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Freedom Deep Dive '24 Brochure

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FreedomDeep Dive20-27 OctoberDahab, Egypt

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“Certainty is one of the weakest positions inlife. Curiosity is one of the most powerful.Certainty prohibits learning, curiosity fuelschange.”―Liz Wiseman

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What to expectIn life, all of us are looking for a feeling. A feeling of inner peace, truefreedom and general well-being.Where this moment can be good enough, where we can be goodenough and let life happen and flow.A lot of our actions and decisions are tied to this search.But often, we are not fully free in areas of our lives, such as our self-expression and action-taking. This out of fear and a limited way ofthinking.During the Freedom Deep Dive, you will discover where you are notyet free and dive into letting go of what limits you. Then you can step into Being Freedom. You will dive into a world ofinner peace and well-being. This will not only happen mentally, during the powerful coachingsessions, but also physically: the freedive sessions will strengthen andintegrate this mode in your body.As a possibility, this Way of Being is present and available to all of usand in every moment.If you are open to exploring this, I promise you that so much canchange in your life, the relationship with yourself/others and yourbusiness.The work that you will be doing during the Deep Dive, is going togrant you a powerful context that you will be able to step into, longafter the retreat.

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What to expectAre you willing to look at what’s not working in your life?Are you willing to let go of the limitations and stories that areholding you back?Are you willing to step into a new future, free from what you thinkyou ‘know’ ?Are you willing to,,, Dive Deep? If your answer is a resounding ‘Yes’, I invite you to keep exploring thisdocument.Your life is about to change.

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This Deep Dive week is not for you if:You are looking for a careless vacation, to just continue what you’re doingafterwardsYou’re looking to comfortably stay in your current situation, whatever that is You are not willing to Dive Deep into yourself, your stories and your limitationsYou are looking for more information/concepts to talk and debate aboutYou are looking for a ‘quick fix’ or instant solution to your problemsWho this is forThis Deep Dive week is for you if:You are open to receiving new ways of seeing yourself and your worldYou are willing to let go of the limitations and stories that are holding you backYou want to come to know yourself for who you really AreYou want to create a lasting Way of Being of inner Peace and Freedom in yourlife, relationships and possibly businessYou are done playing small, hiding yourself and your gift in the worldYou want to step into full self-expression & Truth, without fear of being rejectedYou want to connect deeply and authentically with inspiring and powerfulpeople

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Day planningMorning: freedive sessions (rest days inbetween)Afternoon: mindset sessionsIn between: enough free time - integration & Freedom!Extra during the week:Two relevant and fun group activities1 group evening dinerWhat’s in store

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What’s in store@janaunderthesea

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Freedom sessions ChristopheChristophe, The Go To Performance Coach, will guide you to ultimate freedom. Hedoes this, among other things, by facilitating 4 deep group coaching sessions.Open, vulnerable and incredibly powerful, he’s able to alchemize pain and limitationto full possibility and inner power. During the coaching sessions, these are thepilars discussed:Stepping into full responsibility in lifeWe go deep in where we avoid responsibility in life, and how that impacts usdeeply. Then we dive into powerful responsibility and commit to responsibility withFreedom.What’s in storeLiving in and transforming our world of languageUnderstanding how our life experience is fully created in language, this alone canopen up so many things for you. We dive into the current (inner) conversations,see where we are not free and transform these to a new frame for the possiblity offreedom.

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Completing the pastWe complete the past, by going inward, see what stories are holding us back and let gowhat’s no longer serving us and taking away our power. This will be deep inner work.Creating a new futureStepping into a new future, with freedom to choose to be do and have whatever wewant, can now happen from an empty and complete past. We create a new & vividVision, aligned with who You really Are.Translation to this moment: NowWe have focused on the Past and Future, but the truth is: there’s only Here and Now.We translate the insights from our vivid Vision into doable action steps, a personalframe and context.This work will be deeply transformative, and I am taking a stand for the mind-blowingimpact these sessions alone will bring.What’s in store

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Freediving sessions JanaWhat’s in storeA letting go, an effortlessness... True freedom to step into can also befelt physically. The combination of the ‘free diving’ sessions with themindset sessions, promise to be very impactful.Jana is the perfect person to guide you to a safe and fully free stateduring the diving practice underwater. She will do this in followingsessions:Introductory group session: Intro into freediving theory, relaxation and breathing exercises3 focused freedive sessions 90 minute sessions in pairs (dependant of feeling and goals set by participant)

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Meet your facilitatorsJana NeirynckJana is a seasoned freediving instructor, certified by Apnea Total and theMolchanovs Movement. Her quest for the ultimate underwater experiences has taken her across theglobe. For over ten years, she has imparted her aquatic expertise throughteaching sessions, specialized workshops, and private lessons in Belgium, thePhilippines, Mexico, Egypt, France, and beyond. Additionally, Jana is a certified Janzu therapist, having completed her trainingat the French School of OjanzuBeing in the water played a significant role in her healing after her father'stragic drowning. With deep empathy, she aids others in conquering their fears. Freediving is a journey into your deepest self, letting go of what exists abovethe water, discovering your inner power and a complete freedom beneath thesurface. It's Janas mission to let people discover this healing power of waterand the many wonders of the underwater world.

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Meet your facilitatorsChristophe VandeputteJoining transformative journey also, is Christophe, mindset coach and hostof Hoofdzaak podcast.Explore limitless potential of Freedom as he challenges you on yourstories, limitations and lets you step into who you really are..From a place of openness and curiosity: you 'empty' yourself to see newpossibilities about your life you never thought were possible.Christophe's teaching expand beyond theory; it's born from a personalodyssey of breaking free from the shackles of his own mind.A former captive of anxiety and fear for years during his adolescence, heintimately understands what’s necessary to overcome mental limitations.His story is a testament to the power of resilience and the possibility ofrewriting your personal narrative.From this personal triumph, Christophe has become a trusted guide forleaders and CEOs, including luminaries like Peter Van Praet (BAVET) andSarah Parent (GoForest) for the last 5 years.He’s also host of thé podcast on mindset and well-being: Hoofdzaak.Freediving has been a very important part of Christophe’s healing andongoing exploration of Freedom and living in presence.

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Location: paradiseDahab is a small Egyptian town on thesoutheast coast of the Sinai desert,about. 80 km northeast of Sharm el-Sheikh. It's a well developed area,famous for its excellent shallow-waterkite- and windsurfing and of course itsdiving.It’s truly a magical place, still underthe radar, where I've been goingalmost yearly to since 2017. Every time I visit, the energizing andcreative vibe fully inspires me. Claritycomes out of the vast peace and quietthis place holds.Dahab, EgyptOur Home base will be the Sindbad andMarine Garden camps. These two areintentionally no luxury hotels, but verycosy and authentic accomodation.Located next to each other at theseaside of Dahab, it’s the perfect place torest, reflect and recharge.7 nights accomodation with breakfastand lunch is included.

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OverviewI. Before the retreatIntroductory group session by Christophe (3 hours):Getting tot know all participants through deepconnection and vulnerabilityCreation of the powerful frame, context and agreementsfor the retreatCreation of your personal retreat impact and goal, usingthe 'Impact Filter' toolWhat’s includedII. During the retreatTaxis from and to the airport7 nights accomodation with breakfast and lunchFreedive sessions w. JanaPowerful group sessions w. Christophe: mindset andstepping into total freedomLots of 'still time' for reflection and integration ofteachingsMountain hike in the beautiful Sinai desertSome great surprisesIII. After: IntegrationAfterwards, there is 1 month of personal support byChristophe for full integration. This includes:2 individual deep coaching sessions of 90 minutes each24/7 support (e-mail, Whatsapp, ...) with all questionsand challenges that come up druing this period

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CHRISTOPHE & JANAOverviewFlight to Sharm-El-Sheikh airportDiners in the evening (freedom to choose from lots of cosy local restaurants)Extra local expenses (markets, massages, extra activities, ...)Any questions? Happy to answer all!Contact Christophe at:christophe@hoofd-zaak.beor on +32475783713Investment for the Deep DivePrices are ex. VAT‘Early fish’ until 01/08/24: 2449 euro‘Spontaneous fish’, after 01/082749 euroWhat’s not included