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Free Indeed Mental Health Awareness Conference

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Mental HealthMental HealthAwareness ConferenceAwareness ConferenceMay 4, 2024May 4, 202410am - 2pm10am - 2pmINDEEDINDEEDFreeFree

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1 - Schedule1 - Schedule2 - Meet the Hostess2 - Meet the Hostess3-5 - Featured Speakers3-5 - Featured Speakers6- Grief Panel6- Grief Panel 7 - Vendors7 - Vendors8-14 - Sponsors8-14 - Sponsors

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9:30amDoors Open10:10 am - 10:15amWelcome and Prayer10:15 am - 10:30 amIntroduction and Icebreaker10:30 am - 10:50 amCC The Great-The Element of Freedom10:50 am - 11:10 amDr. TJ Jackson Shaw- Failing Beautifully11:10 am - 11:20 amRaffle & Affirmation Break11:20 am - 11:40 amKenya Warnell- Mental Health & Fitness11:40 am - 12:30 pmLunch/Vendors Market12:30 pm - 1:15 pmGrief Panel: Minister Vandra Noel/VerendaHarper/Twyla Marks1:15 pm - 1:20 pmRaffle1:20 pm - 1:40 pmTarNeisha Mukoko- My Journey to Freedom1:40 pm - 2:00 pm Closing Remarks/Raffle 11

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TarNeisha A. Mukoko is a Certified Life &TarNeisha A. Mukoko is a Certified Life &Mental Health Coach, Educator, CommunityMental Health Coach, Educator, CommunityLeader, Minister, Mentor, Author, MotivationalLeader, Minister, Mentor, Author, MotivationalSpeaker, and proud Mother of her handsomeSpeaker, and proud Mother of her handsomeson MJ. She is a native of Fort Worth, Texasson MJ. She is a native of Fort Worth, Texaswho is highly passionate about leading youwho is highly passionate about leading youfrom your now into your next. She has had overfrom your now into your next. She has had over18 years of experience working and leading in18 years of experience working and leading inthese areas. Through this process, she hasthese areas. Through this process, she hasdiscovered a passion for EDUCATING,discovered a passion for EDUCATING,EMPOWERING, AND EVOLVING others to beEMPOWERING, AND EVOLVING others to besuccessful and to LIVE IN FREEDOM EVERYDAY.successful and to LIVE IN FREEDOM EVERYDAY.Her message challenges people to follow theirHer message challenges people to follow theirdreams despite the circumstances they maydreams despite the circumstances they mayface and encourages them to make positiveface and encourages them to make positivechoices that will empower them to reach theirchoices that will empower them to reach theirfull potential to be FREE INDEED.full potential to be FREE INDEED.22TarNeisha MukokoTarNeisha MukokoMeet the HostessMeet the Hostess

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Featured SpeakersFeatured SpeakersTwyla MarksTwyla Marks33Twyla M.Marks is a woman of God who exemplifies the lifeTwyla M.Marks is a woman of God who exemplifies the lifeof an overcomer. She's a Texas native, sports lover,of an overcomer. She's a Texas native, sports lover,specifically speaking a Dallas Cowboys lover. She's a singlespecifically speaking a Dallas Cowboys lover. She's a singlemother of two adult children. She is a survivor of a toxicmother of two adult children. She is a survivor of a toxicmarriage which sadly led to divorce. Her marital rollermarriage which sadly led to divorce. Her marital rollercoaster ride and recovery has positioned her as an expertcoaster ride and recovery has positioned her as an experton helping struggling relationships find resolutions. Her bookon helping struggling relationships find resolutions. Her bookThe Unexpected The Ride of My Life released in DecemberThe Unexpected The Ride of My Life released in December2019, which is one woman’s journey through the highs and2019, which is one woman’s journey through the highs andlows of marriage and divorce. Twyla takes us on the rollerlows of marriage and divorce. Twyla takes us on the rollercoaster of her life. The bumps, jerks, curves, twists, and turnscoaster of her life. The bumps, jerks, curves, twists, and turnswill make you feel almost if you are going to be sick. Twylawill make you feel almost if you are going to be sick. Twylahas endured lots of trauma in her life which started in herhas endured lots of trauma in her life which started in herchildhood, and led to some difficult moments in adulthoodchildhood, and led to some difficult moments in adulthoodand it was through this trauma that she developed a passionand it was through this trauma that she developed a passionfor inspiring and encouraging others that they can survivefor inspiring and encouraging others that they can survivethe difficult and challenging moments in life.the difficult and challenging moments in life. Twyla's favoriteTwyla's favoritegospel artist is Kirk Franklin and the song, "I Smile" evengospel artist is Kirk Franklin and the song, "I Smile" eventhough I hurt see I SMILE, through the pain becausethough I hurt see I SMILE, through the pain becauseit will get better!it will get better! My name is Vandra Noel, I am a wife for 12 years, mom of a32 and 28 yr old, Gigi , sister, daughter in law, aunt, ministerfor 13 years, teacher, midwife, caregivers advocate, author,hairstylist, owner of several businesses, and motivationalspeaker. I am a member of Relevant Worship Center in ForestHill Tx under the leadership of Dr. Regina Spellmon where I’mher armor bearer, associate minister and teacher at THESPELLMON FINE ARTS ACADEMY housed inside the church. I’ve been a caregiver for 28 years caring for my son who hadasthma, my ex husbands grandmother who had dementia, mymom who had 3 cancers, my aunt who had 4 th stage kidneydisease, my daughter who suffered from mastitis, my husbandwho has Miller Fisher, and now adding in the care of mybrother who’s in a nursing facility. I decided to start a supportgroup for caregivers OME OF OUR WORLDS UNSUNGHEROES.I’ve been a hairstylist for 32 years where I’ve been blessed tohave ministry behind the chair. I wrote 3 books, my husband and I have a marriage book andjournal and we are in the process of finishing 2 more booksthat will be released this year. God had me become a spiritual midwife three years ago,and it’s been a blessing. I love ‘emceeing, ministering and preachingMin. Vandra NoelMin. Vandra Noel

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Kenya WarnellKenya Warnell44Kenya Warnell has lived in Texas for 24 years. She is aKenya Warnell has lived in Texas for 24 years. She is awife, and mother to a 21 year old son and a 16 yearwife, and mother to a 21 year old son and a 16 yearold daughter. She studied at The University of Texasold daughter. She studied at The University of Texasat Arlington, obtaining her bachelor’s and Master’sat Arlington, obtaining her bachelor’s and Master’sdegree in Social Work. She has worked for thedegree in Social Work. She has worked for theDepartment of Family Protective Services for 6 yearsDepartment of Family Protective Services for 6 yearsin different different capacities. After being diagnosed with Lupus in 2004, KenyaAfter being diagnosed with Lupus in 2004, Kenyaknew she had to change her lifestyle in order to keepknew she had to change her lifestyle in order to keepher diagnosis dormant. She started working out whichher diagnosis dormant. She started working out whichlead to having a passion help others make a change. lead to having a passion help others make a change. She has been a certified personal trainer for 9 years. She has been a certified personal trainer for 9 years. She works daily to help others change their lifestylesShe works daily to help others change their lifestylesby them teaching fitness and how to makeby them teaching fitness and how to makesustainable changes.sustainable changes. Kenya believes that finding time for yourself and yourKenya believes that finding time for yourself and yourhealth is very important. There is nothing of morehealth is very important. There is nothing of morevalue to her than helping someone become confidentvalue to her than helping someone become confidentand strong.and strong. I am a native of Dallas, Texas. I am a mother of fourI am a native of Dallas, Texas. I am a mother of fourbeautiful children. I am also the youngest of 4beautiful children. I am also the youngest of 4siblings. I am a member of The Potter’s House ofsiblings. I am a member of The Potter’s House ofDallas under the leadership of Bishop T.D. Jakes,Dallas under the leadership of Bishop T.D. Jakes,where I serve as a volunteer for our T.O.R.I.where I serve as a volunteer for our T.O.R.I.Program, (Texas Offenders Re-entry Initiative) asProgram, (Texas Offenders Re-entry Initiative) aswell as serve on the hospitality committee. Mywell as serve on the hospitality committee. Myhobbies include shopping, traveling, fishing,hobbies include shopping, traveling, fishing,spending time with my family, and journaling.spending time with my family, and journaling.I currently work on the human resources Team for aI currently work on the human resources Team for aFortune 500 company, where I am a Lead HROFortune 500 company, where I am a Lead HROAnalyst.Analyst.I enjoy sharing my story of overcoming life’sI enjoy sharing my story of overcoming life’stroubles and still coming out as a survivor andtroubles and still coming out as a survivor andvictorious. I use biblical principles to relate to myvictorious. I use biblical principles to relate to myrealistic circumstances as as: Matthew 6:33 – Butrealistic circumstances as as: Matthew 6:33 – Butseek ye first the kingdom of God and hisseek ye first the kingdom of God and hisrighteousness; and all these things shall be addedrighteousness; and all these things shall be addedunto you.unto you. Although I have faced adversity that should haveAlthough I have faced adversity that should havedamaged me emotionally and disconnected medamaged me emotionally and disconnected mefrom my journey, I have chosen to pour into the livesfrom my journey, I have chosen to pour into the livesof others.of others.I have a passion for women and a desire toI have a passion for women and a desire toencourage and uplift them at every opportunity Iencourage and uplift them at every opportunity Iget. Speaking life into them is my special gift.get. Speaking life into them is my special gift.I am the founder of Women of Moral Excellence.I am the founder of Women of Moral Excellence. Verenda HarperVerenda Harper

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55Dr. TJ Jackson Shaw is co-founder of Intentional HeartsDr. TJ Jackson Shaw is co-founder of Intentional HeartsCounseling and Consulting, PLLC. Known as The HopeCounseling and Consulting, PLLC. Known as The HopePusher, through her work over the past twenty years, shePusher, through her work over the past twenty years, sheinspires people to always hold on to hope. Her specialty isinspires people to always hold on to hope. Her specialty isin helping teens and young adults affected by substancein helping teens and young adults affected by substanceuse and addiction and those struggling with maladaptiveuse and addiction and those struggling with maladaptivebehaviors that cause difficulty in their personal orbehaviors that cause difficulty in their personal orprofessional lives.professional lives. Dr. TJ began her mental health career as a middle schoolDr. TJ began her mental health career as a middle schoolprofessional school counselor. She transitioned intoprofessional school counselor. She transitioned intospecializing in high school dropout recovery and preventionspecializing in high school dropout recovery and preventionand later became an intervention counselor who providedand later became an intervention counselor who providedcounseling services to K-12 students with high-level mentalcounseling services to K-12 students with high-level mentalhealth and social-emotional needs. She has also taughthealth and social-emotional needs. She has also taughtundergraduate and graduate courses in psychology andundergraduate and graduate courses in psychology andcounseling at various institutions. Additionally, Dr. TJ leadscounseling at various institutions. Additionally, Dr. TJ leadsworkshops and professional development focused on self-workshops and professional development focused on self-empowerment, overcoming perfectionism, and workplaceempowerment, overcoming perfectionism, and workplaceagility and resilience.agility and resilience.Dr. TJ Jackson Shaw is a proud product of Fort Worth, TX, aDr. TJ Jackson Shaw is a proud product of Fort Worth, TX, aTennessee State University alumna, and a member ofTennessee State University alumna, and a member ofmultiple community service, civic, and philanthropicmultiple community service, civic, and philanthropicorganizations. She has presented for organizations such asorganizations. She has presented for organizations such asthe National Alternative Education Association, the Texasthe National Alternative Education Association, the TexasAssociation for Alternative Education, Texas EducationalAssociation for Alternative Education, Texas EducationalService Centers, and the University of North Texas.Service Centers, and the University of North Texas. CC The Great is an award-winning master hairstylist, mentor,CC The Great is an award-winning master hairstylist, mentor,coach, licensed faith based counselor, professor of cosmetology,coach, licensed faith based counselor, professor of cosmetology,and 2 time number one international best seller author.and 2 time number one international best seller author. She is the creator of Married and Proud a retreat that helpsShe is the creator of Married and Proud a retreat that helpscouples under 40 empower their marriages, The Big Hat Bosscouples under 40 empower their marriages, The Big Hat BossBrunch an annual brunch that gives mentoring andBrunch an annual brunch that gives mentoring andempowerment to female entrepreneurs, Next Level Cosmetologyempowerment to female entrepreneurs, Next Level Cosmetologyfor Kids the worlds first after school cosmetology program forfor Kids the worlds first after school cosmetology program forkids elementary through high school, and Mo Betta Beat akids elementary through high school, and Mo Betta Beat amental health awareness concert that sheds light on mentalmental health awareness concert that sheds light on is the author of Hair University a textbook that she createdShe is the author of Hair University a textbook that she createdwhen she made history as the first professor of cosmetology forwhen she made history as the first professor of cosmetology forTarrant county college and their cosmetology program. CC theTarrant county college and their cosmetology program. CC theGreat’s book Girl, Hold Your Own Damn Purse! A guide to takingGreat’s book Girl, Hold Your Own Damn Purse! A guide to takingresponsibility for yourself became a number one internationalresponsibility for yourself became a number one internationalBestseller in codependency self-help and motivation in justBestseller in codependency self-help and motivation in justunder 8 hours on the largest bookstore on the planet Amazon.under 8 hours on the largest bookstore on the planet Amazon.Her follow up to Girl, Hold Your Own Damn Purse! The guide toHer follow up to Girl, Hold Your Own Damn Purse! The guide tohealing yourself went number 1 in new release for codependencyhealing yourself went number 1 in new release for codependencyin 4 hours and 30 minutes on Amazon in 4 hours and 30 minutes on Amazon 11.11.202111.11.2021! Her expertise! Her expertisehas been featured in Voyage Magazine, Southern Bridehas been featured in Voyage Magazine, Southern BrideMagazine, Encore HD Magazine, True Life Magazine, Swag HerMagazine, Encore HD Magazine, True Life Magazine, Swag HerMagazine, She Represents, Dallas Weekly, Good Morning Texas,Magazine, She Represents, Dallas Weekly, Good Morning Texas,and Texas Today.and Texas Today. CC the GreatCC the GreatDr. TJ Jackson ShawDr. TJ Jackson Shaw

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Min. Vandra NoelMin. Vandra NoelGrief PanelGrief PanelVerenda HarperVerenda Harper66Twyla MarksTwyla Marks

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77Thank you to our Vendors!Thank you to our Vendors!

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88Thank you Sponsors!Thank you Sponsors!

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May 4, 2024May 4, 202410am - 2pm10am - 2pmINDEEDINDEEDFreeFreeMental HealthMental HealthAwareness ConferenceAwareness Conference