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Gathering In The Grove Prospectus

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GATHERINGIn The GroveFlint Hills Fine Arts Show, Council Grove, KS

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ProspectusWelcomeJOIN US...for the 17th year of Gathering In TheGrove! This historic juried fine arts show,brings together active show artists andinvested local art advocates through ournon-profit organization's annual festival andshow. We value and honor work made bythe hands of the individual artists and seekto educate and promote fine art.

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Our Purpose Iseducate & connectTo market and sell high quality art to a knowledgeablecommunity of art patrons and visitors to the Flint HillsTo honor the artists in an arts festival that esteems thevalue and skill of their handmade workTo give back to the community financially through artseducation and support for the local visual artscommunity

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Gathering In The Grove happens during the fall tourist season in theiconic Flint Hills area of East Central Kansas. Council Grove was thetrail head of the Santa Fe Trail in the mid-1800's and has alwaysbeen a cultural, historic and strategic site setting the perfect scenefor this juried fine arts show. Careful thought has been given tomedia categories, jurying, site and artist amenities. We want artistsand patrons to enjoy a high quality and professional art show!Event History

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Outdoor experiences such as fishing, camping or boating ateither our Federal Reservoir or Council Grove City Lake.Biking along our trails and checking out the Flint Hills TrailState Park, playing golf at the Country Club or disc golf onone of two courses.Enjoy dining at one of our Historic Restaurants or any of ourgreat local spots. Come spend the weekend or a few days and stay overnightat any of our local lodging choices.Beautiful tall grass pastures, rolling hills,and wonderful lakes!Historic sites galore! As an importantstop on the Santa Fe Trail, CouncilGrove has over 25 historic spots tolearn about and visit.One of a kind shopping for gifts, art,and antiques.About Council Grove, KS

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8/15/23 Applications Available on www.zaplication.org10/15/23 Applications Due by Midnight CST10/22/23 Notification of jury results10/29/23 Booth fees & Artist Agreement Due11/6/23 Last Day For Refunds11/11/23 Candlelight Charm Dates11/11/23 Art Show & Gala Important Dates

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professionalContact:Nicky Tiffany - 785-587-7870gatheringinthegrove@gmail.comMail:Gathering In The Grove117 W. Main St.Council Grove, Ks 66846Festival Booth Size: 10'x10' Some corner boothswill be available. Double booths will be limitedBooth Fees: $50 for 10x10, $75 for corner, $100for doubleSecurity will be provided on site while the show isclosed. Thursday-Saturday.Show Info

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RULES & REGSguidelines

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Jurying Requirements6 images total5 of work to be shown1 image of booth displayno water marksdescription of how you make your work -200 words or less$40 non-refundable fee for each category applicationGathering In The Grove is using the ZAPP application system. Please go to to apply. Slides, photos, links towebistes, paper applications will not be accepted.

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6 IMAGES TOTAL5 images of the work + 1image of booth spaceplans. Please give an ideaof how your work will lookgrouped together.NO NAMES ON IMAGESGITG has a blind jurywhich only sees the artistID number in order to basedecisions on art alone. ARTIST STATEMENTLimited to 200 charactersdescribing how the workwas made and specialdetails involved.FEES & SCORES$40 non-refundable fee for eachcategory entered.Scores from 1-7 based on originalthought/intent, strong concept,excellent craftsmanship, consistencyof style and presentationRules

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JURORSProfessional artists invarious fields. Names arewithheld until afterselection is complete. Feedback may berequested at time ofapplication.WAIT LISTWe will maintain a waitlistof applicants within eachmedia category.RulesContinuedREFUND POLICY/SALESA 70% refund will bereturned if an artistwithdraws before therefund deadline. GITGtakes no commission onwork sold.

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DRAWING Presentationsarecommunicationtools that canbe used asdemonstrations.OIL/ACRYLICPresentationsarecommunicationtools that can beused asdemonstrations.PASTELPresentationsarecommunicationtools that canbe used asdemonstrations.CategoryPortfolioSCULPTUREPresentationsarecommunicationtools that canbe used asdemonstrations.WATER MEDIAPresentationsarecommunicationtools that canbe used asdemonstrations.

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321NEW PANEL EACH YEAREach year, the committee willselect new jurors from a widevariety of art backgroundsBLIND JURYJurors will login to the ZAPPlicationwebsite and be shown theselections anonymouslyJurorsNAMES ANNOUNCEDDuring the annual Gala the juror'swill be introduced.4 Regional professional artists andeducators will be selected toparticipate in the blind, onlinejurying process throughZAPPlication.

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321ONEDuring the application processplease upload photos of the artwithout watermarks.TWOEach piece will be placed into theonline sales gallery for aworldwide audience to view.OnlineSalesTHREEGathering In The Grove takes nocommission for this service. Allsales tax must be collected by theartist. By utilizing the zapplication.orgprocess, work that is accepted tothe show will automatically beuploaded to the online gallerythrough the end of the year.Artists are able to have greaterexposure to a larger pool ofpotential patrons, therebyextending the length of time forthe Flint Hills show.

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galleryWe look forward to meeting you at the show!

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PHONE785-587-7870EMAILgatheringinthegrove@gmail.comADDRESS117 W Main St. Council Grove, KS66846Contact us