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Fourmidable Magazine July

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CONTENTS 04 Selfie Spotlight 05 On the Blog 5 Ways to Show Resident Appreciation 08 09 What s New on Social The Exchange Breakfast on the Go with the Abington 10 11 Employee of the Month Property Spotlight Lafayette Towers 13 16 Quiz Where Should Your Go on Summer Wacation Contact Us  V

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Aleigh Schlatterbeck, Human ResourceGeneralist, works hard on payroll at ourCorporate  | 04

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Residents are a huge part of the successof our properties. Making sure residentsfeel appreciated and heard can lead toless turnover and an overall betteratmosphere at your community. Here arefive easy ways to let your residents knowthey are appreciated:Thank You CardsOne of the easiest and budget-friendlyways to show your residents youappreciate them is by writing a Thankyou card. You can keep it short and sweetby simply saying, “Thank you for being apart of our community!”. Be sure topersonalize the card with the Resident’sname and your signature.Creating a Property NewsletterA newsletter can help notify yourresidents of new things happening in thecommunity. It can include events,reminders and can also be a great place to give some tips such as "How to eliminatepesky household odors" or "The best indoorplants to buy". You can also ask residents tosend in accolades or updates and celebratetheir big days or accomplishments with ashoutout.Hosting an EventA great way to show your appreciation is tohost a get together. Events are a great wayto bring the community together anddoesn’t have to break the bank. If you havea pool at your property – throw a pool party.Have a dog park? Host a Doggy Meet andGreet. No matter what kind of event youhave, your residents will love getting toknow you and their neighbors better. Need more ideas? See Page 7.Renewal IncentivesWhat better way to keep your amazingresidents around than by offering renewalincentives.  | 05APPRECIATIONT O S H O W R E S I D E N TFive Ways

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Having residents that respect your property and you have great relationships with are residents you want to keep around Without our residents and the relationships we have nurtured with them throughout the years we could not be successful See what you might be able to offer to help your resident decide to stay another year Communicate This may seem like an easy one but sometimes just a quick check in and a Hey how are you doing can go a long way with making sure your residents feel heard and appreciated It also lets the resident know that the line of communication is always open if they need anything Listening to resident s concerns and making sure they are taken care of is the best way to make your resident feel at home and ensure a long residency at your property Showing your residents that you care doesn t have to be difficult or expensive Simple things like cards and open communication is all you need to ensure that your residents will feel the love fourmidable com 06

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OUTDOOR MOVIEAn outdoor movie is an easy way to getthe community together for a relaxingnight. Tell your residents to bring ablanket or chairs and their favorite moviesnacks for a real "drive-in" feel. Feelinggenerous? Do a double feature! Show akids movie at dusk and then an adultmovie later. Even your littlest residentswill feel appreciated.FOOD TRUCKFood Trucks are always a crowd favorite.Treat your residents to lunch or dinner orhire an ice cream truck for dessert. Analternative to hiring a food truck is tohave a cook out. In general, everyoneloves food, so any event where food isinvolved will leave your crowd happy.GAME NIGHTGame Nights can include Bingo, cardgames, corn hole or even trivia. Havesnacks out for the group and get a giftcard ready for the winner and gamenight will be all everyone talks about...until the next  | 07

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By: Dana MeyerPhotos: Cheronda Nelson-Woodard "Appreciating my residents isvery important as it is myendeavor that they are alwaysreminded that I am here toservice their needs and toprovide the best livingexperience possible. "  |  09Breakfast on the Go a Success

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KAREN MARAACHLI Corporate HR Assistant Receptionist JACQUETTA DAVIS Lincoln Park Executive Manager fourmidable com 10

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L a f a y e t t eT o w e r  |  11

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SCENIC  |  12Breathtaking floor toceiling views of Detroitskyline and DetroitRiver SWIMMINGOutdoor heatedswimming pool NEIGHBORHOODNestled besidelushly landscapedLafayette Park

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How do you pack for a trip?Your perfect day involves:Your preferred place to rest yourhead:How would you prefer to getaround?When the day is done, you want  | 14

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MOSTLY A'SYou want to go with the flow andnot have to worry about a singlething (except for making sure youhave enough sunscreen). Take anap, read a good book and order afruity drink. Time to soak up someVitamin C!MOSTLY B'S CAMPINGTRIPYou want some peace and quiet.Take some time to unplug, resetand enjoy the sights and soundsof the nature surrounding you.Pack up the cooler, hang out bythe campfire and spend thenight stargazing.BEACHGETAWAYMOSTLY C'STHE BIGCITYYou're ready for a night out on thetown. See the lights, explore thecity and stop by some of thepopular tourist spots. Be sure tobring some fancy attire to catch ashow or hangout downtown andask the locals where the bestplaces to eat are.MOSTLY D'SROADTRIPYou are ready for an adventureand you know that the journey toget there can be just as fun as thedestination. So put on yourfavorite playlist, roll the windowsdown and go wherever the roadtakes you - just don't forget tostock up on driving snacks!  | 15

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