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FRP CONNECTIONS T H E I N T E R N A L D I G I TA L N E W S S O U R C E F O R F O U N D AT I O N R I S K PA R T N E R S T E A M M E M B E R S Iss 3 Fall 2021 WELCOME NEW AGENCY PARTNERS D OX S E E F O S T E R A S S O C I AT E S I S U D E R B Y I N S U R A N C E A S S O C I AT E S A R M S R x P H A R M A C Y B E N E F I T C O N S U LTA N T S NEW ACENTRIA INSURANCE AGENCIES FRP s STRATEGIC FOOTPRINT Click 96 ACQUISITIONS 136 LOCATIONS 14 1614 STATES 94 CITIES PROFESSIONAL TEAM MEMBERS 34 GROWTH YOY 332M REVENUE RUN RATE November 2021 INSIDE THIS ISSUE New Business Top 100 New Business Report 2 President s Club Leaderboard and Company Update New Learning Management System HR Payroll Your Health Prosperity 2 Set to Launch this month November 2021 IT Tips Application Training Resources 3 Kahoot Challenge Winners and Fall Recipes S A V E T H E D AT E FRP Company Update with CEO Charlie Lydecker Tuesday December 14 at 3 p m ET Calendar Invite with Zoom link is forthcoming 3 3 Team Feedback FRP Marketing Survey Team Building Fun Fall Challenge Video 3 Community Outreach Tis the Season 4
NEW BUSINESS Happy T ongratulations to all of you for your commitment and efforts in writing close to 28 million C in new business as we entered the last quarter of 2021 bringing us closer to our year end goal of 35 million as Alan Florez our National Sales Director stated in his monthly reports The next business reports will be following this newsletter If you haven t already be sure to view the latest Top 100 New Business Report and President s Club Leaderboards by going to the FRP Intranet home page your source for company news sales tools account management resources marketing materials and many other support content including important e communications that you may occasionally overlook in your busy workday Please make note of the upcoming year end FRP Company Update with CEO Charlie Lydecker left next month on Tuesday December 14 2021 at 3 p m ET A calendar invite for this event is forthcoming We are excited to announce the launch of our Learning Management System LMS Foundation Risk Partners new training and development platform for all team members which is planned for the third week of November You should have already received an email on the launch detailing aspects of the new LMS as part of ADP It s an exceptional learning platform that will ensure we are not just up to date in various processes but are ahead of the curve with respect to being thought leaders in our industry and maintaining the momentum we have worked hard to develop as an organization The new LMS will accommodate instructor led classroom training live virtual sessions online learning on the job training and more See Quick Links right The FRP Marketing and Communications Team led by Excecutive Vice President Brian Feeley is working on the second facelift to the FRP Intranet Toolbox in an effort to make it more efficient and include additional pertinent resources to meet your needs Be sure to complete the short Marketing Communications Survey located on the intranet homepage to assist us in that endeavor for 2022 See Quick Links right In addition to internal headline news and upcoming events appearing on the top of the intranet page we will be sharing steps on how to personalize notifications in your email Foundation Risk Partners Community Outreach Left to right FRP s Volusia County Thanksgiving Basket Brigade Daytona Beach FL Acentria Insurance OMS Insurance Group puts their mark on service Lakeland FL Lloyd Berkett with IIABA raises more than 10K for local families for Thanksgiving Los Angeles CA Camp Out for Hunger Storm Ida Drive and Cathedral Kitchen Corporate Synergies Camden NJ Share your stats and stories on Community Outreach Click on the Marketing Survey under Quick Links right C O M M U N I T Y
M SN E W S TEAM T NEEAW hanksgiving FRP s Information Technology IT Shared Resources are also linked on the homepage of the FRP Intranet The link will take you to a host of folders guidelines and tutorials for the many platforms used by FRP team members While this page is being continuously updated make note of Application Training Resources which is an essential resource to help team members maneuver the many different platforms used by our organization As many of you know last month was National Cybersecurity Awareness month however Cybersecurity is a subject we practice all year round With that FRP s IT Department under the leadership of Rich Dinan our Chief Information Officer recommends that team members periodically review tips for safe computer operations to reduce cyber risks which are also on the FRP Intranet homepage As we head into the holiday season Community Outreach is commonplace across the FRP enterprise The mentorship fiscal support and empowerment you give to your communities is priceless and make us all proud We see that hundreds of thousands of dollars are being donated each year with thousands of shared and untold volunteer hours given towards numerous inspiring causes As already referenced in this newsletter there is a Marketing Survey on the FRP Intranet homepage and just one question is related to community service We d love to hear from you so that we can share a clearer big picture of how we together impact our many communities across the nation and globe FRP s Human Resources led by Senior Vice Presidents Shara Griffin and Eileen Fogarty and FRP s Payroll and HR Information Systems run by Senior Vice President Kami Herron would like to encourage all team members to explore the ADP Dashboard This essential resource provides our organization with an all in one solution for strategic management of benefits payroll time talent and more As FRP continues to grow you can help through employee referrals Learn how you can earn up to 1000 on the FRP Intranet homepage which is linked under Quick Links right QUICK LINKS FRP INTRANET EARN UP TO 1000 MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS SURVEY LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IT SHARED RESOURCES You must be logged into FRP Sharepoint for most links to work For questions or suggestions related to this Newsletter please direct them to LHabermehl FoundationRP com O U T R E A C H
FRP CONNECTIONS T H E I N T E R N A L D I G I TA L N E W S S O U R C E F O R F O U N D AT I O N R I S K PA R T N E R S T E A M M E M B E R S Iss 3 Fall 2021 WELCOME NEW AGENCY PARTNERS D OX S E E F O S T E R A S S O C I AT E S I S U D E R B Y I N S U R A N C E A S S O C I AT E S A R M S R x P H A R M A C Y B E N E F I T C O N S U LTA N T S NEW ACENTRIA INSURANCE AGENCIES FRP s STRATEGIC FOOTPRINT Click 96 ACQUISITIONS 136 LOCATIONS 14 1614 STATES 94 CITIES PROFESSIONAL TEAM MEMBERS 34 GROWTH YOY 332M REVENUE RUN RATE November 2021 INSIDE THIS ISSUE New Business Top 100 New Business Report 2 President s Club Leaderboard and Company Update New Learning Management System HR Payroll Your Health Prosperity 2 Set to Launch this month November 2021 IT Tips Application Training Resources 3 Kahoot Challenge Winners and Fall Recipes S A V E T H E D AT E FRP Company Update with CEO Charlie Lydecker Tuesday December 14 at 3 p m ET Calendar Invite with Zoom link is forthcoming 3 3 Team Feedback FRP Marketing Survey Team Building Fun Fall Challenge Video 3 Community Outreach Tis the Season 4
NEW BUSINESS Happy T ongratulations to all of you for your commitment and efforts in writing close to 28 million C in new business as we entered the last quarter of 2021 bringing us closer to our year end goal of 35 million as Alan Florez our National Sales Director stated in his monthly reports The next business reports will be following this newsletter If you haven t already be sure to view the latest Top 100 New Business Report and President s Club Leaderboards by going to the FRP Intranet home page your source for company news sales tools account management resources marketing materials and many other support content including important e communications that you may occasionally overlook in your busy workday Please make note of the upcoming year end FRP Company Update with CEO Charlie Lydecker left next month on Tuesday December 14 2021 at 3 p m ET A calendar invite for this event is forthcoming We are excited to announce the launch of our Learning Management System LMS Foundation Risk Partners new training and development platform for all team members which is planned for the third week of November You should have already received an email on the launch detailing aspects of the new LMS as part of ADP It s an exceptional learning platform that will ensure we are not just up to date in various processes but are ahead of the curve with respect to being thought leaders in our industry and maintaining the momentum we have worked hard to develop as an organization The new LMS will accommodate instructor led classroom training live virtual sessions online learning on the job training and more See Quick Links right The FRP Marketing and Communications Team led by Excecutive Vice President Brian Feeley is working on the second facelift to the FRP Intranet Toolbox in an effort to make it more efficient and include additional pertinent resources to meet your needs Be sure to complete the short Marketing Communications Survey located on the intranet homepage to assist us in that endeavor for 2022 See Quick Links right In addition to internal headline news and upcoming events appearing on the top of the intranet page we will be sharing steps on how to personalize notifications in your email Foundation Risk Partners Community Outreach Left to right FRP s Volusia County Thanksgiving Basket Brigade Daytona Beach FL Acentria Insurance OMS Insurance Group puts their mark on service Lakeland FL Lloyd Berkett with IIABA raises more than 10K for local families for Thanksgiving Los Angeles CA Camp Out for Hunger Storm Ida Drive and Cathedral Kitchen Corporate Synergies Camden NJ Share your stats and stories on Community Outreach Click on the Marketing Survey under Quick Links right C O M M U N I T Y
M SN E W S TEAM T NEEAW hanksgiving FRP s Information Technology IT Shared Resources are also linked on the homepage of the FRP Intranet The link will take you to a host of folders guidelines and tutorials for the many platforms used by FRP team members While this page is being continuously updated make note of Application Training Resources which is an essential resource to help team members maneuver the many different platforms used by our organization As many of you know last month was National Cybersecurity Awareness month however Cybersecurity is a subject we practice all year round With that FRP s IT Department under the leadership of Rich Dinan our Chief Information Officer recommends that team members periodically review tips for safe computer operations to reduce cyber risks which are also on the FRP Intranet homepage As we head into the holiday season Community Outreach is commonplace across the FRP enterprise The mentorship fiscal support and empowerment you give to your communities is priceless and make us all proud We see that hundreds of thousands of dollars are being donated each year with thousands of shared and untold volunteer hours given towards numerous inspiring causes As already referenced in this newsletter there is a Marketing Survey on the FRP Intranet homepage and just one question is related to community service We d love to hear from you so that we can share a clearer big picture of how we together impact our many communities across the nation and globe FRP s Human Resources led by Senior Vice Presidents Shara Griffin and Eileen Fogarty and FRP s Payroll and HR Information Systems run by Senior Vice President Kami Herron would like to encourage all team members to explore the ADP Dashboard This essential resource provides our organization with an all in one solution for strategic management of benefits payroll time talent and more As FRP continues to grow you can help through employee referrals Learn how you can earn up to 1000 on the FRP Intranet homepage which is linked under Quick Links right QUICK LINKS FRP INTRANET EARN UP TO 1000 MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS SURVEY LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IT SHARED RESOURCES You must be logged into FRP Sharepoint for most links to work For questions or suggestions related to this Newsletter please direct them to LHabermehl FoundationRP com O U T R E A C H
CLICK TO WATCH Please allow time for video to load C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S FUN FALL CHALLENGERS 1700 IN PRIZES Top 5 Videos 100 ea 1 Acentria Fort Lauderdale FL Put a Spell on You 2 The Warner Companies Timonium MD Horror Offices 3 Acentria Lakeland FL Bloody Hallway 4 Herbie Wiles St Augustine FL Haunted House 5 Acentria Live Oak FL Witches Brew Top 10 Images Individuals 25 Groups 100 Tareena Holguin Acentria Port St Lucie FL Costumed Cubicle Pam Ballard Acentria Mariana FL Fall Office Door D cor Norma Quintana FRP Destin FL Ghostly Trio Sherry Sherrard Acentria Port St Lucie FL Hay Face w Glasses Deirdre Derby Derby Glendora CA Eyeballs Kitty Litter Cakes Tammy Edgar Acentria Bonita Springs FL Fall Painting Tara Summa Acentria Seminole FL Spooky Office D cor Knauf Maxwell Los Angeles CA Largest Group 16 in Costume Lauren Kosherzenko Corporate Synergies Camden NJ Freddie Krueger Heather Seda The Warner Companies Timonium MD Cheetah Knauf Maxwell Los Angeles CA Largest Group 16 in Costume Acentria Blountstown FL A League of Their Own Softball Acentria Quincy FL DIY Spooky Decor Most Wonky Guitar Solo 25 ea Walt Roland D W Van Dyke Shelton CT DIY Fall Decoration Project 25 ea Kelly Jones Pinnacle Brokers Walnut Creek CA Candles Best Multi Submission Individuals 25 Groups 50 Alex Best Fairview Verona NJ Pumpkin Cheesecake Carve Video Anita Allen Acentria Ponte Vedra Beach FL Pumpkin Rolls Carve SIP Brokers Pasadena CA Scarecrow Face painting Costume Recipe Best Zoom Costumes 25 ea 1 Brigitte Leber SIP Brokers Pasadena CA Geisha Girl 2 Kelli Waigand FRP Daytona Beach FL Edward Scissor Hands 3 Jessica O Cull SIP Apple Valley CA Insurance Zombie 4 Dan Derby Derby Glendora CA Frankenstein 5 Brittany DeSalvo Acentria Fort Pierce FL Violet Parr The Incredibles Kahoot Trivia Winners Rachel Ayres Acentria 100 Lexi Weiler Acentria 50 Jennifer Vollman Acentria 50 Most Original Recipe Video Image 25 ea Justin Cogan Foundation Risk Partners 50 Tiffany Chin Pinnacle Brokers Walnut Creek CA Pomegranate Muffins Tatum Auguste Acentria 50 Krista Vega SIP Pasadena CA Pumpkin Surprise Special mentions go to the adorable FRP children and grandchildren cute Bravest Dance Combo 25 ea furbabies and to the many special costumes and decorations including the Millennium Irvine CA E Man from FRP Kentucky Related E Story Try a Fun Fall Recipe 2021 Foundation Risk Partners The information contained in this document is confidential and is not to be reproduced distributed or disclosed in whole or in part to parties outside of the agreed parties