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DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE AND SUMMARY...........................................................4LOCATIONS..............................................................................................................5BOOKS & READING............................................................................................6-7ART & CULTURE...................................................................................................8-9EDUCATION & GROWTH..............................................................................10-11 COMMUNITY VITALITY & ENGAGEMENT................................................12-13FORT WORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION.....................................14-15COMMUNITY BOARD MEMBERS......................................................................16CONTENTSBuilding a community of learners, dreamers, and doers.Your community gathering place for learning, self-discovery, shared experiences and personal growth.MISSIONVISION
This year was one of growth and change for Fort Worth Public Library. Joining the organizaon in January 2024, I am especially proud to be part of a team that completed several major projects while simultaneously delivering exceptional services and programs to the residents and guests of Fort Worth. It was an honor to work alongside a talented team of 267 employees.In the past year, the sta took on the monumental task of moving out of the former Central library, relocang many teams into a new library operaons center, and opening two new library locaons. We opened the Downtown Express library in the former City Hall, and opened District 7’s rst library at Cliord Crossing. We started working on our permanent downtown locaon at the historic 512 4th Street building. With a smaller, more manageable space, we will provide a desnaon library worthy of a great American city’s downtown.We also celebrated a record-breaking summer of reading, surpassing more than 4 million minutes read. Sta hosted more than 10,000 diverse programs across the City in our commitment to build a community of learners, dreamers and doers. In partnership with the Fort Worth Public Library Foundaon, we also saw our community donate more on North Texas Giving Day than ever before. While we celebrate these achievements and others in this report, we are eagerly looking to engage with our community in more ways and support the dynamic growth of this great City. We hope to see you at any of our 20 locaons soon!FROM THE DIRECTORBY THE NUMBERSOctober 2023 - September 2024Midori Clark
LOCATIONSElla Mae Shamblee Library Riverside LibraryLa Gran BibliotecaA library serving west Fort WorthData reects the six months of operation. Data reects the rst month of operation.A community library inside old City HallDowntown Express Library Cliord Crossing Library1,568 Visitors363Program AttendancePrograms Offered3,605 Visitors1,621 Checkouts 4,541 CheckoutsLocation GrowthNew Libraries“Part of our strategy has been to include the community in our programming decisions, working hard to reect the interests and needs of our regular patrons with an eye to attract those that have not been to the library in a while.”- Branch Manager, Blake Farrell114%154%Program Attendance380Programs Offered“In the past year, programmers cultivated relationships with teachers and librarians in our schools; staff at Riverside Community Center; and Carter-Riverside and Oakhurst neighborhood associations.”- Branch Manager, Gwin Grimes39%27%Program Attendance540Programs Offered“We added new programs throughout the work week to provide engaging opportunities for stay-at-home caregivers and we have created a new kid’s area packed with toys and manipulatives.”- Branch Manager, Josh Rudd53%92%
Mayor’s Summer Reading Challenge1000 Books Before KindergartenSpring Reading ChallengeBOOKS & READINGThe Mayor’s Summer Reading Challenge encourages Fort Worth residents of all ages to find and read great books all summer long. Participants track their reading minutes to earn bragging rights and fun prizes along the way.1000 Books Before Kindergarten is designed to give children’s literacy skills a boost before they begin school. Each book a child reads or listens to counts toward the goal. Their journey begins by signing up to receive a booklet with ps to help them achieve this worthwhile goal. Our Spring Reading Challenge is a quick, monthlong reading bonanza each March that serves as a warmup to the longer summer reading challenge.
One At A Time Book ClubBOOKS & READINGReading aloud brings group closer together at East Regional LibraryThis isn’t your ordinary book club. On a recent Tuesday in November, about a dozen adults clambered into the meeng room at the East Regional Library to read, listen to and enjoy Chapter 22 of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. Nobody seems to mind that it took months to nish a novel they began reading in June. The One at a Time Book Club is designed specically for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilies to enjoy reading aloud in a friendly, supporve peer group. Reading among friendsThe core group of parcipants, students from a nearby adult day school, arrive together in a me-worn white passenger van. The book club has helped cement friendships already formed through familiarity with each other and the library, which they had already been vising oen as a group to check out books. “We came up with the idea because we knew this was an underserved populaon,” said Adult Services librarian Lynn Holt. “It started at East Regional because they already had this group coming on a prey regular basis.”Building condenceThe format allows anyone who is comfortable reading aloud to take turns. Those who read have gained condence and skill through pracce. Aer some snacks and socializing, it didn’t take long for the room to be lled with alternang voices strongly delivering the hilariously wrien prose, punctuated by shared laughter. “We’ve got some folks who are really very condent about reading out loud,” Holt said. Others are not as adept at reading words on a page but love hearing and engaging in the stories. This is true for the general populaon, too, and is why all the library’s book clubs include tles available as audiobooks to be more inclusive. Serving everyoneChristy Jare, a librarian at East Regional, said developing the book club was a good t because the parcipants already loved their visits there. “They’re just really good library patrons anyway,” she said. The club chose to read The Lightning Thief from a couple of choices. Aimed at middle-grade readers, Jarre said the book is easy to read while the subject maer and story are interesng. Further, Percy must overcome dyslexia, which makes him more relatable. “It’s all joy for us,” Jarre said. “We’re just trying to nd ways to serve everyone.” Reading together provides a social benet that reading alone doesn’t achieve, as well as immersing everyone in the room in a friendly environment with mutual dignity and respect.Making new friends“This is an opportunity to read together, to build on that community,” Holt said. “They’ve become friends with us, the sta, they tell us about their personal lives, and we get to check on them and see how they are doing. I learn a lot from them and I have a really good me.” Hadley, who aends regularly as part of the group, said her favorite books are fantasy novels. “I like having a community of people I can just rant about books with,” she said, as a book she brought about warrior cats sits on the table next to her. Je also enjoys the sessions. “I love learning about the characters and stu like that,” he said. What Fort Worth Reads Instagram live stream brings book lovers together. Between 20 and 30 people jump in live noon-1 p.m. Thursdays to discuss books across mulple genres, while each episode draws 200-300 total viewers.Seventeen locaons hosted a total of 1,149 guests like these visitors at the Northside library to meet storybook characters Elephant & Piggie.
ARTS & CULTUREOn any given day at the Fort Worth Public Library, you might hear excited toddlers singing and stomping during a Music and Movement session or gentle strums of students learning how to play a G chord in a Guitar Basics class. The Library is redening what it means to be a community hub. Over the years, the Library has introduced music lessons, Music and Movement—a program made to get lile ones moving and grooving—and an instrument lending service, which lets cardholders check out musical instruments. The start of something newOne summer, library co-workers/musicians Daniel Garcia and Erick Ibarra had an idea to bring people together with guitars to learn, play and create music. Once they had the go-ahead from leadership, they put up a sign-up sheet that, to their surprise, received 50 sign-ups. Years later, that guitar class has sprouted a variety of music programs at mulple locaons, including guitar and ukulele classes, jam sessions, seasonal concerts and more. “It really took a lot of sta who were willing to share their talents. None of this would’ve happened without sta buy-in,” said Daniel Garcia, Branch Manager at Diamond Hill/Jarvis Library.A labor of loveMusic programs are led by individuals passionate about the art and willing to share their musical talents with their community. Branch Manager Erick Ibarra, who leads guitar classes at the Meadowbrook Library, picked up the guitar at age 17 and shares that the instrument gave him a way to communicate ideas without words. “For some, the arts are a way to express those inner thoughts and feelings,” said Ibarra. “It can be a voice for those who feel they don’t have one.” Brad Beneeld, library assistant—and experienced guitar player—saw another locaon oering guitar classes and decided to propose them at his. “I wanted to share my skills with the community,” said Beneeld. “Everyone should have access to free music lessons.” He’s taught guitar and ukulele classes at the Golden Triangle Branch for two years now. The free classes provide parcipants a judgment-free learning space with weekly lessons that build upon the previous one. No maer the class, the tune is always the same: all are welcome. Jump, wiggle and grooveSong and dance are great ways for children to improve motor skills, explore creavity and pracce self-expression. The Library’s Music and Movement and story me programs use music as a vehicle to inspire children and their grown-ups to sing, dance and play. “You don’t have to do anything musical as a youth librarian but I think it really does add an extra level of fun for me and the people,” said Thomas Sckley, youth librarian. “If you can’t play an instrument, singing is also a great way to have fun.” Sessions are structured to encourage socializaon without the pressure to perform or be perfect. “Success isn’t about being perfect, it’s about jumping in and trying. That leads to resilient kids,” said Kim Tran, public education specialist. Music and movement is currently offered at 11 locations and is made possible thanks to support by the Fort Worth Public Library Foundation.Your ukulele is ready for pickupGeng into music can be pricey, but the Library is here to help. Since 2022, Fort Worth Public Library cardholders have been able to explore their musical aspiraons risk and cost-free with its instrument lending service. “It inially started as a way to supplement our music classes and has expanded to give patrons a creave outlet without a big investment on their part,” said Rita Alfaro, music librarian. The library currently oers over 40 instruments for check out, including guitars, amps, ukuleles, snare drums, keyboards, banjos and more. The process is as easy as checking out a book. Find an instrument, place a hold, and wait for your pickup conrmaon.Talented library staff share joy of music with all ages
ARTS & CULTURELibraries hosted 2,460 guests like Lori Baurys at Watercolor and Painng clubs across the city. Baurys started out taking Excel computer class at the East Regional Library and also joined the Painng Club. She’s now started a small side-business selling her works.Crafting groups meet at libraries across the city and saw 1,160 guests explore their talents and learn something new in knitting and crochet. Some groups even donate the items they create to local charities.
EDUCATION & GROWTHEarly Literacy InitiativesStory TimesLittle Builders & Toddler TowersProgram VisitsPrograms HostedBaby BagsKinder Prep2,360Story TimesHosted859Checkouts2,810133Based on the Every Child Ready to Read method that idenes skills that help children learn to read.LEGO® DUPLO® programs integrate alphabet, counng, paerns and problem-solving skills.Designed to develop skills including sensory, ne motor, gross motor, logical, creave, emoonal, and self-esteem.Kinder Prep helps both kids and their grownups prepare for the transion to Kindergarten. This weekly program is oered in English and Spanish.
EDUCATION & GROWTHAdult EducationHigh School EquivalencyEnglish as a Second LanguageCivics for Citizenship587The Fort Worth Public Library hosts the only free Spanish-language high school equivalency program in Tarrant County serving dozens of residents annually.11Graduates454InstructionalHoursParticipants7,313Program VisitsResidents with limited English skills participate in conversation classes and book clubs.A program designed to help lawful, permanent residents prepare for naturalization.Computer Classes1,794Program VisitsComputer Classes include Computer Basics, Internet Skills and Microsoft Platforms. Programs are offered in English and Spanish.
COMMUNITY VITALITY & ENGAGEMENTThe ABCs of Babysitting The free class for preteens and teens aims to give them a basic understanding of child development and the posive impact they can have on a child in their care. Tips range from the praccal (like changing diapers and engaging children) to rst aid and safety presented by the Fort Worth Fire Department. The class also provides aspiring entrepreneurs the tools and know-how to earn money as babysiers. Bot Builders This year featured the debut of Bot Builders. Young aspiring robotics engineers in grades 4-8 aend programs coached by members of Fort Worth ISD’s Young Women’s Leadership Academy robocs team to complete monthly challenges. Using LEGO® Educaon SPIKE™ Prime kits teaches basic coding and fosters problem-solving skills in a fun, supportive environment. La Gran Biblioteca College FairSet up in the middle of the bustling La Gran Plaza mall, eight different area colleges were on hand to share informaon with more than 80 prospecve students.Touch-a-TruckFieen city trucks and vehicles rumbled into the large parking lot at the Meadowbrook Branch Library, drawing more than 300 visitors to explore them up close.Community Partner Experiences52,489Outreach EventsIndividual Connections(28% increase YOY)(39% increase YOY)520
COMMUNITY VITALITY & ENGAGEMENTCastleberry ISDCrowley ISDEagle Mountain Saginaw ISDBoswell High SchoolEverman ISDFort Worth ISDKeller ISDNorthwest ISDWhite Settlement ISDHomeschoolPrivate Schools• Christian Cottage Prep• Nazarene Christian Academy• Rivertree Academy• Saint Rita Catholic School• Temple Christian SchoolCharter Schools• Academy of Visual and Performing Arts• Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts• Harmony School of Innovation• Harmony Science Academy• IDEA Edgecliff• IDEA Rise Academy• IDEA Southeast• ILTexas Keller• ILTexas Woodhaven• Rocketship Dennis Dunkins• Trinity Basin Preparatory• Uplift Crescendo Preparatory• Uplift Elevate Preparatory• Uplift Meridian PreparatoryChild Care Providers• Aledo Crossing• Center for Transforming Lives• CenterWell Primary Care• Child Care Associates• Clayton Youth Enrichment• Lisa’s Little Angels Learning Center• Perfect Praise Academy• Primrose School of Columbus TrailCollege/University• TCC Leadership• TCC South Campus• TCC Trinity River Campus• TCU• Texas Wesleyan UniversityAfnity Group• AARP of Southwest Fort Worth Chapter• Arlington Stake• Fort Worth Women’s Club• Hispanic Chamber of CommerceApartment Complex• Aventine Apartments• Aviva of Fort Worth• Quail Ridge Apartments• Stallion Point Apartments• Stallion Ridge ApartmentsArts and Culture• Amon Carter Museum of American Art• Artes De La Rosa• Bass Hall Performing Arts of Fort Worth• Fort Worth Botanic GardenEducation PartnersOutreach Partners• Fort Worth Museum of Science and History• Fort Worth Symphony and Orchestra • Main Street Arts• MayFest• Modern Art MuseumBusiness• Creatively Beauty Pop-up Market• EOG Resources Inc• La Gran Plaza• The Dock BookshopCity of Fort Worth• City Attorney’s Ofce• City Hall• City Human Resources• City of Fort Worth• Community Engagement• District 6• District 10• Fort Worth Nature Center• Fort Worth Police Department• Fort Worth University• Fort Worth Water Department• FWPD Code Blue• Keep Fort Worth BeautifulCommunity Center• Andrew Doc Session Community Center• Boys and Girls Club• Bradley Center Community Center• Chisholm Trail Community Center• Como Community Center• Diamond Hill Community Center• Downtown YMCA• Eugene McCray Community Center• Fire Station Community Center• Handley Meadowbrook Community Center• LVTRise Community Center• Martin Luther King Community Center• Meadowbrook Community Center• Northwest YMCA• RD Evans Community Center• Riverside Community Center• Ryan Family YMCA• Thomas Place Community Center• Transvive Community Connection• United Community Center• Victory Forest Community Center• YMCACommunity Services• ACH Child & Family Services• Fortress• HUD Housing Authority• Northside Inter-Community Agency• Refugee Services of Texas• Tarrant County Samaritan Housing Inc• TexRail• The Morris Foundation Women & Children’s Center• The Parenting Center• United Way of Tarrant CountyDisability Services• Lighthouse for the Blind of Fort WorthFaith-Based• Broadway Baptist Church• Mount Moriah Mission Baptist• Pilgrim Valley Missionary Baptist Church• University Christian Church• Westside Unitarian Universalist ChurchHealthcare• Aids Outreach Center• Cook Children’s HospitalHistory• DFW Archives/FW Stockyards• Erath County Genealogical Society• Fort Worth Genealogical Society• Tarrant County Black Historical & Genealogical SocietyLibrary• Crowley Library and Crowley Rec Center• Euless Public Library• Fairmount Community Library• Grand Prairie Memorial LibraryNeighborhood Association• Bonds Ranch Homeowners Association• Candleridge HOA • Foster Park HOA• Hazel Harvey Peace Neighborhood Center• Hulen Heights Neighborhood Association• Michael’s Cuisine/Imperial Terrace HOA• Parks at Dear Creek• Ridgeview Estates• Ridglea Hills Neighborhood Association• Stone Meadow HOA• Stop 6 Neighborhood• Summerelds Neighborhood Association• Tanglewood Neighborhood Association• University West Neighborhood Association• Wedgwood East Neighborhood Association• Wedgwood South Neighborhood Association• Westcliff Neighborhood Association• Westley Chapel/Lincoln ParkOther• Fort Worth Zoo• Panther City Lacrosse• Near SouthsideSenior Center/Living• Aviva of Fort Worth• Bethesda Memory Care• Brookdale Westover Hills• Ridglea Senior Living Center• Ridgmar Place Senior Living Facility• Silverstone Retirement Community• Silverton Senior Living Facility• Stayton • Trinity Terrace• Vantage at Cityview • Watermark at Broadway Cityview
Support from community donors to the foundaon help fund programs and services like 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, ABCs of Babysing, Amplify 817, Bot Builders, CAD Contests, High School Equivalency, Lile Builders/Toddler Towers, Spring & Summer Reading Challenges, and more.Aaron WileyAdam KnoerzerAimee EtierAlex KhammarAli TullosAllan and Mary KellyAmber ShietAmerican Carton CompanyAmie and JR TrittonAna SotoAndrea Ash and Carey StinsonAndrew AdamsAndy ZachariasAngela MaxwellAngela MayAngela WhiteAngie and Todd DawsonAnn HooverAnn RyanAnna LeMasterAnne and Robert SempleAnthony and Tracie SnipesAntoinette and Charles MannArcina BeardAustin PhilpotBank of TexasBarbara CordrayBarbara GunnBarbara RussellBecky and Stephen TobinBenjamin RobertsonBerna MassingillBetsy and George PepperBill ShopeBlake FarrellBlue and Carole RannefeldBob BrockwayBond and Amanda MaloneBrenda GuilloudBrett HallBrian KrafftBrig SermanBrock Peters and Victoria Puente-PetersBryant KoprivaCandiss CaudleCarol NoelThank you for supporting our mission of creating a community of learners, dreamers and doers.Carol WilksCarol WitcherCarolyn BoboCatherine and Wallace SchmuckCatherine NicholasCatherine SimpsonChad and Liz EliasChad WoodardCharles and Gloria EstillChase BergnerCheryl L. RobisonChris BeauchampChris GeorgeChris WenskeChristine VoigtChristopher and Ellen PulliamChristopher SullivanCindy LawrenceClarence HillClarence RobinsonClark and Rebecca RuckerClint CockerellCole BrockwayCorrie and Aaron HowardCory SpintigCory WayCourtney GarveyCraig BarnesCynthia C. GookinsCynthia RichDalton WaltonDaniel TaylorDaniel TrenthamDanny ByrneDaphne and Carl ShawDaris FrenchaDaryn EudalyDavid and Denise CookeDavid and Elizabeth O’BrienDavid E ParkerDavid RobertsDavid TroupDaymon ShaverDexter HuewittDiana McKinneyDiane MalnakDiane BurnsDionne BryantDirk GillDon DukeDonovan and Amy WilliamsonDoug BettingerDouglas KacsirDrew NealDylan TrittonEd McLinElaine and Richard ReevesElena and Tom YorioElizabeth ManionElizabeth SchellEllen B ShawEmily SohnsEmmy Lou PrescottEmpire Holdings Eric SmawErik DumasEsmeralda GarciaEverett B. & Edith P. Comer Charitable TrustFolsom Point CharitiesFort Worth Civil Constructors, LLCForza Resources, LLCFrances GroganFrank CundariFrank ShielsFrost BankFuel and SparkGail Williamson RawlGarvey Texas Foundation, Inc.Gary D NunnGaye ReedGleniece RobinsonGlenn WilliamsGrady and Lynda ShropshireGreg McCoyGreg SaltsmanGregory Lewis StramblerGuaranty Bank & TrustHardy WaffordHarris Packaging CorporationHarry and Charlene BremerHarry and Linda ReedyHarry DombroskiHayden BlackburnHeidi Negron ArroyoHerbert and Patricia SchwarzHuck and Catherine NewberryIMC Facility ServicesIsrael Williams, Jr.Jack ToddJacob and Libby SmithJacob Moriarty-StoneJaicy MarshallJaime Doak BennettJaime ParkerJames and Jerry TaylorJames DriverJames HarperJames SynowskyJana HillJared and Allison ClarkeJarrod UptonJason SuderJason VoightJavier RodriguezJay BondJean ChristenberryJeanne SummersJeff KnightJeff MontgomeryJeffery HicksonJenise R. CoxJennifer HendersonJenny ShieldJerry BolzJerry MahleJesica McEachernJess WileyJesus and Evalis ChapaJill GrifnJill GoffJim DavisJim HedgesJim RossJo Anne GilbertJoan AbernethyJoan MasseyJoan WatkinsThe following donors supported the Fort Worth Public Library Foundation during the 2024 scal year (October 2023 - September 2024).
When you give to the Fort Worth Public Library Foundation, you give to the Library.Joe AlcalaJoe LaMannaJoe WhiteldJohn and Jill McKenzieJohn DilbeckJohn HernandezJohn McClaneJohn SimmsJohn W. CornelsonJonathan and Kristen DeweeseJordan DawsonJoseph RobertsJosh ShelmanJudy HerediaJulia and Robert HusemanJun and Erin VillanuevaJustin NewtonKaren and Jack PrecellaKaren ChiltonKarl KomatsuKatherine OwensKay FulghamKelly Hart & Hallman, LLPKelsey CoxKelsey PickenKenny KenvinKevin DemelKimberle WatsonKristi RegottiKurt and Holly SchaalKyle L. SederstromLaura Hunter and Thomas ArbourLaura LumleyLaura SpitlerLauren JohndroLaurie StelljesLawrence PrinceLazarus Wealth Management, LLCLee and Marilyn BloemendalLee and Sue ChristieLeland PatinLeslie and James OliverLeslie ThompsonLinda BrinkleyLindsey SaundersLisa Clark and Brad ThompsonLockwood Distilling CompanyLonnie HannahLouis Sheerwood and Mary SherwoodLunda WellsLuther and Teresa EllisLuther King Capital ManagementM. Dwain McDonaldManya ShorrMarcia MederosMari Beth BazeMarissa KatesMark WarrenMartha V LeonardMary Alice Denmon-SmithMary Alice StanfordMary Isham Keith Chapter DARMary Kathryn AndersonMary Potishman Lard TrustMatt HendersonMatt SolomonMattie ComptonMaurice BullockMelissa ScottMetaMichael and Cynthia BourneMichael and Melanie EnochsonMichael D. HaneyMichael JacobsonMichele GormanMichele StorkMichelle RossottiMidori ClarkMike ContornoMike GerroMinnie Stevens Piper FoundationMitch RoperMonica Smith-KoffMurray JamesNancy H. DozierNancy W. BoddieNed and Marci StockerNenetta and Stephen TatumNick McBeeNico MaganaNico Van ThynNicole WalterOnce Upon A Time FoundationPaige CorderPaige McClintonPamela MurrinPamela PercivalPamela SmithPat ReddellPatricia and Gregory CarterPatricia FreelPatricia HealyPatsy Ruth WilsonPaul and Amy CliftPaul and Sarah FarmerPenni Askew-KnappPhil ChelfPhilip PerezPhillip CaglePhillip LancartePlainsCapital BankPrasanth and Vineetha RamalayamPreston and Carolyn ButcherPreston PercivalPriscilla and Robert LovettRachael and Matthew GarnettRamiro and Diana CavazosRanee LeiderReagan and Karen FergusonRed Oak Realty, LLCRegina FadenRegions BankRhiannon SullivanRhoads and Suzanne HallRhonda RossRichard BestRichard L. KnightRichard SteedRichard W. LenartRL Stinson and Julia JonesRoach Foundation, Inc.Rob LagonRobert and Ellen RogersRobert and Sandra BunataRobert BellRobert ButlerRod and Michelle RiceRon and Paula TylerRon WidupRuss BrewsterS.G. and Mary JohndroeSage Rauh EarnestSago Financial, IncSally Glen TurnerSamantha PaceSamuel and Lillie EvansSamuel WilsonSandra K SchragSanglier CellarsSarah WrightSean BellShane KeelingShelby JeanShelby MoralesShelia HarrisSrinivasa TamminetiStarr PerryStephanie SheppardStephen and Harriet W. JohnsStephen and Judy AltonStephen TetirickStuart and Emily PickellSuesan PattonSusan GarnettSusan WarrenSuzanne and Nasim AkhtarSuzanne FritzSuzie Jary and Eric PrattTabitha GuessTalia McAllisterTammy ArdolfTarget CorporationTaylor and Shannon TownsendTeri BlaisdellTerre FlomerTerri EstesThe Fort Worth ClubThe Ryan FoundationTheresa DavisTheron BryantThomas and Jessica McCrawTiffany KatesTiffany PaisleyTim LarsonTim PhilpotTina CastilloTodd JenkinsTodd OvermanTom GalbreathTopographicTrenton LairdTrip LittletonTroy McQuaggeTroy WilliamsTruist WealthTyler ArbogastUnited Health GroupVal GibsonValerie BorgeldVarun MallipaddiVernon LambVickie BartineVictor GalleseVincent SimsVirginia Hobbs Charitable TrustW. Graham Arader IIIWallace HallWalmartWalter and Becky LittlejohnWalter and Virginia TateWarren and Carolyn MarksWesley GentleWhitney WillbanksWilliam and Holly SchurWilliam and Pam LawrenceWilliam and Virginia LyonsWilliam J. NolanWorthington National BankWuensche Family Giving FundWynette SchwalmYaYa KnaggsYolanda Gonzalez
Library Advisory Board MembersFort Worth Public Library Foundation Board MembersMelissa ScottMayor’s Representative2023-2024 ChairChris HolbertDistrict 3Jonathan Deweese LKCMDr. Christina HansonDistrict 5Daris FrenchaThe Benet BouqueCheraya PeñaDistrict 7Julia HusemanSECAndrea GarciaDistrict 9Varun MallipaddiVice ChairFrost BankJasmin GutierrezDistrict 2Hayden BlackburnRusty FullerDistrict 4Paul Farmer, Jr. Bonds Ellis Eppich Schafer Jones, LLPLaura LapeDistrict 6Corrie HowardHuckabeeCathy RiversDistrict 8Walter LittlejohnThe Fort Worth ClubPhyllis GrissomDistrict 10Bond MaloneChairFolsom PointLeslie SheildsDistrict 11John McKenzieLazarus Wealth ManagementJeff Montgomery Pinnacle BankDrew Neal Kelly HartCatherine NicholasCook Children’s Health Care SystemPamela PercivalPercival Consultants, LLCKelsy PickenChildren’s Medical Center FoundaonKaren PrecellaHaynes Boone, LLPMichelle RossottiThe Grape LadyJacob SmithLKCMElena YorioTravel Services Everywhere (Rered)