhen I lost youSai DanchukSojourn And InsightI felt the world crashing down on meKarin HolmesGrief & Mental Health SupportI felt part of my light had gone outYvonne BrockSpiritual Wellness CoachGrasping at air I felt my soul escapeGathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is... (cont.)← Return to Contents9

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Mike BernhardtVoices of the Grieving HeartI felt the ground give way underneath my feetMelanie WilsonDeath of the PartyI felt aloneGabby JimenezThe Hospice HeartThe only way I got through it was to write my feelings down in poetryGail MarquardtNFDAThe only way I got through it was doing things in his honorRachel KodanazEmbracing Life's ChallengesWhen my husband suddenly passed away I got through it by honoring his dream ofcompeting in the Hawaiian Iron ManEileen KieltyKaia EvolutionsThe only way I got through it was to allow everything to fall apartGrace HarmanGrief AlchemistTo surrender to my bodyMegan SheldonBe CeremonialTo remind myself that ritual is in my bonesChelsea RushtonThe Other SideThe only way I got through it was watching the sunset; it fills me with goldShukri Devi AshayaMeditation Changes LivesThe only way I got through it was by pure grace; I tried not to get through itKat PrimeauGood Grief DoulaThe only way I got through it was to gather online with others that could relateMelanie WilsonDeath of the PartyBuilding community around lossMartie McNabbThingtide Show & TalesWith all of you my fellow grief travelersSherry BelulSimply CelebrateKnowing grief as I do, today I hold space for every kind of loss, no matter how big orsmallColleen ThomasThomas Ritual ArtsI hold space for every emotion, no matter how unexpectedAlyssa AckermanAlyssa Rose Healing ArtsKnowing grief as I do, today I hold space for discomfortSusan LieuPlaywright & AuthorI hold space for all of the mess, yours and mineStephanie ThomaHolistic AmbitionKnowing grief as I do, today I hold space for people who have been ostracized anddon’t fit inGail RubinA Good GoodbyeI hold space for music, magic, and messages from the beyondHolly PruettLife-Cycle Celebrant/Death Talk ProjectI hold space for grief as a skill, the essential skill of our timesRose GordonCircle of Compassionate CareAnd if I commit to letting my broken heart lead the wayKat PrimeauGood Grief DoulaIf I commit to witnessing the pain that others shy away fromSherry BelulSimply CelebrateTo see those who are lost, lonely, grieving or illAnn JacobusAuthorIf I commit to making stories for the young and voicelessShweta ParmarGUTsierLivingAnd commit to making time to listen to elders’ storiesGabby JimenezThe Hospice HeartIf I commit to self careJessica LippsBird & BabeTo listening, creating and writingLaUra SchmidtGood Grief NetworkIf I commit to offering spaces of solace and support for everyone feeling isolatedKarin HolmesGrief & Mental Health SupportI believe the world could be a place more at peace with itselfCheryl Espinosa-JonesGood Grief RadioIf I commit to meeting each person I encounter with compassionGathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is... (cont.)10← Return to Contents

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Alyssa AckermanAlyssa Rose Healing ArtsI believe the world could be a place of belonging for each of usBirgitta KastenbaumBridging TransitionsIf I commit to love and grief as activismYvonne BrockSpiritual Wellness CoachI believe the world could be more liberated and equitableMaggie LoveThe Sacred HearthLiberated from traumaColleen ThomasThomas Ritual ArtsA place where there is room to move and breathDr. Agapi ErmidesHospice & Palliative CareA place of unintelligible beautyRose GordonCircle of Compassionate CareI believe the world could be illuminated by the love living inside each lossAde AnifowoseThe Business of BeingFor grief is love turned inside outSai DanchukSojourn And InsightBut only together can we lift each other through the painKat PrimeauGood Grief DoulaGrief is transformativeLauren KorshakLovewellOnly together can we feel the warmth of the wholeMegan SheldonBe CeremonialGrief is foreign and grief is familiarDouglas SimpsonINELDAOnly together through collective spaces can we continue to healMelanie WilsonDeath of the PartyGrief is loud and grief is quietClaire SchwartzMiriam's Well Healing/You Can Heal Your GriefOnly together can we save ourselvesMartie McNabbThingtide Show & TalesGrief is connectiveToby WeissMJHS Hospice and Palliative CareOnly together can we find comfort and solace in the unexplainedSundari MalcolmThe Dinner PartyOnly together do we arrive homeAde AnifowoseThe Business of BeingOnly together can we create the world we want to seeJessica LippsBird & BabeGrief can be a giftBatshir TorchioJCCSFOnly together, only togetherGathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is... (cont.)← Return to Contents11Watch the live debutreading of “Grief is...”CLICK HERE

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is a heavy heart.Grief is a sign of love.When I see individuals isolating others in the world,I find myself asking why does this happen?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is step back, and release the negative thoughts.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to remember with love.When my husband died unexpectedly, I felt numb.The only way I got through it was distracting myself and writing about the journey.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for music, magic, and messages from beyond.And if I commit tobeing present and supportive,I believe the world could be happier and more loving.Only together do we rise higher. @gail.rubin.doyenne.of.deathTheFamilyPlot@gail.rubin.3@gailrubinctagoodgoodbye- Gail RubinGrief is...AGOODGOODBYE.COMA Good Goodbye brings a light touch to planning for end-of-life issues.← Return to Contents12

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is messy. Grief is love turned inside out.When I see injustice against Black people in the world,I find myself asking why does "the system" hate Black people so much?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is I must not become hate-full, instead BE andlive Love.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to welcome my grief and tune intoits wisdom.When dad criticized me for sharing my thoughts about an issue, I felt excluded, unacknowledged,belittled by my dad.The only way I got through it was to remember his dismissal didn't make my thoughts less important.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for self-compassion.And if I commit to giving myself permission to die before die,I believe the world could be a place and a space of real embodied transformation.Only together can we create the world we want to see. @abeingoflove@adesoulwhisperer@adeanifowose- Ade Anifowose Grief is...THEBUSINESSOFBEING.COMAde beliefs, “Everything is connected, and it all belongs.” His mission is to assist people in bridging thegap between the shadow and the light.← Return to Contents13

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is a breaking down.Grief is a liminal space of possibility.When I see the immense hurt in the world,I find myself asking how can we come together to hold and heal this?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is "You are the medicine," your presence isenough.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to allow the ways we love to changeand never end.When important relationships ended and changed for me, I felt alone, isolated, and hopeless.The only way I got through it was connecting deeply with others.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for discomfort.And if I commit to bringing my full self forward,I believe the world could be a place of belonging for each of us.Only together can we truly come home. @alyssarosehealingalyssarosehealingarts- Alyssa RoseGrief is...ALYSSAROSEHEALINGARTS.COMAlyssa Rose, a Grief Guide & Death Doula, focuses on integrating grief healthily into our lives, creatinga grief-literate culture through education, personalized grief healing, and community grief rituals.← Return to Contents14

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is a rollercoaster with myriad twists, turns. Grief is a constant triggers reopening emotional wounds.When I see lack of connection/misunderstanding/conflict in the world,I find myself asking how can we break down barriers and build bridges?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is be kind-everyone's fighting a battle.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to experience, process, express sorrow, grieve.When the fabric of my reality unraveled in chaos, I felt wandering without a beacon through endlessnight.The only way I got through it was surrendering/holding onto hope/leaning on others.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space forembracing whatever feelings come/not judging.And if I commit to being the change I wish to see in the world,I believe the world could be loving, empathic, kind, compassionate.Only together will we uplift humanity/inspire positive change. @grievingproject@grievingproject@GrievingProject@aoede- Lisa SnidermanGrief is...THEGRIEVINGPROJECT.COMLisa Sniderman, aka Aoede, is a multi-award-winning San Francisco-based artist, playwright, disabledartist advocate who creates art and music to foster healing, elevate, and empower others with chronicillnesses and disabilities to grieve and thrive. ← Return to Contents15

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGGrief is a tempest. Grief is the whirlwind that transforms our souls.When I see a wounded child in the world,I find myself asking who shields the children and enables their healing?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to trust the universe, the storms recede.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to be blown apart and remade.When I was wounded as a child, I felt the urge to self-annihilate.The only way I got through it was with stories, caring support, and time.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for gratitude and for paying it forward.And if I commit to building stories for the young and voiceless,I believe the world could be gentler. Wiser. Less tempestuous for us all. Only together can we weather the Ann JacobusGrief is...ANNJACOBUS.COMWriter, fan of the unexpected, respecter of the unexplainable, and mental health advocate.← Return to Contents16

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is foreign. Grief is familiar.When I see Isolationin the world,I find myself asking how can we gather with intention?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way isCourage is contagious.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to Grieve together, out loud.When I experienced my miscarriages, I felt I created rituals to release and remember.The only way I got through it was to remind myself that ritual is in my bones.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for the messiness and imperfection of it all.And if I commit to meeting others where they are at,I believe the world could be a more connected place.Only together can we hold grief and gratitude both at once.@beceremonial@beceremonial@megansheldon- Megan SheldonGrief is...BECEREMONIAL.COMWe help people reimagine the role of ritual and ceremony in their lives by offering them lots of ritualsto choose from so they are empowered to create their own ceremonies to acknowledge a milestone ormoment of transition they are facing.← Return to Contents17

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is all-encompassing. Grief is ongoing.When I see intolerance in the world,I find myself asking where is the compassion?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to lead with curiosity.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to feel sorrow and pain for loss.When Ben died by suicide, I felt anger, loneliness, numbness, and name a few things.The only way I got through it was by walking daily, be intentional with how and when I shared withothers.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for others as part of my life work.And if I commit to giving as well as receiving,I believe the world could be accepting and understanding.Only together can we acknowledge and honor that grief is a natural part of life.@bepresentcare@BePresentCare@stefanieelkins- Stefanie L ElkinsGrief is...WWW.BEPRESENTCARE.COMBe Present Care: Offering guidance and support for life transitions.Death over Drafts:Crafters aka Hosts facilitate gatherings that encourage end-of-life discussions andmeaningful connection for a richer lived experience.← Return to Contents18

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is oh so hard. Grief is (can be) a gift.When I see injustice in the world,I find myself asking how long, O God?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to read God's love letters as if God waswriting to me.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to cry out and lament to the One who knows.When I went through heartache, I felt I felt nebulous and an acute searing pain.The only way I got through it was with prayer, courage, support, and acceptance.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for mothers and children and women.And if I commit to listening, creating, and writing,I believe the world could be a more beautiful, whole, and restored place.Only together do we have the opportunity to be the image of love to one another.@birdnbabe- Jessica LippsGrief is...BIRDANDBABE.COMBird & Babe is a nourishing lifestyle organization specifically supporting mothers and women on asoulful journey through personal coaching, guided workshops/retreats, and life-writing. ← Return to Contents19

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is sharing pain and processing our losses. Grief is compassion and heartfelt caring.When I see children suffering because of cruelty and hatredin the world,I find myself asking How can we end this madness?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is only love is stronger than hate.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to Stand with those suffering loss.When my children died, I felt Anger and fear.The only way I got through it was allowing love to hold me up.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for grief to strengthen and transform me.And if I commit to dance and sing on behalf of those that mourn,I believe the world could be a peaceful joy-filled community.Only together can we make our dreams come true.@sheila.k.collinssheila-k-collins-phd-6387764- Sheila K Collins Grief is...SHEILAKCOLLINS.COM &Body Wisdom Inc. is a non-profit arts organization that administers the practice and teaching ofInterPlay–an active creative approach to unlocking the wisdom of the body. INTERPLAY.ORG← Return to Contents20

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is heart-cracking.Grief is heart-opening.When I see suffering in the world,I find myself asking how can we hold this grief communally instead of alone? And how do we reconnect tolove?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is Grief is not something we get over or getthrough. Grief is something we learn to carry, and carrying grief is easier when we don't do it alone.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to outwardly express grief, allowing itto be witnessed.When death has come to people very close to me, I felt the fabric of my life unraveling and feltdisconnected from the world.The only way I got through it was by sharing my story, allowing myself to be held and witnessed, creating daily rituals that supported me in reframing my grief as an expression of love, and mourning rituals that re-connecting me to others, nature, and the sacred.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for people who want to share their grief and love stories as away to weave themselves back into the fabric of life and repair frayed edges.And if I commit to love and grief as activism,I believe the world could be re-woven with love as our guide and the tattered fabric of loss, injustice, andharm repaired. It might not be easy but activism rarely is.Only together will we have the strength to allow our hearts to crack and still open our hearts wider.Only together can we weave a tapestry strong enough to hold both our grief and our love.@birgittakastenbaum@bridgingtransitions@birgittakastenbaum- Birgitta Kastenbaum-Grief is...BRIDGINGTRANSITIONS.NETBridging Transitions offers conscious living & conscious dying support and education so we maycollectively reimagine death care, dying, and grief. With love, ritual & nature, connection to self, oneanother & the sacred as guides.← Return to Contents21

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is living with heartbreak. Grief is part of why being human is hard.When I see cruelty, hate, and violence in the world,I find myself asking why is this happening?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is how grief is more a spiral than a ladder.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to give myself permission to be angry, sad, and upset.When I heard that a spiritual brother and mentor had passed, I felt my entire body collapse andcontract.The only way I got through it was by breathing in and out.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for those grieving COVID-related losses.And if I commit to meeting myself and others with compassion,I believe the world could be in touch with our common humanity.Only together can we know true freedom and joy. @butterflytruth@tonypham- Tony (Butterfly) PhamGrief is...TONYOPHAM.COMTony/Butterfly considers it an honor and privilege to help others find ease so that they can make moreconscious choices to show up as their authentic selves.← Return to Contents22

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is loud. Grief is quiet.When I see people of all ages experiencing pain in the world,I find myself asking what is the point?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to allow myself to feel my feelings aboutgrief.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to work through the pain, longingfor what isn't.When my dad died, I felt alone.The only way I got through it was by building a community around loss.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for all who have lost a parent.And if I commit to serving the grief community,I believe the world could be more empathetic.Only together can we learn and grow.@DeathofthePartyNYC@melanie-mw- Melanie WilsonGrief is...DEATHOFTHEPARTYNYC.MY.CANVA.SITEAn antidote to awkwardness at public events for grieving LGBTQ+ folks and allies.← Return to Contents23

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is drowning alive with no one to save you.Grief is often dropping by like an unwanted visitor.When I see people hurting people in the world,I find myself asking who hurt you and how, my love?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is think, speak, and act from a place of love.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to offer a glimpse of the depths towhich we love.When my dog soulmate passed away, I felt pain so deep, I could not reach it.The only way I got through it was witnessing unimaginable love, expressed as tears.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for people to be themselves through my pure presence.And if I commit to serve others with their best interest in my heart,I believe the world could be a place of unintelligible beauty.Only together we can know the full scope of unconditional love.@agapi-e-462844283- Dr. Agapi ErmidesGrief is...Love is all that matters in the end; the only truth.← Return to Contents24

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is a heavy weight. Grief is an expression of love.When I see people deny their own pain and hurt others in the world,I find myself asking why don't we recognize our shared humanity?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is grief requires us to be present to ouremotions.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to accept the full range of myfeelings.When I was not able to be there for my mom, I felt crushed, alone and scared, full of uncertainty.The only way I got through it was to honor my needs and surrender each day.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for others to share their feelings and be witnessed.And if I commit to being true to myself and grounding myself in love,I believe the world could be a kinder, more compassionate, and caring place.Only together can we honor all that unites us as humans. 25@ewerbe@e_werbe@elizabeth.werbe@elizabethwerbe- Elizabeth WerbeGrief is...I seek to address our crisis of connection by designing and facilitating powerful learning experiencesthat create the conditions for personal and societal transformation and strengthen our collectivecapacity for systems change.← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief weighs so heavily. Grief is emotionally draining, crying is exhausting.When I see people being mean or insensitivein the world,I find myself asking How is this okay for you?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is breathe and take a pause.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to honor the person I love who hasdied.When my brother died, I felt angry, lonely, and sad.The only way I got through it was to write my feelings down in poetry.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for all who feel sorrow and sadness.And if I commit to self-care,I believe the world could be more compassionate toward others.Only together can we create a kinder community. Gabby JimenezGrief is...THEHOSPICEHEART.NETMy goal is to help improve the way human beings are being cared for when they die, and when theygrieve. ← Return to Contents

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is exhaustive.Grief is transformative.When I see folks suffering alone in the world,I find myself asking what can I do to help?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to truly feel your emotions as they arise.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to get to know yourself anew in thewake of loss.When I lost loved ones to Covid-19, I felt frustrated, isolated, and overwhelmed.The only way I got through it was to gather online with others who could relate.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for all forms of loss.And if I commit to witnessing the pain that others shy away from,I believe the world could be a more grief-literate place!Only together may we grow in consciousness.@goodgriefdoula@goodgriefdoula@GoodGriefDoula- Kat PrimeauGrief is...GOODGRIEFDOULA.COMHarnessing the transformative power of grief for good← Return to Contents27

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is a stormy sea without a boat.Grief is a broken, open heart.When I see cruelty and violent conflict in the world,I find myself asking can we find our kindness in the worst times?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is listen to what grief is asking of you.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to allow every aspect of loss tomove through me.When my beloved person to me was dying, I felt I felt the heartbreak of all.The only way I got through it was holding myself dear in my own heart.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for all of the many ways it shows itself.And if I commit to meeting each person I encounter with compassion,I believe the world could be softer, kinder, more loving.Only together do we move with empathy forward. @goodgriefwithcheryl@CherylJonesMFTCherylJonesMScheryl-espinosa-jones-45719329b- Cheryl Espinosa-JonesGrief is...GOODGRIEFWITHCHERYL.COMSolace, Support & Growth through Grief -to guide every client and listener towards embracing theirchallenges with honesty and compassion, unlocking the hidden richness within their lives. ← Return to Contents28

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is messy. Grief is illuminating.When I see murderin the world,I find myself asking what will it take to stop?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is don’t shame yourself inside of grief.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to carry a broken heart.When my mom died, I felt completely lost.The only way I got through it was to surrender to my body.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for people to come home to their bodies after loss.And if I commit to making space for the sacredness of grief,I believe the world could be a less oppressive place.Only together can we release the fear we have of grief.@moveyourgrief@gracebellaharmanllc@grace-harman-bc-dmt-9197a735- Grace Harman Grief is...GRACEBELLAHARMAN.LOVEMy work is here to remind us of the sacredness of grief and the potential for transformation when weinvite our bodies into the process.← Return to Contents29

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is universal - it comes to ALL of us. Grief is grace - it comes from Love and is a Privilege.When I see pain in the world,I find myself asking "What can I do to help?"One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is allowing the pain is the quickest way through it.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to work through all the emotions thatcome with Grief.When the deaths of two of my children from cancer, I felt unutterable sorrow and infinite love.The only way I got through it was holding onto my belief in Eternal Life.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for all the emotions that come with Grief.And if I commit to seeking out an being there for those who need help,I believe the world could be more beautiful.Only together can we embrace the Sacred JOY of Grief. @griefreliefsupportGriefReliefSupport- Helen CondonGrief is...GRIEFRELIEF.SUPPORTHelping Those Who Grieve Find Peace After Loss← Return to Contents30

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is core-crushing.Grief is expansive.When I see groups suffering from stereotypical labels in the world,I find myself asking how can we find and be the good in all?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is our experiences are perfectly tailored for us.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to intentionally give expression tothe grief.When parts of my core identity felt ripped away,I felt deflated, dejected, depressed.The only way I got through it was acknowledging my grief and accepting my life.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for all of it—grief, gratitude, growth.And if I commit to creating safe, brave, loving spaces for all,I believe the world could be renewed and we’d live in beautiful commUNITY.Only together can we find the One. @jenny.rencherdiltsjennydilts-grievingcoach- Jenny DiltsGrief is...GRIEVINGCOACH.COMAt Grieving Coach we accompany struggling people in their grief journeys and guide them to find long-lasting growth from their experiences without judgement, expectations, or despair in their own wayand in their own time. ← Return to Contents31

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is complete acceptance. Grief is to become the butterfly that flies to the next stage of this beautiful life train.When I see elders not being respected and neglected in the world,I find myself asking is this really part of the Divine plan?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to be completely self-honest and feel it all.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to feel the void that is left behindthat leads to the light.When my mother consciously decided to die, I felt at times, numb. At times, at peace. At times, like a wicked witch.The only way I got through it was to feel every feeling in every cell, atom, bone in my body.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for my aching, shattered, rebirthing heart... as well as others'.And if I commit to making time to listen to elders' stories,I believe the world could be in complete presence, acceptance of this death and rebirth cycle. Cherish.Only together can we transform and transmute our inner demons and angels to nothingness.@shweta.parmar.ayurveda@shweta.parmar.ayurveda@gutsierliving- Shweta ParmarGrief is...Ignite the Doctor/Healer Within.← Return to Contents32

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is when you weren't ready to let go.Grief is the realization it was already gone.When I see the illusion of separation in the world,I find myself asking what it is we have in common?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to be guided by a mission and vision.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to realize and fully feel the loss.When moving to a new city, I felt yearning, then acceptance, then drive.The only way I got through it was to give my attention to what was going right.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for people who have been ostracized or don't fit in.And if I commit to knowing and owning my truth,I believe the world could be more empowered and connected.Only together we achieve the ultimate success of connection. @stephaniemthoma@stephaniemthoma@stephaniemthoma@stephaniemthoma- Stephanie ThomaGrief is...STEPHANIETHOMA.COMRedefining what it means to be ambitious and successful with more wellbeing, meaning and fun in yourcareer, business and relationships.← Return to Contents33

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is a bottomless well.Grief is the water of life.When I see suffering in the world,I find myself asking where are the gods?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is we are not and have never been alone, notreally.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to keep your heart open to love.When I was badly hurt, I felt I felt alone, afraid.The only way I got through it was to keep going, not knowing how.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for grief as a skill, the essential skill of our times.And if I commit to love in the face of suffering,I believe the world could be kinder.Only together can we learn the skills of being human.@HollyPruettLifeCycleCelebrant@holly-pruett-0570345- Holly PruettGrief is...HOLLYPRUETTCELEBRANT.COMAs a Life-Cycle Celebrant, Home Funeral Guide, Conversation Leader & Consultant I bring peopletogether to help prepare for, live with, and talk about death.← Return to Contents34

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is all-consuming to my being.Grief is always present and emerges without notice.When I see mass death in the world,I find myself asking how can we process this?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to recognize individual death versus theevent.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to remember.When my cousin died by suicide, I felt how could no one have helped her?The only way I got through it was listening and sharing stories of her.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for sharing and understanding individual loss.And if I commit to talking about death,I believe the world could be a more healing place.Only together through collective spaces can we continue to Douglas SimpsonGrief is...INELDA.ORGEncourage the presence of end-of-life doulas by normalizing death, dying, and grief throughconscientious education, and stewardship, and by fostering community and advocacy.← Return to Contents35

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is how hard it is to feel safe sharing.Grief is isolating, an isle of loneliness.When I see justification for vengeance in the world,I find myself asking how can we come together to listen?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to come together not to solve but to hear.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to be with the real of what is felt.When my mother's sudden death, I felt emotional unmooring.The only way I got through it was sitting in it.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for others' grief.And if I commit to sitting in a place of holy listening,I believe the world could be more balanced and interconnected.Only together, only together. @jccsf@JCCSF@jccsf- Rabbi Batshir TorchioGrief is...JCCSF.ORGWe believe Jewish culture and traditions provide a pathway for joyful, meaningful living. In a changingworld, the JCCSF brings people together to explore, connect and flourish.← Return to Contents36

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is surrendering.Grief is integration and expansionary.When I see children suffering in the world,I find myself asking what am I being called to become aware of within?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is Creation & Destruction is part of nature.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to be with all parts of yourself asthey are.When I remember the passage of my ancestors, I felt the Spirits of my people guiding my shadows.The only way I got through it was to surrender into being with them.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for all the emerging needs of my grief.And if I commit to creating space to feel, connect & express my grief,I believe the world could be experienced through our highest Spiritual nature.Only together in Conscious Awareness sustainability is created.@jnorganichouse@jnorganichouse- Joan RupramGrief is...JOANRUPRAM.SUBSTACK.COMExpand Consciousness and Inspire Healthy Living in Harmony with Mother Earth← Return to Contents37

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is undervalued.Grief is beautiful.When I see self-abandonment and inauthenticity in the world,I find myself asking how can I stand in my fullest expression of self?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is that grief is unexpressed love.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to express love. Deep, deep love.When my sister died by suicide in 2019, I felt completely untethered; like I was lost at sea.The only way I got through it was to allow everything to fall apart.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for the unfolding. The integration. The re-membering.And if I commit to honoring my own creative, unique self-expression,I believe the world could be full of hope; trusting ourselves AND each other.Only together can we realize just how connected we all are.@kaia.evolutions- Eileen KieltyGrief is...KAIAEVOLUTIONS.COMKaia Evolutions thrives at the intersection of science and personal magic, providing a transformativesomatic integration approach crafted to guide individuals, businesses, and communities inrediscovering journey of profound mind-body connection.← Return to Contents38

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is utter despair and hopelessness. Grief is an overwhelming wave of love.When I see hatred in the world,I find myself asking What is the point of nurturing love?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is your voice matters.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to re-learn how to love.When I lost you, I felt part of my light had gone out.The only way I got through it was to breathe and cry.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for everyone who lost their safe space.And if I commit to holding and creating spaces,I believe the world could be a place more at peace with itself.Only together can we make sure love Karin HolmesGrief is...KARINHOLMES.COMTo heal others, we must heal ourselves first.← Return to Contents39

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is as natural as love. Grief is as mysterious as the cosmos.When I see unacknowledged grief in the world, I find myself asking why must we cut ourselves offfrom such an integral part of life?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to feel is to heal.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to be reborn.When my mom died, I felt lost and didn't know who I was without her.The only way I got through it was by beginning to share our story~instead of grappling with it alone.Knowing grief as I do, today, I hold space for others to express it in all of its forms, and all of its depth.And if I commit to lovingly witnessing grief - in myself and in others, I believe the world could be less alienating.Only together do we weave our stories and realize what seems too personal to share, is often the mostuniversal. @laura.c.miner@Endoflifecarecoaching- Laura Miner Grief is...LAURACMINER.COMTo promote love, empathy and compassion towards the dying and their loved ones through educationand increased death awareness.@laura.miner.75← Return to Contents40

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is a deep, dark well.Grief is an opening.When I see systemic injustices and climate breakdown in the world,I find myself asking how can I keep my heart open and connected?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is grief is a gateway inviting different ways ofbeing.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to open to the unknown and to trustthe process.When systemic injustices & impacts of climate chaos become everyday life, I felt alone in my fear,grief, and rage.The only way I got through it was by connecting with others who want collective transformation.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for those dedicated to the heart-centered revolution.And if I commit to offering spaces of solace and support for everyone feeling isolated,I believe the world could be connected, inspired, and regenerative.Only together journeying through our personal and collective LaUra SchmidtGrief is...GOODGRIEFNETWORK.ORGGood Grief Network creates spaces where people can lean into their painful feelings about the state ofthe world and reorient their lives toward meaningful action.← Return to Contents41

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is normal.Grief is natural.Grief is often a subliminal and complex undercurrent of pain and grief is, unfortunately, a stone’s throwaway from instantaneous subconscious conjuring.When I see the lingering effects of emotional pain and trauma in the world,I find myself asking, if harm and healing can be intentional and unintentional, how is emotional libertybalanced within the human condition?One piece of advice that helps me along the way is knowing that the healing of one person cantranscend generations. I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to immerse myself in the unlimitedfacets of love and loss.When my mother died before my eyes, I felt lonely and yet curious about where her spirit went.The only way I got through it was to trust the endless possibilities of the unknown…the thereafter.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for an undying hope that life after death truly exists.And if I commit to believing that what is seen is temporal and what is unseen is eternal,I believe the world could be a place where our spirits can be explored with love, curiosity, andcompassion.Only together can we make what seems impossible, possible!- Michelle ThornhillGrief is...LEGACYANDHOPE.COMI firmly believe that individuals can reach a level of satisfaction when given specific tools to maneuvertheir way through three transitions; moving beyond the pain that comes with grief and loss, living theirbest life, and planning for the inevitable.@the_michellethornhill@michelle-thornhill-0← Return to Contents42

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is natural.Grief is an invitation to see everyone as eternal beings.When I see lack of compassion in the world,I find myself asking what has happened to you?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is beyond thoughts and emotions there’s nosuffering.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to recognise the metamorphosis ofdeep human love.When my boyfriend died, I felt totally lost, I couldn’t understand life.The only way I got through it was by pure grace, I tried not to get through it.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for surrendering to what is, it takes immense humility.And if I commit to the intimate unconditional love within,I believe the world could be heaven on earth.Only together can exploring waking up be a path of joy!- Shukri Devi IshayaGrief is...MEDITATIONCHANGESLIVES.COMMeditation Changes Lives is predominantly an online meditation centre providing free onlinemeditations to guide people home to the still, silent, calm presence within. @beaheromeditate@meditation.changes.lives@MeditationChanges Lives← Return to Contents43

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is shocking.Grief is universal.When I see hatred in the world,I find myself asking how do we see each other better?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is remember that Everyone is a Child of theUniverse.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to transform sorrow into peace.When my mother died, I felt the earth was not solid beneath my feet.The only way I got through it was active, painstaking, slow, and collaborative.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for grief is a constant living breathing process.And if I commit to compassion for My Self and Others,I believe the world could be calmer and just easier.Only together Save Our Selves. @fearlessgrieving@claire.m.schwartz.5@clairemschwartz- Claire M. SchwartzGrief is...YOUCANHEALYOURGRIEF.COMDeMystifying & DeStigmatizing Grief & Trauma Healing for Individuals, Families & Organizations← Return to Contents44

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Grief is a hollow that can not be filled. Grief rears its head at random times.When I see pain and sorrow in the world, I find myself asking where is God and please help me findcomfort and solace?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is memories of loved ones keep their spiritwithin me alive.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to feel the loss of someone youloved who is no longer here.When my older brother died, I lost my hero and best friend. I felt sorrow, pain, and a huge void in myuniverse.The only way I got through it was seeing his smile up above and feeling him inside me.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for time to heal, knowing that gone does not mean forgotten.And if I commit to acts of kindness in his merits, I feel comforted.I believe the world could be a better place when we act kindly toward one another.Only together can we find comfort and solace in the unexplained.Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigil@mjhs01@MJHS01- Toby WeissGrief is...MJHS.ORGRooted in Jewish values and traditions, and consistent with the highest standards of quality care,MJHS Health System seeks to be the premier provider of health services in the Greater MetropolitanArea, ensuring access to health, supportive and community-based services across the continuum ofneed.← Return to Contents45

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is insurmountable. Grief is an experience, not a temporary feeling.When I see negligence, violence, and hate in the world,I find myself asking will we as humans ever respect each other and Earth?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is practicing patience and love is so important.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to feel intensely.When my Grampa died, I felt lost, confused, alone, and upset.The only way I got through it was to face my grief and feel all of the feels.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for those carrying grief and don't know where to put it.And if I commit to being open and loud about what grief is/isn't.I believe the world could be loud with love, compassion, and release.Only together can we bring commUNITY with the beauty of action. @dearly.bereaved@dearly.bereaved- Nefertiti Moor Grief is...DEARLYBEREAVED.NETDearly Bereaved aims to restore culture - environmentally, ancestrally, spiritually & respectfullythrough one’s last offering to Mother Earth (in death). ← Return to Contents46

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is empty.Grief is fear.When I see injustice in the world,I find myself asking how can I effect change?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is never stop telling stories about your lovedones.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to love.When my friend died, I felt guilt.The only way I got through it was doing things in his honor.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space forpeople who have lost a loved one tragically.And if I commit to continuing to honor my friend's life,I believe the world could be more focused on love.Only together can we heal through love.@RememberingALife@Rememberingalife- Gail MarquardtGrief is...REMEMBERINGALIFE.COMRemembering A Life provides educational tools to help families understand the value of a funeral, plana meaningful service and begin the grief journey following the death of a loved one. ← Return to Contents47

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is like a roller coaster. Grief is a source of personal growth and transformation amidst the unknown.When I see pain and suffering in the world,I find myself asking What can I do to help?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is grieve one day at a time; the sun rises eachnew day.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to navigate the space betweenabsence and cherished memories.When my husband suddenly passed away, I felt adrift in unchartered waters of the unknown.The only way I got through it was to honor his dream by competing in the Hawaiian Ironman.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space forthose I love and whose memories I cherish.And if I commit to spreading small acts of kindness,I believe the world could be more empathetic and compassionate.Only together can we build a community of healing.@rkodanaz@rachel.kodanaz@rkodanaz- Rachel KodanazGrief is...RACHELKODANAZ.COMA heart-minded speaker with 20 years' experience, I help audiences embrace life's challenges. Myinternationally acclaimed books include "Finding Peace, One Piece at a Time" and the best-selling"Living with Loss One Day at a Time" and "Grief in the Workplace."← Return to Contents48

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is a painful breaking open of the heart. Grief is a bittersweet immersion in love.When I see the devastation of human and other lifein the world,I find myself asking why turn heaven into hell?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to touch the glimmers of beauty all aroundme.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to lament loss and celebrate beauty.When my mother died, I felt I'd lost her endless Great Mother Love.The only way I got through it was seeing her love in the natural world around me.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for silence and mystery and gratitude to enfold me.And if I commit to letting my broken open heart lead the way,I believe the world could be illuminated with the love living inside each loss.Only together do we experience what it is to be human.@CompassionandCaring@rose-l-gordon-17b4808- Rose GordonGrief is...CIRCLEOFCOMPASSIONATECARE.COMTo use my decades of experiences to skillfully support individuals and families as they reclaim theirhuman capacity to tend the dying time of life. ← Return to Contents49

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is heartbreaking. Grief is heart-opening.When I see someone broken-hearted in the world in the world,I find myself asking why do people have to experience painful loss?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is love never dies; it just changes form.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to let emotions run through us, like ariver.When my foundations dissolved, I felt I let go of all the known anchors.The only way I got through it was to open my heart with compassion to others.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for every kind of loss, no matter how big or small.And if I commit to see those who are lost, lonely, grieving, or ill,I believe the world could be a place where we comfort one another.Only together can we share the grief — and love— of life.@simplycelebrate@simplycelebrate@sherry.richert.belul@sherryrichertbelul- Sherry Richert Belul Grief is...SIMPLYCELEBRATE.NETSimply Celebrate helps people find creative, intentional, and impactful ways to celebrate life and toexpress love for family and friends. Don't wait; Say it Now. ← Return to Contents50

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is expected to be a one-and-done task.Grief is a never-ending unraveling of discovery and sorrow.When I see apathy in the world,I find myself asking if your inner child could come out and play?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is when we feel, we heal.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to get pelted with tiny shards ofglass.When my mother died from a tummy tuck, I was eleven, I felt betrayed, abandoned, ashamed, andnumb.The only way I got through it was by allowing kind people in.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for all of the mess, yours and mine.And if I commit to compassionate listening, to you and to me,I believe the world could be filled with a bit more light.Only together can we be tender. @susanlieu@susanlieuofficial@susanlieu- Susan LieuGrief is...SUSANLIEU.MESusan Lieu: Vietnamese-American author, playwright, and performer. Her debut book "TheManicurist's Daughter" explores the American Dream's collapse and a refugee daughter's quest foranswers after her mother dies during plastic surgery.← Return to Contents51

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is sneaky and insidious.Grief is its own captain.When I see cruelty in the world,I find myself asking does it really have to be this way?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is most people are decent and well-intended.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to feel what needs to be felt, even ifit hurts.When my son died, I felt I felt lost until I found my way home.The only way I got through it was to reflect, cry, pray, and allow time to pass.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for people who need to share their feelings.And if I commit to be present, open, and patient,I believe the world could be a little bit kinder and gentler.Only together can we prevent a drift to our darker impulses.@tgbeyond- Barry KochGrief is...TGBEYOND.COMTGBeyond is committed to helping individuals and families navigate the physical, emotional andunavoidable administrative aspects of a death.Dying is hard on the living, and TGBeyond wants to helpmake it a little easier.← Return to Contents52

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is isolating. Grief is soul-shifting.When I see people in pain, inflicting pain on others in the world,I find myself asking when did we all become so jaded?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is it might not get better but it will get different.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to be reminded of how deeply youonce loved.When I lost my parents, I felt untethered to the world around me.The only way I got through it was being open to building a new world for the new me.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for my deepest depths and my highest highs.And if I commit to showing up with grace,I believe the world could be a place where we all find freedom.Only together do we arrive home...@thedinnerparty@thedinnerparty- Sundari MalcolmGrief is...THEDINNERPARTY.ORGTo transform some of our hardest conversations and most isolating experiences into sources ofcommunity support, candid conversation, and forward movement using the age-old practices ofgathering and breaking bread. @sundaribliss← Return to Contents53

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is constant. Grief is an act of love.When I see mourning in the world,I find myself asking how can I support and comfort those grieving?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is we can grieve and be happy at the same time.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to express my grief.When my husbands died, I felt I felt broken.The only way I got through it was knowing that love remains and I can be happy.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for more love in my life.And if I commit to supporting and comforting others in their grief,I believe the world could be filled with more love and happiness.Only together can we change the world's perception of grief.@grief_and_happiness_@ThreattEmily@profile.php?id=100091794975665@EmilyThirouxThreatt- Emily Thiroux ThreattGrief is...GRIEFANDHAPPINESS.COMOur mission is to serve people dealing with grief and loss by providing online gatherings, buildingcommunity, and offering workshops and retreats that teach skills for reclaiming happiness.← Return to Contents54

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is like trying to see with your glasses off.Grief is stepping off the curb blind.When I see a needlessly careless emotional gesture in the world,I find myself asking can we develop sensitivity to see?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is all we have is this moment, and this, and thisone.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to speak their name out loud.When I lost and lost again, I felt I had to “figure it out,” solve something.The only way I got through it was by threading it into creative problem-solving.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for the myriad ways people suffer.And if I commit to keeping opening, and opening more, to diverse ways,I believe the world could be a place of deep meeting.Only together can we make it so. @THJthehumanjourney@the-human-journey- Sara K. SchneiderGrief is...THE-HUMAN-JOURNEY.COMTHE HUMAN JOURNEY® Method assists in bridging isolation for groups facing loss, life transitions,illness, or addiction recovery, emphasizing that healing happens within the community.← Return to Contents55

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is a black hole.Grief is the light that cuts through it.When I see people forcing down feelings to be in the world,I find myself asking where is the space that can hold all our emotions?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is grief doesn't shrink; we grow.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to face into the darkness, glowing.When my parents died, I felt untethered from my own life.The only way I got through it was by watching the sunset; it fills me with gold.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for my tears, and yours.And if I commit to loving, witnessing presence,I believe the world could be lighter.Only together can we make the world light. @theotherside.deathcoach@theotherside.deathcoach- Chelsea RushtonGrief is...CHELSEARUSHTON.COMI honor, support, and advocate for those I serve wherever they are in living-dying through the work wedo together, no matter the nature of the work. ← Return to Contents56

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is raw.Grief is remembering a sacred part of the self.When I see a person walking around with unexpressed grief in the world,I find myself asking what is this person showing us our world?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way isnever grieve alone.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to empty the heart and bow down toits sacredness.When my sister died, I felt many types of grief all at once.The only way I got through it was to grieve in community.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for is better expressed.And if I commit to grieving as grief comes up, in real time,I believe the world could be liberated from trauma.Only together we can grieve, heal, and create space for love. @thesacredhearthcoaching@maggie-mountain-love- Maggie LoveGrief is...THESACREDHEARTH.COMHelping People Become Who They Already Are.← Return to Contents57

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is lonely.Grief is connective.When I see loneliness in the world,I find myself asking WHY?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is tears are antifreeze for the soul.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to embrace LIFE.When I heard about the deaths of over 25 friends, I felt overwhelmed AND stuck.The only way I got through it was with all of you my fellow grief travelers.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for connections.And if I commit to staying open,I believe the world could be healing.Only together in love.@showandtales@showandtales@martiemcnabb- Martie McNabbGrief is...SHOWANDTALES.COMBuilding deeper connections, community & legacy one story of stuff at a time. ← Return to Contents58

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is not being able to breathe. Grief is liberation.When I see cruelty in the world,I find myself asking why aren't we better?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is to avoid the produce aisle after a recent loss.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to acknowledge that I have beentorn open.When my mother died, I felt untethered.The only way I got through it was by listening for her voice.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for every emotion, no matter how unexpected.And if I commit to deeply honoring my heart's truth,I believe the world could be a place where there is room to move and breathe.Only together can we bear witness to the world's pain. @shamepinata@shamepinata@shamepinata- Colleen ThomasGrief is...EVER-CHANGING.NETColleen Thomas, Ritual Artist and Certified Meditation and Mindfulness teacher, helps people makesense of life through ceremony. She hosts "10 Minutes for Your Heart" and "Daily Magic for Peace"meditations for Ukrainians and Ukrainian allies.← Return to Contents59

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is overwhelmingly painful.Grief is unavoidable, even when we try to hide from it.When I see trauma in the world,I find myself asking how I can try to be present for those in pain?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is trust the journey and live the questions.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to express the deepest aspect of ourhumanity.When my wife died, I felt the ground give way under my feet.The only way I got through it was by letting grief itself lead me through.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for everyone who grieves, however they grieve.And if I commit to listening, being present with others in pain,I believe the world could be filled with more healing and growth.Only together can we heal and grow. @voices.of.the.grieving.heart@mikebernhardt- Mike BernhardtGrief is...MIKEBERNHARDT.NETTo support people who have lost a loved one in expressing the inexpressible through poetry.← Return to Contents60

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGrief is witnessing pain. Grief is surrender.When I see suffering children in the world,I find myself asking What can I do?One piece of helpful advice I've learned along the way is be in the present moment.I've also learned how important it is to mourn. For me, to mourn is to Give yourself fully to yourself.When my daughter wanted to die, everything, I felt grasping at air I felt my soul escape.The only way I got through it was listening to hearts. Prayers in smoke.Knowing grief as I do, today I hold space for all who feel empty and alone and soul death.And if I commit to loving more,I believe the world could be more liberated and equitable.Only together can we build a new world. @yvonne_spirituallifeguide@YvonneSpiritual@yvonne-brock-a3652a11- Yvonne BrockGrief is...WWW.YVONNEBROCK.COMI am here to reimagine empowerment. I support people in their spiritual and consciousness growth, sothey may become in harmony with themselves and the world. Catalyzing self-awareness throughpractices and tools to support inner peace & love.← Return to Contents61

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigiljessicamurby.comALIVE FOR NOW ANTJE HOWARD@Alivefornowww@AliveforNowBookTo guide individuals through turning towardsdeath instead of away and discover how doing socan enrich life in the process. @neuroartproject @NeuroArtProjectneuroartproject.netMy goal is to facilitate and support self-discoveryand deep inner healing processes using art as atool to connect with our innate creative wisdomand inner guidance.auburnseminary.orgAUBURN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BACII@auburnseminary@auburnseminary@auburnseminary@auburn-theological-seminaryAuburn Theological Seminary identifies andstrengthens leaders – from the pulpit to thepublic square – to build communities, bridgedivides, pursue justice, and heal the world.@_bacii @hellobaciibacii.coMangda Sengvanhpheng, an artist and deathdoula, founded BACII, focusing on loss and grief,and promoting life re-engagement. Inspired byher Laotian name, "light of the full moon," she'sfeatured in Vogue, NY Mag, Brydie, andChacruna Institute.← Return to Contents62

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigilcathyhope.comCATHY HOPE, ACCLIFE TRANSITIONS COACH CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTERCathy Hope, ACC, is a certified life coachspecially trained to work with individuals andfamilies experiencing grief, end-of-life, death, ora living loss such as divorce, chronic illness, or jobloss.erinreeve.comOur mission as a top academic healthcareorganization is to improve community healththrough outstanding healthcare, focusing onequity and compassion, advancing biomedicalinnovations, and educating future healthcareprofessionals.CIDA VIEIRA COACHREV @ THE CROSSROADS@cidabbrazilI am dedicated to guiding individuals on atransformative journey toward their best selves,facilitating healing and empowering them toreach their full potential through thetransformative practices of conscious dance andfamily constellation@forgoodnessgrief@lee-atherton-coachrevcoachrev.comCoachRev is on a mission to positively impactthe lives of 100,000 thousand people who havebeen or will be touched by death and loss.← Return to Contents63

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigilcomforthomesake.comCOMFORT HOMESAKE COMPASSION AND CHOICES@comfort.homesake@ComfortHomesake@comforthomesakeTo increase national awareness about agingthrough research, education, training, andadvanced health care planning... until everyfamily is prepared, with a focus on marginalizedcommunities, diverse seniors, and the medicallyfrail.@compassionandchoicesCompAndChoices@CompassionandChoices@compassion-&-choicescompassionandchoices.orgCompassion & Choices improves care, expandsoptions and empowers everyone to chart theirend-of-life journey.copefoundation.orgCOPEDEATH DOULANETWORK is a nonprofit grief and healingorganization helping parents and families livingwith the loss of a child.@ddnetworkinternational@ddninternational/death-doula-network-international-jo-anne-haun-and-karen-hendrickson-8967a720addnint.comOur goal is to build a collective that nurturesheartfelt connections and camaraderie,promoting personal growth, knowledgeexpansion, and industry advancement, therebyenriching the Death Doula field and societalattitudes towards death care.← Return to Contents64

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigildeathoverdimsum.orgDEATH OVER DIM SUM DEATH TALK PROJECT@deathoverdimsumWorking together to encourage intergenerationalhealing, education, and conversations about life,death, and beyond within the Asian AmericanPacific Islander (AAPI) community. /holly-pruett-0570345deathtalkproject.comThe Death Talk Project supports useful, honestconversation about how we die, how we mourn,and how we care for and remember our dead.DennaBabul.comDENNA BABUL, FOUNDER,THE FATHERLESS DAUGHTER PROJECTFROM GRIEF TO LIFE@dennababulwriter@thefatherlessdaughtermovement/denna-babul-b9213343Our mission is to empower fatherless daughtersand their supporters, offering group andindividual sessions, family reconciliation, andmentorship to help these women overcome pastchallenges and build purposeful, thriving futures.@ahira-smithfromgrief2life.comTo help others navigate through their grief/lossjourney, moving closer towards healing, and getback to living in the [present] moment.← Return to Contents65

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigilgeorgemark.orgGEORGE MARK CHILDREN'S LIFE GLOBAL COMPASSION COALITION@georgemarkchildrenshouse@georgemarkchildrenshouse@georgemarkchildrenshouseOur mission is to provide the highest quality ofcare and to minimize discomfort for childrenfacing life-limiting diagnosis, by addressing thephysical, emotional, spiritual and psychosocialneeds of the entire family.@globalcompassioncoalition@CompassionMvmt@globalcompassioncoalition@global-compassion-coalitionglobalcompassioncoalition.orgOur mission is to build a world based oncompassiongriefandlight.comGRIEF AND LIGHT GRIEF MEDICINE@griefandlight@griefandlightOur mission is to create a more grief-literateworld, one authentic conversation at a time.@griefmedicinegriefmedicine.loveRituals and groups to harvest the medicine ofgrief, stored in the broken heart. Grief work asactivism. Individual healing for collective healingand liberation.← Return to Contents66

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual + BREATHE HEALTH TRANSITIONS COUNSELING@GrieveAndBreatheRitualsTogether in community... through ritual, counciland breathwork we honor the grief that comeswith life, and death. @healthtransitionscounseling@healthtransitionscounselinghealthtransitionscounseling.comWith an integrative and holistic approach tocounseling, we can help strengthen yourresilience so you feel stronger and lessoverwhelmed when managing a serious illness foryourself or a loved one.infinito.etc.brINFINITOITALIAN FEDERATIONFOR PALLIATIVE CARE@infinito.etc@infinito.etcWe strive for individuals to navigate theprocesses of diagnosis, losses, and grieving in themost dignified and healthy manner possible.@Fcurepalliative@federazione.palliativefedcp.orgDignity and quality of life for those who cannotheal. Always and everywhere.← Return to Contents67

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigiljannadiamond.comJANNA DIAMOND,EVOLUTIONARY SOMATIC PRACTICE JENNA PASCUAL@evolve.and.practice@EvolutionarySomaticPractice@jannadiamondJanna Diamond is a somatic therapy practitionerand founder of Evolutionary Somatic Practice, anintegrative and ecological approach to traumahealing in complex times, focused on guidingpeople to build inner resources for collectiveevolution.@jennapascual@laughwithjenna@jennapascualjennapascual.comJenna Pascual helps people experience more joy,positivity, and play through her laughter yoga andlife coaching services.kara-grief.orgKARA KATE MANSER@kara.grief@KaraGrief@KaraGrief@karaKara provides provide grief support for children,teens, families and adults.@thealivekate@youmightdietomorrow@krmanserkatemanser.comI help people feel more alive at work and in life.← Return to Contents68

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigilkatielouisecooper.comKATIE LOUISE COOPER KENNY YUN@katie_louise_cooper_@Katie.Lou.Cooper@katie-louise-cooper-0483661As a Death Doula & Impermanence Guide, Isupport individuals with terminal illnesses andoverall well-being, exploring death's role in life,and encouraging the embrace of the natural cycleof birth, death, and rebirth in our lives and nature.@kennyyunkennyyun.comCreate solo theatre with rituals honoring bloodand soul lineage ancestors.legacyandhope.comLEGACY & HOPE, LLC LION RITUALS LLC@the_michellethornhill@michelle-thornhill-0I firmly believe that individuals can reach a levelof satisfaction when given specific tools tomaneuver their way through three transitions;moving beyond the pain that comes with griefand loss, living their best life, and planning for theinevitable.@emilyelizabeth.meWeaving feminine wisdom through birth, breathand death.← Return to Contents69

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigillovewellsf.comLOVEWELL MARIGOLDE@lovewellsf@lauren-korshak-mft-10b824b@laurenkorshakmft@lovewell-sfLovewell is a healing and wellness center with amission to bring the best relationship andmindfulness resources to you in a supportive,inclusive, diverse, community environment. @wearemarigolde@wearemarigoldewearemarigolde.comMarigolde's mission is to create a grief inclusiveworld rooted in culture, rituals and storytelling.meghanjmaher.comMEGHAN MAHER MESO@Meghanjmahereold/meghan-maher-2798973I am a compassionate presence, supportingindividuals and their loved ones at the confluenceof life and death.@mesocommunity@mesocommunity/tidabeattiemesocommunity.comMESO provides information, capacity buildingand support to inter-generational immigrantfamilies for loss and grief through culturallyattuned lenses, with a focus on culturalbereavement. ← Return to Contents70

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigilpurpose-built.mailchimpsites.comMILIEU MORTICIAN IN THE KITCHENWe care deeply about simplifying familycaregiver planning, because their time is sacred.@morticianinthekitchen@morticianinthekitchenmorticianinthekitchen.comMortician in the Kitchen offers death-positiveeducation through food, sparking curiosity andbreaking taboos. We explore death and food toinspire open discussions about identity, origins,and beliefs regarding the afterlife.motherlessdaughters.comMOTHERLESS DAUGHTERS MOURNING SURF @hope_edelman@hope_edelman@hopeedelmanauthorProviding support, services, and community towomen who have lost mothers to death at anyage.@mourningsurf @mourning surfMoving with you through the waves of grief.← Return to Contents71

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigilnathaliehimmelrich.comNATHALIE HIMMELRICH GRIEF & TRAUMANEW YORK ZEN CENTER FORCONTEMPLATIVE CARE@mymissbliss@nhimmelrich@NathalieHimmelrich@nathaliehimmelrichDiscover How to Deal with Grief and Trauma.@newyorkzencenter@newyorkzencenter@nyzencenter@new-york-zen-center-for-contemplative-carezencare.orgA community that connects, educates and cares.opentohope.comOPEN TO HOPE FOUNDATION PASSAGES@opentohopefoundation@opentohope@Opentohope@the-open-to-hope-foundationHelping people find hope after loss. are all Future Ancestors.@ana.iram← Return to Contents72

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigilpsinyc.orgPSYCHOTHERAPY & SPIRITUALITY INSTITUTEQUIETUS BEE@PsychSpiritInstitute@psych-spirit-instituteThe Psychotherapy & Spirituality Institutesupports spirituality as a resource for healing,wholeness, and a meaningful life through theprovision of psychotherapy, clinical training, andcommunity assistance.@Quietus_Bee@mdowersQuietusBee.comAt Quietus Bee, we empower deathcareprofessionals with honest and compassionateeducation, fostering confidence and safety inend-of-life care excellence.sharingsolace.comSHARING SOLACE SILENT NO LONGER TENNESSEE@SharingSolace@SharingSolace@SharingSolace@sharingsolaceSharing Solace empowers grievers to grieve andlovers to love their griever through technology-elevated, pass-along-able gifts wrapped in acommunity of strength and support@silentnolongertn1@silent_no_longe@silentnolongertn@gretamcclainsilentnolongertn.orgWe are a grassroots group of sexual assaultvictims, survivors, and allies dedicated toempowering those affected by sexual violenceand involving the community in ending sexualviolence through unique empowermentopportunities.← Return to Contents73

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual AND INSIGHT TAMAR ETTUN@sojournandinsight@SojournAndInsightDealing with your trauma doesn't always have tobe so serious. @tamarettuntamarettun.comMy art practice reflects on somatic empathy –the process of responding to others throughsensory-based, embodied experiences –inrelation to trauma-healing modalities and rituals.MrsTDJ.comTAYA DUNN JOHNSONTHE CENTER FOR CONSCIOUSLIVING AND DYING@tayadunnjohnson@tayadunnjohnson@taya-dunn-johnsonAdvocating for uncomfortable conversationsabout death, grief and bereavement, especiallywithin the Black mission of CCLD is to create a communitythat embodies living a meaningful life throughinner exploration, growth, service, andcommunity-supported end-of-life care.← Return to Contents74

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigilsacreddeathcare.comTHE CENTRE FOR SACRED DEATHCARE THE HAND THAT HEALS@sacreddeathcare@sacreddeathcareRitual skills training for Death Doulas and others.Learn soul-healing practices for the living, thedying, and the dead.@thesquatbox@TheSquatBoxthehandthatheals.comFinding light in the darkness.thepath.comTHE PATH THOUGHTFUL TRANSITIONS @the.path@dinakaplan@dinakaplan2@dinakaplanThe Path is your meditation community@drjamieeaddy@drjamieeaddy@DrJFrederika@drjamieeaddythoughtfultransitions.orgTo heal communities by cultivating space forpeople to process grief and loss without shamebecause loss is a constant companion and grief isan inescapable part of our human experience. @dinakaplan← Return to Contents75

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilPREPAREforYourCare.orgUCSF & PREPARE FOR YOUR CAREUNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY INTHE CITY OF NEW YORK@PREPAREforCare@prepareforcare/rebecca-sudore-b1136275Our mission is to empower as many people,caregivers, and families as possible to have avoice in their medical care and to decreasesuffering and disparities in informed decision-making.@unionseminary@UnionSeminary@unionseminary@union-theological-seminaryutsnyc.eduWhere Faith and Scholarship Meet to Reimaginethe Work of Justiceurbanmystic.meURBAN MYSTIC WHAT'S YOUR GRIEF@urban_mystic_@urbanmysticmeSupporting community through practices thatsoothe and support the nervoussystem.Empowering the voices and expression ofothers. @whatsyourgrief@whatsyourgrief@whatsyourgrief/what's-your-griefwhatsyourgrief.comWhat's Your Grief's mission is to promotepractical and creative grief education,exploration, and expression.← Return to Contents76

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual Vigilwidowedparentinstitute.comWIDOWED PARENT INSTITUTE@WidowedParentInstitute@WidParentInst@widowedparentinstituteThe Widowed Parent Institute brings clear,practical information, resources, and support tomoms and dads who are raising grieving kids &teens.← Return to Contents77

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Voices of ReflectionCommunity Insights & FeedbackGathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilHOPES “My hope is everyone here feels like you belong and are welcome. And that all that youfeel/bring is welcome. ” - Sherry B.“My hope for today is that each of us finds moments of peace; peace that we can sharethroughout the world.” - Lee A.“Wishes for being here are to move some grief, feel connected and celebrate the great workReimagine is doing.” - LaUra S.“Calling in healing and reveling in all the love I already feel from everyone in this event.” -Stephanie T.“Hoping to settle into the now, praying for a droplet of wisdom on how to lean into that which Iwant to run from.” - C.S.C.“Honored to be a co-host tonight to help others find peace, hope and elevation in the griefexperience.” - Nefertiti M.“I wish that all folks can feel the warmth of light, even when there is darkness.” - Susan L.“This community is such an important space of hope for me. Where my sorrow does not spiralinto despair because hope grounded in community means we belong to each other.” - EmmaJ.S.GRATITUDE FOR PHOENIX’S OPENING RITUAL“What a beautiful reconnection ritual!!” - Sarah F.“Thank you so much, Phoenix. My whole body feels held. Beautifully powerful.” - Eileen K."Gorgeous - reverberating with love, thank you, Phoenix!" - Nikki H. ← Return to Contents78

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Voices of Reflection (cont.)Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilGRATITUDE FOR SPEAKERS LEON FORD, HANAA UNUS, AND RABBI RON SYMONS“What an amazing story Leon! I am so inspired by you.” - Denna B.“Grace is one of the best gifts we can give to other people, and to ourselves. May we all be ever "gettingthere with grace". Thank you, Leon.” - Sammi A.“Thank you my brotha @Leon Ford for being re-presentation embodied love.” - Ade A.“Hanaa thank you so much for sharing your truth. Your wisdom, courage and heart is very muchappreciated.” - Leon F.“Hanaa is so inspiring and kind — I am really appreciating her witness and presence.” - Louise G.“Thank you, Hanaa! I'm still vibing with your comment about wanting everyone around to feel connected(not alone)” - Luke B.“Thank you for sharing your journey Hanaa. longing for emotions to become an 8 letter word for healing,connection, and grace.” - Sasha S.“Thank you @Hanaa Unus-Qaswa Coaching & Healing for bringing so much beauty through so much pain” - Yvonne“Shared humanity in the moral concept of neighbor, holding each other dear… this is very powerfullystated, and so helpful right now.” - Louise G.“ Thank you for holding us so deeply @Ron Symons” - Yvonne“Rabbi Ron, you have been a constant example of love, healing and a perfect neighbor. Thank you forbeing a friend and mentor.” - Leon F.“Thank you for sharing about your experience 5 years ago, and thank you for bringing the moral concept-and truth- of neighbor forward, Rabbi Symons” - Sasha S.“Wow Rabbi Ron. I am speechless. Thank you. Truly. DEEPLY moved by your shares.” - Eileen K.“All these amazing life stories, crack my heart open so that more love can stream through - thank you all!” - Barbara M.“Thank you Leon, Hanaa, Rabbi Ron — for joining together in your shared humanity, and for bringing ushope in community.” - Jeannie B.“Wow, such amazing speakers and inspirational talks and deep medicine!” - Phoenix← Return to Contents79

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilVoices of Reflection (cont.)REACTIONS TO CENTO POEM “GRIEF IS...”“I am so moved-just beautiful. I can’t wait to share this with my community. Transformational.” - Denna B.“Whew, soulllll powerful.” - Nefertiti M.“Amazing. Lines hit me in unexpected ways ” - Rumbidzai M.“That was a transporting experience. Thank you all.” - Sarah N.“What a beautiful blend of wise, powerful words and voices!” - Chinwe“I will be forever *shooketh* and changed by that cento poem.” - Mimi G.GRATITUDE FOR SHAYAI’S ALTAR AND RITUAL“Thank you for sharing your gift and tending to the shared experience, Shayai.” - Jessie K. “Thank you, Shayai! I’m feeling honor and gratitude, sadness, and awe.” - Ann J.“Thank you so much, Shayai. I feel so much love, tenderness, gratitude and connection. Thank youeveryone in this space. I want to let go of fear.” - Anna A.SELECTIONS FROM THE EMOTION AND HONOR CEREMONY“Letting go of guilt and shame so I can take in love and light.” - Josephine H.“Collective community…I am not alone. Blessing and gratitude for those in pain and may we be there forone another. Holding my family close. xo” - Wendy“I wish to let go of numbness. I embrace feeling connection and tenderness.” - Butterfly“Feeling gratitude for this experience, feeling a sense of peace and acceptance for who and where I am inmy life.” - Gabby J.“A deepening feeling of safety and connection within myself and with so many others. I feel I belong withall of you.” - Miriam Michelle“I feel embrace encircles with a tenderness from being with all of you, the music, the altar and its swirlingsmoke, the altar keeper's dedication and tender heart.” - Rose G.“I feel the power of gathering, the sense of belonging that I long for and often feel without. I release thefalse belief of separation.” - Alyssa A.← Return to Contents80

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Gathering of Grief Reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilCLOSING GRATITUDE“Blessed to have been a participant this evening. Hopeful for finding resolution in conflict on an individuallevel that has been opening - and on a more global level.” Susan P.“That altar was the most gorgeous surprise at the end and so sacred.” - Louise G.“Such a beautiful gathering of humanity.” - Gabrielle S.“Thank you all <3 What a gift this is to be together! I have Reimagined what is possible! Love and peace.” -Amber D.“I could feel the vibrations.” - Amy A.“Another breathtakingly beautiful evening. ” - Sue A.“I LOVE hosting on Reimagine. The community is so incredible. ” - Sherry B.“ My heart is truly touched with everyone’s medicine. I am VERY GRATEFUL to be invited to be part ofthis supportive and loving space as a cohost. Peace and love to ALL ” - Yvonne“It was such a beautiful experience. Thank you for everyone's contribution to this wonderful event! Peaceand Blessings! Ase!” - Ahira S.dSURVEY REFLECTIONS“I appreciate the amazing stories shared, healing music and reading of the heart breaking statements. Imove my body as I listen-it helps me personally.”“My Grief process has been a journey...these Reimagine events have done just that - helped me toreimagine and see Grief in a different light, a gift of sorts in awareness, insight, empathy for Self and theability to move through Life much differently.”“These events focus that energy for me and allow me to embrace and put into play in my own Life and theLives of others insight and concrete methods to process through Grief.”“The event helped me feel connected to community where loss is normal, challenging and intense forothers. I am not alone. Others can provide inspiration to survive, transmute and thrive, finding purpose andservice. I am hoping to feel that change in my life.”← Return to ContentsVoices of Reflection (cont.)81

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@letsreimagine @lets_reimagine@letsreimagine Thank you Reimagine community We thank all 1100+ registrants for participating in this sacredspace. Together, we've embraced grief and hope, acknowledgingour collective pain in a world rife with turmoil. Our gratitude alsoextends to the 100+ organizations that stood with us, showcasingthe power of community in healing.Reimagine is committed to fostering spaces where conversationsabout life, death, and loss can flourish, building connections andunderstanding. In these times of change, your support is crucial.Help us continue offering these vital experiences. Until Dec 31,2023, your donation will be matched, amplifying its impact. Joinus in creating a more compassionate world.In Poetry,Team ReimagineClosing Page:Thank you message to attendees and partnersCall-to-action for post-event engagement (like joining a mailing list,upcoming events, or donation page)reimagine's 100ᵗʰ Virtual VigilNov 28, 2023WATCH RECORDING OF EVENTHelp ensure that everyonehas free, accessible spaces:DONATE HERE← Return to Contents82