VERSATILE. PROFITABLE. DELECTABLE.Dreamy, CreamyDECADENCEFROSTLINE® FROZEN TREATSDRY MIX READY-TO-USE DAIRYVSIn a comparison of dry mix and traditional, ready-to-use fresh dairy, dry mix wins every time.Stable costing More aordable to store and shipDry storage provides ease of handlingand reduces costGreater yield per case—delivering up to 3x the servings of a case of ready-to-use productDry mix virtually eliminates potential for leakers, limiting the likelihood of wasted product and time-consuming cleanup due to leaksGREATER PROFIT POTENTIAL,LOWER COSTFrequent price fluctuationsHigher costs due to weight, mass, and refrigeration/freezer needsCosts more to handle and store, cuing into profitsLower yield per caseLeakers result in time-consuming cleanup and wasted productVOLATILE PRICING, HIGHER HANDLING COSTSEliminates the need for regular product rotation, for greater operational eciency Bags of dry mix can be stored for up to 18 months, allowing product to carry over from one so serve season to another and requiring less frequent deliveries Shelf stable and compact for easy storageUP TO 18 MONTHSFOR DRY MIXRequires regular, operationally intensive product rotation to reduce spoilage Product has limited shelf life, requiring more frequent deliveriesOccupies valuable refrigeration spaceAPPROXIMATELY 14-20DAYS FOR FRESH DAIRYLower ratio of packaging waste compared to ready-to-use; one case of dry mix delivers the same number of servings as three cases of ready-to-useRequires less energy to produce, ship, and store and remains shelf stable until mixedLESS PACKAGING AND PRODUCT WASTEHigher ratio of packaging waste—up to 3x corrugated waste compared to dry mixes Requires more energy to produce, ship, and store, with need for constant cold storageMORE PACKAGING AND PRODUCT WASTEVSVSVSPROFITABILITYSHELF LIFE AND STORAGESUSTAINABILIT YWhyDRY?
Salesper Day2550100DailyProfit$3.50$65.00$130.00MonthlyProfit$975.00$1,950.00$3,900.00AnnualProfit$11,700.00$23,400.00$46,800.00Frostline® Profit PotentialCost Per Serving(5 oz serving size)Cone/Cup/Napkin/Spoon CostSelling PriceProfit Per Serving$0.14$0.05$1.49$1.30$0.30$0.05$1.49$1.14Frostline® Frozen TreatsReady-to-Use DairyProfitability SnapshotProfitability calculations are made using estimated average industry pricing.Shake MixD425-C4001 352479Y800-C4001 189912Frozen Yogurt MixSoft Serve MixVanillaArtificially FlavoredPink Cotton CandyArtificially FlavoredChocolateSalted CaramelArtificially FlavoredPumpkin SpiceNaturally & Artificially FlavoredVanillaArtificially FlavoredVanillaArtificially FlavoredMfr Item #DOT Item #Birthday CakeArtificially FlavoredBlue Cookie DoughArtificially FlavoredD400-C4000D410-C4000D456-C4000D455-A9000D494-C4000D493-C4000D501-C4000100461100479671893641416729573729574743024Frostline® Frozen TreatsVERSATILE FLAVOR POSSIBILITIESFROZENCOCKTAILBOOZYSHAKESHOT-TOPPEDSHAKEWater + Alcohol+ Dry Mix+ Granita MachineWater + Alcohol+ Dry Mix+ Shake MachineWater + Dry Mix+ Granita or Shake Machine+ Alcohol oaterVERY STRAWBERRYSHORTCAKEFrostline® Vanilla So Serve+ Cake Pieces+ Strawberry ToppingCHOCOLATE PEANUTBUTTER SOFT SERVEFrostline® Chocolate So Serve+ 2 Cups Creamy Peanut Bueradded to mix FROSTY ROOTBEER FLOATFrostline® Vanilla So Serve Mix+ 2 Gallons at Root Beer* MOCHAFrostline® Chocolate So Serve+ 2 Gallons Coee, Cooled* VANILLA BOURBONFrostline® Vanilla+ BourbonRUM BUTTERFrostline® Salted Caramel+ RumDARK AND STORMYFrostline® Vanilla+ Ginger Beer+ RumCHOCOLATE MARTINIFrostline® Chocolate+ Vanilla Vodka+ Crème de Cacao© 2022 Kent Precision Foods Group, Inc. Frostline is a registered trademark of Kent Precision Foods Group, Inc. For more information or to order our complimentary merchandising support materials, visit or call 800-442-5242FL_SS_WD_22Water + Dry Mix + So Serve MachineICE CREAMCONE/BOWLFROZENBEVERAGESHAKEWater + Dry Mix + Granita MachineWater + Dry Mix + Shake MachineServing upVERSATILITYOur dry mixes deliver, even beyond traditional so serve. Just pour the same mix into dierent frozen dessert machines and expand your oerings.Simply substitute alcohol for a portion of the water, totaling the same amount of liquid the recipe calls for. Doubly Indulgent for the 21+ CrowdRecipe Recommendations