Quilting is love.At least we think so. Quilting unleashes our creativity and hones our skills.And when holding that legacy quilt up to inspectthe stitching, it gives us a profound sense of prideand accomplishment. But it’s more than just a feeling. A surveyconducted by a UK-based therapistfound that those who enjoy quilting morethan three times a week are calmer,happier, less anxious, and more confidentSource: British Journal of Occupational Therapy (2013)
But it’s not all sunshine and roses. As we painstakingly gain more skilland confidence over the years,eventually we also run into problems.Here are 3 Big Challenges ThatPlague Quilters Sooner or Later
P R O B L E M # 1Unfinished ProjectsEventually every quilter has at least a fewunfinished projects. One quilting bloggerasked 400 of her readers how manyunfinished quilts they had. Most responded they were in the 10-15range.That represents a lot of time and energyyou’ve already invested. Yet so often theyjust sit and wait until you get back to them. (If this sounds like you, don’t feel bad—somerespondents had over 100 unfinished quilts!!) Source: Cheryl Arkison (2017)
Physical discomfortQuilting can be a physically demandingactivity, as it often involves carrying supplies,bending over for extended periods, engagingin repetitive motions such as pinching andgripping, even crawling around on the floor. These actions can put strain on the body,leading to issues likeNeck painBack painShoulder painRotator cuff injuriesCarpal tunnel syndromeTendonitis in the wrist or elbowP R O B L E M # 2
Working on a cramped domesticsewing machine can make physicaldiscomfort worse, especially for largerprojects.Due to the limited work area and throatspace, it can be physically exhausting tomaneuver and reposition the quilt. And the pressure from masses of bunchedup fabric makes for uneven stitches andpuckering.Source: Upland Hills Health (2016)
P R O B L E M # 3Creative limitationsThere are so many beautiful patternsavailable, but most simply weren’t designedfor use with a domestic sewing machine. Feathered designs, pantograph patterns,micro-stippling, and other complex designscan be difficult without the right equipment. But we quilters are stubborn and will do ourbest to follow the pattern, which meansgetting down on the floor, layering, basting,and possibly a bit of cursing under our breath. Unfortunately, sometimes a quilt just takes solong and is so much effort that we are seducedby the next shiny new project.
If you’ve struggled to finish quilts or have felt limited by a traditionalsewing machine, a longarm quilting machine could solve your quiltingfrustrations.More creative opportunities.Longarm quilting machines provideAllowing quilters to complete projects more efficiently and achieve ahigher level of precision and consistency in their work.Faster, smoother quilting. These machines often come equipped with computerized systems andcustomizable design capabilities, enabling quilters to explore variousstyles, techniques, and patterns, ultimately expanding their artistichorizons.Ease of use. The unique design of a longarm machine reduces the physical strain onthe quilter's neck, back, and shoulders, making it a more enjoyableexperience, especially for those working on large or complex projects.
A better quilting experiencemeans more FINISHED quilts. More quilts to sell or display, Donate to charity, And wrap around loved ones.
But most quilters don’t really know how to shop for longarmmachines. They all look pretty much the same, so they choose the leastexpensive or whatever their sewing shop has available.This is a huge mistake!When you know what you’re looking at, each longarm machine isunique.
You can separate longarms into twocategories: budget and quality machines. A budget machine is fine for those whoonly quilt occasionally. But for those who enjoy quilting regularly,there are hidden costs associated withbudget machines that you must look outfor.
QUALITY ANDDU RABILITYLower-priced machines may bemade with cheaper materials orhave lower build quality, whichcan result in reduced durability,more frequent repairs, or a shorterlifespan compared to moreexpensive models.1
REPLACEMENTPARTS AND REPAIRSCheaper machines may requiremore frequent repairs, andreplacement parts could be harderto find or more expensive thanthose for higher-end machines.Additionally, repairs might need tobe performed by specializedtechnicians, which can add to thecost.2
LIMITED FEA TURES ANDFUNCTIONALITYLess expensive longarm machinesmay lack advanced features suchas computerized systems, stitchregulators, or customizable designcapabilities, potentially limiting theirversatility and usefulness.3They may also have less precisestitching, slower speeds, or lessaccurate tension control, whichcan negatively impact the qualityof your finished quilts.
SOME FEATURESNOT INCLUDEDBudget machines charge extra forcritical accessories like frames andtables. And if the longarm machinecomes with a computerized system,there may be hidden costsassociated with software upgradesor updates to maintain compatibilitywith new designs and features.4
LACK OF TRAININGAND SUPPORTLow-end machines also may notcome with comprehensive training,or personal customer support, whichcan leave you on your own tofigure out how to use and maintainthe machine effectively.5
WEAR AND TEARON YOUR BODYLighter weight, plastic machinescannot handle the high vibrationlevels that come from normal use.So the vibration is transferred intothe quilter’s body, causing all sortsof problems. People think they’re“just getting older” when in fact,their budget machine may bedoing the damage. 6
SET UP AND LEARNINGON YOUR OWNWith a budget machine, you pick itup and bring it home. Then you’releft on your own to set it up. Not every quilter can or wants tocrawl around on the floor with awrench in one hand and instructionsin the other. Without professionalhelp, setting up a longarm machinecan take days of trial and error to getit right. 7
It's essential to carefully research and consider amachine's quality, features, and ongoing costsbefore making an investment. For dedicated quilters and professionals,investing in a higher-quality machineupfront saves you money, time, andfrustration in the long run.Most quilters find that a high-qualitylongarm machine can be less expensiveover time and considerably moreenjoyable to use.
What does “high quality” even mean?Durable constructionHigh-quality machines are built with all-metal head, gears, and frame, ensuring longevity and reliableperformance. Plus the metal parts ensure the machine absorbs the vibration, not the quilter’s body.Full package featuresUnlike budget longarm machines, which may require add-ons for options like channel locks, highquality LED lights, time clocks, and rear handles, premium machines come with these essentialfeatures included. Free software upgradesPremium machines include free software upgrades for life to keep your machine current and runningsmoothly.In-home setup and repairExpert technicians are available nationwide to deliver, set up, and teach you how to use yourmachine. You don't have to worry about installation, adjustments, or repairs on your own.World-class warrantyHigh-end machines come with comprehensive warranties, offering peace of mind and protection foryour investment.In-person testingIndependent sales representatives in your area can arrange appointments for you to test themachine before purchasing, ensuring it meets your needs and expectations.Let’s get specific. A high quality longarm quilting machine is a significant investment, and that means that youdeserve certain features from it. High-quality machines have several important features in common.
One more thing toconsider…High-quality longarm quilting machinestypically have a higher resale value due totheir durability and long-lasting performance. Generally, quality machines experience alimited depreciation during the first ten years,after which their value stabilizes. For those who send out six to eight quilts ayear for professional quilting, the expense ofthese services is likely more than thedepreciation of a longarm machine. Investing in your own high-quality machinecan save you money over time and offergreater control and enjoyment with yourquilting projects.
Are you a dedicated quilter who wants to becomfortably creating for many years to come?Are you interested in all the physical and artistic benefitsof a high-quality machine?Would you like to work with a company that bends overbackwards to make sure your quilting experience issmooth and enjoyable? So now that you know there’s areal difference in longarmmachines, we’re curious…
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Get to Know
Gammill machines don’t just last years, butgenerations. Many of our customers say theyare using machines that have been operatingreliably for more than 35 years. And while some companies build other kinds ofmachines too, we’ve only ever been a quiltingmachine company. Our longarm machines are made in the US andfabricated from all metal parts, which meansless frustration and more sewing. Gammill machines are thehighest quality you can buy.
“I finally landed on Statler and Gammill, and I’m so glad I did.I’ve had my machine for two months and couldn’t be happierwith its performance and ease of use.” - Robin D.
Our machines are completely customizable to fityour needs, and come with many standardfeatures that are purchased separately with otherbrands.With our handy online Build & Price feature you candetermine the cost of a Gammill with the optionsand features you would like to have. Plus, software upgrades are always free!Gammill longarm machinesare a complete package.
“I quilted 82 quilts for the American Hero organization in 49 days.I bought my Gammill three weeks after my father passed awayand this was a way to honor his memory. I did the quilts in thattime frame so I would have them all completed by what wouldhave been his 82nd birthday.” -Sherryl R.
Gammill supports quiltersin their homes or shops.We’re committed to helping you quilt with confidence.Unlike other brands, you’ll never have to break yourmachine down, pack it up, and ship it off for repairs.Nationwide IN-HOME installation, training, and service.That means when you purchase from Gammill, you canbe confident that you will have everything you need tobe successful. Training and education–before delivery and ongoing,both live and on videoTech support 8am - 8pm, 7 days a weekGammill provides…
Not only do our machines last for generations,they hold their resale value across decades. Gammillmachines holdtheir value.The resale market is so strong, we’lleven buy back your machine if youever decide to get rid of it or make anupgrade.
“I was able to learn the software while waiting for my machine to bedelivered. In fact, eight days after it was installed, I finished my firstcustom quilt! It was a show quilt that won second place! That’s agreat indication of just how easy the software has been to learn.”- Robin D.
We want quilters to spend more time quilting and lesstime fixing machines. Gammill has awarranty thatlives up to itsname.All new Gammill machines come with…A against defectivematerials and/or workmanship lifetime mechanical warrantyThree-year electrical parts warrantyIncludes commercial useOther longarms do not cover commercial use, whichmeans if you're finishing quilts for others, you've voidedthe warranty. The Gammill warranty covers bothcommercial and domestic use of the machines. Read our complete warranty here.
“I purchased my Gammill used and upgraded it to Statler technologyin 2009. I work with my church and friends to make quilts for veteransand children. Over the past four years, we have provided 100 to 125 tothe children of wounded veterans. And we just delivered 65 quilts tothe Family Help Center for high-risk children. We are trying to make theworld a better place, one quilt at a time.” - Kathy M.
Hand-guided or computerized,Gammill has a machine tohelp you achieve your quiltingdreams. Customers can even upgradetheir existing Gammill machinewith an Elevate or Statlerretrofit to add computerizationto a hand-guided model.Gammill offersvarious typesof longarms toprovide quilterswith the rightequipment.
“I am in love with the Vision! One of the best features is the ability to goreally slow and then when I speed up it automatically goes intoregulated mode. This is terrific when you are doing small work andthen quilt right into a larger area. I had my 4 year old granddaughter using the settings. The icons areeasy to see, easy to use, and are all done on a touchscreen. Gammillhas brought me into the 21st century! Thanks, I love it!” -Carol E
VISION 2.0Hand-Guided QuiltingComplete System Starting at $14,999All-Inclusive Pricing:Delivery, Installation, & Initial Training*Delivery, Installation, & Initial Trainingincluded for residents of the lower 48 states. VISION 2.0Hand-Guided QuiltingComplete System Starting at $14,999All-Inclusive Pricing:Delivery, Installation, & Initial Training*Delivery, Installation, & Initial Trainingincluded for residents of the lower 48 states.
STATLERAdvanced ComputerizationComplete System Starting at $42,999All-Inclusive Pricing:Delivery, Installation, & Initial Training*Delivery, Installation, & Initial Trainingincluded for residents of the lower 48states.
STATLER ASCENDAdvanced ComputerizationComplete System Starting at $48,999All-Inclusive Pricing:Delivery, Installation, & Initial Training*Delivery, Installation, & Initial Trainingincluded for residents of the lower 48states.
Learn more about the options available Build and price your perfect machineReceive best-in-class training and supportExplore education opportunities Become a confidentquilter with Visit us at Gammill.comWhere you can… Or Schedule a Demo HereCall (417) 256-5919 press #5