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Gala 2024 Sponsorship Guide

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2023-2024SPONSORSHIP GUIDE10 Years of Enriching Teaching & Inspiring Learning

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Supports EducatorsSupports ProgramsYour generous contributiondirectly fuels the creativityof educators throughoutPearland ISD, channelingfunds into groundbreakingteaching grants that impactcountless students acrossour district.Through the contributions oflocal organizations such asthe ICAN Foundation andUnited Way of BrazoriaCounty, the Foundation hasprovided support for CTE,STEM and Prekindergartenprograms.The P e a rland I SD Ed u c ation F ounda t i on is a 501( c ) (3) n o n profi t , tax-e x e mpt, p h ilant h r opic o r ganiz a t ion o f citiz e n s tha t share s a vis i o n ofenhan c i ng ed u c ation i n Pea r l and I S D . The o rgani z a tion w o rks d i l igent l y toincre a s e pri v a te su p p ort f o r educ a t ional a ctivi t i es in P earla n d ISD. T heorgan i z ation i s com p r ised o f a gr o u p of v o lunte e r Boar d of Di r e ctors m adeup of b usine s s , com m u nity a n d edu c a tiona l leade r s . About the Pearland ISD Education FoundationHow Your Sponsorship Makes a HUGE DifferenceSupports Pearland ISDFrom #IWillAsk Community Eventto the Pearland ISD Convocation,counselor’s annual meeting andmore, your business will standout and generate positive publicopinion and appreciation for yoursupport.The Pearland ISD Education Foundation has been a pillar of support for educational initiatives benefitingboth students and staff within Pearland ISD over the last decade. With a commitment to filling fundinggaps left by the regular operating budget, our organization channels resources towards educationalprograms and activities, fostering student achievement, skill development, and acknowledging staffexcellence. This endeavor also seeks to broaden community engagement by encouraging contributionsfrom individuals, businesses, and civic organizations.Our Foundation annually distributes innovative grant awards throughout the district to enhance studentlearning experiences. The innovative grant program allows educators to request funding, with amountsreaching up to $5,000 for teacher or classroom projects and up to $7,500 for broader campus anddistrictwide initiatives. In the 2022-2023 academic year alone, the Foundation proudly disbursed$99,386.50, courtesy of the generous support from local individuals, businesses, and organizations.Since 2014, our Foundation has awarded a total of $709,000 in innovative grants to educators acrossPearland ISD. Marking a significant milestone, the Foundation introduced a mini-grant program in 2023,providing further assistance for classroom needs. This initiative, totaling $9,907, was made possiblethrough the generous contributions of our community supporters, showcasing a new dimension of ourcommitment to advancing education within Pearland ISD.3Thank you for supporting our studentsat Pearland High School by fundingSTEM-based activities. Seantele Foreman & LynetteMcManus, PHS LibrariansBecause of your donation, my project,“Growing Green” was funded with $7,419. Wegreatly appreciate the grant making it possibleto have something such as a greenhouse oncampus that allows students opportunitiesthat weren’t possible before. Haley Ricketts , Dawson High School

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Pearland Independent School District Who We Serve By the Numbers21,200students served23 campuses11 elementary schools4 middle schools4 junior highs4 high schools97.2%Attendance Rate0.1 % Dropout Rate“A” Rated District bythe TEA2,700full-time employeesRated A+ in Niche2023 BUILDMaking a differencetogether...PARTNERS IN EDUCATIONCircle of ChampionsHanks Design GroupKeller FamilyLee Ann Kincaid-Wood &Tim WoodLeslie &TonyBarcelonaJW & MelissaWashingtonTally Perezfor supporting ourmission.2022-23Our Greatest GiversSupporters of EducationFriends of the Foundation4

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BUILDPresenting SponsorBourbon & Bubbles PullA&A Cleaning ServicesStantec ArchitectureCocktail ReceptionMayor Kevin ColeEntertainmentThe Box BakeryBrown InteriorsIn-Kind DonorsThank you to our Sponsors!Stanfield PropertiesAuction PaddlesSenator Mayes MiddletonPhoto BoothDayna & Trey WillbanksParkingEllis Moon OrthodonticsPhotography52022-23 GALA SPONSORSCenterPoint EnergyStewart BuildersShelly HeuserEducation Foundation Directors
Making a differencetogether...PARTNERS IN EDUCATIONCircle of ChampionsHanks Design GroupKeller FamilyLee Ann Kincaid-Wood &Tim WoodLeslie &TonyBarcelonaJW & MelissaWashingtonTally Perezfor supporting ourmission.2022-23Our Greatest GiversSupporters of EducationFriends of the Foundation5
BUILDPresenting SponsorBourbon & Bubbles PullA&A Cleaning ServicesStantec ArchitectureCocktail ReceptionMayor Kevin ColeEntertainmentThe Box BakeryBrown InteriorsIn-Kind DonorsThank you to our Sponsors!Stanfield PropertiesAuction PaddlesSenator Mayes MiddletonPhoto BoothDayna & Trey WillbanksParkingEllis Moon OrthodonticsPhotography52022-23 GALA SPONSORSCenterPoint EnergyStewart BuildersShelly HeuserEducation Foundation Directors

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Presenting SponsorBourbon & Bubbles PullA&A Cleaning ServicesStantec ArchitectureCocktail ReceptionMayor Kevin ColeEntertainmentThe Box BakeryBrown InteriorsIn-Kind DonorsThank you to our Sponsors!Stanfield PropertiesAuction PaddlesSenator Mayes MiddletonPhoto BoothDayna & Trey WillbanksParkingEllis Moon OrthodonticsPhotography62022-23 GALA SPONSORSCenterPoint EnergyStewart BuildersShelly HeuserEducation Foundation Directors

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Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7 Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7Presented By Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7 Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7Presented By Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7 Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7Presented By Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7Presented By Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7Presented By Date:Saturday,April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explorethese sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $1502 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD)Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats)Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats)Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats)
Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees)Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees)Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees)Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland.Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community.This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.”7
Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7Presented By

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4Table Seats(10 seats per table)20 VIP Seats10 VIP Seats10 VIP Seats10 VIP Seats10 VIP SeatsPriority SeatingPresenting Sponsor TitleListing in ProgramLogo on WebsiteRecognition from StageSpeaking OpportunityDuring GalaSignage on TableSignage in Gala RoomLogo Included in MonthlyNewsletterDigital Annual PartnershipLogo to Use in PromotionalMaterialsRecognition as Sponsor ofSurprize PatrolInvitation to AttendSurprize PatrolGrant Named in Sponsor’sHonorUp to $1,000Up to $750Up to $500Up to $250Up to $100Evening for Education GalaSponsorship GuidePresentingSponsor$15,000SOLDPlatinum$10,000AVAILABLEGold$7,500AVAILABLESilver$5,000AVAILABLEBronze$2,500AVAILABLEOther Waysto Sponsor?In-Kind AuctionItem DonationsDon o rs w h o  con t ribu t e  an  i n-ki n d  ite m  for  t he l i ve an d /or  s ilent   auct i on wi l l be   recog n ized   onsoc i al m e d ia a n d do n o r/co m pany   n ame  w ill b e  fea t ured  o n on l ine a u ctio n  site .“Here’s Looking at You”“As Time Goes By”“We’ll AlwaysHave Pearland”“It’s the Romanticin Me”“The Beginning of aBeautiful Friendship

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46 Seats5 Seats5 Seats4 Seats2 Seats2 SeatsCasablancaEntertainment$2,500Heinreid Auction Signage$2,000Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography$2,000Rick‘s Bar$1,500Bergman Valet Parking$1,000La Marseillaise Guest Favors$500Want to Donate Your Tickets to a Teacher?Eve n t Sp o n sors have t he o p tion t o do n ate s e ats t o edu c ator s at P e arla n d ISD .makes adifference.In 2023, we were able to award$99K in funding for educatorsin Pearland ISD.Your support

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57Top sponsors will automaticallyreceive VIP tickets to the gala,brand exposure across variousplatforms, along with theopportunity to participate in theannual Surprize Patrol event in May 2024.VIP Tickets & Invite toSurprize PatrolWith each sponsor levelreceiving tickets to the gala,your business has anopportunity to personallyconnect with more than 300+attendees.Exposure to 300+GuestsNo matter what level sponsorshipyou choose, we want you to knowthat your contribution is aninvestment into learning atPearland ISD.An Investment intothe FutureCan we count onyour support?Con ta ct Re es ha Br ow n(fo un da tio n@ pe arl an di sd. or g) tosec ur e you r sp ot.Contact Us! 57Top sponsors will automaticallyreceive VIP tickets to the gala,brand exposure across variousplatforms, along with theopportunity to participate in theannual Surprize Patrol event in May 2024.VIP Tickets & Invite toSurprize PatrolWith each sponsor levelreceiving tickets to the gala,your business has anopportunity to personallyconnect with more than 300+attendees.Exposure to 300+GuestsNo matter what level sponsorshipyou choose, we want you to knowthat your contribution is aninvestment into learning atPearland ISD.An Investment intothe FutureCan we count onyour support?Contact Reesha Brown( tosecure your spot.Contact Us!Presented By 57Top sponsors will automaticallyreceive VIP tickets to the gala,brand exposure across variousplatforms, along with theopportunity to participate in theannual Surprize Patrol event in May 2024.VIP Tickets & Invite toSurprize PatrolWith each sponsor levelreceiving tickets to the gala,your business has anopportunity to personallyconnect with more than 300+attendees.Exposure to 300+GuestsNo matter what level sponsorshipyou choose, we want you to knowthat your contribution is aninvestment into learning atPearland ISD.An Investment intothe FutureCan we count onyour support?Contact Reesha Brown( tosecure your spot.Contact Us!Presented By Date:Saturday, April 6, 2024Tickets & SponsorshipOpportunities AvailableVisit page 8 and 9 to explore these sponsorship opportunities.General Admission1 Ticket (Humphrey Bogart) - $150 2 Tickets (Rick and Ilsa) - $300Table of 10 (Round Up the UsualSuspects) - $2,000Sponsorship OpportunitiesTop Sponsorships:Presenting Sponsor - $15,000 (SOLD) Platinum - $10,000 (10 VIP Seats) Gold - $7,500 (10 VIP Seats) Silver - $5,000 (10 VIP Seats)Bronze - $2,500 (10 VIP Seats) Additional Sponsorships:Casablanca Entertainment EventSponsor - $2,500 (6 Attendees)Henreid Auction Signage - $2,000 (5Attendees) Sam Wilson Party Photo Booth &Photography - $2,000 (5 Attendees) Rick's Bar - $1,500 (4 Attendees) Bergman Valet Parking - $1,000 (2Attendees)La Marseillaise Guest Favors - $500 (2Attendees)Evening for Education GalaLocation:Pelazzio Reception VenueHouston, TXJoin the Pearland ISD Education Foundationfor our seventh annual Evening forEducation Gala, Saturday, April 6, 2024, for afabulous evening of dinner, entertainment,auctions and a celebration of ourorganization’s 10-year anniversary. Themagic of the gala extends beyond thefestivities, leaving a lasting impact oneducation in Pearland. Known to many as the “Prom of Pearland,”the theme of this highly anticipated eventchanges annually to reflect the dynamicspirit of our community. This year's theme, carefully curated tocaptivate and delight, promises to transportguests into a world of enchantment andglamour as the Pearland ISD EducationFoundation presents “A Night inCasablanca.” 7 57Top sponsors will automaticallyreceive VIP tickets to the gala,brand exposure across variousplatforms, along with theopportunity to participate in theannual Surprize Patrol event in May 2024.VIP Tickets & Invite toSurprize PatrolWith each sponsor levelreceiving tickets to the gala,your business has anopportunity to personallyconnect with more than 300+attendees.Exposure to 300+GuestsNo matter what level sponsorshipyou choose, we want you to knowthat your contribution is aninvestment into learning atPearland ISD.An Investment intothe FutureCan we count onyour support?Contact Reesha Brown( tosecure your spot.Contact Us!Presented By

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202 3Building Pearland ISD ProudSince 2014Contact Us to Support our mission!FACEBOOKPearland ISD Education Foundation281-997-4987 / foundation@pearlandisd.org1928 N. Main Street, Pearland, TX with UsINSTAGRAMWEBSITE