S E L F I E S P O T L I G H T04050709101114O N T H E B L O G :D E C L U T T E R I N G F O RF A L LW H A T ' S N E W O NS O C I A L ?E M P L O Y E E O F T H EM O N T HCONTENTSC H E C K I N G I N A TC H I C K A S H A H O T E LC O N T A C T U SE X P L O R E D E T R O I T :O U R F A V O R I T ED E T R O I T H O T S P O T S
The Fourmidable corporate team takes itold school for a Pajama Party featuring amovie and | 04
decluttering BEFORE FALL Autumn is almost here and with cooler temps on the horizon now is the time to do some decluttering before hibernating Decluttering around fall in many ways helps prepare for the upcoming holidays With new toys holiday decorations and bulkier clothing and outerwear homes tend to get a little crowded during this time and though it can be cozy it can also get a bit overwhelming One of the easier steps to start with is going through clothes If you have the room try putting your summer clothes in a bin to make room for your fall and winter clothes If you have a little one now is the time to see what still fits and what an be donated or handed down This is also the part where you can really be mindful of what you use and what you don t use A good question to ask is have you worn it or used it in the last year If you haven t and it has no sentimental value to you it might be time to add to the donate pile If you use different blankets or pillows during the cooler months now would be the time to change those out too Pro Tip Give them a quick wash before packing them away and keep a fresh dryer sheet in a bin or vacuum seal bag so when you take them out next season they will be clean and ready to use The next thing to dig into is the toys Tis almost the season where toys never stop multiplying If there are toys that your child no longer seems interested in time to donate Another option is to pack some toys away and interchange them throughout the year fourmidable com 05 | 06Sometimes too many toys can feeloverwhelming to your child and theymay have a hard time pickingsomething to play with. Switching outtoys helps because the toys will feelnew to your child and you will be ableto keep the toy clutter to a minimum.Another easy tip for packing thingsaway is to label everything as you go.This will help you find what you’relooking for easily when you need it. If you’re having a hard time findingthe motivation to go through yourstuff, try setting small goals orrewards. Maybe allow yourself to buya new, fall scented candle once youpack away all of your summer seasonscents, or save your “cup of coffee andscrolling” for after you’ve finisheddecluttering at least one room.December you will thank Septemberyou for the steps you took todeclutter earlier in the season. | 07
ERIC GIBSON Corporate IT Guy KEESHA SHULTS Rosewood Place Residential Manager fourmidable com 9
Located in Chickasha, Oklahoma, Chickasha Hotel,built in 1902, underwent a multi-million dollarrenovation and reopened its doors as ChickashaHotel Apartments in the December, 2012. Chickasha Hotel Apartments has retained itshistorical integrity and architectural design whilefeaturing 21st century amenities including centralair, fully equipped kitchens and spacious light filledfloorplans that are unique to each | 10
exploredetroitIn honor of Detroit making the "World's 50 Greatest Places"list, here are some of our favorite places in |11
L I T T L EC A E S A R SA R E N AP H O T O : C L I C K O N D E T R O I T . C O MP H O T O : L I T T L E G U I D E D E T R O I T . C O MP H O T O : V I S I T D E T R O I T . C O ME A S T E R NM A R K E TD E T R O I TR I V E RW A L K"It's an oasis in the middle of an urbanenvironment. It's a great way to relax andspend the afternoon."-Michael Schocker"It's perfect any time of the year and it'snice supporting all of the localbusinesses."-Aleigh Schlatterbeck"We love going to Pistons games andeating popcorn at Little Caesars Arena."-Jordyn |12
BELLE ISLE Belle Isle has the aquarium and the conservatory that you can check out for free It s a great way to spend quality time with the family Kristen Gentry PHOTO TRIPADVISOR COM I like the urban artwork and graffiti It s a safe place to ride your bike in the city Kim Clabuesch DEQUINDRE CUT PHOTO DETROITRIVERFRONT ORG PHOTO OTTAVAVIADETROIT COM OTTAVA VIA They have great pizza and a cute atmosphere out on the patio Kamryn Schocker fourmidable com 13
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