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From Field To Plate: Game & Grace

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From Field to plate-Jeremiah Doughty-Game & Grace: devotions for the hunters table.

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Game & Grace: devotions for the hunters table. Hunting is more than just a sport or a way to provide food;it’s an experience deeply rooted in stewardship, gratitude,and connection—with nature, with others, and with God. Thejourney from field to plate teaches us valuable lessons aboutpatience, perseverance, humility, and the providence of ourCreator. Whether we’re sitting quietly in a blind, trackinggame in the wilderness, or preparing a meal at the table, eachmoment holds an opportunity to reflect on God’sfaithfulness and grace.From Field to Plate: Game & Grace is a devotional designedfor hunters, wild game enthusiasts, and anyone whoappreciates the sacredness of the hunt and the blessing of ashared meal. Each devotion is crafted to help you see thespiritual truths embedded in the wild—the lessons found inthe stillness of the woods, the satisfaction of the harvest,and the joy of sharing a meal with others.As you journey through these reflections, you’ll be remindedthat every aspect of the hunt—successes and challenges alike—points back to God. The same God who created thewilderness, the game, and the hunter is the One who providesfor us daily, not just physically but spiritually.This devotional is more than just a celebration of the hunt;it’s an invitation to deepen your faith, express gratitude forGod’s provision, and honor Him through the way yousteward His creation. Whether you’re gathered around thetable after a successful hunt or simply savoring the memoryof the experience, let these devotions draw you closer to theCreator who fills our plates and our hearts with His grace.So, let’s bow our heads, savor the journey, and discover howthe field and the feast reveal God’s endless provision andlove.

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The ProviderHunting is more than a tradition for me; it’s a wayof life that allows me to be a true provider for myfamily. Growing up with a deep respect for nature,I’ve come to see the hunt as not just a pursuit, but aconnection to the land and the food it provides. Byhunting, butchering, and cooking wild game, Iensure my family enjoys meals that are natural,sustainable, and unprocessed. It’s about honoringthe animals, the effort, and the ability to feed thoseI care about in the most meaningful way possible.Scripture: Genesis 9:3"Everything that lives and moves about will be foodfor you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I nowgive you everything."Reflection: God provided the earth's resources, including wildgame, as a gift. As we prepare this meal, let’s rememberthat every bite comes from His hand.Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your provision and for thewild game You’ve entrusted to us. Help us to be goodstewards. Amen.

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Patience in the HuntHunting is more than just a pursuit; it's a profoundpractice in patience and respect for nature. Truehunters understand that success in the field is lessabout the final shot and more about the journey—hours of stillness, listening to the subtle whispersof the wild, and reading the landscape with anattentive eye. Patience becomes your greatest tool,teaching you to move with purpose, wait for theright moment, and appreciate the lessons found inboth triumph and challenge. In the hunt, patiencetransforms the experience into something deeplyfulfilling and profoundly connected to thenatural world.Scripture: Psalm 27:14"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart andwait for the Lord."Reflection: Hunting teaches patience and waiting for the rightmoment. In the same way, our faith grows strongeras we trust in God's timing.Prayer: Father, thank You for the lessons learned in thefield. Teach us patience and trust as we rely on You.Amen.

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Respect for CreationHunting is a way to connect deeply with thenatural world and the Creator who designed it.Each dawn in the field and every quiet moment inthe woods reminds us of the intricate balance oflife and the responsibility we carry as stewards ofGod’s creation. To hunt is not merely to take but tohonor—to respect the life given, the land thatsustains it, and the Creator who gives us both. Thisdevotion invites us to reflect on how ethicalhunting aligns with biblical principles ofstewardship, gratitude, and reverence for all thatGod has made.Scripture: Psalm 104:24"How many are Your works, Lord! In wisdom Youmade them all; the earth is full of Your creatures."Reflection: The wilderness reminds us of God's creativity. Everyspecies, from the smallest bird to the largest deer,reveals His glory.Prayer: Creator God, thank You for the beauty anddiversity of the wild. May we honor Your creationin all we do. Amen.

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A Lesson in Hard Worka practice that mirrors life's deeper truths. Each earlymorning in the blind, each long trek through ruggedterrain, and each moment of patience teaches us thevalue of effort and perseverance. It reminds us thatnothing worthwhile comes without hard work.Much like our spiritual walk, the hunt demandspreparation, dedication, and trust in the process.Sometimes the reward is immediate, but often, it requirespersistence and faith. In the same way, God calls us todiligently pursue Him and the purpose He has for ourlives, trusting that every trial, challenge, and laborwill shape us for greater things.As hunters, we are blessed to experience firsthand theconnection between effort and reward. Let the lessonsof the field inspire us to work diligently not just for theharvest but for a life well-lived in service to others andto God.Scripture: Proverbs 12:27"The lazy do not roast any game, but the diligentfeed on the riches of the hunt."Reflection: Hunting requires effort, perseverance, andpreparation—qualities that translate into our walkwith God.Prayer: Lord, teach us diligence in both the hunt and ourfaith. Thank You for the reward of hard work.Amen.

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Gratitude for the HarvestThe harvest season is a powerful reminder of God’sprovision and faithfulness. It’s a time to reflect on thefruits of our labor, the blessings of the earth, and theabundance that fills our lives—both in the field and inthe heart. Just as every seed planted requires care,patience, and trust in the Lord, so does our walk of faith.Gratitude is the lens through which we see His goodness,even in seasons of scarcity, knowing that every harvestis a gift from His hand. Let us pause to give thanks for Hisblessings and embrace a spirit of gratitude that carriesus beyond the harvest into every day of our lives.Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:10"When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise theLord your God for the good land He has given you."Reflection: The harvest, whether from the field or forest, is areason to give thanks. Let’s honor the One whomakes it possible.Prayer: Father, we praise You for this meal and the blessingof wild game. Thank You for sustaining us. Amen.

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Stewardship of ResourcesAs hunters, we are given a unique opportunity to witnessthe beauty and abundance of God’s creation. Each timewe step into the wilderness, we become participants in thedelicate balance of nature. Stewardship of resourcesgoes beyond the hunt itself; it’s about honoring the lifetaken, using every part responsibly, and ensuring ouractions preserve and sustain the land and wildlife forfuture generations.In this devotion, we’ll reflect on how hunting can be anact of stewardship—celebrating God’s provision,respecting His creation, and living out our calling to becaretakers of the earth. Whether through ethicalhunting practices, sharing the harvest with others, orgiving thanks for His gifts, we are reminded that all wehave belongs to Him and is entrusted to us to managewisely.Scripture: Genesis 2:15"The Lord God took the man and put him in theGarden of Eden to work it and take care of it."Reflection: As hunters, we’re called to steward wildlife andland responsibly, honoring God’s design.Prayer: Lord, help us to hunt and care for the land withrespect and wisdom, bringing glory to You. Amen.

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Lessons from the QuietHunting has a unique way of teaching us life lessonsthat are often overlooked in the noise of our dailylives. It’s not just about the harvest; it’s about thestillness, the patience, and the connection to somethinggreater than ourselves. In the quiet moments—waiting ina stand, walking through the woods, or watching thesun rise over the horizon—we often hear God’s voicemost clearly. These moments remind us of the value oflistening, the power of being present, and the lessonshidden in the silence. Let’s explore how God speaks to usin the quiet of His creation and what we can learn whenwe truly pause and listen.Scripture: Psalm 46:10"Be still, and know that I am God."Reflection: The quiet moments in the woods often draw uscloser to God. In the stillness, His voice is clear.Prayer: Lord, thank You for the peace found in nature. Helpus to hear Your voice and follow Your leading.Amen.

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God’s ProvisionHunting connects us deeply to the rhythms of creationand reminds us of God's sovereignty over all things. Aswe step into the wilderness, we're surrounded byevidence of His provision—the steady cycle of life, theabundance of the land, and the skills He's given us tosteward it well. In every hunt, whether successful ornot, we witness a God who supplies all our needs, teachesus patience, and reminds us of the value of the gifts Heprovides. Today, let us reflect on how God's provision,both in nature and in our daily lives, calls us to trustHim fully and to be grateful stewards of all He hasgiven.Scripture: Matthew 6:26"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow orreap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenlyFather feeds them."Reflection: Every meal reminds us of God’s faithful provision,just as He cares for the animals..Prayer: Thank You, Father, for meeting our needs andfilling our table with Your abundance. Amen.

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Learning HumilityThe wild has a way of humbling us, whether it’s a missedshot, unpredictable weather, or simply the quietrealization of our smallness in the vastness of creation.In these moments, we’re reminded that success isn’talways measured by what we take home but by the lessonswe learn along the way. Humility is one of those lessons—a gift that comes from recognizing the Creator's handin the beauty and balance of the natural world. As westep into the field, we can embrace the opportunity togrow in grace and gratitude, letting the hunt shape ourhearts as much as our skills.Scripture: James 4:10"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will liftyou up."Reflection: Success in hunting often requires humility andlearning from failure. God uses those moments toshape us.Prayer: Lord, teach us humility in both success and failure,and let us reflect Your character in all we do.Amen.

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Joy in the HarvestAs hunters, we know the thrill of the chase, the quietanticipation in the stillness of the morning, and thesatisfaction that comes from a successful harvest. Butbeyond the physical reward lies a deeper joy—one rootedin gratitude for God’s provision and the beauty of Hiscreation. The harvest reminds us of the biblical truththat every good and perfect gift comes from above(James 1:17). It’s a chance to reflect on how God’s handguides our efforts and blesses us with both the processand the outcome. Joy in the harvest isn’t just about whatwe gain but recognizing the One who provides andcelebrates alongside us. Let us explore how this joy candeepen our faith and gratitude in the field and in life.Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:13"That each of them may eat and drink, and findsatisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God."Reflection: The satisfaction of a successful hunt mirrors thejoy found in God’s provision for our lives.Prayer: Thank You, God, for the joy and satisfaction ofYour blessings. May we share them generously. Amen

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Seasons of LifeJust as the seasons of the year guide the rhythms ofnature, the seasons of life shape our journey. As hunters,we know that each season brings its unique challengesand blessings—whether it’s the crisp air of fall signalingthe start of deer season or the vibrant renewal of springinviting us to turkey woods. Similarly, our lives aremarked by seasons of growth, waiting, harvest, and rest.Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, "There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heavens."In the field, patience and preparation often determinesuccess. The same is true in life. By leaning into God'stiming and trusting His plan, we find peace in thewaiting and joy in the harvest. Let’s take a moment toreflect on how the seasons of hunting mirror theseasons of life and how we can grow closer to ourCreator through them.Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1"There is a time for everything, and a season forevery activity under the heavens."Reflection: Hunting seasons remind us of God’s perfect timingin nature and our lives.Prayer: Lord, help us embrace the seasons of life with faithand gratitude. Amen.

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Trusting in the WaitHunting is as much about patience as it is about skill.There’s a sacred rhythm to the hunt—a time to be still, atime to wait, and a time to act. The moments spent in ablind or perched high in a tree stand can feel endless,testing our resolve as we anticipate what we cannotcontrol. Yet, these moments often mirror our spirituallives. God calls us to trust in Him during seasons ofwaiting, reminding us that His timing is perfect, evenwhen we can’t see what’s ahead. Just as a hunter’spatience is rewarded in due time, our faith in God’s planbrings us closer to Him, transforming the waiting into aseason of growth.Scripture: Isaiah 40:31"But those who hope in the Lord will renew theirstrength."Reflection: Long hours in a blind or stand teach usperseverance, just as waiting on the Lordstrengthens our faith.Prayer: God, renew our strength as we trust in Your perfectplan. Amen.

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The Gift of FellowshipAs hunters, we often find ourselves surrounded by thestillness of creation, the crisp morning air, and thebond that forms when we share the outdoors withothers. The experience of hunting goes beyond theharvest; it's about the fellowship we cultivate with oneanother and with God. In these moments, whetheraround a campfire swapping stories or walking silentlyside by side in the field, we are reminded of Ecclesiastes4:9-10: "Two are better than one, because they have a goodreward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up hisfellow."Fellowship is a gift that strengthens us, enriches ourlives, and draws us closer to God. As we journeytogether as hunters, let's explore how this sacredconnection can shape our faith and deepen ourappreciation for the Creator who gave us these momentsto share.Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are inthe habit of doing, but encouraging one another."Reflection: Hunting often creates bonds. Shared meals deepenthose connections, reminding us of God’s designfor fellowship.Prayer: Lord, thank You for the friendships built aroundthis table. May our fellowship honor You. Amen.

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Lessons in DisciplineHunting is a practice in patience, focus, and self-control. Whether it’s holding steady in the stillness of ablind or walking away from an unethical shot,discipline shapes every moment. These lessons, forged inthe wild, mirror the spiritual discipline God calls us toin our daily lives. As hunters, we learn to trust theprocess, endure the wait, and embrace humility whenthings don’t go as planned. In the same way, our faithwalk requires us to practice obedience, perseverance,and reliance on God’s timing. Let’s explore how thediscipline we hone in the field can deepen ourrelationship with the Creator who made it all.Scripture: Proverbs 13:4"A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desiresof the diligent are fully satisfied."Reflection: Discipline in hunting parallels spiritual discipline.Both require effort and consistency to reaprewards.Prayer: God, grant us discipline in our faith and daily livesas we seek to honor You. Amen.

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Enjoying God’s CreationWhen we pause to take in the beauty of the worldaround us—the rustling leaves in a gentle breeze, thegolden hues of a sunrise, or the intricate patterns on awildflower—we’re reminded of the Creator’s handiwork.Every part of creation reflects God’s character: Hispower in the towering mountains, His creativity in thediversity of life, and His care in the provision for eventhe smallest sparrow.God designed creation not only for His glory but forour enjoyment and connection with Him. Psalm 19:1 says,"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skiesproclaim the work of his hands." When we intentionallyenjoy and care for the world He’s given us, we step into adeeper awareness of His presence and love.Today, let’s take a moment to pause, breathe in the beautyof God’s creation, and let it remind us of His goodnessand faithfulness.Scripture: Romans 1:20"For since the creation of the world, God’s invisiblequalities...have been clearly seen, being understoodfrom what has been made."Reflection: Nature reflects God’s power and creativity, andhunting allows us to experience it firsthand.Prayer: Creator God, thank You for revealing Yourselfthrough nature. Help us see Your hand in all things.Amen.

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Honoring the AnimalIn the moment of a successful hunt, a hunter is filledwith a profound mix of gratitude and reverence.Hunting is not just about filling the freezer; it’s aboutconnecting with creation, respecting the life given, andembracing our role as stewards of the land. Thisdevotional invites us to pause and reflect on the sacredresponsibility we carry after the hunt. How can wehonor the animal that provided for us? What doesScripture teach us about gratitude and stewardship? Letus seek a deeper understanding of how to give thanks,honor life, and glorify God in every part of this journey.Scripture: Proverbs 12:10"The righteous care for the needs of their animals,but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel."Reflection: Ethical hunting includes respect for the animal,ensuring a clean harvest and butchering sonothing goes to waste.Prayer: Lord, help us to honor the lives of the creatures weharvest, treating Your creation with respect. Amen.

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The Value of PreparationIn life, as in the field and the kitchen, preparation laysthe foundation for success. A well-thought-out hunt,from scouting and packing gear to learning yourweapon, increases your chances of harvesting game.Similarly, a delicious meal starts long before theingredients hit the pan. Thoughtful planning,intentional actions, and attention to detail transforman idea into reality. Proverbs 24:27 reminds us, “Prepareyour work outside; get everything ready for yourself inthe field, and after that build your house.” This versespeaks to the importance of preparation, showing us thatsuccess often comes from the steps we take before thefinal outcome. Let this devotion encourage you toprepare well, not only for the hunt and the meal but forthe opportunities God places before you.Scripture: Proverbs 21:5"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely ashaste leads to poverty."Reflection: A successful hunt and meal begin with preparation.Likewise, preparation in our spiritual lives bringsgrowth.Prayer: God, teach us to be prepared in hunting and in ourwalk with You. Bless the work of our hands. Amen..

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Generosity from the HarvestEach harvest is a tangible display of His abundance, andwith it comes an opportunity to reflect His generosity.Whether sharing a meal with friends, teaching othersthe skills of the hunt, or giving thanks for the lifetaken, we honor the gifts we've been entrusted with.Generosity is not merely about giving what we have—it’sabout recognizing that all we have comes from God andis meant to bless others. As hunters, we are uniquelypositioned to exemplify this spirit of giving, turningevery harvest into an opportunity to glorify Him.Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-7"God loves a cheerful giver."Reflection: Sharing wild game with others reflects God’sgenerosity to us. Our harvest is a gift meant to blessothers.Prayer: Lord, may our table be a place of generosity andlove, reflecting Your heart to those around us.Amen.

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Remembering the HuntThe thrill of the hunt is not just about the harvest; it’sabout the journey—the preparation, the patience, thelessons learned in the stillness, and the moments sharedwith others or in solitude. Each hunt becomes a memoryetched in our hearts, a story that connects us tocreation and the Creator. Just as we reflect on ourhunts, we are called to remember the faithfulness ofGod in our lives. The hunt teaches us to appreciateprovision, to trust the process, and to recognize theblessings that come with waiting. Let’s take a moment tolook back, not just on the hunts that shaped us, but onthe ways God has shown up in the wilderness of our lives.Scripture: Deuteronomy 4:9"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely sothat you do not forget the things your eyes haveseen."Reflection: Each hunt holds memories and lessons. Rememberingthem helps us grow as hunters and as followers ofChrist.Prayer: Lord, thank You for the experiences that shape us.Help us to remember Your faithfulness in everyseason. Amen.

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Unity in the FieldIn the quiet moments before the sun breaks over thehorizon, hunters gather with a shared purpose. It’s notjust about the pursuit of game but the bond forged innature's raw beauty. The field becomes a place of unity—where differences fade, and teamwork thrives. Just as ahunting party must work together, God calls us to beunited in spirit and purpose, reflecting His love in ourshared endeavors. This devotion explores how unitystrengthens not only our hunts but also our hearts,drawing us closer to each other and the Creator whoguides us.Scripture: Psalm 133:1"How good and pleasant it is when God’s people livetogether in unity!"Reflection: Hunting fosters unity, whether it’s with family,friends, or fellow hunters. This harmony reflectsGod’s design for community.Prayer: Father, thank You for the bonds formed throughhunting. May we pursue unity in all areas of life.Amen.

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The Weight of ResponsibilityAs hunters, we bear a unique and profound responsibility—one that goes beyond simply harvesting game. It’s aresponsibility to honor the life of the animal, stewardthe land we walk upon, and respect the traditions passeddown through generations. Every time we step into thefield, we carry the weight of ethical choices,thoughtful preparation, and gratitude for theprovision we seek.This responsibility reminds us that hunting is not just asport or a pastime; it’s a calling that demands care,humility, and a deep respect for creation. Today, let’sreflect on the responsibility we carry as hunters andhow it shapes not only our actions but also our hearts.Scripture: Luke 12:48"To whom much is given, much will be required."Reflection: Hunting carries a responsibility to respect wildlife,follow regulations, and honor God through ouractions.Prayer: Lord, help us carry the responsibility of huntingwith integrity and respect for Your creation. Amen.

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Joy in Sharing the ExperienceThere’s a unique bond formed when we share what weknow and love with others. Teaching someone to huntisn’t just about passing on skills—it’s about instillingrespect for creation, gratitude for the harvest, andresponsibility for ethical stewardship. When we sharewild game with others, we offer more than a meal; weshare a story, a journey, and the provision God has given.Just as Christ called His disciples to “follow me, and Iwill make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19), we arecalled to lead others with wisdom, patience, andpurpose. Let us embrace the opportunity to teach, inspire,and provide, knowing that in giving, we reflect theultimate Giver.Scripture: Philippians 2:4"Do not merely look out for your own personalinterests, but also for the interests of others."Reflection: Teaching others to hunt or sharing wild gamebrings joy and multiplies the blessings God gives us.Prayer: Father, give us opportunities to share the joy ofhunting and the bounty of the harvest with others.Amen.

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Embracing the WildernessLife often leads us into wilderness seasons—places ofuncertainty, challenge, and solitude. These times canfeel overwhelming, even isolating, but the wilderness isnot a place of abandonment; it’s a space oftransformation. In the Bible, God often met His people inthe wilderness, refining them, drawing them closer, andequipping them for what lay ahead. Whether yourwilderness feels like a trial or a journey of self-discovery, this devotion invites you to lean into thestillness, seek His presence, and embrace the growth thatonly the wilderness can bring.Scripture: Mark 1:35"Very early in the morning... Jesus went off to asolitary place, where He prayed."Reflection: The wilderness is a place of encounter with God,just as Jesus sought solitude to pray.Prayer: Lord, thank You for meeting us in the quiet of thewild. Draw us closer to You in those moments. Amen.

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A Harvest of RighteousnessAs the seasons change and fields yield their harvest, weare reminded of God’s faithfulness and the principle ofsowing and reaping. In the same way that farmers tendtheir crops with patience and care, we are called tocultivate righteousness in our lives through faith andobedience. The seeds we plant—acts of love, humility, anddevotion—grow into a harvest that reflects God’scharacter. In this devotion, we’ll explore how tonurture a life that produces the "fruit of righteousnessthat comes through Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:11) and howour harvest can impact the world around us.Scripture: Galatians 6:9"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at theproper time we will reap a harvest if we do not giveup."Reflection: Just as hunting requires perseverance, so doesgrowing in faith and reaping a harvest ofrighteousness.Prayer: Lord, give us strength to persevere in our faith,knowing that You will bring a harvest in due time.Amen.

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Honoring God with Our Skillswe are uniquely blessed with the ability to connectdeeply with God’s creation. From the stillness of thewoods to the thrill of the pursuit, each moment reflectsHis handiwork and provision. Our skills as hunters—sharpened through practice, patience, and respect forthe wild—are gifts from the Creator. But how do we usethese skills to glorify Him? Whether it’s by providing forour families, teaching others, or stewarding the landresponsibly, we are called to honor God with thetalents He has entrusted to us. Let us reflect on how wecan use these abilities not just for ourselves, but as anact of worship to the One who made it all.Scripture: Colossians 3:23"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, asworking for the Lord."Reflection: Hunting is a skill God has given us. Honoring Himmeans doing it with care, respect, and excellence.Prayer: Lord, thank You for the skills You’ve given us. Maywe use them to glorify You. Amen.

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The Bread of LifeAs we prepare to enjoy this wild game, we are reminded ofthe abundance and provision found in God’s creation.Just as this meal nourishes and sustains our bodies, Jesus,the Bread of Life, offers a deeper nourishment for oursouls. In Him, we find sustenance that satisfiescompletely, fulfilling not only our physical hunger butalso the longing of our hearts. Today, let us reflect onhow God provides for us in every way, meeting our needsboth physically and spiritually, and how Jesus invites usto partake in His eternal feast.Scripture: John 6:35"I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me willnever go hungry."Reflection: As this wild game nourishes our bodies, Jesus, theBread of Life, nourishes our souls and satisfiescompletely.Prayer: Jesus, thank You for being our ultimatenourishment. May this meal remind us of Your loveand provision. Amen.

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Gratitude for the JourneyHunting, whether you return home with a filled tag orempty-handed, is a journey rooted in gratitude. Each stepinto the wild is an opportunity to connect withcreation, to witness the beauty of nature, and toappreciate the life lessons it offers. Success isn't alwaysmeasured by the harvest but by the experiences, themoments of reflection, and the thankfulness we feel forthe chance to be part of something much bigger thanourselves. In every hunt, there’s a reason to give thanks.Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:18"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’swill for you in Christ Jesus."Reflection: Hunting, whether successful or not, is a journeyfilled with gratitude—for nature, lessons, andGod’s presence in it all.Prayer: Lord, we give thanks for every part of the journey,for the food on this table, and for Your constantprovision. Amen..

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As we gather around this table, let us rememberthat the food before us is more than a meal—it’s atestament to God’s grace and provision. From thefield to the plate, each step of the journey is areflection of His abundant blessings and ourstewardship of His creation.The hunt teaches us patience, respect, and the valueof hard work, but it also reminds us of the beautyof His design. Just as we rely on His grace in thewild, we also depend on His grace in our daily lives.The wild game we share tonight is not justsustenance; it’s a symbol of His faithfulness,providing for us physically, spiritually, andemotionally.As we savor these moments with family and friends,may we carry with us the lessons of gratitude andhumility. Let us approach each hunt, each meal, andeach day with a heart full of thanks, rememberingthat every good gift comes from above.May our time together strengthen not only ourbodies but also our faith and our bonds with oneanother. And may we always find grace in the game,both in the field and around this table.As we close this time together, may we commit tohonoring the Creator in all we do, whether in thestillness of the woods or the laughter around thistable. Let the meals we prepare and share remind usof the responsibility we have to care for Hiscreation with respect and gratitude. Finally, maythe stories we tell and the prayers we offercontinue to build a legacy of faith, stewardship,and grace for the generations that follow.

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