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Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott Rac

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TABLE OFCONTENTS02Pre-Sale Inspections & Sales01Getting Involved With The Stable & Ownership Options05Yearling Conformation04Media & Communications03Costs Involved & Ongoing Fees06Registration/Naming/Insurance0708Sunday Stables & Race Day PrivilegesNominations & Acceptances09Dissolving The PartnershipGai & Adrian TV10

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Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott have combined their years of experience in the industry to builda winning team and their dedication and commitment is reflected in their consistently highstrike rate, at the elite level, both in NSW and VIC.Every year, Gai & Adrian select and purchase yearlings at the major sales on behalf of existingowners and those newly-interested. They pride themselves on finding value for owners whenselecting a horse and they have a proven record of producing champions from thosepurchases, changing the lives of their owners.Racing your own horse can be more affordable than you may think, however, for those that arelooking to spread their risk through shares in multiple horses we facilitate the opportunity torace horses in partnerships with other owners. We will manage the entire process for you, fromstart to finish, at no additional cost.GETTING INVOLVEDWITH THE STABLE &OWNERSHIP OPTIONSpage 1

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A tremendous amount of time and resourcesare spent in order to identify and select thesuperior racehorse. Gai & Adrian undergo pre-sale inspections whether it be in Sydney,Melbourne or Queensland to ensure each andevery yearling has been inspected and re-inspected before they go through the salesring. Every year, Gai & Adrian select andpurchase yearlings at all the major sales inAustralia in order to cater to the various levelsof ownership.The horses identified are of a broad range fromhorses targeting the Golden Slipper to horsestargeting The Oaks and Derbys. Our team ofprofessionals are here to help match the righttype of horse, with your personal preference inorder to help fulfil your ownership dream.Our team also venture to Europe to selectand purchase proven horses (horses thathave already raced) to target at the majorCups and staying races here in Australia.Past European imports include Gai’sMelbourne Cup winner, Fiorente, Group 1Sydney Cup winners, The Offer & KnightsOrder, Group 1 The Metropolitan winner,Glencadam Gold, and Group 1 TheMetropolitan runner-up, Julienas.PRE-SALE INSPECTIONS &SALESpage 2

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Gai & Adrian's primary aim is to focus on purchasing horses that are able to competeand win at the elite level, whilst sustaining longevity in their career. The model ofAustralian racing is one of the best in the world and it is built around the excitement ofthe large amount of prizemoney on offer, which would rival any racing jurisdiction inthe world.This makes ownership and racing sustainable and therefore, it is vitally important thathorses can continue to compete at this level throughout their career which is achievedby selecting a sound horse with good conformation.YEARLING CONFORMATIONpage 3Qualities most desired in a young horse:• A relaxed and willing temperament• Athleticism with a loose, fluid walk• Good quality bone• Good length of rein• Strength through shoulder and hindquarter• Depth of girth• Intelligent head and kind eye

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Individual accounts are held for eachshareholder in the horse which are sentout on monthly statements.When making a new purchase, the overallshare cost will include:• Purchase Price + GST (10%)• Race Series Nominations • Acquisition Costs & Consultancy Fee • Logan Livestock Insurance **OptionalCOSTS INVOLVED& ONGOING FEESTWO YEAR OLDS (100%)In work for 6 months, spelling and pre-trainingfor 6 monthsGai Waterhouse Racing training feesBreaking-in feesTreatments - chiro, dentistry, spa, beach,farrier, lamps, ice boots Track FeesSpellingVeterinary FeesTransportNominations, Acceptances, race feesTotal$25,000$6,000$7,500$1,100$10,000$3,000$4,000$4,000$61,000THREE YEAR OLDS & OVER (100%)In work for 8 months, spelling and pre-trainingfor 4 monthsGai Waterhouse Racing training feesTreatments - chiro, dentistry, spa, beach,farrier, lamps, ice boots Track FeesSpellingVeterinary FeesTransportNominations, Acceptances, race feesTotal$40,500$10,000$2,000$5,000$4,000$5,000$5,000$71,500NB:Consideration should be made in regards to the following:If a horse is in work for a longer period of timeAny major surgery requiredNominations and acceptances in Group or Listed RacesDaily training rate is $152 + GST ($167.20 inc. of GST)page 4

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We pride ourselves on providing a high level of communication to our clients. As an owner, youwill receive at least one report on your horse per week when it is in full training. We will alsokeep you updated on its progress when spelling. We use a range of media platforms includingregular video footage and photos of your horses in work in order to provide the best ownershipexperience possible and bring you closer to the action. In summary, you will receive:Nominations, weights & acceptances via emailPre-race report, including video footage, on the progress of your horse leading into a racePre-race phone call for our latest thoughts and insights into the racePost-race report, including a replay of the race, where we dissect and analyse theperformance of your horseMEDIA &COMMUNICATIONSpage 5

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Every Friday Adrian will share his thoughts on the stable's weekend runners on 'Gai & Adrian TV'which can be viewed here. Owners can also get behind the scenes with Gai at the races andsales through our regular episodes of 'Gai Mic'd Up' which are guaranteed to keep youentertained.GAI & ADRIAN TVpage 6Gai Mic'd Up - Magic MillionsGai Mic'd Up - Castlereagh Kid

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Once you have paid for your share, you will receive a registration form which will ask you toprovide your details, including share percentage and bank details for prizemoney distribution.You can also provide any name suggestions you may have for your horse at this point.Once your horse is ready to be registered with Racing Australia we will circulate all availablenames to the ownership group and conduct a vote. The most popular name (weighted on theshare percentage of each individual owner) is the winner.Insurance is included in the share price (although it is optional) and it is valid until 1st Decemberof the year the yearling was purchased. You only pay for insurance on your individual share andonce it has expired, you will be notified by Logans Insurance directly. The choice of re-insuringyour share is then entirely up to you.REGISTRATION/NAMING/INSURANCEpage 7

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Gai & Adrian host Sunday Stables for theirowners from 11am until 1pm at Tulloch Lodge. Thisgives owners an opportunity to come and seetheir horse(s) that are in training and to mix withother like-mindedowners. Horses are paraded and viewed until12pm at which point we assemble in ourmemorabilia room, the TJ Smith Room, over aglass of champagne or beer to celebrate recentwinners and network with other owners. Allowners are invited to be part of the SundayStables experience, whether your horse is in fulltraining or spelling.When your horse is racing, our office are morethan happy to assist you with ticketing andhospitality options on the day. There will alwaysbe a stable representative at the races to lookafter you and to answer any questions you mayhave before or after the race.SUNDAY STABLES &RACE DAY PRIVILEGESpage 8