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2019 March

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GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH THE MESSENGER VOLUME 108 ISSUE 3 MARCH 2019 FROM THE PASTOR S DESK GET READY TO COME ALIVE At the start of Lent we will hear about the prophet Ezekiel s strange yet wonderful vision a valley full of dry brittle bones Ezekiel 37 1 14 God practically shoves Ezekiel toward these bones encouraging him to prophesy over these skeletons which may perhaps have felt a little ridiculous to Ezekiel He is supposed to command them to come to life promising that God will breathe life back into them attach tendons and cover them in skin Who knows what Ezekiel was thinking as he stood to preach life to what was dead Maybe he trusted God so wholeheartedly that he never had a moment s doubt Maybe he thought he was standing to make an utter fool of himself not thinking for a moment these bones would actually rise and then found himself startled half to death when they started rattling beneath his feet Whatever is running through his head in his vision he does stand and prophesy life over death and these dry brittle bones do indeed raise to life His vision of course echoes the Easter good news We are often so quick to dismiss what we deem dead the part of us we don t think will ever revive after someone betrayed us or broke our heart the part of us that feels like it died with our loved one the hateful neighbor that we ve given up on and don t think is capable of love the child friend or addict we decide is too damaged or messed up or toxic to be saved the broken political system that seems to make little progress forward the part of our selfworth that was tied up in our appearance or our work and now feels like it will never return as our body or occupation changes the relationship with our family members that died a slow painful death over the years as we grew more and more distant Lent is about daring to be foolish enough to step into all those dead valleys and call out to what is dead audaciously believing that Easter resurrection can come will come is coming has already come That God is breathing life even into the places in our lives and our world that feel most dead most beyond repair or reconciliation And here is the wonderful thing Even if we don t believe even if hints of doubt or despair cloud our hope nevertheless God persists and those bones may start to rattle right in front of us So don t resign yourself to the despair of the death you feel all around you Instead acknowledge the reality of death dust to dust ashes to ashes and then prepare to be startled by life anyway As the band Gungor sings You God make beautiful things out of the dust I look forward to the journey of Lent with you Are you ready for life Pastor Jen THANK YOU TO OUR OFFICE VOLUNTEERS As many of you know we have been without an office administrator since right before Thanksgiving Thankfully our search is drawing to a close and by the time you receive this we should have a new administrator in place I want to thank those who got us through the Advent Christmas Season and into the new year by volunteering their time and talent Judy Friend Debbie Rasmussin Katie Fullerton and Gretchen Ackerson Submitted by Rev Jen Daysa 1

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BIRTHDAYS NEW OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY GRETCHEN ACKERSON Eric Johnson 3 13 Clarence Wilkinson 3 13 Randy Dalrymple 3 24 Beryl Fruth 3 27 Jean Cooley 3 29 Cathi Swift 3 29 Judy Zebos 3 29 Annie Gambino 3 31 If your birthday or anniversary is not being listed in the newsletter and you would like for it to be please contact Carolyn Woodard FELLOWSHIP Available 3 03 Available 3 10 Available 3 17 Available 3 24 We are looking for volunteers to sign up to sponsor or provide food for fellowship FLOWERS If you d like to place flowers in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone or some event please contact the office or Robin Becker Available 3 03 Lisa Ware 3 10 Available 3 17 Available 3 24 DEADLINE FOR APRIL 2019 MESSENGER IS MARCH 15 Send all information for submissions to carolyn woodard 130 gmail com OFFICE HOURS Pastor Jen s NEW Hours Sunday Thursday Days Off Friday and Saturday Church Office Open Tuesday Thursday 10 00 3 00 ATTENDANCE February 3 45 10 43 17 49 24 68 We are excited to announce that we have hired a new administrator Rebecca Kessel comes to us as a recent graduate of Eckerd College with Bachelor of Arts degrees in computer science and visual art She has won numerous awards for her art but also knows how to do things like take computers apart and reconstruct them She self identifies as an ally of the LGBT community and is welcoming and affirming of the wide diversity of human identity and expression She brings a friendly out going personality a high level of organization an eye for detail and a set of both creative and technical skills that make her the right fit for our position The office hours will remain T W TH 10AM 3PM Please stop in to meet her Submitted by Pastor Jen THE 100TH ISSUE FROM YOUR EDITOR This issue of the Messenger marks my 100th issue I have enjoyed working on the newsletters through the years and though at times it has been a challenge to get folks to submit news and get the pastors to submit their articles in a timely manner it has all been worth it and I sincerely hope you agree The article below appeared in the October 2010 issue of the Messenger my very first issue I have endeavored to make this a newsletter for the people to build the beloved community at Good Sam by advertising events fund raisers special services and by showing photos of fun and exciting times after the fact As stated in the article below I took over the position from Eileen Banks who had faithfully published the newsletters for many years prior to my taking over One of her suggestions remained with me through the years She said always put the St James list last so that when folks are reading the newsletter they will finish with those on their minds who need prayer She had such a heart for Good Sam and those of us who knew her miss her still FROM THE EDITOR As I begin this adventure of working on the Messenger I m a little nervous stepping into the shoes of our capable former editor Eileen Banks She has brought the Good Sam news to us for many years and has done it with style and class Over the past few weeks she has graciously helped me with tips and M Carolyn Woodard and former editor information on how things have been Eileen Banks done to make the Messenger what it is today For that I m extremely grateful and I know that I will continue to depend on her for support in the months to come Though our styles will be different I hope to continue the quality and accuracy that she has always brought to the publication My prayer is that this will continue to be a tool in helping to Build the Beloved Community 2

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FAST FAITH ACTION FOR STRENGTH TOGETHER Research Meetings are being held frequently as we gather information and support for our three justice issues This is in preparation for our upcoming Rally and Nehemiah Action Our RALLY is scheduled for 7 00 PM on Monday March 18 at St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church 1955 South Belcher Road in Clearwater All network members will be attending to hear reports from each of the committees summarizing their research We will learn strategies to use at the Nehemiah Action to persuade the authorities to adopt our recommendations And through God s spirit we will be energized to answer the call to do justice in Pinellas County If you want to learn more about the work of FAST please feel free to attend as a guest Good Sam will have a reserved section so be sure to sit with the group If you need a ride to the Rally contact your Team Leader at once How do we stand FAST TOGETHER Submitted by Bev Kelly and Jean Cooley The great lesson is that the sacred is in the ordinary that it is to be found in one s daily life in one s neighbors friends and family in one s backyard Abraham Maslow MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE 5 MINISTRY TEAMS Care Team Meets 1st Wednesday 10 00 12 00 noon Spiritual Formation Team Meets 1st Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Fellowship and Outreach Team Meets 2nd Sunday Noon Justice and Mercy Team Meets 2nd Sunday after worship Resource Development Meets 3rd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Session Team Meets 4th Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Attention Team Leaders Please let us know if your meeting times have changed so that we can make sure the correct information is available 3 M During Fellowship on Sunday February 24 Good Sam FAST members shared much of what is going on in the county as FAST strives to make a difference P Beryl Fruth and Ginny Thompson pictured are Team Leaders at Good Sam Ginny shared a report on housing

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M The Cedarkirk lodge was comfortable and provided us plenty of room for our activities and sessions The staff was gracious and helpful and provided us with delicious meals M L R Standing Ken Booker Rev Bill Cooley Martha Taylor Sandy Badger Anita Cape Gregory Allen Becky McAllister Annie Gambino Gretchen Ackerson Robin Becker Eric Johnson Jean Adams and Carolyn Woodard seated or kneeling Rev Jean Cooley Rev Jen Daysa and Jeffrey Isler Not pictured Ginger Breitkreutz Sarah Butz and Donna Knight M Seated L R Robin Becker Annie Gambino and Rev Jean Cooley Standing L R Ken Booker Gregory Allen Ginger Breitkreutz and Martha Taylor Anita Cape led a session about using objects to express your emotion or feelings M Late on Saturday night a few brave souls tried line dancing and did a great job There was also story time with Martha Taylor and a bonfire where smores were the treat of the evening CEDARKIRK RETREAT TIME OF FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD AND WITH OTHERS When Sandy and I saw the sign for Mulberry Florida we knew that we were hopelessly lost But a good soul in the form of our dear Debbie came and rescued us and steered us back to the path of our spiritual retreat This began a weekend of caring fellowship The most amazing part of the retreat was the recognition that we each have our own spiritual needs And so there was a diversity of activities that we could use to plan our own personalized retreat For those wanting fellowship there was a nourishing sharing circle enlivened by simply beautiful songs lead by our very own Gregory Alan workshops on connections and rocking chairs to just sit around and tell a funny story or share where we ve been on our spiritual journey For those wanting relaxation from a busy schedule that there was canoeing truly unusual stories by Martha and country line dancing fun to watch even for those of us with two left feet And for those of us wanting spiritual renewal there was walking in the woods journaling and spiritual writing I even got in a nap Pastor Jen asked us to bring three objects to share about our spiritual life One that represented restlessness stress one about scarcity emptiness and one about ordinary moments of our life When Jen held up a baby diaper there were smiles all around as we recognized this simple act of caring for another human being It was great getting to know each other and hearing about the challenges and spiritual growth in each others lives We were given prayer partners and I am blessed to continue to pray for my prayer partner down the road into my every day life Submitted by Anita Cape M Eric Johnson led our first get to know one another activity called two truths and a lie You were to share three things about yourself two that were true and one that was not true and see if others could pick out the one thing that was not true 4 PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY ERIC JOHNSON AND CAROLYN WOODARD M Seated L R Gretchen Ackerson Jean Adams Sandy Badger Robin Becker Ginger Breitkreutz and Sarah Butz During the opening session Gregory Allen at the piano led us in some songs

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Our February Retreat A Time for Rest Renewal and Community On Saturday February 9 through Sunday February 10 twenty one people participated in our Retreat at Cederkirk Camp and Conference Center in Lithia FL Pastor Jen and I want to thank everyone who made this a successful retreat from participants who leaned into a weekend of rest renewal and community to those who generously donated scholarship funds or provided rides to those who needed them to those who donated their talents by leading workshops at our retreat The Cederkirk staff was amazing and so helpful They made us feel very welcomed and took care of all our needs We will definitely be back Submitted by Debbie Rasmussin Pastor Jen M Cedarkirk has a labyrinth on the property and many used it during their time of meditation A special note of thanks to Debbie Rasmussin You may not have known all that Debbie did especially since she did not join us for the whole retreat but hours and hours of organization coordination with Cedarkirk and all of you and planning went into our time away together We had such a wonderful retreat in large part due to Debbie s tireless work behind the scenes so if you attended please be sure to thank her Pastor Jen M Gregory Allen and several others participated in a creative writing session led by Pastor Jen Daysa M The balcony just outside the dining hall provided another great place to relax L R Sandy Badger Annie Gambino Ken Booker Gregory Allen and Martha Taylor M Annie Gambino and Jeffrey Isler take time to get to know one another better M Seated L R Rev Bill Cooley Rev Jean Cooley Annie Gambino Rev Jen Daysa Jeffrey Isler Eric Johnson and Donna Knight M Pastor Jen led a session of worship with our bodies similar to tai chi L R Robin Becker Rev Jen Daysa Eric Johnson Annie Gambino Becky McAllister and Rev Jean Cooley O Cedarkirk embraced us with beauty on all sides We are thankful for such a wonderful place to have our retreat 5

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Good Sam Fellowship 3 Ways 2 Help HOST Provide refreshments set up serve and clean up SUPPLY Provide refreshments and let us take care of the rest SPONSOR Donate money for refreshments You pick a day or leave that to us The church supplies cups plates cutlery serving utensils napkins coffee creamer sugar and sweetners If you decide to host we will be glad to help in any way We can provide drinks show you where everything is and provide any assistance needed We will be there for you It will be your day and we want it to be a good experience for everyone Dietary Restrictions We have some folks who have dietary restrictions such as allergies to gluten onion or pineapple to name a few Some are diabetic and cannot have sugar Some are vegan We keep some things on hand that cater to these restrictions Just let us know if you want us to take care of this Please label your dishes if they are meant to satisfy any of these needs We can provide cards for this purpose Make it buy it big or small Any and all foods are welcome If you have questions see Sandy Badger or Robin Becker our fellowship coordinators 6

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March Oasis Trip Tampa Bay Nautical Adventure Cross Bay Ferry Tour of the SS American Victory Ship Museum Lunch at the Sparkman Wharf at Channelside Saturday March 30th 8 30am 4 00pm Begin the day cruising on the Cross Bay Ferry from downtown St Petersburg to the port of Tampa Once in Tampa we will tour the historic SS American Victory Warship Museum After the museum we will enjoy a casual lunch at the brand new Sparkman Wharf located next door at Channelside featuring a variety of quick service shipping container themed food kiosks and dine outside in the venue s covered seating area After lunch we will return on the 3 00pm Cross Bay Ferry back to St Pete Trip Cost Includes round trip ferry ride and admission to SS American Victory Ship Adults 24 00 Seniors Military 16 00 Eric Johnson will need to collect the money by March 20th to pre purchase the tickets We will meet and leave to carpool from Good Sam at 8 30am If meeting the group at the Ferry plan to park at the Sundial parking Garage in St Pete Once parked take a 15 minute walk to beach drive to the Ferry which is docked between the St Petersburg History Museum and The Vinoy Hotel near 2nd Avenue North Once docked in Tampa both the Victory Museum and Sparkman Walk will be a relatively short walk Please note touring the Victory Ship Museum may be challenging for some tour participants navigating throughout the warship as it does feature some narrow passageways and very steep stairwells Contact Eric Johnson with any questions 727 319 6970 7

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M The paving company were on site on Sunday morning February 24 to re stripe the lot after the repaving on the day before PARKING LOT REPAVING M Part of the job included repainting the car stops in the paved part of the lot They had all the right equipment to get it done quickly and well On Saturday February 23 the paving company started on putting a new covering on our Good Sam parking lot Clarence Wilkinson our buildings and grounds coordinator was there to make sure there were no cars in the way and that the company had everything they needed to do the project On Sunday morning February 24 the paving company came to put the new stripes down Because of that everyone had to find another place to park during service With Debbie Rasmussin and Lisa Ware out directing traffic and helping people park things went very smoothly and no one seemed bothered by the minor inconvenience By the time service was over and everyone left for the day the job was done and the parking lot looked great Thank you Clarence for all your hard work to keep things functioning and in order at Good Sam April Oasis Trip Becoming a Frog Eavesdropper Lecture at Weedon Island Preserve Cultural and Natural History Center Saturday April 27th 9 30am 1 00pm Wondering what animals are talking in the night and what they are saying Must be an alligator or is it a pig frog Could that be a quacking duck Maybe a squirrel scolding Or are they just frogs chatting Join Sensing Nature biologists Jeanne Murphy and Brian Lane to visually learn some of our common Florida frogs and toads as well as learning their calls too Next grab one of Sensing Nature s Frog Callers and join our froggy jamboree That way the next night you hear them talking you can join in their conversation too We will meet at Good Sam at 9 30am carpool to Weedon Island Preserve Cultural and Natural History Center in St Pete The lecture is from 10 30am 11 30am For those who are interested we will have a post lecture lunch at a restaurant TBD Contact Eric Johnson with any questions 727 319 6970 8

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BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CLUBS As part of Stewardship we ask that those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries donate to Good Sam a dollar per year The following are the names of those in the Birthday and Anniversary Club for 2019 The total collected for both categories so far this year is 93 BIRTHDAY CLUB Jane Gaylord Joelle Daysa ANNIVERSARY CLUB Thank you to all who participate Submitted by Kate Hall FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Soups Vegetables Spaghetti Sauce Canned Meats Tuna FOOD PANTRY REPORT JANUARY 2019 Number of days open to serve clients 13 Number of clients served Adults 188 Children 63 Total 251 Volunteers during January were Bev Kelly Ginny Thompson Ginger Breitkreutz Kate Hall Carol Diehm Tom Fauquet Clarence Wilkinson and Johana Groth The number of family members for clients coming to our pantry for the first time in January was 99 Another new volunteer Johana Groth has joined us working on Thursdays She had been volunteering at the St Giles Food Pantry but was unable to lift the heavy books they keep their records in She has been learning to use the PantrySoft software program that we have been using for 4 years I have requested a food distribution from the Bishop s Storehouse of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for 2019 I waiting to hear if we will receive the requested food Your weekly donations of food are very important Soups vegetables spaghetti sauce and canned meats tuna are most needed Watch for the BOGO features in the grocery store ads each week Food and money donors in January Patricia Waloga Sue Palmeri Cindy Pugh St Nicholas Orthodox Church Trinity United Church of Christ All the Good Sam weekly donors Submitted by Kate Hall TREASURER S REPORT In January the total income was 1 246 under the budget The pledges were only 872 under budget Our January expenses were less than 200 under budget The result is a loss of 642 34 for the month as opposed to the budget gain of 400 The annual financial review was completed in February Ferris VanDien volunteered to conduct the review of the 2018 financial transactions Ferris selected 15 check numbers at random and several Sunday offering dates to review This year he also selected 2 months to review the increasing number of EFT transactions made each month With the review completed I can set up the files for 2019 and send the 2018 files to storage Beginning in January the Pension Board of the United Church of Christ has billed the pension and benefits for our Pastor on a monthly basis Previously the billing was quarterly This should help to smooth out the cash flow The January Small Change was 66 82 Thank you for putting more folding money Submitted by Kate Hall M For those of us who remember when Pastor Jen first arrived it is hard to believe that little Joelle has grown up so much On February 22 she turned 5 years old 10

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MARCH 2019 DAILY LECTIONARY Friday March 1 2019 Psalm 99 Deuteronomy 9 6 14 Acts 10 1 8 Saturday March 2 2019 Psalm 99 Deuteronomy 9 15 24 Luke 10 21 24 Sunday March 3 2019 Transfiguration Sunday Exodus 34 29 35 Psalm 99 2 Corinthians 3 12 4 2 Luke 9 28 36 37 43a Sunday March 17 2019 Second Sunday in Lent Genesis 15 1 12 17 18 Psalm 27 Philippians 3 17 4 1 Luke 13 31 35 Monday March 18 2019 Psalm 105 1 42 Exodus 33 1 6 Romans 4 1 12 Tuesday March 19 2019 Psalm 105 1 42 Numbers 14 10b 24 1 Corinthians 10 1 13 Monday March 4 2019 Psalm 35 11 28 Exodus 35 1 29 Acts 10 9 23a Wednesday March 20 2019 Psalm 105 1 42 2 Chronicles 20 1 22 Luke 13 22 31 Tuesday March 5 2019 Psalm 35 11 28 Ezekiel 1 1 2 1 Acts 10 23b 33 Thursday March 21 2019 Psalm 63 1 8 Daniel 3 19 30 Revelation 2 8 11 Wednesday March 6 2019 Ash Wednesday Joel 2 1 2 12 17 Psalm 51 1 17 2 Corinthians 5 20b 6 10 Matthew 6 1 6 16 21 Friday March 22 2019 Psalm 63 1 8 Daniel 12 1 4 Revelation 3 1 6 Thursday March 7 2019 Psalm 91 1 2 9 16 Exodus 5 10 23 Acts 7 30 34 Saturday March 23 2019 Psalm 63 1 8 Isaiah 5 1 7 Luke 6 43 45 Friday March 8 2019 Psalm 91 1 2 9 16 Exodus 6 1 13 Acts 7 35 42 Sunday March 24 2019 Third Sunday in Lent Isaiah 55 1 9 Psalm 63 1 8 1 Corinthians 10 1 13 Luke 13 1 9 Saturday March 9 2019 Psalm 91 1 2 9 16 Ecclesiastes 3 1 8 John 12 27 36 Monday March 25 2019 Psalm 39 Jeremiah 11 1 17 Romans 2 1 11 Sunday March 10 2019 First Sunday in Lent Deuteronomy 26 1 11 Psalm 91 1 2 9 16 Romans 10 8b 13 Luke 4 1 13 Tuesday March 26 2019 Psalm 39 Ezekiel 17 1 10 Romans 2 12 16 Monday March 11 2019 Psalm 17 1 Chronicles 21 1 17 1 John 2 1 6 Tuesday March 12 2019 Psalm 17 Zechariah 3 1 10 2 Peter 2 4 21 Wednesday March 13 2019 Psalm 17 Job 1 122 Luke 21 34 22 6 Thursday March 14 2019 Psalm 27 Genesis 13 1 7 14 18 Philippians 3 2 12 Friday March 15 2019 Psalm 27 Genesis 14 17 24 Philippians 3 17 20 FELLOWSHIP HALL LIGHTING PROJECT UPDATE During the week of March 11 15 new lighting will be installed in the Brockus Fellowship Hall The project was approved by Session last year A new led lighting system will be installed along with all new ceiling tiles The ceiling tile portion of the project will be done by Good Sam members The head of the church team is Carolyn Woodard During this project the fellowship hall will be closed The closure may impact activities in the fellowship hall the weekend of March 16 17 For more information on this project please contact Clarence Wilkinson Submitted by Clarence Wilkinson Wednesday March 27 2019 Psalm 39 Numbers 13 17 27 Luke 13 18 21 Thursday March 28 2019 Psalm 32 Joshua 4 1 13 2 Corinthians 4 16 5 5 Friday March 29 2019 Psalm 32 Joshua 4 1424 2 Corinthians 5 6 15 Saturday March 30 2019 Psalm 32 Exodus 32 7 14 Luke 15 1 10 Sunday March 31 2019 Fourth Sunday in Lent Joshua 5 9 12 Psalm 32 2 Corinthians 5 16 21 Luke 15 1 3 11b 32 Saturday March 16 2019 Psalm 27 Psalm 118 26 29 Matthew 23 37 39 M Welcome to our newest session member Beverly Finn who stepped in to fill Mickey Moore s position when Mickey decided to step down She will be ordained soon as an elder at Good Sam Lisa Ware and Carolyn Woodard both returned as session members for another term ST JAMES LIST Pray for one another that you may be healed James 5 16 Let us remember those members and friends who have asked for our prayers and those who are unable to attend worship Harry Miller Jennifer Kelly Edna Smith Dottie Boake Nancy Rudasill Dorothy Morton Betty Frank Ann Hodson s Mother Eddie Kosinski Barbara Wright Dawn Johnson Steve Judy Zebos Bernadine Uzoh Paul Brockus and Good Samaritan Church 11

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THIS NEWSLETTER MUST BE PLACED INTO A STAMPED ENVELOPE TO BE MAILED THE MESSENGER of Good Samaritan Church 6085 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park FL 33781 727 544 8558 Email goodsam church tampabay rr com Web Site goodsam church org Our Mission PREPARED WITH LOVE FOR To Build The Beloved Community A Ministry of Hospitality Vision and Justice A Global Mission Church Check out Good Sam on FACEBOOK SESSION Rich Feigel Clerk Kate Hall Treasurer CLASS OF 2019 Gretchen Ackerson Beverly Finn Linda Rupp CLASS OF 2020 Beryl Fruth Chris Osberg Sophia Stringer CLASS OF 2021 Lisa Ware Carolyn Woodard Vacant Jesus didn t reject people Neither do we CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS THE MESSENGER Newsletter of Good Samaritan Church Presbyterian Church USA More Light and United Church of Christ Open and Affirming Sunday Worship 10 30 a m Fellowship Coffee Hour Following Worship GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH STAFF Rev Jen Daysa Pastor Rev Jean Cooley Parish Associate Gregory Allen Director of Music Ministries Rebecca Kessel Office Administrator Shelby Lamb Nursery Assistant Mirko Bratic Custodian Rev Dr Harold M Brockus Pastor Emeritus GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY TEAMS Resource Development Team Lisa Ware Moderator Becky McAllister Beryl Fruth Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Treasurer Liaison Clarence Wilkinson Care Team Ginger Breitkreutz Moderator Mickey Moore Jim Moore Beverly Finn Jane Gaylord Clarence Wilkinson Disaster Preparedness Liaison Justice and Mercy Team Rev Jean Cooley Moderator Gretchen Ackerson Lewis Hill Linda Rupp Sarah Butz Rachel Wells Judy Friend Rich Feigel Clarence Wilkinson Kate Hall Food Pantry Liaison Bev Kelly FAST Liaison Spiritual Formation Team Debbie Rasmussin Moderator Chris Osberg Sarah Butz Rev Bill Cooley Lisa Ware Steve Crist Fellowship and Outreach Team Eric Johnson Moderator Carolyn Woodard Barb Steger Robin Becker Sandy Badger Annie Gambino Martha Taylor Personnel Committee Clarence Wilkinson Jim Moore Robin Becker Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Pastor Relations Committee Carolyn Woodard Moderator Chris Osberg Clarence Wilkinson Ginger Breitkreutz Lisa Ware Bev Kelly