A N N U A LR E P O R T2 3 / 2 4F I S C A L Y E A Rw w w . f o r w a r d c a r e e r s . o r g
HELLO!Welcome to ourannual reportfor fiscal year2023/2024.2
4Dear Readers,Forward Careers, Inc. achieved remarkable milestones in 2023-2024, continuing to deliverinnovative workforce development services that positively impact both individuals andbusinesses across Southeastern Wisconsin. This year, we connected with 561 individuals,enrolling 440 into our comprehensive programs designed to provide occupational skillstraining, employment services, and critical supportive resources. These servicesempowered participants to advance their careers, overcome barriers to success, andachieve sustainable professional growth.Our participants achieved exceptional outcomes, earning average hourly wages of $22.97for adults and $17.88 for youth. These figures highlight the value and impact of our careerdevelopment initiatives, which empower individuals to secure sustainable employment andenhance their economic stability.Collaboration remained a cornerstone of our success. By working closely with over 260businesses, we provided tailored hiring, training, and retention solutions that enhancedcompany efficiency and workforce retention. These strategic partnerships underscore ourcommitment to aligning workforce development with real-world business needs, drivingmeasurable outcomes that benefit both employees and employers.Since our inception, Forward Careers has equipped thousands with the skills and resourcesneeded to thrive in today’s ever-changing economy. Through demand-driven trainingprograms and individualized career support, we have built a robust workforce that fuelsregional economic growth and strengthens our communities.Looking ahead to 2025, we are inspired by the possibilities to expand our impact. Weremain deeply grateful for the trust and collaboration of our partners and communitymembers who make this work possible.Sincerely,STEVEN T. HOLTANChairmanCHAIRMAN MESSAGE
5Dear Community and Workforce Partners,In fiscal year 2023-2024, Forward Careers, Inc. proudly delivered exceptional value to ourclients and partners. By adapting to economic changes with agility and securing strategicfunding, we have reinforced the economic health and resilience of Southeastern Wisconsin.Reflecting on the year, we celebrate the success of Project RENEW (Revitalizing &Empowering the Next Employable Workforce). Backed by a $1.5 million Pathway Home 2Grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, this initiative has empowered individualstransitioning from the Milwaukee County Community Reintegration Center by connectingthem to meaningful on-the-job training opportunities. With an extension into 2024, weexpanded our partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections to serve a total of116 individuals, providing access to community resources and pathways to well-paying,sustainable careers.Looking ahead, we are thrilled to expand on two transformative initiatives addressingcritical workforce needs in healthcare and childcare:NEXT (Nursing. Equity. eXpansion. Training): Supported by a $2.4 million NursingExpansion Grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, this program aims to diversify thenursing workforce and strengthen healthcare systems. Over the next four years, it willprovide training for 165 individuals, preparing them for careers in nursing and otherhealthcare pathways.CARE (Childcare Advancement Readiness Employment): A locally driven initiativesupported by the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, West Bend Community Foundation,and Washington County, CARE addresses the critical shortage of childcare workers bytraining individuals in early childhood education. The program equips participants withessential skills and credentials while collaborating with employers and trainingproviders to expand childcare access and create sustainable career pathways.These programs reflect our steadfast commitment to creating equitable access to careeropportunities, addressing workforce challenges, and fostering economic growth across ourcommunities.Thank you for your continued trust, collaboration, and support. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and successful year ahead!PRESIDENT & CEO MESSAGECINDY SIMONSPresident & CEO
Forward Careers, Inc., formally known asWaukesha - Ozaukee - WashingtonWorkforce Development, Inc. andPrivate Industry Council, wasincorporated in January 19, 1990 as a501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for thepurpose of providing employment andtraining programs for individualsseeking to improve their employmentpotential in demand-driven and highgrowth professions, and to connectbusinesses, of any size and industry,with attraction, training, and retentionservices to succeed and grow.Our mission is to develop a thrivingworkforce and strong economy by beingthe preferred source for careerexploration, education and skillstraining, and employment connectionsto every person and business.Additionally, Forward Careers is apartner of the American Job Centernetwork, which is a unique strategicalliance of organizations, educationinstitutions, and public agencies workingtogether to serve businesses,individuals, and the economy. TheAmerican Job Center serves as a focalpoint for local and regional workforcedevelopment initiatives that collaborateto advance the economic well-being ofthe region by developing andmaintaining a quality workforce. ABOUT USBOARD OF DIRECTORSChris Carman, Owner, ActionCoachBusiness Coaching Francisco Sanchez, Retired President,WOW Workforce Development, Inc.(Vice Chair)Mark Goldstein, Attorney, GoldsteinLaw Group.Rashi Kholsa, President/CEO, MARSSolutions GroupSteve Holtan, Retired President,Slinger Manufacturing (Chair)TEAMAnita Kline, IT & Data ManagerCindy Hinckley, Career PlannerCindy Simons, President & CEOGina Lee, Career PlannerGiovanni Cataldo, Career PlannerJeff Hopton, Career PlannerJoe Starrett, ControllerKaren Cameron, Business SolutionsRepresentativeKathy Wolfe, Program ManagerKimberly Trinko, Operations ManagerLauren Friedl, Career PlannerLisa Harrison, Career PlannerLiz Sarkissian, Business SolutionsRepresentative6
Forward Careers is proud to serve as a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes andindustries, offering a comprehensive suite of cost-free and fee-based services designed toattract, train, and retain the talent organizations need to thrive and grow. Whether it'sfinding diverse talent, designing custom training programs, or navigating workforcechallenges, we deliver innovative employment solutions tailored to your unique businessneeds.Our services include:Hiring: Facilitating job postings, organizing seasonal job fairs, conducting recruitmentworkshops, and providing tailored talent matching services to connect businesseswith the right candidates.Training: Offering access to apprenticeships, on-the-job training programs, and work-based learning opportunities to help employees develop essential skills and advancetheir careers.Retention: Supporting businesses in retaining top talent through incumbent workertraining programs, labor market insights, and access to valuable workforce resources.Rapid Response: Assisting companies and workers impacted by downsizing orclosures with expert guidance and support, ensuring smooth transitions duringchallenging times.Forward Careers is committed to fostering economic growth and workforce developmentby bridging the gap between employers and the skilled workforce they need. BUSINESS SERVICES8
27,086business connections establishedacross Southeastern Wisconsin,fostering regional workforcecollaboration.260local business partners activelyengaged in work-based learningprograms, on-the-job training,incumbent worker training, and directtalent-matching services, drivingworkforce development and skill-building.9
1 0At Forward Careers, we are dedicated to supporting individuals aged 16 and older who areunemployed, underemployed, or seeking a new direction in their careers. Through ourcomprehensive career, skills training, and supportive services, we provide the resourcesand guidance needed to help individuals achieve their career aspirations.Our services include:Personalized career planningBasic skills trainingJob search assistance and skill developmentIn-demand, employer-linked training programsWhether you are preparing to graduate, exploring a career change, or actively seekingemployment, Forward Careers offers the tools and support necessary to navigate today’sjob market.CAREER SERVICESOur experienced Career Planners work closely witheach participant to understand their goals andcreate a tailored plan for success. From identifyingin-demand jobs to connecting with opportunities inthe region, we leverage strong relationships withbusinesses across all industries to open doors tomeaningful employment.
561individuals received personalizedcareer guidance and access to vitalcommunity resources to supporttheir professional journeys.440individuals enrolled in comprehensivecareer services, includingoccupational skills training,employment connections, andsupportive services aimed atadvancing their careers.1 1
1 265% White2% Other3% Asian23% Blackor AfricanAmericanA YEAR OF IMPACT35% identify aspeople of color4% Hispanic or Latino2% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander1% AmericanIndian orAlaska NativeRace/EthnicityGender50% Male 49% Female 1% UndisclosedAgeUnder 1818 - 2425 -3435 - 4445 - 5455 - 6465+3%44%21%13%12%6% 1%We work with job-ready individuals, including thoseovercoming employment barriers and non-degreeholders, to equipping them with valuable skills andconnecting them to rewarding, well-paying jobopportunities.EducationIncome0 50 100 150 200 250 300$0.00$1.00 - $9,999$10,000 - $19,999$20,000 - $29,999$30,000 - $39,999$40,000 - $49,999$50,000 - $79,999$80,000 +91%have an annualincome less than$40,00080%have a HS Diploma /GEDor less74% HSDiplomaor GED7% Have Less than a 4 Year Degree13% Have a 4 Year Degree or More6% Don’t Have a High School Diploma
1 3Healthcare ManufacturingBusiness & FinanceTransportationPublic Admin50%34%7%8%1 2BUSINESSES ENGAGEMENTWe partner with businesses across all sectors, regardless of size or industry, to delivertailored workforce solutions.Areas of EducationTop fields pursued by our clientsWages at Program Completion$22.97/hour ($47,778 annually) is theaverage wage for adults after programcompletion.$17.88/hour ($37,190 annually) is theaverage wage for youth after programcompletion.Adults (25+)Youth (16 - 24)260businesses served with hiring, training, retaining services, and/or rapid response services.67% were repeat partners, reflecting strong, ongoing relationships.33% were new businesses, expanding our network and fostering new collaborations.of businesses participated in on-the-job training, equippingworkers with hands-on experience.engaged in work-based learning opportunities, such asinternships and work experiences.invested in incumbent worker training, enhancing skills of theirexisting workforce.accessed rapid response services, supporting transitions duringdownsizing or closures. ProfessionalScientific, & Technical Services
1 4A YEAR OF IMPACT“The NEXT grant has provided me theexperience to be fully present in mynursing school journey by taking away thefinancial stress. Since being a part of theNEXT program I have been able tosucceed in my associate degree nursingclasses, begin concurrent enrollment in abachelors degree program, as well aspursue a nurse extern position. Thank youForward Careers for this opportunity toenhance my nursing education.”Gabrielle “When the company I worked for 24 yearsrelocated, I was lost. I had no resume, noknowledge of available resources, andhad never filed for unemployment.Thankfully, WIOA representative JeffreyHopton guided me through the transition.From resume assistance to funding andschool recommendations, he helped meprepare for a new career in a differentindustry. Thanks to this support, I’ve beenthriving with my new company for 1.5years. I couldn’t have done it without thisorganization. Thank you!”Justin NEXT Initiative: Supported by a $2.4 million Department of Labor Grant, this programaims to expand the healthcare workforce from 2023 to 2028.The WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs provide critical support toindividuals seeking stable employment, offering skills training, career planning, and jobplacement services to facilitate successful career transitions and long-term growth.
1 5Through the Windows to Work program, Jakeadvanced to a first-shift Machine Operator rolewhile pursuing an Associate Degree inManufacturing Engineering Technology. Withcareer coaching and supportive services, heachieved personal and professional milestones,maintained a positive outlook, and earnedconsistent praise."I’m working toward a promotion and hope toget my own place soon. Thanks!" Jake “Working with Lauren has helped me grow somuch in the last couple years. With Lauren, shealways has answers to any questions you ask.There are no "What if's" left unanswered aftera meeting with her, which is always helpfulwhen I feel like I need all the answers to allthose "What if" questions. She is alwaysthinking about how to help and urges me tomake practical decisions, whether it be afinancial or emotional decision. Lauren hasmade a very positive impact on my wellbeing,and I've learned a lot from having a role modellike her guide me through early adulthood.”HaileyWindows to Work helps individuals transition from incarceration to the community byproviding resources, guidance, and skills for successful reintegration.Independent Living Program: Empowers young adults transitioning from out-of-homeor foster care by providing essential life skills for a successful journey to independence.
1 6A YEAR OF IMPACT"The QUEST program has been atremendous help in my collegejourney, and I’m incredibly thankful forthe opportunity. I highly recommendthis program to anyone seekingsupport for their education."Hailey“My name is Jason, and I was released fromprison in 2020. While in prison, I connected withthe Windows to Work program, which promisedto help me rebuild my life. Honestly, I wasskeptical.The week I was released, my caseworker helpedme create a resume and introduced me to theWork ‘n Wheels program. I quickly found a jobearning $14 an hour. After 30 days, Mrs. Wolfehelped me secure a $5,000 car loan through theprogram, allowing me to purchase a 2004Saturn Ion. Having reliable transportation madeall the difference - I went from earning $14 anhour to $21 an hour.I’ve now been out of prison for three years and,for the first time, successfully completedextended supervision. It wasn’t easy, but I wasdetermined not to fail. I even plan to pay off mycar this January.Thank you, Mrs. Wolfe, and the Forward Careersteam. Without your support and the Work ‘nWheels program, I don’t know if I would havemade it."JasonThe QUEST program addresseschildcare economy challengesthrough training, supportiveservices, business engagement, anddisaster-recovery employmentopportunities.Work 'n Wheels is a 0% interestauto and repair loan programcreated to address transportationbarriers, helping individuals reliablycommute to and from work.
1 7“Before joining Windows to Work, I struggledwith self-doubt and lacked confidence to takecontrol of my life. With the program’s support, Iachieved full-time employment, securedhousing, and purchased a vehicle. Careercoaching and case management helped me buildconfidence and reach significant milestones.Completing the program wasn’t easy, butstaying focused on my goals paid off. I’mgrateful for the opportunities, the amazingsupport, and the lessons I’ve learned. I HIGHLYrecommend this program to anyone ready towork toward a better future.”Thomas“The WIOA Youth Program wasincredibly helpful in providing mewith valuable work experience. Itallowed me to explore the industryand 'try it before buying into it,' so tospeak. Without the program’ssupport, I couldn’t have afforded theschool or the supplies required forthe Cosmetology program.I also loved participating in CareerEdge, which taught meorganizational skills that helped memanage my time better and becomemore efficient. Thanks to theprogram, I now have my associatedegree, state credentials, and full-time employment.”XavierThe WIOA Youth program supportsyoung individuals by providing careerguidance, skills training, workexperience, and supportive services tohelp them achieve educational andemployment goals, build confidence,and create pathways to long-termsuccess.
1 8Radius Packaging’s Internship SuccessIn 2024, Radius Packaging welcomed five internsthrough the Worker Advancement Initiative (WAI)facilitated by Forward Careers. One standout intern inQuality Assurance created detailed packaginginstructions, updated compliance documents, andensured auxiliary equipment met operational standards.“The support from Forward Careers made the programseamless and allowed us to focus on the interns’contributions,” said Eric Berg, Human DevelopmentCoordinator. “These internships are critical to developingfuture leaders, and we’re excited to continue thisvaluable partnership.”Essential Industries’s Internship SuccessIn summer 2024, Essential Industries hosted threeinterns in IT, Chemical Engineering, and MechanicalEngineering, providing them with hands-on experience ina dynamic manufacturing environment. The IT interngained proficiency in Power BI and data automation, theChemical Engineering intern honed skills in polymerchemistry and laboratory techniques, and the MechanicalEngineering intern focused on reliability engineering andequipment management.Each intern presented their accomplishments toleadership, showcasing impressive growth. “This programexemplifies Essential Industries' commitment tofostering the next generation of Wisconsin leaders andwas made possible through the Worker AdvancementInitiative offered by Forward Careers,” shared anEssential Industries representative.A YEAR OF IMPACTThe Worker Advancement Initiative, running from 2021 to 2024, supported 163individuals displaced by the pandemic or facing challenges in the labor marketthrough subsidized employment and skills training with local employers.
1 9FINANCIALSTOTAL$2,060,466RevenueGovernment & Service Contracts$2,010,96597.6%1.9%0.5%Corporate & Foundation Grants$39,426Other Revenue$10,075TOTAL$2,046,695ExpensesCareer & Training Services$1,830,50789.4%10.6%Management & General$216,188Change in Net Assests$13,771
WAUKESHA COUNTY2607 N Grandview Blvd, Suite 140Waukesha, WI 53188LOCATIONSOZAUKEE COUNTY2360 Dakota DriveGrafton, WI 53024WASHINGTON COUNTY2200 Green Tree RdWest Bend, WI 53090[P] 262.695.7880 // WI RELAY 7-1-1[E] contact@forwardcareers.org[W] www.forwardcareers.org