040305070809CONTENTSS e l f i e S t o pT h e L a s t M i n u t eS u m m e r B i c k e t L i s tO n t h e B l o g : B a c k t oS c h o o lW h a t ' s N e w o nS o c i a l ?E m p l o y e e o f t h eM o n t hR e s i d e n tA p p r e c i a t i o n a tW a t s o n G l a d e s13C o n t a c t U s11P r o p e r t y S p o t l i g h t :T h e G r i s w o l d
Residents at Watson Glades enjoyan Ice Cream Social duringResident Appreciation | 03
Summer Bucket ListSummer Bucket ListThe last minuteHave a bonfireGo to the beachHave a board game nightGo on a hikeTry a new restaurantHave a BBQGo on a picnicRead a bookPlant a gardenGo to an outdoor concertGo on a bike rideGo | 04
It’s that time of year again – when thedays get a bit shorter and the schoolsupplies list gets a bit longer. Nevertheless, it’s always good to take amoment to get prepared for the crazinessa new school year can bring.If you are a new resident to yourcommunity this year, or it is the first timeyou will be sending your little one off toschool, now is the perfect time to contactthe school your child will be going to andget information about pick-ups and dropoffs, start and end times, bus stoplocations, who your child’s teacher will beand what supplies they will need. Mostschools will send out emails for anyschool updates, so make sure the schoolhas a valid email address for you.You may also want to get to know yourneighbors that may be sending theirchildren to the same school as yours thisyear.This could be the perfect way to set up acarpooling schedule, play dates and havea support system throughout the year. Another easy way to get prepared for theschool year is to plan your lunches anddinners ahead of time. Prepping freezermeals or even just writing your dailymeals on a calendar will help keep you ontrack and less frazzled come dinner time.Check online for easy crockpot recipes tomake dinner time one of the easiestmeals you’ll have all day. For your little ones who are bringing alunch to school – have them help comeup with ideas for lunches that way theyare more likely to eat it. For a fun idea toget your younger kids involved, havethem create their own Lunchables!Continued on PG | 05tips for a successful startBack To School | 06Lastly, it’s always a good idea to getorganized before the school year starts.Much like adults, kids also tend to getanxious or stressed out with new changes.Organization and structure can be a hugetool to keep some of that anxiety at bay. Whether it is creating a separate spaceaway from other distractions forhomework or even making a little checklist of responsibilities for your kids tocomplete before they get screen time –keep it simple and your student will surelyget into their groove in no time.Anticipating the changes that the newschool year will bring, with all of thecraziness going on in the world makesactually handling them a whole lot easier.Allow for some hiccups, for your studentand for yourself and you’ll fall into yourroutine with ease. | 07
JORDYN SCHLUTER Corporate Accounting Supervisor NIKI JUBENVILLE Schoenherr Towers SHHC Residential Manager fourmidable com 08
RESIDENT APPRECIATIONAT WATSON GLADESWatson Glades in Gatlinburg, Tennessee celebrated their residents in July with a whole week offestivities. Activities included arts and crafts, an Ice Cream Social, Breakfast-To-Go and an indoorcontinental breakfast which was sponsored by AT&T. Residents were also able to enjoy a pizza andpool party. Vendors along with local community (Margaritaville, Tools of Trade, Dollywood, CadesCove, Basket Case Soap, Honey Express, Trish & Company, to name a few), donated items to beentered in a drawing.BY: DANA MEYERPHOTOS BY: CATRINA MORGANW A T S O N G L A D E | 09
"It was a huge success and our residents werehappy and appreciative." says ResidentialManager, Catrina Morgan. Residents alsoreceived swag bags and cards thanking themfor being a part of the community."I cant say enough about Watson Gladesplace. It's been such a wonderful place tolive." says two-year-resident, Julie Hale. "Allthe residents are friendly and courteous andthe management schedules plenty of activitiesto bring our community together such as: artsand crafts, work outs classes, ice creamsocials, pool parties, block parties and holidayevents.""We recently had a Residential AppreciationWeek and it was amazing," Hale says.R E S I D E N T A P P R E C I A T I O N"To be able to have such events makes usfeel at home. We are so grateful for amanager and management company forallowing us to have such a beautiful and safehome to live in." | 10-Julie Hale, Resident
THE GRISWOLD' T H E S K Y I S N O L O N G E R T H E L I M I T 'L I V E A L O N G T H E S K Y L I N E I N D O W N T O W N D E T R O I TOperable floor to ceilingpanoramic windows for fresh airand ventilation.Secured, resident-only access tolobby and elevator areas.Modern, industrial design for asleek look with endlesspossibilites.
H I G H R I S EL I V I N GFeaturing modern one, two and threebedroom luxury apartments.Live within walking distance of CampusMartius Park, Little Caesars Arena, theDetroit Riverfront and more.
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