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FPA Connect Winter 25 Final

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0306MEET THE FPA TEAMDAVE LUCAS1015192112CONTENTSUPDATE FROMANNA TURNER FPAINTERIM CHAIRMEMBERS NEWSPACKAGINGINNOVATIONSCOMPLIANCECORNERRISING STAR AWARD REGIONALROADSHOWAdvertisers agree, by virtue of their FPAmembership, to abide by the FPA Code of Practiceand the CMA Green Claims Code. All ads areaccepted by the FPA in good faith that membersensure claims made are not in breach of either code.Publication does not imply the FPA’s endorsementof the content nor approval of any claims.

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FPA INTERIMEXECUTIVE CHAIR03 FPA CONNECTIt’s all change here at the FPA, but firstly I’d like to place onrecord our thanks to Mark Byrne for his commitment andlongstanding stewardship of the FPA over the years.Mark was instrumental in creating and developing the original Connect and I echo hiscomments from the previous issue; the new format is indicative of the way the FPA intendsto progress going forward. He may have stepped down as the association’s chair, but thisdoesn’t mean the board will be stepping down its efforts to deliver a more modernapproach. Greater collaboration and communication with our members remain toppriorities.Since the last issue, I and my FPA board and committee colleagues have continued toincrease our efforts to engage with members. The two FPA Regional Roadshows that tookplace in the final quarter of 2024, provided welcome opportunities for members to meet upwith the heads of our committees and others in committee roles working on their behalf.Both events were thoroughly enjoyable too – we really do have an amazing membership!During the Roadshows, and at our annual Environment Seminar in November, attendeeswere able to learn more about the FPA’s Primary Authority Partnership with TradingStandards. The latter also saw a Defra representative update delegates on refillables – a topicwhich continues to spark lively debate …And we have plenty more to look forward to during the year ahead. Not least, our annualGolf and Activities Day at Staverton Park on 12 June and the last of our Regional Roadshowsin the north. Not forgetting of course the most imminent of our events – the FPA Awardsand Exhibition in Brighton on 13 March, which to our delight, many members have beenhailing as the ‘go-to event of the foodservice packaging calendar’. Entry is now closed formany of the Awards, but the following categories depend on your vote:1. National Distributor Award – sponsored by Cofresco2. Regional Distributor Award – sponsored by Sabert3. Foodservice Retail Operator Award – sponsored by ProAmpac 4. Foodservice Caterer Operator Award – sponsored by NCCO 5. Manufacturer Award - sponsored by BunzlI urge you to take a few moments to cast your votes for the businesses you’d like to seetaking an FPA Award home with them in March. You can vote here.I hope you enjoy finding out what our members have been up to in this issue of Connect, thefirst of the new year. If you have your own company news or adverts you’d like to see in afuture edition, Lisa is the one to contact via Here’s to 2025!Anna Turner, FPA Interim executive chair

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04FPA CONNECT MEMBER ADCelebration Packaging’s EnviroWare® hot drinks cups arenow certified 100% recyclableThe EnviroWare® bamboo fibre double wall hot drink cups and double wall Leaf 2 hotdrink cups are now certified as 100% recyclable in normal paper mills. The bamboo fibre double wall hot drink cups are made from Forest StewardshipCouncil® certified bamboo fibre with an aqueous-based lining, while the EnviroWare®Leaf 2 paper hot drink cups are made from FSC® certified material with a plant-basedlining. Alongside the ‘Recycle’ logo, both cups feature the Din Certco seedling logo and themessages: ‘Recycle with paper or compost commercially’ and ‘Made from sustainablerenewable resources’.Celebration Packaging Managing Director, Nick Burton says: “When we createdEnviroWare® over 17 years ago, our declared mission was to seek more sustainablepackaging solutions. The provenance of raw materials is paramount, but also the properdisposal of sustainable packaging at its end-of-life is equally important. “Celebration Packaging invests in accreditations and certifications, so we can alwaysback up environmental and sustainable claims. This sets us apart from many competitorsand gives customers confidence.“Foodservice operators looking to improve their sustainability credentials, need to workwith a consultative supplier to ensure they choose the right packaging, that is functional,fit for purpose, popular with consumers and above all, sustainable.”

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GET TO KNOW YOUR FPA DAVELUCASDave is Head of the MarketingCommittee, which consists of Dave,Katie Shaw of Bunzl and FernTimmins of EP Group. Let’s discovera little more about the man behindthe marketing ... 06 FPA CONNECT

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Tell us a little aboutyourself.I live in Coventry withmy two children Lilyand Cameron. Theykeep me very busy, butin my spare time I liketo run, cook, watch mybeloved Everton (losemostly) and spend asmuch time outdoors asI can.How long have youbeen involved in theFPA?I attended my first FPAAwards event many yearsago (2007 I think) at theForest of Arden, as aguest of Libby Coe, and Ibecame actively involvedwith the FPA in 2020.What is the onething about youthat few peopleknow?Two things – I had apart in a movie,Rise of the FootSoldiers, Origins,with my goodfriend Rob Barren –and I alsorepresentedEngland atKickboxing.07 FPA CONNECTWhen you’e notworking for the FPAwhere can we findyou?Either outdoorssomewhere having anadventure or watchingmy children do theiractivities.What is your onegolden rule inbusiness?Treat people as youwould want to betreated, regardlessof their position orstatus. Politenesscosts nothing.

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Why is it important for businesses in the Food Packaging industryto be members of the FPA?There are many reasons why businesses should be members of the FPA.They range from networking events, educational seminars, best practicesupport, marketing opportunities, and, in the changing world we all operatein, the FPA provides its members with concise information that enablesbusinesses to make informed decisions – without the need to wade throughhours upon hours of the legislative change documents.08FPA CONNECTWhat are your favourite quotes?What is your proudestachievement?Being told by my Mum thatmy Dad was proud of me.If you could recommendone book, movie andseries to our memberswhat would it be?Book - This Is Going To Hurt.Series – Sons of Anarchy,Billions or Yellowstone.Movie – Stand By Me.I grew up with a poster on mywall that said, “You must alwayspush your limits because if younever fail, you will neversucceed”.Others I like are, “Be kind. Foreveryone you meet is fighting abattle you know nothing about”.And two in business that areimportant,“Take it professionallynot personally”, and “Don’t letperfection stand in the way ofprogress”.Dave is running the LondonMarathon in April in memoryof his dad and raising moneyfor Bencare. If you would liketo support, please click on thelink here and donate anyamount you can.

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Disposable Piping Bags – new from Cromwell Polythene09 FPA CONNECT MEMBER AD As we enter a new year, many businesses expand their product offering, much like FPAMember Cromwell Polythene, who will be expanding their disposable range for 2025.From offering compostable liners for food waste capture, to the more recent compostablegloves for handling and preparation, Cromwell has supplied to the foodservice andcatering industry for several years. Now they are expanding their range further withdisposable piping bags. The new piping bags are not only of the highest quality and fit for purpose but also madewith resource efficiency in mind. Made from 40% recycled material, they are exempt fromthe plastic packaging tax, and beyond their recycled content, they are fully recyclableafter use once cleaned, offering a closed-loop solution and an alternative to the traditionalcotton or nylon piping bags commonly used in catering. They also have beenmanufactured with a blue tint, to allow for good visibility. The bags are set to make their debut in early 2025; you can be the first to grab a sampleand make a pre-order with Cromwell via their website or by calling their friendly team –01977 686868.

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The second of the FPA Regional Roadshows washeld on 17 December at The Studio in centralBirmingham.Attendees had the opportunity to meet thechairs of FPA committees and to learn moreabout the association's Primary AuthorityPartnership with Trading Standards, with plentyof time for networking too. FPA EVENTSREGIONAL ROADSHOWMIDLANDS10 FPA CONNECT

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Polaris – answering your early 2025 Christmas Wishes! FPA CONNECT MEMBER AD 11In January, as many people push Christmas memories aside, Polaris keeps the festive spiritalive all year round. As we conclude Christmas 2024, our team has already selected thecrackers that will grace dinner tables in 2025.A highlight of 2025 for the Tom Smith Brand is the announcement of a Royal Warrant ofAppointment to His Majesty King Charles III for the supply of Christmas crackers andwrapping paper. This prestigious honour, first granted to Tom Smith in 1906, reinforces thelegacy as a trusted supplier to the Royal Household and a cherished brand for families acrossthe UK and beyond.At Tom Smith, our commitment extends far beyond the festivities. We’re proud to continueour partnership with Trussell (Formally the Trussell Trust), a leading anti-poverty charity andfood bank network. Together, we’re working towards a future where no one in the UK relieson food banks to survive, while providing vital support for those in need. To date, Tom Smithhas donated an impressive £354,000 to this meaningful cause. For 2025 Tom Smith CateringCrackers will increase the amount we donate by 10% for the Trussell designed crackers(Trussell Trust is a registered charity in England & Wales [1110522] and Scotland [SC044246],and a registered company in England & Wales [5434524]).We’re equally dedicated to sustainability through our collaboration with the Woodland Trust,supporting woodland creation and carbon offset initiatives. For products not produced in theUK, we partner with trusted global suppliers while offsetting emissions from all UK-boundshipments through the Woodland Trust’s Woodland Carbon scheme.(The Woodland Trust is a registered charity in England & Wales [294344] and Scotland[SC038885]).Orders for our Tom Smith Catering Crackers will open later this year. To be among the first toview the 2025 range, please get in touch with us at

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AMIPAK TURNS 25!AWARDMEMBERS’NEWS25 years ago, our two family businesses merged and officiallybecame amipak. We are now in our third generation andrecently welcomed our sixth family member Chloe Schwitzerto the team. A lot has changed in the 70 years since ourcompanies were founded but our core values remain as wecontinue to focus on customer service and quality. We couldnot do this without our amazing staff, some of which havebeen with us for over 25 years. Incredibly we also have somecustomers and suppliers who have been with us since thebeginning. A big thank you to everyone who has helped makethe last 25 years possible12 FPA CONNECTBIDFOOD WIN ATTHE FWD AWARDSBidfood were delighted towin not one, but twoAwards at the Federation ofWholesaler Awards inDecember.Huge congratulations forwinning the SustainableWholesaler Award, and toAdam Briscoe for winningthe Star Driver Award.COMPANY MILESTONE

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NOVOLEX & PACTIVEEVERGREEN COMBINEAWARDMEMBERS’NEWSNovolex® and Pactiv Evergreen Inc.(NASDAQ: PTVE), announced they haveentered into a definitive agreement tocombine, creating a leading manufacturer infood, beverage and specialty packagingproducts.The combination brings together two highlycomplementary businesses that will offer abroad product platform, establishing one ofthe most diverse substrate offerings in thepackaging industry. The asset base willinclude an extensive manufacturingfootprint and an expansive distributionnetwork, enhancing the combinedcompany’s ability to serve customers rangingfrom large, blue-chip brands to smallbusinesses that serve millions of consumersevery day.Novolex and Pactiv Evergreen serveattractive end markets, and both companieshave made tremendous progress in recentyears to enhance their operations andstrengthen their focus on product innovationand sustainability leadership. As thepackaging industry continues to evolve,bringing together these two companies willbetter position the combined company withenhanced and complementary capabilitiesto meet shifting consumer demands andprovide the highest quality products andservices to customers.13 FPA CONNECTBIDFOOD RETAINSROYAL WARRANTBidfood, one of the UK’s leading food wholesalers,has been awarded the Royal Warrant ofAppointment as the purveyors of grocery, provisionproducts and frozen foods - marking over 25 yearsthat the wholesaler has held this accolade. Dating back to the 15th century, Royal Warrantshave been issued to businesses supplying goods orservices to the Royal Household. Bidfood is amongthe nearly 400 companies that have been appointedthis prestigious honour by His Majesty King CharlesIII. The Royal Warrant symbolises a commitment to thehighest standard of service, quality, excellence andcraftsmanship. Dr Andrew Kemp, MBE, BFS Executive Director andGrantee of the Royal Warrant commented: “It is anabsolute honour and a privilege to remain a holderof the Royal Warrant and I am delighted that HisMajesty, King Charles III, has granted us this greataccolade. “Having just achieved 25 years trading as Bidfood,we see this as a testament of our dedication todelivering service excellence at the core of ourbusiness and are proud in the continuance of ourservice to the Royal Household as we have donesince the year 2000.” COMPANY MILESTONEBUSINESS

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AWARDAfter twenty two years based within theRidgeway Trading Estate in Iver, food packagingdistributor Café Connections has made a three-mile jump and moved into newly refurbishedpremises in Riverside Way, Uxbridge.‘This is a really practical location with good access,well positioned for the motorway network andclose to the town centre and railway station,”commented Facilities Manager George Black.But it’s the way they have been able to configurethe office and warehouse space that has excitedCafé Connections. “I think people are reallybeginning to appreciate the value of anindependent family business such as ours – andthese new premises provide us with anenvironment that enables all departments tointeract even better”, continued DirectorStephanie Cargill, “And it’s because the wholecompany works together to provide such a highlevel of personal service that our customers reallycan experience something different.”“Our well trained customer service team don’tjust take down orders, they guide customers tothe right packaging for the job – which can have avery real knock on effect to that customer’sbusiness. We value our suppliers and take time tounderstand their capabilities and products – it’show we can offer that packaging to customerswith confidence.”“Riverside Way has given us the opportunity todedicate areas specifically for customer andsupplier interaction – because however much wehave got used to Zoom – there are times whennothing beats speaking to someone face to face.”NEW PREMISES FOR CAFECONNECTIONSMEMBERS’NEWS14 FPA CONNECTON THE MOVECELEBRATING INTERNALSUCCESSON THE MOVEMOVING UPGo-Pak is committed to supporting anddeveloping our staff, recognising that ourteam's growth is integral to our success.Aligned with our medium-term growthplans and our focus on providingenhanced support to our AccountManagers and our Business, we areexcited to announce the followingpromotions: Adrienne Wheeler - AssistantMarketing Manager, Luca Davis - SalesSupport Supervisor and Megan Scott -Customer and Sales Support Executive.These roles are designed to strengthenour internal capabilities, ensuring wecontinue to deliver exceptional serviceand drive customer satisfaction.CHARITYGO PAK - “GO-RIDE”Go-Pak are organising a virtual bike rideto raise money for charity. This event isseeing two teams pitted against eachother - our energetic warehouse crew andthe enthusiastic Yate office team. It's afantastic opportunity to have some fun,foster team spirit, and contribute to agood cause all whilst hopefully getting abit fitter. The charity chosen will beannounced in February 2025. To try andcombat the January blues, we havelaunched a 'Multiplier Event' for ourcycling race to Vietnam. For everykilometre cycled on the exercise bike, therelevant team will get 3 kilometres closerto Go-Pak Vietnam. This multiplier willalso be applied to the individual score,giving all participants a great chance toclimb the leaderboard and make goodprogress towards the finish line.

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FPA EVENTSPACKAGING INNOVATIONSSHOW, NEC 12 & 13 FEBVISIT US ON STAND D3615 FPA CONNECT4 Aces | Colpac | Coveris | Ecosurety | EP Group | Go-PakHuhtamaki | i2r Packaging | Intertan | Polyco HealthlineProAmpac | Quality Pack | Sabert | Zeus PackagingFPA members exhibiting include ...Many members have indicated they are attending on at least one of the days. Notonly is there an amazing line up of speakers put together by the show's conferenceorganiser, but there are a large number of FPA members exhibiting. The FPA AGM takes place at 9:15 a.m. on the second day (13 February) – timed so you don'tmiss any of the show. You can find the FPA on Stand D36 and Alan Campbell of the LCACentre will be providing 1:1 surgery sessions for FPA members – answering questions andconcerns surrounding packaging testing, including testing claims.We strongly recommend you book a session with Alan, who is a global leader inpack testing. If you'd like an appointment with him please let Lisa know.

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Sabert Corporation Europe – with innovation comes evolution –as the business looks forward to an exciting 2025 FPA CONNECT MEMBER NEWS162024 was a landmark year for Sabert Corporation Europe. As a leader in sustainablefoodservice packaging, the company is setting its sights on an even more dynamic 2025.“With innovation comes evolution, and we are announcing a few changes to people and rolesacross the business,” says Sabert’s Global CEO Paul McCann.“Firstly, Philippe Leemans, our European business leader, has stepped back into a consultingrole with a focus on New Product Development. Philippe joined Sabert 36 years ago and hisleadership has helped to create the strong and successful European business we have today.“With this news, I am excited to announce that Alex Noake has become the Senior VicePresident and Managing Director of Sabert Corporation Europe, while continuing to leadSabert’s business endeavors in the UK and Ireland.”Recently, Sabert Corporation Europe bolstered its sales organization with impressive, highprofile leadership acquisitions including: Jack Richardson as the Global Accounts Lead; MarkByrne as Sales Director for UK, Ireland and Norden; and Jean Daniel Fouquet as EuropeanSales & Marketing Director. Sabert has also announced that Olivier Bracq will be expanding his role at Sabert CorporationEurope as regional Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer, reporting to Alex. “I am confident that Alex, Olivier and the rest of the team will continue to grow and expandSabert Corporation Europe, building on the legacy Philippe has created,” concludes PaulMcCann.

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18 FPA CONNECT MEMBER AD Prowrap cuts plastic waste with Speedwrap Pro refill roll innovationOver the course of a year, this can add up to a huge plastic saving, helping foodservicebusinesses play their part in cutting plastic waste and meet their sustainability goalswithout compromising product quality.To illustrate the size of this plastic saving, imagine if a customer took those plastic adapterinserts and stacked them on top of each other. From one large contract caterer study, theresulting tower would be 351m tall – making it one of the tallest buildings in the world, andthe fourth highest building in Europe.This month, Prowrap ceased production of its dual-roll Speedwrap Pro dispenser refills,which featured both the notched core, and the plastic adapter insert, reflecting its firmcommitment to reducing its impact on the environment through product innovation. Astightening regulations on plastic waste continue to drive demand for reduced-plasticsolutions across the world, Prowrap is working hand-in-hand with its customers to future-proof their foodservice operations.Original dual-roll core refills will continue to be available while stock lasts.The redesign solidifies Prowrap as a leader in the sustainable food wrapping space,following its revolutionary launch of a dispenser recycling scheme – also a first for theindustry, prompting the wider market to follow suit.To learn more about Prowrap’s market-leading sustainability initiatives and wrappinginnovations, visit Prowrap is helpingfoodservice businesses cutunnecessary plastic wastethanks to its first-to-marketrefill roll design for itsSpeedwrap Pro range ofdispensers.The new rolls of cling film,Infinity Foil® and bakingpapers use an innovativenotched core, meaning theyfit into the dispensers withoutthe need for a plastic adapterinsert inside the roll core. Thisreduces the amount of plasticwaste produced by each andevery roll.

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19 FPA CONNECTComplianceCornerAnne Sutton, the FPA’scompliance director,shares her quarterlyupdate of the workbeing undertaken onbehalf of FPAmembers by the FPARegulatory andComplianceCommittee.Following the establishment of our Primary Authority Partnership with Trading Standards inSeptember last year, the FPA’s Confidential Process, testing facility, and online reportingmechanism have been confirmed. During this time, the Compliance Team has been kept busyworking to protect our members from those who cheat and ensure a level-playing field for all.Since the Committee was established, 23 complaints have been received and submitted tolocal authorities via our Primary Authority – two of these involved FPA members, with theremainder relating to non-members.Of these:12 related to false plastic-free claims.3 related to the sale of banned SUP items.7 related to unsubstantiated marketing claims.In addition: 6 Trading Standards offices have requested further information to assist in their investigations. 5 non-compliant businesses will be receiving visits from Trading Standards. 5 complaints have been logged for intelligence purposes. 6 claims were withdrawn and the associated websites amended accordingly. 2 SUP banned items were removed from sale. Coming up in 2025 Alongside continuing to review and address complaints, we are currently developing guidancenotes for FPA members. This guidance will include information about: Making ‘Green’ claims. Weights and Measures Legislation (including ‘as described’ claims). ‘Made in the UK’ claims. In the meantime, please continue to report offending products and businesses via the onlineform in the member area of the FPA website. If you have any questions, members of the FPA Regulatory and Compliance Committee arealways available to help. Send them to someonewill get back to you. For a reminder of how to login to the member area of the website to reporta complaint, please get in touch with Lisa via and she willassist.

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21 FPA CONNECT The UK foodservice packagingindustry is a hotbed of emergingtalent, be it in manufacturing,environment, design, sales,services, marketing, or any of theother areas which form thefoodservice packaging supplychain.Each year the FPA recognisesand celebrates talented youngpeople who are already makingtheir mark within theircompanies and contributing tothe success of each business.In addition to shining a spotlighton outstanding youngprofessionals who havedemonstrated exceptionaldedication, creativity andinnovation in their roles, theRising Star Award also seeks toencourage and inspire futuretalent within the industry.2024 Rising Star Winner, BethanWilliams, VegwareThis year’s Rising Star shortlist The FPA Rising Star Award recognises individuals in the first five years of their packagingcareers who are making a real difference within the companies they work for. Businesses areinvited to nominate people from their own company or from companies they deal with, andmust explain how that person is making a difference – including details of their nominee’ssuccesses in their career to date, outstanding achievements, and how they have made animpact. Each nominated candidate is interviewed online by members of the FPA Board. The winnerwill be invited to enrol at Sheffield Hallam University to undertake a part-time four-yeardegree apprenticeship leading to a BSc. Packaging Degree The 2025 FPA Rising Star Award will be presented during the FPA Awards celebration anddinner at the Grand Hotel, Brighton on Thursday 13 March 2025.

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23 FPA CONNECT Experience an unforgettable night at the2025 FPA Awards! Tom Allen, whose 2025 UK tour is already sold-out, will be bringing his unique comedicstyle for FPA members and their guests to enjoy during an exclusive set at the FPAAwards. This is a rare chance to see Tom performing live – and in an intimate setting you won’tfind anywhere else. Tom will also be presenting a coveted FPA trophy to each of our2025 Award winners. What’s included in the ticket price: Entry to the afternoon Awards Exhibition. Afternoon tea. Evening cocktails. A £10 donation to the FPA’s chosen charity, WasteAid, entitling you to automaticentry into the evening’s charity raffle. Exquisite three-course meal with unlimited wine and after-dinner coffee/tea. After-party ‘surprise’ entertainment. Casino Midnight snack. It’s a great opportunity for the industry to celebrate excellence in foodservicepackaging, as well as getting the chance to catch-up and network with other FPAmembers and their guests. Time is running out so, if you haven’t already, get your tickets booked today!

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24 FPA CONNECT All information can be found on our dedicated Awards

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12PACKAGINGINNOVATIONS &EMPACK 2025The FPA will be atthe NEC once againfor the PackagingInnovations showon 12 & 13 February2025. Come andsee us on StandD36.13FPA AWARDSThe highlight ofthe FPA year, the2025 Awards aretaking place on13 March at theGrand Hotel inBrighton. 25FPA CONNECTFUTURE EVENTSFEBRUARYMARCHMore details of these events can be found on the FPA AGM &PACKAGINGINNOVATIONSThe AGM is takingplace at 9:5 a.m. atthe PackagingInnovations Show.Members can alsojoin online here 12JUNEFPA GOLF &ACTIVITIES DAYThis fun-filled dayis taking place atStaverton ParkHotel and WhiltonMill ActivityCentre. Bookingwill open soon.

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26READY TO MAKE THE SWITCH?Looking for a fresh start in foodservice packaging this year? At kp, we've got youcovered.We're proud to bring you kp Infinity®, our EPP-based foodservice packagingsolution that proves you don't need to choose between performance andsustainability. You really can have it all.What makes kp Infinity® special? It's shown to keep hot food hotter thanalternatives while staying cool to touch, it's fully recyclable, and it's toughenough to handle whatever your busy kitchen throws at it. Plus, it'smicrowaveable, water and oil resistant, and light enough to make storage andtransport a breeze. Best of all? We make it right here in the UK, so you'll neverhave to worry about supply chain headaches or long lead times.We're passionate about helping foodservice businesses thrive, and we'd love toshow you how kp Infinity® can raise your packaging game in 2025. Whetheryou're looking to boost your sustainability credentials, improve foodpresentation, or simply make life easier for your team, we're here to help. Ready to make the switch? Let's talk about how kp Infinity® can work for yourbusiness. Learn more at FPA CONNECT MEMBER AD

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Keeping our members connectedQuarterly publication circulated to allFPA members and subscribers toThe FPA Friday Digest Just £199 for a product advert infour editions or £75 per publicationShare your company news, such as awards,achievements or promotions – for no charge Digital magazine formatTake the opportunity to increase your company’s visibility with your fellow FPAmembers and recipients of the FPA Friday Digest. If you would like to befeatured in the next issue of Connect, due out on 31 January 2025,please contact