060408101213CONTENTSC e l e b r a t i n g 4 7 Y e a r s :A M e s s a g e f r o mM i c h a e l S c h o c k e rS e l f i e S p o t l i g h tO n t h e B l o g : T h e P o w e ro f S o c i a l M e d i aP r o p e r t y S h o w c a s e :T h e A b i n g t o nB r e a k i n g G r o u n d a tL a f a y e t t e W e s tE m p l o y e e s o f t h eM o n t h17C o n t a c t U s14F o c u s i n g O n Y o u rH e a l t h G o a l s w i t hC o n w a y N o r w o o d
47 years of relationships.47 years of dedication.47 years of gratitude.fourmidable.com | 044 7 Y E A R S : M E S S A G E F R O M M I K E
As I look back on the past 47 years of success thatFourmidable has had, there has always been oneconstant: the people. The men and women whowork hard day in and day out to serve our clients,their properties and their communities. I believe we strive to see things a bit differently hereat Fourmidable and it comes down to ourrelationships that we build with our employees, ourclients and our owners. It is because we arecommitted to continue growing and pouring intothese relationships that we do what’s right for ourclients, residents and associates. I am thankful for all of the people that have helpedmake this company what it is over the past 47 years,and who will continue to give FOURMIDABLE abright future. There are many exciting things ahead and I'm sothankful to have you all on board.Cheers, Michael Schocker47• Y E A R S •L E T T E R F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N Tfourmidable.com | 054 7 Y E A R S : M E S S A G E F R O M M I K E
Long gone are the days of taking out an adin the newspaper to list your property. Beingable to showcase and build a brand usingsocial media is the most efficient way toconnect with current and potential residents.Need to fill some vacancies? This is wheresocial media can be a huge asset.Showoff your AmenitiesAlways list the basic amenities thatprospective residents might be looking for:laundry facilities, pool, gym, playground andbe sure to include anything that may beunique to the property. Have a car washstation? Highlight it! Have a Summer kick-offparty at the pool every year? Highlight it! Pro Tip: Ever see pictures of a place onlineand then get there and it looks nothing likethe picture? Not many things in life are moredisappointing than that - so, be sure to takelots of quality pictures of the areas andamenities with decent lighting so potentialresidents have a good idea of what theproperty has to offer.ON THE BLOGfourmidable.com | 06O N T H E B L O G Share your VacanciesThe fastest way to fill those vacant units is topost about them. The rental market is crazyright now and tons of people are looking tomove quickly. Through the power of sharing,these posts could reach those exact peoplein a matter of minutes. Again, be sure to takegood pictures of the unit, highlight theamenities and include the date the unit willbe available. It’s also important to alwaysinclude the property website and ways tocontact the office for more information onthe property and application process.Highlight your RenovationsCurrently renovating areas of your property?Let the followers (and prospective residents)in on the journey. Post the pictures of thedust and talk about what the grand plansare. This is a great way to show futureresidents that the property cares aboutupgrading outdated areas and items. If thereis anything people love – it’s a good beforeand after picture.
Spotlight your Employees and ResidentsWhen people are looking for places to live,they’re not just looking for a building, oramenities – they’re also looking for thepeople who will help them make that placetheir home. Current and prospectiveresidents want to be able to put a face to thebrand and get to know the person that willbe able to help them if something comes up.So, go ahead, post the birthdays,anniversaries and any events that you mayput on for the residents. As always, makesure permission is given before sharingphotos or creating posts about anyone onsocial media.Sometimes the thought of putting yourselfand your property out there on social mediacan feel a bit overwhelming. Start small andencourage the current residents to “like” or“follow” the property's social pages and evengive reviews of their experience living at theproperty.ON THE BLOG CONTINUEDfourmidable.com | 07O N T H E B L O GGood reviews are golden when it comes tohelping prospective residents choose oneproperty over another. If posts are createdregularly and incoming comments andmessages are responded to often, it can helpcreate a successful property page andpotentially keep occupancy numbers high.
Witness firsthand the character and charm ofThe Abington Apartments in New Center,particularly of the Historic Seward St.Neighborhood. This development offersupdated, refined apartments, with an idealresidence type designed for everyone.With studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroomunits, and a three-bedroom penthouse, thereare layout options tailored to you.With plentiful amenities, living at theAbington makes live a breeze.fourmidable.com | 08P R O P E R T Y S H O W C A S EWith plans for an on-sight coffee shop andmarket, work-from-home center, dog washstation, and workout facility — you’ll feelright at home.Best of all, with a variety of trendingrestaurants, shops, and entertainment, NewCenter is flourishing.Ready to explore more? Head over to ourwebsite for more information.The Abington - DetroitRe-imagining refined living in a storied,architectural Albert Kahn Landmark.
S P E C ST H E A B I N G T O N D E T R O I TM A K E Y O U R S E L F A T H O M E700SEWARDAVEDETROIT, MICHIGANON SITECAFE/GROCERYFor your convenience.Located at lobby level.GATED PARKINGKeeping security for you andyour vehicle a top priority.EXERCISEFACILITYOpen 24/7 for wheneverthe motivation strikes.fourmidable.com | 09P R O P E R T Y S H O W C A S E
H A P P Y R E T I R E M E N T !S t e v e D a v i s ' 1 5 y e a r c a r e e r w i t hF o u r m i d a b l e a s t h e M a i n t e n a n c eS u p e r v i s o r a t N e w H a v e n H o u s i n gC o m m i s s i o n / P i n e w o o d s A p a r t m e n t h a s b e e na s u c c e s s a n d w e a c k n o w l e d g e S t e v e a s av a l u e d t e a m m e m b e r , w i t h h i g h s t a n d a r d s ,d e d i c a t i o n , a n d l e a d e r s h i p t h a t m a d e ad i f f e r e n c e ! fourmidable.com | 10S E L F I E S P O T L I G H T
LAFAYETTEWESTIt was a beautiful day in Detroit as builders, investors,neighbors and the Mayor gathered to break ground atLafayette West in historic Lafayette Park on May 17th.Lafayette West will consist of six five-story buildings including230 apartments and 88 condos featuring one and twobedroom floor plans. The buildings are set to open Spring2023.The amenities will include a pool, fitness center, co-workingspace and electric vehicle charging stations.Mayor Mike Duggan spoke at the ceremony, on Tuesday,saying, "I always wanted to be the mayor of the city whereyou had to build housing units hundreds at a time toaccommodate the people who wanted to live in your town."The Mayor also shared that 20% of the apartments will beavailable for low-income housing.The model center is officially open at 900 W. Antietam Ave.Click the link below to book a tour and see everything thenew Lafayette West has to offer.https://lwdetroit.com/tour/fourmidable.com | 12G R O U N D B R E A K I N G
KRISTEN GENTRY Corporate System Support JEANNA FOX Winding Creek Residential Property Manager EOTM fourmidable com 13
Fitness Trainer (ACE)Fitness Nutritionist Specialist (NASM)Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA)P: 248-345-0720 Conway: The following snacks will providenutritional value and help you feel satiated inbetween meals while also keeping yourmetabolism active:• Greek (or any probiotic) yogurt with a littlegranola• Cottage cheese with fruit• Whole grain crackers with peanut butter orhummus• Fruits such as blueberries, cherries, strawberries,apples, oranges, bananas, grapefruits, andavocados• Nut products such as almonds, pecans, andwalnuts• Vegetables such as celery and carrots• Hard-boiled eggsQ. What are some healthy snacks to eatduring the work day?CONWAY NORWOODfourmidable.com | 15I N T E R V I E W W I T H C O N W A Y N O R W O O DConway: When work gets hectic, try one of thefollowing workouts:• Go for a speed walk either in an open area in theoffice or in the office parking lot on a sunny day.During that walk, stop every three minutes, perform20 squats, then keep walking. You’ll get 100 squatsin a little over 15 minutes. This workout can be doneusing a light pair of dumbbells or none at all.• If space is limited, try this low-impact 12-minutecircuit: Squats or lunges at a steady pace for 45seconds, cardio knee lifts for 45 seconds, wall (orstandard) pushups for 45 seconds, and modifiedjumping jacks for 45 seconds, all in that order. Restfor 15 seconds after each movement and performthe entire circuit three times to reach 12 minutes. Q. Any workout we can incorporate into a 15minute break or easy workouts for a busyweek?TIPS TO STAY ON TRACK DURING A BUSY WORK WEEK
Q: What is your biggest tip to staying ontrack during the week?Conway: Establish a sustainable plan. Plan yourmeals at a consistent time each day. If you don’thave that consistency in your schedule, keep alunch bag close to you so that you can easilyaccess nutritious snacks while working or on thego. Plan your workouts in advance to occur onspecific days at specific times. If you take an hour lunch break each day at noon,plan for a light 15-minute workout and a goodpre-prepped post-workout meal for theremaining time. Your plans should fit comfortablyinto your lifestyle while providing the activity andnutrients that you need to see the changes thatyou’re looking for.fourmidable.com | 16I N T E R V I E W W I T H C O N W A Y N O R W O O DConway: I am a certified fitness and nutritioncoach with 12 years of experience. I providestructured fitness programs and fitness nutritionmenus that are tailored to the needs, goals,tastes, expectations, and lifestyles of my clients.Coaching is done in-person or online viaplatforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, andFacetime and I train one-on-one or in smallgroups of up to four people. I am also a certifiedgroup fitness instructor specializing in formatssuch as Zumba, HIIT, yoga, water aerobics, andcycling.Q: What are the services you provide?Conway: With a fitness coach, you havesomeone in your corner doing all of the thinkingfor you. That’s significant because (using myselfas an example), I receive detailed informationfrom my clients that helps me craft a fitnessand nutrition program specifically for themwhile providing consistent attention,accountability and motivation, increasing thelikelihood that they’ll remain committed to theirprogram and achieve their desired results.Q: How can having a fitness instructorhelp you meet your goals?TIPS CONTINUEDNeed some help with your health goals?Contact Conway:
32500 TELEGRAPH ROAD | SUITE 200B I N G H A M F A R M S , M I 4 8 0 2 5( 2 4 8 ) 5 9 3 - 4 6 0 0C O N T A C T U SCopyright © 2022 All rights reserved.fourmidable.com | 17C O N T A C T U S