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Frazer 2024-2025 Benefits Guide

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2024 - 2025April 1 - March 31Employee Benefits Guide

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The benefits plan year runs from April 1st through March 31st. Unless you have a qualified change-in-status event that impacts your eligibility and the change is allowed under the terms of the insurance contract or plan document, you cannot make changes to your benefits until the next Open Enrollment period.Benefit changes must be consistent with your qualified change-in-status event. Changes must be submitted to Human Resources within 30 days of the event; documentation supporting the change will be required.Who is eligible for benefits?All full-time employees who work a minimum of 30 hours per week are eligiblefor benefits. For new hires, benefits are effective on the first of the month following 60 days of employment.In addition to enrolling yourself, you may also enroll any eligible dependents. Eligible dependents are defined below:• Spouse: a person to whom you are legally married by ceremony• Child(ren): Your biological, adopted, or legal dependents up to age 26regardless of student, financial, and marital status; coverage for adependent child will terminate at the end of the month in which the childturns age 26Change-in-Status EventsUnless you have a qualified change-in-status event that impacts your eligibility and the change is allowed under the terms of the insurance contract or plan document, you cannot make changes to the benefits you elect until the next Open Enrollment period. Some examples of qualified change-in-status events are highlighted below:Marriage or divorceBirth, adoption, or deathChange in employment, or employment status for you, your spouse, or your dependent childChange in coverage underanother employer plan, such as a change made during your spouse’s Open EnrollmentFrazer takes pride in providing acomprehensive employee benefitsprogram, and we recognize theimportant role employee benefitsplay as a critical component of youroverall compensation. We strive tomaintain a benefits program that isrewarding and competitive.WHAT’S INSIDE2Benefits OverviewFrequently Asked Questions MedicalHealth Savings Account (HSA) Dental VisionLife/AD&DDisabilityVoluntary Worksite Benefits Employee Assistance ProgramContact Information Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan Year

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Overview of Benefit ProgramsFor more detailed coverage information regarding what these plans cover and what they cost, please refer to the plan’s “Summary ofBenefits and Coverage" (SBC) documents included in your benefits packet. You may also request a Summary Plan Description (SPD). This guide is intended to highlight key insurance offerings. Neither Frazer nor The Hilb Group will be held responsible for omissions or accuracy of data. If there are ever any conflicts, the carrier contracts and provisions will always prevail and govern. 3Frazer provides an array of benefits that can help you enjoy increased well-being, deal with an unexpected illness or accident, build and protect your financial security,balance your personal & professional life and meet everyday needs. These benefits are affordable, comprehensive and competitive.The table below summarizes the benefits available to eligible staff and their dependents.These benefits are described in greater detail in this booklet.Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan YearBENEFITS FUNDING CARRIERMedicalEmployee + DependentsShared funding Cigna DentalEmployee + Dependents100% Employee PaidGuardianVisionEmployee + Dependents100% Employee PaidGuardianLife / AD&DEmployee + DependentsBase Plan: 100% Company PaidVoluntary Plan: 100% Employee PaidGuardian Voluntary Short- & Long-Term DisabilityEmployee Only100% Employee PaidGuardianVoluntary BenefitsEmployee + Dependents100% Employee PaidGuardianEmployee Assistance Program (EAP)Employee + Dependents100% Company PaidGuardian

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Frequently Asked Questions4BENEFIT TERMINATION DATEWhen do benefits end if I were no longer eligible forbenefits or when I leave the company?The date coverage ends will depend on the benefitplan. Some may end on your last day of employment,while others may continue through the last day of themonth in which you worked. Refer to your benefitsummary, contact your HR Department, or call theinsurance carrier directly to confirm the date benefitsend for each of your benefit plans.BENEFIT CONTINUATIONMay I continue my benefits if I lose coverage due to theabove-mentioned reasons?Yes, you may be eligible to continue your medical,dental and vision plans through COBRA if covered underthese plans.You may be eligible for Conversion/Portability for your life, accident, critical illness, and hospital indemnity insuranceso long as you request within 31 days from youremployment termination or change to part-time status.Please refer to the respective benefit plansummaries or Summary Plan Description for additionalinformation.ACTIVELY-AT-WORK CLAUSEDo any of the benefit plans summarized in this guideinclude what is referred to an “Actively-at-Work” clause?Yes. Some plans will require that you be actively at workon the day benefits are scheduled to take effect. If youare not actively at work on mentioned date, coveragewill be delayed, and benefits will not take effect until thedate you are actively at work; this stipulation may alsoapply to your covered dependents.BENEFIT PREMIUM PAYMENTSHow do I find out how much my share of the benefitpremium cost is for the benefits I elect to enroll in?Please refer to the specific benefit pages of this guide, or the online enrollment portal to find the employee benefit cost per pay period information. How will I pay for the voluntary benefits I elect to enrollin?Once your benefits take effect, premiums associatedwith each voluntary benefit plan option you enroll in willbe deducted from your paychecks.COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DETAILSDoes this benefit guide include all plan coverage details,exclusions, restrictions, limitations, and/or otherstipulations that apply to the benefits described in thisguide?No. This guide is intended to provide benefit coverageinformation in a summarized fashion and so does notInclude all plan coverage information.For detailed coverage information, please refer to therespective benefit plan’s Summary Plan Description.NETWORKS & YOUR OUT-OF-POCKET COSTSHow do I make sure I get the best coverage?Many of your benefit plan options have provider networks. When you use doctors, other health care providers, hospitals, and facilities that are in your plan’s network you will receive the best coverage your benefit plans have to offer. Making sure that you use in-networkproviders will ensure you get the best coverage as out-of-network coverage does not provide discounts, doesnot protect you from balance billing, and may imposehigher deductibles, co-insurance, and out - of - pocketmaximums.If you receive services from out-of-network providers yourout-of-pocket costs are usually considerably higher. Thisis partly the case because you lose valuable networkdiscounts and, in addition to you not receiving adiscount, you may also be balance billed*.*Balance billing occurs when an out-of-network provider bills apatient for the difference between what they billed forservices rendered and what the insurance company hasestablished as the maximum allowable charge for the service(s)rendered by out-of-network providers; depending on the typeof service(s) rendered you may be balanced billed hundreds orthousands of dollars more than what you would have beenbilled had you used an in-network provider. Why pay more?Select from in-network providers and enjoy the best coverageyour plans have to offer.How do I locate in-network providers?Call the specific insurance carrier’s customer servicenumber or visit their website to locate in-networkproviders. Refer to the “Carrier Contact Information”section of this guide for instructions on how to locate In-network providers for each of the benefit plans youare enrolled in.Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan Year

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Key Terms5This is the total amount you can pay out ofpocket each calendar year before theplan pays 100 percent of coveredexpenses for the rest of the calendar year.Most expenses that meet provider network requirements count toward the annual out-of-pocket maximum, including expenses paid to the annual deductible, copays and coinsurance.The amount you must pay each yearbefore the plan starts paying aportion of medical expenses. All family members’ expenses that count toward a health plan deductible accumulate together in the aggregate; however, each person also has a limit on their own individual accumulated expenses (the amount varies by plan). Your deductible runs on a calendar year basis from January to December. These expenses are your share ofcosts paid for covered health care services. Copays are a fixed dollar amount and are usually due at the time you receive care. Coinsurance is your share of the allowed amount charged for a service and is generally billed to you after the health insurance company reconciles the bill with the provider. PPO – A network of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers that offer in- and out-of-network coverage. You receive network negotiated discounts when staying in-network. EPO – A narrower network of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers that offers in-network coverage only. HDHP – A plan that has higher deductibles in exchange for lower premiums. HDHPs are compatible with Health Savings Accounts (HSA).Out-of-Pocket MaximumPlan TypesCopays and CoinsuranceAnnual DeductibleFrazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan Year

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Medical6Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan YearPLAN FEATURESIN-NETWORK$6,000 HSA EPO $3,200 HSA PPO$5,000 PPO (copay)$2,000 PPO (copay)Provider NetworkLocalPlus-In EPOIn-Network ONLYOpen Access Plus PPOOpen Access Plus PPOOpen Access Plus PPOMedical Deductible (Individual / Family)$6,000 / $12,000 $3,200 / $6,000 $5,000 / $10,000 $2,000 / $4,000Coinsurance (Member Responsibility)0% after deductible 10% after deductible30% after deductible20% after deductibleOut-of-Pocket Maximum(Individual / Family)$6,900 / $13,800 $4,500 / $9,000 $6,600 / $13,200 $6,000 / $12,000Preventive CareNo Charge No Charge No Charge No ChargePrimary Care Visit0% after deductible 10% after deductible$35 copay $25 copaySpecialist Visit0% after deductible 10% after deductible$70 copay $50 copayMDLive Virtual Care (Urgent & Primary Care Services)0% after deductible 10% after deductible$35 copay $25 copayMDLive Virtual Care (Specialty Care Services)0% after deductible 10% after deductible$70 copay $50 copayDiagnostic Lab & X-Ray0% after deductible 10% after deductible30% after deductible20% after deductibleComplex Imaging (MRI, CT/PET scan)0% after deductible 10% after deductible30% after deductible20% after deductibleOutpatient Procedure0% after deductible 10% after deductible30% after deductible20% after deductibleInpatient Stay0% after deductible 10% after deductible30% after deductible20% after deductibleUrgent Care0% after deductible 10% after deductible$75 copay $75 copayEmergency Room0% after deductible 10% after deductible$300 copay per visit + 30% coinsurance $250 copay per visit + 20% coinsuranceRetail Pharmacy (30-day supply)DEDUCTIBLE APPLIES FIRST10% after deductible-Generic (Tier 1)$15 copay $20 copay $15 copay-Preferred Brand (Tier 2)$40 copay $40 copay $35 copay-Non-Preferred Brand (Tier 3)$70 copay $80 copay $75 copayMail-Order Pharmacy (90-day supply)DEDUCTIBLE APPLIES FIRST10% after deductible-Generic (Tier 1)$45 copay $60 copay $45 copay-Preferred Brand (Tier 2)$120 copay $120 copay $105 copay-Non-Preferred Brand (Tier 3)$210 copay $240 copay $225 copayOUT-OF-NETWORK$6,000 HSA EPO $3,200 HSA PPO$5,000 PPO (copay)$2,000 PPO (copay)Medical Deductible (Individual / Family)Not Covered $6,000 / $12,000 $10,000 / $20,000 $10,000 / $20,000Coinsurance (Member Responsibility)Not Covered50% after deductible50% after deductible50% after deductibleOut-of-Pocket Maximum(Individual / Family)Not Covered $9,000 / $18,000 $28,000 / $90,000 $28,000 / $90,000

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Employee Medical Premiums7Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan Year$6,000 HSA EPO Employee Weekly CostEmployee Only$0.00Employee + Spouse$59.29Employee + Child(ren)$46.94Employee + Family$140.29$3,200 HSA PPO Employee Weekly CostEmployee Only$25.07Employee + Spouse$109.88Employee + Child(ren)$107.70Employee + Family$212.57$5,000 PPO (copay) Employee Weekly CostEmployee Only$13.58Employee + Spouse$95.06Employee + Child(ren)$90.31Employee + Family$210.49$2,000 PPO (copay) Employee Weekly CostEmployee Only$35.97Employee + Spouse$140.28Employee + Child(ren)$131.80Employee + Family$262.05

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Health Savings AccountWho Is Eligible?* All three criteria must be met:• Enrolled in an IRS “qualified” High Deductible Health Plan• Not covered by another medical plan unless the other plans is also a “qualified” HDHP• Not enrolled in Medicare coverage*It is the employee’s responsibility to notify HR if you are not eligible for HSAHow does it work? The HDHP allows employees to set aside money on a pre-tax basis into a Health Savings Account (HSA). The HSA is an account established exclusively for the purpose of paying for qualified medical expenses for you and your eligible dependents on a tax-free basis. Contributions to the HSA are funded with pre-tax deductions withheld from your paycheck. The funds are deposited into an interest-bearing account in your name. The money in the HSA can be used to reimburse eligible expenses not covered by your insurance plan, including the deductible, coinsurance, and copays. Any money not used for medical reimbursement remains in the account. In the event you leave Frazer, you own the account and the money therein. For a complete list of “qualified” medical expenses, please refer to Publication 502 at How much can I contribute? IRS ANNUAL LIMITS 2024 Maximum ContributionSingle Only$4,150Employee + Dependents$8,300Catch-Up ContributionEmployees age 55+ may be eligible to contribute an additional $1,000You are responsible for tracking your contributions to ensure you do not exceed the maximum allowable contribution. 88Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan Year

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Dental9Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan YearPlan Features IN-NETWORKPLAN BENEFITSPlan Option 1 - DHMOTEXAS EMPLOYEES ONLYPlan Option 2 - DPPOProvider NetworkManaged DentalGuard DentalGuard PreferredCalendar Year Maximum(per person in a family)None $1,500 Annual Deductible(Individual / Family)None $50 / $150WHAT YOU OWE:Preventive Procedures 0%; deductible does not apply•Routine Exam(2 in 12-month period)$0-$5 copay for all covered procedures•Routine Cleanings (2 in 12-month period)•Sealants (per tooth, age limits apply)Basic Procedures Fee Schedule 20% after deductible•Root Canal•Fillings (restrictions may apply for composite filings)•PeriodonticsMajor ProceduresFee Schedule 50% after deductible•Inlays, Onlays & Veneers•Bridges & Dentures•Single Crowns Orthodontia Fee Schedule(Adults & Children)50% after deductible(Children to age 19 only)Orthodontia Lifetime Maximum N/A $1,500 Maximum Rollover BenefitN/AYesRollover Threshold$700Rollover Amount$350Rollover Account Limit$1,250OUT-OF-NETWORKOut-of-Network Claim Payment Basis Not Covered 90th PercentileEmployee Weekly ContributionPlan Option 1 - DHMOTEXAS EMPLOYEES ONLYPlan Option 2 - DPPOEmployee Only$3.05 $8.05Employee + Spouse$5.79 $16.88Employee + Child(ren)$6.09 $17.62Employee + Family$9.45 $28.22

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VisionAn annual eye exam is about much more than healthy vision. It can help you manage your overall health and well-being, too. An eye exam can spot the early signs of serious health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure,so you can be treated sooner, rather than later. This vision plan allows you to improve your health through a routineeye exam, while saving you money on your eye care purchases.10*Benefit includes coverage for glasses or contact lenses, not both.Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan YearPlan Features In-NetworkOut-of-Network ReimbursementProvider NetworkVSP ChoiceVision Exam$10 copay Up to $39Prescription LensesSingle Vision$10 copay Up to $23Lined Bifocal$10 copay Up to $37Lined Trifocal$10 copay Up to $49Lenticular$10 copay Up to $64Frames*$1301allowance + 20% discount of amount over allowanceUp to $46Elective Contacts*$130 allowance Medically Necessary Contacts$10 exam copay; covered in full thereafter for members with specific conditionsUp to $210Frequency (from date of last service)ExamEvery 12 MonthsLensesEvery 12 MonthsContactsEvery 12 MonthsFramesEvery 12 MonthsEmployee Weekly ContributionEmployee$1.67 Employee + Spouse$3.34 Employee + Child(ren)$3.44 Employee + Family$4.77 Additional Savings for Members:•Charges for an initial purchase can be used toward the material allowance. Any unused balance remaining after the initial purchase cannot be banked for future use. The only exception would be if a member purchases contact lenses from an out of network provider, members can use the balance towards additional contact lenses within the same benefit period.•1Extra $20 on select brands• Members can use their in-network benefits online at• In Network Routine Retinal Screening Covered after no more than a $39 copay.

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Group Term Life and AD&DWho Is Eligible:• All active, full-time, regular employeesBenefits You Receive:• Frazer provides every eligible employee with group term life and accidental death anddismemberment (AD&D) insurance equal to $50,000 at no cost to you. Coverage isautomatic and does not require an election by you, the employee, though beneficiarydesignation is required.Designating a Beneficiary:You must name a person(s) or entity to receive benefits in the event of your death. Log into Employee Navigator to update your beneficiary information. You can update your life insurance beneficiary at any time throughout the year and as many times as needed.11Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan YearWhat Other Benefits Are Included?Living Care/Accelerated Death BenefitA lump sum benefit is paid to you if you are diagnosed with a terminal condition, as defined by the plan.Conversion & PortabilityIf you retire, reduce your hours, or leave the company, you may be eligible to take your coveragewith you. You can convert or port your group term life coverage to an individual life policy. Youwill be required to apply to Guardian within 31 days of your termination if you wish to continue yourcoverage. The amount you can purchase varies depending on the termination situation and mustbe applied for through Guardian directly.Waiver of PremiumIf you become disabled prior to age 60, premiums may be waived until age 65 pending certain conditions are met. Please refer to your Guardian materials for limitations andexclusions. Provided For Coverage AmountEmployee Only Group Term Life$50,000 Employee Only AD&D Insurance$50,000 Age Reductions50% at age 70

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Voluntary Term Life and AD&DWho Is Eligible:• All active, full-time, regular employeesProvided For Coverage AmountEmployee Benefit Amount (increments of $10k)$10,000 to $500,000SpouseBenefit Amount (increments of $5k)$5,000 to $250,000(cannot exceed 100% of employee election)ChildBenefit Amount ($5k or $10k)$5,000 or $10,000(cannot exceed 100% of employee election)GuaranteedIssue (under age 65 / 65<70 / 70+)**Only available when you first become eligibleduring the plan year. Employee: $200,000 / $50,000 / $10,000Spouse: $50,000 / $10,000 / $0Child(ren): $10,000What Other Benefits Are Included?Annual Election OptionAllows employees to increase the amount of their existing life coverage without evidence of insurability when they re-enroll in their company’s Voluntary Life plan. This option allows employees to step up to an amount of up to $50,000, up to the Guarantee Issue amount.Living Care/Accelerated Death BenefitA lump sum benefit is paid to you if you are diagnosed with a terminal condition, as defined by the plan.Conversion & PortabilityIf you retire, reduce your hours, or leave the company, you may be eligible to take your coverage with you. You can convert or port your group term life coverage to an individual life policy. You will be required to apply to Guardian within 31 days of your termination if you wish to continue your coverage. The amount you can purchase varies depending on the termination situation and must be applied for through Guardian directly. Waiver of PremiumIf you become disabled prior to age 60, premiums may be waived until age 65 pending certain conditions are met. Please refer to your Guardian materials for limitations and exclusions. 12Designating a Beneficiary:You must name a person(s) or entity to receive benefits in the event of your death. Log into Employee Navigator to update your beneficiary information. You can update your life insurance beneficiary at any time throughout the year and as many times as needed.Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan Year

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Voluntary Short- andLong-Term DisabilityWhy do you need Voluntary Long-Term DisabilityInsurance?A lengthy disability can be devastating and is morecommon than you may think. Long-term disabilitymay lead to a loss of income, independence, andfinancial security. A disability insurance policy canhelp provide security when you need it most.Fortunately, all full-time, active employees who work a minimum of 30 hours per week are eligible to enroll for coverage with significantly discounted group rates.Why do you need Voluntary Short-Term DisabilityInsurance?How would you pay your bills if you were sick orinjured temporarily? Even a short illness or injury couldseriously impact your paycheck. Short-term disabilityreplaces part of your income if you are unable towork due to an accident, illness, or if you areexpecting a new addition to your family. Fortunately,all full-time, active employees who work a minimum of30 hours per week are eligible to enroll for coverage with significantly discounted group rates.*A pre-existing condition is one for which you have received medical treatment, consultation, care or services including diagnostic measures, or if you were prescribed or took prescription medications in the predetermined time frame prior to your effective date of coverage. The pre-existing condition under the short- and long-term plans is 3/12 which means any condition (including pregnancy) that you receive medical attention for in the 3 months prior to your effective date of coverage that results in a disability during the first 12 months of coverage will not be covered.**Costs are loaded into the Employee Navigator portal**13Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan YearLTD Benefit Percentage60%Monthly Maximum$10,000 Waiting Period90 DaysBenefit LengthSocial Security Normal Retirement Age (SSNRA)Own Occupation12 years*Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion3 / 12STD Benefit Percentage60%Weekly Maximum$2,000 Waiting Period7 DaysBenefit Length12 weeks*Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion:3 / 121. For the first 2-years of your long-term disability, you will receive benefit payments while you are unable to work in you own occupation. After two years, you will continue to receive benefits if you cannot work in any occupation based on training, experience and education.

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Examples of Benefits (refer to Guardian summary for full benefit details):Voluntary Accident14Accident insurance is an extra layer of protection that gives you a lump sum payment to help cover out-of-pocket-costs when you suffer an unexpected, qualifying accident. Coverage (Portable) Benefit FeaturesAccidental DeathEmployee: $40,000Spouse: $40,000Child: $10,000Wellness Benefit $50Air Ambulance $2,000Ambulance $200Burn Up to $12,000Hospital Admission $1,000Hospital Confinement $250/day (up to 1 year)ICU Admission $2,000ICU Confinement $500/day (up to 15 days)Concussion $150Dislocation Up to $5,000Knee Cartilage $500Laceration Up to $600Fractures Up to $6,000Surgeries $300 to $1,500Medical Appliance Up to $300Chiropractic Visits $50/visit (up to 6)Lodging (hospital >50 miles) $125/day (up to 30 days)Transportation $0.50/mile (up to $500/round trip)Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan YearVoluntaryAccident Employee Weekly CostEmployee Only$3.72 Employee + Spouse$5.03 Employee + Child(ren)$5.98 Employee + Family$7.29

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Additional Voluntary BenefitsCritical Illness insurance helps protect employees and their families from financial loss by providing a lump-sum benefit upon diagnosis of covered conditions. 15Hospital indemnity insurance can cover some of the cost associated with a hospital stay, letting you focus on recovery. Voluntary Critical Illness (Portable)Voluntary Hospital Indemnity (Portable)Employee$5,000 increments between $10,000 to $30,000(children are automatically covered for 25% of employee amountSpouse50% of employee election to $15,000Condition: 1st occurrence/2nd occurrence• Invasive Cancer: 100% / 100%• Heart Attack: 100% / 50%• Heart Failure: 100% / 50%• Stroke: 100% / 50%• Major Organ Failure: 100% / 50%• Kidney Failure: 100% / 50%Condition: 1st occurrence only • ALS: 100%• Alzheimer’s: 50%• Coma: 100%• Parkinson’s: 100%• Permanent Paralysis: 50% 1 limb; 100% 2 limbs• Loss of Sight or Speech: 100%**Rates are loaded in Employee Navigator – Please refer to Guardian summary for detailed benefits & exclusions****Rates are loaded in Employee Navigator – Please refer to Guardian summary for detailed benefits & exclusions**Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan YearBENEFITSHospital / ICU Admission$2000 per admission to a max of 2 admissions per year, per insured, max of 3 admissions, per year, per covered familyHospital / ICU Confinement$200 per day to a max of 15 days per year, per insuredRehabilitation Unit Confinement$150 per day to a max of 10 days per year, per insuredDependent Age LimitsChildbirth to 26 years (26 if full time student) Treatments CoveredSickness and InjuryTreatment of Normal Pregnancy Normal pregnancy is included with no 9- month limitation

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Additional benefitsThe Guardian EAP is a comprehensive resource providing access to professional assistance for awide range of personal and work-related issues. The service is available to you and yourimmediate family members twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, and provides resourcesto help employees find solutions to everyday issues. Services include unlimited phonecounseling with master’s-level consultants, online resources and 3 face-to-face visits per household member, per issue, per year. Participation is voluntary and strictly confidential.Protect the ones you love with a range of dedicated services designed to help you provide for your family. Will Prep Services includes a range of different resources that make it easier for you to prepare a will. These range from a library of online planning documents to accessing experienced professionals that can help you with the more complicated details. • Online modules and coaching• Bereavement • College Planning• Medical Billing & negotiation tools• Legal & financial consultation• Stress management• Tax consultation • ID theft• Access simple documents including wills and power of attorney letters. • Speak with consultants to discuss estate planning.• Prepare your will with the assistance or support of an attorney. 16Sample topics include:How it can help: Visit: willprep.uprisehealth.comUsername: WillprepAccess Code: GLIC091-877-433-6789 Visit: worklife.uprisehealth.comAccess Code: worklife1-800-386-7055 Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan YearEmployee Assistance ProgramWill Preparation

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Contact Information17Carrier Name Group # Website Phone NumberMedical/RXCigna00653850 (best to register)1.Select ‘find a doctor’2.Log-in, or search ‘Plans through employer’3.Enter address, city, or zip code4.Select doctor by type, name, or facility5.Log-in or continue as guest6.Select a Plan/Network:Base HDHP/HSA: LocalPlus In EPO All Other Plans: Open Access Plus (800) (best to register)1.Select ‘Find a provider’2.Select ‘PPO’ or ‘Managed Dental Care’ (DHMO) 3.Enter search criteria **Only Texas employees are eligible for the DHMO. Employees residing in the other states can only select the Dental PPO** (888) (best to register)1.Select ‘Find a doctor’2.Enter search criteria (877) 814-8970 Health Savings AccountStellar (713) 499-1800Life and AD&DGuardian00049541 (800) 525-4542Voluntary DisabilityGuardian00049541 (800) 538-4583Voluntary WorksiteGuardian00049541 www.guardianlife.comCritical Illness: (800) 268-2525Hospital Indemnity & Accident: (800) 541-7846Employee Assistance Program (EAP)Guardian/Uprise (800) 386-7055Frazer Human Resources Phone: (713) 772-551117Frazer Benefits Guide | 2024-2025 Plan Year

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