Fort Hill Integrated College Year 10 Options Information 2019 Please read through the information carefully before deciding on your choices for KS4 0
Contents Introduction 2 Key Contacts 2 What Questions Should I Ask My Teachers 2 Qualifications on Offer 3 Information on Subjects at KS4 4 Core Subjects 4 Option Subjects 4 Core Subjects 5 English Language GCSE 5 Mathematics GCSE 6 Science Single Award GCSE 7 Learning for Life and Work GCSE 8 Princes Trust CCEA 9 Careers 9 Option Subjects 10 Art and Design GCSE 10 BTEC Firsts in Information and Creative Technology 11 BTEC Firsts in Business 12 Business Studies GCSE 13 Business and Communication Systems GCSE 14 Child Development GCSE 15 English Literature GCSE 16 Food and Nutrition GCSE 17 Geography GCSE 18 History GCSE 19 Modern Languages GCSE 20 Motor Vehicle and Road User Studies GCSE 21 Moving Image Arts GCSE 22 Music GCSE 23 Physical Education GCSE 24 Religious Studies GCSE 25 Science Double Award GCSE 26 Technology and Design GCSE 27 Occupational Studies 28 Business and Services Occupational Studies 29 Construction Occupational Studies 30 Design and Creativity Occupational Studies 31 Engineering Engineering Services Occupational Studies 32 Technology and Innovation Occupational Studies 33 1
Introduction In employability lessons your son daughter has had the opportunity to develop a career plan which has included identifying Their skills Their qualities Their learning style What subjects they are good at What subjects they enjoy The job family that they are suited to Job research requirements for certain jobs The purpose of these learning opportunities is to help each pupil to make informed subject choices for GCSE and identify where their employability strengths lie To best support your son daughter in this important transition period we recommend that you discuss with your son daughter their career plan and assist him her to make appropriate choices Key Contacts This may be the first time that your child will have taken an important decision which will affect their future It is important to know that you are not on your own there are a wide range of people within the school you and your child can discuss their career pathways and subject choices with The Head of Careers Mrs Curragh Form Teacher Pastoral Leader Mrs Mussen Key Stage 3 Co ordinator Mrs Higgins The Careers Adviser Mrs Brennan Curriculum Leaders Subject Teachers Remember the teachers are there to help Think Discuss and Decide What Questions Should I Ask My Teachers Your teachers will see it as part of their responsibility to see that you are entered for the most appropriate subjects and syllabuses available So before opting for or committing yourself to any course make sure that you ask each subject teacher How much reading is involved How much writing is involved How much controlled assessment is involved What percentage of the marks is given for controlled assessment Is there an option of different tiers of assessment Is there an oral test Will I have to gather information myself Are projects involved What practical skills are involved How much laboratory or fieldwork is involved Armed with this information you should be well placed to begin to make your GCSE decisions 2
Qualifications on Offer As you approach the end of year 10 it is time to make subject choices for KS4 At Fort Hill Integrated College we offer a wide range of subjects at different levels Consistent attendance and meeting coursework deadlines is needed to achieve success in these subject areas The qualifications on offer are as follows GCSE This is an academic qualification graded A G GCSE consist of externally marked exams and in many cases internally assessed controlled assessment BTEC A BTEC is a vocational alternative to GCSE They are equivalent to a GCSE Grade A G Internal teacher led assessment is at the heart of BTEC learning and in some cases 25 of the BTEC will be assessed externally BTECs offer a practical approach to learning Occupational Studies Occupational Studies are an alternative to GCSE s Occupational Studies are internally assessed and are more practical and vocational in nature Occupational Studies are awarded at Level 1 or Level 2 with Level 2 the equivalent of a C grade or above at GCSE Each unit is marked out of 100 Level 1 Distinction Merit Pass Unclassified GCSE Equivalent D E F G U Level 2 Distinction Distinction Merit Pass GCSE Equivalent A A B C Pupils at Fort Hill Integrated College may enter more than one Occupational Studies Award Please be aware that the units offered in September 2019 will depend on their popularity as expressed by our students For each Occupational Studies unit pupils will complete the following 1 A portfolio of work 2 A weekly dairy of activities undertaken in class 3 A study of health and safety issues environmental issues and career opportunities related to chosen unit 4 Review and evaluation of their own work If you would like further information about the various units which are potentially on offer please consult the teachers listed 3
Information on Subjects at KS4 Core Subjects The following subjects are core subjects and must be studied at KS4 Mathematics English Learning for Life and Work Certificate of Personal Wellbeing Science Single Award Religious Education Physical Education Careers Option Subjects Art and Design BTEC Firsts in Information and Creative Technology BTEC Firsts in Business Business Studies Business and Communication Systems Child Development English Literature French Geography German History Home Economics Motor Vehicle and Road User Studies Moving Image Arts Music Physical Education Religious Studies Science Double Award Technology and Design Parents and pupils are encouraged to read this information carefully before making their choices Pupils are also encouraged to discuss these with their subject teacher on Parents Afternoon 4
Core Subjects English Language GCSE This qualification is made up of both Controlled Assessment Tasks and Examinations 20 Speaking and Listening Controlled Assessment 20 Written Controlled Assessment 60 External Examination There will be 2 external examinations UNIT 1 30 Writing for Purpose and Audience and Reading to Access Non fiction and Media Texts UNIT 4 30 Personal or Creative Writing and Reading Literary and Non fiction Texts UNIT 3 20 Speaking and Listening Students will complete a number of tasks over the two years of study The 3 best tasks are selected for submission Pupils will be expected to perform individual tasks group and role play activities UNIT 2 20 Studying Spoken and Written Language Students will be required to complete 2 Controlled Assessment tasks Task 1 Response to Spoken Language 10 1hr Task 2 Response to Written Language 10 1hr 5
Mathematics GCSE Mathematics is a core compulsory subject for all pupils up to and including Year 12 Mathematics is a subject that opens doors and provides opportunities doors to employment and further higher educational courses and opportunities to learn about the relevance of mathematics to everyday life The study of mathematics can develop a host of skills that are essential to students continuing in their studies as well as those entering the workplace These include problem solving logic and reasoning and attention to detail Mathematics can also lead to careers in finance business IT and teaching among others The content of each GCSE Mathematics unit relates to Number and Algebra Geometry and Measures and Statistics and Probability It is intended that all pupils will follow the GCSE Unitised course This involves 2 examination papers one in Year 11 and one in Year 12 Grades available depend on the units taken but generally speaking they are as follows Higher Tier Grades A A B C C D E or ungraded Foundation Tier Grades C C D E F G or ungraded The units all provide opportunities for students to apply their mathematical skills to real life contexts Students sit two units out of a possible eight It is possible to sit a mix of Higher and Foundation tier papers Available units Year 11 Units 1 to be completed Unit M1 Unit M2 Unit M3 Unit M4 Foundation Tier Foundation Tier Higher Tier Higher Tier Maximum Grade D C B A A Year 12 Units 1 to be completed Unit M5 Unit M6 Unit M7 Unit M8 Foundation Tier Foundation Tier Higher Tier Higher Tier Maximum Grade D C B A A Pupils will be entered for either Higher Tier and or Foundation Tier units at the discretion of the class teacher in consultation with the Curriculum Leader who will decide the most appropriate tier for each pupil School policy is only to enter pupils for Higher Tier units if they have demonstrated by their ability attitude effort attendance and completion of class work homework to a suitable standard that they are likely to achieve a grade above Grade C It is expected that students hoping to attempt Higher Tier mathematics would have attained a high standard in Key Stage 3 Mathematics assessments For most pupils a grade C or above in GCSE Mathematics is required for entrance to university college further education or some areas of employment Every pupil who attempts GCSE has the opportunity to aim for a grade C whether they are entered for Higher Tier or Foundation tier units Please note that there is no controlled assessment in GCSE Mathematics For more info visit www ccea org uk mathematics 6
Science Single Award GCSE All pupils take GCSE Science but some pupils will have the option to take an extra GCSE in Science Single Award Science worth 1 GCSE A G grade Pupils who do not opt for the extra Science GCSE will follow the CCEA Single Award Science GCSE This course will study various aspects of Biology Chemistry and Physics and will also assess practical skills Unit Tested Unit 1 Biology 25 Unit 2 Chemistry 25 These units are examined in February of Year 11 and November and May of Year 12 1 hour written paper Unit 3 Physics 25 Subject content Cells Food and Diet Chromosomes and genes Coordination and control Reproduction Variation and Adaptation Disease and Body Defences Ecological relationships Acids bases and salts Elements compounds and mixtures Atomic structure and Periodic table Bonding Materials Using materials to fight crime Symbols formula and equations Quantitative analysis Metals and the reactivity series Rates of reaction Organic chemistry Electrical circuits Household electricity Energy Electrical generation Heat transfer Waves Road transport and safety reducing reliance on fossil fuels Radioactivity Earth in space Unit 4 Practical Skills 25 Booklet A 7 5 2hr Practical Skills assignment Jan May Yr12 Booklet B 17 5 External written exam June Yr12 N B For each unit pupils have a choice of Foundation or Higher tier Career Path This course provides 1 Science GCSE grade and should fulfil the minimum requirements for many courses at Further Education However it is important to check your career pathways as Single Award Science would not be sufficient for going on to study A Level Science 7
Learning for Life and Work GCSE The structure of this GCSE course is as follows 60 Modular External Written Examinations 40 Controlled Assessment Unit 1 Local and Global Citizenship External written examination 20 Unit 2 Personal Development External written examination 20 Unit 3 Employability External written examination 20 Unit 4 Controlled Assessment Task Investigation 40 The modules include the following topics Local and Global Citizenship Diversity and inclusion challenges and opportunities Rights and responsibilities local and global issues Government and civil society social equality and human rights Democratic institutions promoting inclusion justice and democracy Democracy and active participation The role of NGOs Personal Development PD Personal health and well being Emotions and reactions to life experiences Personal safety and well being Relationships and sexuality Responsible parenting Making informed financial decisions Employability The impact of globalisation on employment Preparing for employment recruitment and selection Rights and responsibilities of employers and employees Social responsibility of businesses Exploring self employment Personal career management 8
Princes Trust CCEA This qualification is a Level 2 Certificate in Personal Development Employment Skills PDE which is equivalent to 2 Grade B s at GCSE There are no grade boundaries just pass or fail Assessment Portfolio Based Completed over two years There are 6 units studied on this course are 1 Teamwork Skills 2 Presentation Skills 3 Interpersonal Skills 4 Career Planning 5 Work Experience 6 Managing Money Careers Careers Education is provided for all senior pupils in a number of different ways Through class teaching This incorporates career options post 16 Applying for jobs rights in the work place etc Interviews with staff and Careers officers Work Experience 1 week in Year 12 From Department of Education and Learning Careers Convention Talks by outside speakers FE College Employers Use of Audio Visual materials and Information Individual research using the Careers online resources is encouraged Mock Interviews Year 13 Leavers Talks by Careers Officers Visits to Open Days Year 14 Work Experience We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to make informed decisions about education training and employment Each pupil is encouraged to assess their own abilities and interests and choose the most suitable route at the end of Year 12 to the career of their choice 9
Option Subjects Art and Design GCSE Art and Design offers a challenging and exciting course that emphasises our artistic cultural heritage and heightens an awareness of the importance of art design in today s increasingly demanding industrial and consumer society Through studying this course students have opportunities to Widen their personal experience it places a renewed emphasis on drawing develop their creative intellectual and artistic abilities develop their personal knowledge and understanding of the creative and cultural industries and develop skills including investigating understanding of historical and contemporary societies and cultures realising experimenting and problem solving This course prepares students for the study of art and design and related courses at GCE Advanced Level Advanced Subsidiary Level and the National Diploma It also provides students who have an interest in developing a career in art and design with relevant skills based knowledge This specification is made up of two components Component 1 Part A Exploratory Portfolio Part B investing the creative and cultural industries Component 2 Externally set Assignment Component 1 Part A 25 Students must present a portfolio of work for this component The student choses the theme The portfolio will include preparatory work in both 2D 3D Fine Art and Design Component 1 Part B 35 Teacher sets tasks based on examples from a controlled assessment booklet provided by CCEA Component 2 40 The exam gives students opportunities to creatively investigate and develop their ideas in response to a set stimulus The exam paper is issued in January of the examination year Students must present preparatory work and a final outcome based on either An idea suggested in the exam paper or The student s own idea based on the set stimulus Career Pathways Graphic Designer Fashion Designer Furniture Designer Ceramic Artist Makeup Artist Special effects Designer Art and Design Teacher Costume Designer Fine Artist Sculptor and many more see Career pathway leaflet provided by Art and Design Teachers 10
BTEC Firsts in Information and Creative Technology BTECs have been leading the way in high quality vocational education for almost 30 years They are equivalent to a GCSE grade A G One of the most significant developments of the next generation of BTEC Firsts is the introduction of external assessment Contributing to a maximum of 25 of the overall assessment which keeps teacher led assessment at the heart of BTEC learning this external assessment element provides evidence that these qualifications are assessed to a consistent high standard What will I study BTEC Firsts in Information and Creative Technology provide a practical real world approach to learning and develop specific knowledge and skills learners need to work successfully in the industry such as Understanding the online world services and communication and the impact it has on business social networking and online security Developing technical skills by learning about hardware software networking and data and the relationship between them all Using creative communication and presentation skills when designing and producing a digital portfolio Year 12 Year 11 Unit 1 The Online World Externally Assessed Unit 6 Creating Digital Graphics Internally Assessed Photoshop How do websites work How do emails reach You will see graphics at work whenever you your computer How does the use of surf websites play computer games or read computer applications affect your daily life a user manual In this unit you will This unit provides an introduction to the investigate a range of applications and modern online world This unit will help features of existing graphic products and learners understand the main technologies consider their audience and purpose You and processes behind the internet and will be able to apply some of what you investigate how they come together to let discover to your own digital graphic you view websites and send information products You will design create and test across the world graphic products in a similar way to how it is done in industry and be introduced to the technology and techniques used by professionals Unit 3 A Digital Portfolio Unit 9 Spread sheet Development Internally Assessed Internally Assessed Web Design Software Microsoft Excel This unit is your chance to show off A digital You will discover the tools and techniques portfolio is an exciting onscreen way to that are available in spread sheet software showcase your achievements to potential and become skilled at using them employers or when applying for a course You will design a spread sheet solution for a It is all about brief You will then develop and test your the projects you have created and spread sheet solution to store manipulate developed and analyse a large amount of data and your use of communication and present the output data Once completed presentation skills you will review the finished spread sheet your capabilities and potential solution having obtained feedback from This unit can be used as synoptic unit to others and evaluate possible improvements bring together the content of all the other units 11
BTEC Firsts in Business BTECs have been leading the way in high quality vocational education for almost 30 years They are equivalent to a GCSE grade A G One of the most significant developments of the next generation of BTEC Firsts is the introduction of external assessment Contributing to a maximum of 25 of the overall assessment which keeps teacher led assessment at the heart of BTEC learning This external assessment element provides evidence that these qualifications are assessed to a consistent high standard For learners the broader range of assessment methods provide variety and the experience of taking external assessment prepares them for taking level 3 qualifications where this may be a requirement BTEC Firsts in Business provide a practical real world approach to learning and develop specific knowledge and skills learners need to work successfully in the world of business such as Communication skills which can be applied in lots of different situations and across many business functions such as human resources customer services and sales and marketing Project management and time management skills to successfully organise themselves as well as others Applied numeracy skills for business management such as budgeting planning and making a profit as well as for personal finance management Learners will also be able to present their work in a variety of ways including a Online such as a website b Being observed in a role play or in a real work situation c Giving a presentation to an audience What will I study Each pupil will study 4 units over the 2 years The first two units are studied in Year 11 and they are mandatory units They are Unit 1 Enterprise in the Business World What is a business and what does it do The term business can cover anything from a sole trader in a local market to a multinational corporation selling products to millions of people all over the world This unit introduces learners to the language and terminology used in business It explores what businesses do trends that affect them how they operate and the factors that influence their success Learners will explore different types of business ownership and how these relate to the size and scale of a business as well as how the type of ownership impacts on the responsibilities of the owners of a business Combined with looking at types of business model they can begin to understand how diverse the world of business is Unit 2 Finance for Business All businesses have to spend money before they can make a profit and when they spend money they incur costs In this unit learners will explore the types of costs that businesses incur from the initial start up costs involved in setting up a business to the on going daily costs of running the business Learners will then explore the ways in which the sale of products and services generates revenue so that they can develop their understanding of profit Next they will examine how businesses plan for success and learn about the techniques used to assist the planning process In Year 12 2 optional business units will be delivered and these are chosen from around a choice of about 30 units 12
Business Studies GCSE At least 80 of the assessment based on unit weightings must be taken at the end of a GCSE course as terminal assessment The terminal assessment weighting for this GCSE course is 20 Unit 3 Content Unit 1 Starting a Business Creating a business Marketing Business Operations Assessment Weighting External Written Exam 1 hour 30 minutes Format Structured questions and extended writing Unit 2 Developing a business External Written Exam 1 hour 30 minutes Format Structured questions and extended writing Finance Human resources Business Growth Availability 40 Every Summer beginning in 2018 Summer from 2019 40 Controlled Assessment Unit3 Planning a Business Synoptic Business Plan Students complete the following Booklet A Planning Booklet B Communicate Findings Teachers mark the task and results are moderated by CCEA Career Pathways Accountancy Starting own business Human Resources Marketing ICT 13 Summer from 2019 20
Business and Communication Systems GCSE Business and Communication Systems is an exciting and practical subject that recognises how ICT is in the foreground of all business activities This CCEA specification aims to encourage students to engage actively in the study of business and digital technology in order to develop as effective and independent learners and critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds recognise that their knowledge of business and the use of software applications will provide a sound basis for a future role as employee or employer understand the changing role of digital technologies in business and economic activities develop skills and understanding in the use of software applications use software applications to develop digital solutions to enhance business activities and be inspired by following a broad coherent satisfying and worthwhile course that could lead to further study Unit 1 Software Applications for Business External computer based Examination 2 hours 40 File Management Common software application tasks Word Processing Spreadsheets Databases Presentations Web Authoring Web Browsing Internet Searching Email Unit 2 The Business Environment Unit 3 Developing Digital Solutions External Written Examination Controlled Assessment 1 hour 35 Types of Business Ownership Stakeholders Communication Digital Trading Recruitment Selection Training Implications of digital technology for business and customers Marketing Market Research Marketing Mix 25 Students project manage and develop a digital solution for a given problem within a business context Planning and Research Gantt project planning Website creation in FrontPage Evaluation Career Pathways ICT skills are required in many areas of employment but some specific ICT related jobs include Computer Programmer Games Designer Secretarial and Administration ICT Technician Software Developer etc 14
Child Development GCSE In year 11 this course covers aspects of parenting pregnancy and care of a new born baby In year 12 this course covers the development of the child until the age of five Topics included are The family and parental responsibilities Reproduction Pregnancy Diet and lifestyle during pregnancy Birth The new born baby Feeding the new born baby Dietary needs of the child 0 5 years Child health and education Social Development Physical Development Intellectual Development Communication Development Emotional Development Assessment 60 Examination 2 papers 40 Controlled Assessment Methods of Teaching and Learning This course will include practical and theoretical lessons The use of video clips to observe children are used We also welcome visits by professionals within Child Care e g midwives baby food representatives road safety officer and parents with babies and young children Career Pathways Careers in Child Care can be Early years teaching Nursing Social Work Play Work Day Nursery Assistant or Manager The option to study the Extended Diploma in Child Care and Education in Sixth Form is available 15
English Literature GCSE English Literature is a challenging yet enjoyable course The study of Literature helps pupils to learn more about themselves and others Pupils will study a mixture of poetry plays and prose The course enables pupils to engage with and explore a variety of themes and narrative methods Pupils who study Literature will learn how to develop arguments and their critical thinking skills They will also develop their skills in analysis and evaluation The aims of the course To encourage pupils to Respond to texts critically and imaginatively Explore ideas themes and issues drawing on a range of texts Experience different times cultures viewpoints and situations found in literary texts Become critical readers of fiction and non fiction poetry prose and drama The specification is made up of three components Unit 1 The Study of Prose 2 Hour 30 Of Mice and Men Unseen Prose Extract Unit 2 The Study of Drama and Poetry 2 Hours 50 Section A An Inspector Calls Section B Poetry Anthology Relationships Section C Unseen Poetry Unit 3 The Study of Shakespeare Controlled Assessment Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet This course prepares students for the study of English Literature at Advanced Level 16 20
Food and Nutrition GCSE This course offers a sound programme which aims to educate for life It also provides background for opportunities in the food industry and within the catering professions Topics included are Where are food comes from Food processing and production Assessment Food and nutrition for good health 50 Written Examination Energy and nutrients in detail 50 Controlled Assessment Nutritional needs throughout the lifecycle Priority health issues Being an effective consumer when shopping for food Factors affecting food choice Food Safety Resource Management Food preparation cooking and presentation Methods of Teaching and Learning This course will be based on theory and practical cookery lessons Career Pathways This course provides an excellent foundation for young people who wish to work in food related industries or undertake further study in this area 17
Geography GCSE GCSE Geography is a rigorous detailed academic two year course It consists of three exam papers Physical geography 1hr 30mins Human geography 1hr 30mins Field work exam based on a practical field study carried out at the end of year 11 1hr Content The content of the syllabus is divided into three units Unit 1 Understanding Our Natural World year 11 3 Themes A People and Where They Live 50 B Contrasts in World Development 25 C Managing Our Resources 25 Unit 2 Living in Our World year 12 3 Themes A The Dynamic Landscape 50 B Our Changing Weather Climate 25 C The Restless Earth 25 Unit 3 field study year 11 3rd term Examined at the end of year12 River Study 20 Stage 1 Planning Stage 2 Data Collection Stage 3 Data presentation Stage 4 Written exam based on the data collected and presented The scheme of assessment There is only one tier of entry for the examination All students are required to Sit two written papers 2 x 40 of total marks which are externally marked and Sit one field study assessment 20 of total marks this will include an exam based on practical work they have carried out which is then externally marked Career Pathways Straight from school into retail travel logistics nature conservation forestry housing management armed forces merchant navy waste management and transport services With further study pathways include Geography at A level then degree level Cartography town and country planning meteorology museum work land surveying traffic planning and logistics 18
History GCSE History is a skills based subject that helps students develop an enquiring mind and question events locally nationally and globally In GCSE History the emphasis is placed on understanding some of the major events of the 20th century This is done through acquiring new knowledge and the interpretation and evaluation of historical sources The sources used include speeches photographs political cartoons and archive film History is not simply based on the recall of historical facts but using relevant information to answer specific questions Exam Board CCEA Year Year 11 Course Content Unit 1 Knowledge paper Section A Modern World Studies in Depth a Option 1 A Life in Nazi Germany 1933 45 Section B Local Study a Option 2 Changing Relations Northern Ireland and its Neighbours 1965 98 Assessment This paper is worth 60 of the final mark Pupils will sit this paper in June of their Year 11 This is worth 40 of final mark Year 12 Unit 2 Sources and extended writing International Relations 1945 2003 This will be examined at the end of Year 12 The scheme of assessment There is only one tier of entry for the examination All students are required to Sit two written papers 60 40 which are externally marked Unit 1 1 hour 45 minutes Unit 2 1 hour 15 minutes There is no Controlled Assessment in GCSE History Career pathways Law Media Journalism Civil service Retail Army Teaching Primary Secondary Personal Assistants Secretarial clerical work Historian Museum curator 19
Modern Languages GCSE Pupils can complete a GCSE in either French or German Key Features Students will study three Contexts for Learning building on topics introduced at KS3 1 Identity Lifestyle and Culture 2 Local National International and Global Areas of interest 3 School Life Studies and the World of Work Candidates will be assessed in the 4 skill areas of Speaking There is one tier of entry The test lasts 7 12 minutes plus 10 minutes of supervised preparation time Each test includes two role plays both from the same Context for Learning a general conversation on two topics Speaking Questions will be prepared in advance Listening Questions may be tick the correct box fill in the missing word or complete the sentence Reading Questions will range from ticking boxes filling in missing word to answer in short sentence and some questions in French German There will also be a short paragraph in French German to be translated into English Writing Responses include a list of 5 words e g write 5 sports 5 sentences to complete with the missing word in French German 5 questions written in French German to answer in the language a short text of 3 5 sentences to write from English into French German a longer paragraph of about 100 words to write in French German The four assessment objectives have equal weighting of 25 each Reading and Writing assessments will include translation from and into the language Students can mix and match tier of entry to maximise success Candidates will be assessed at the end of Year 12 there is no Controlled Assessment component Results will take the form of A G Career Pathways A knowledge of a foreign language can be useful in a wide range of careers including Translating Interpreting Teaching Hotel Management Working in the Travel and Tourism Industry 20 Engineering Army
Motor Vehicle and Road User Studies GCSE This is a two year GCSE course developing the pupils understanding of the legal financial and mechanics of running and owning a vehicle It forms an excellent grounding for the Driving Test Theory Exam and the CBT Test for motorcyclists This GCSE also emphasises the importance of Road Safety and what it takes to become a responsible and respectful road user Studying GCSE MVRUS can lead to many different career opportunities from a Driving instructor to a vehicle Mechanic It may also help with working as a Financial broker or even working within the Insurance sector The GCSE syllabus is incorporated in six attainment areas Vehicle control and road user behaviour Legal requirements Road transport and its effects on society Motoring mathematics Accident procedures Motor vehicle technology The units above are assessed in a 1 hour 45 minute written examination paper worth 50 of the overall GCSE qualification Grades Available A A B C D E F G U Assessment External Paper 1hr 45mins Investigative Study Controlled assessment Practical Riding Activity Moped Control 50 25 25 21
Moving Image Arts GCSE This is a vocational GCSE comprising of 60 Controlled Assessment and 40 Online Examination Outlines of the three components involved in this linear specification all components are submitted or completed at the end of Year 12 are provided below Component 1 Critical Understanding of Creative and Technical Moving Image Production Compulsory External Online Examination 40 of entire GCSE Year 12 1 hour 30 minutes Range of previously unseen audio and visual stimuli and short film sequences Questions that assess knowledge and understanding of film language practices techniques and contexts Scenario based questions that assess creative and production management skills and Questions that assess analysis and evaluation of film language audience and purpose Component 2 Acquisition of Skills in Moving Image Production Compulsory Controlled Assessment Tasks 20 of entire GCSE Year 11 Students complete four tasks that are set by CCEA including Storyboarding Camera and Editing Sound and Animation Component 3 Planning and Making a Moving Image Product Compulsory Controlled Assessment Portfolio 40 of entire GCSE Year 12 Students produce a live action or animated film portfolio from a selection of genre specific production briefs provided by CCEA The portfolio must include A research analysis Preproduction material A completed moving image product 2 minutes in length and An evaluation Due to the high Controlled Assessment element of this GCSE it is vital students attend all classes The purpose of GCSE MIA is to enable pupils to develop an understanding of film language through both theoretical and practical application It will involve pupils developing key skills in the main areas of film production from initial idea through scripting storyboarding shooting and editing culminating in the creation of a short film or animation in Year 12 In this respect the course is very demanding both in terms of pupil s own individual creativity and the time required The filming involved in Component 3 is done outside of normal timetabled classes Career Pathways This exciting subject has clear links with many careers including Media Advertising Marketing and of course Film and Television Production However the key skills of teamwork ideas development problem solving and creativity are all transferable skills that can be applied to any future career choice 22
Music GCSE There are three components to GCSE Music Listening Composing and Performing Pupils will be required to perform on their chosen instrument compose two pieces of music and listen to set works which they will be examined on Listening 35 Pupils will study a wide range of musical styles and set works from the following four Areas of Study a Western Classical Music 1600 1910 b Film Music c Musical Traditions of Ireland d Popular Music 1980 present day Performing 35 Pupils are required to a Present one solo and one ensemble performance NB Minimum standard of performance required at GCSE is Grade 1 or equivalent standard b Appraise performance Discussion with examiner on Performance e g the title composer and stylistic content of the pieces performed by the pupil or any technical challenges encountered while preparing pieces Composing 30 This will take the form of continuous assessment Pupils will complete 2 compositions and a written account of each composition Composition 1 Free composition Composition 2 Written in response to a pre release stimulus Component Assessment Listening At the end of Year 12 pupils will sit one externally assessed listening and appraising examination lasting 1 hour 30 minutes Performing One solo and one ensemble performance which will be assessed by a visiting moderator in April May of Year 12 Composing Completed under Controlled Assessment conditions Pupils will complete one composition in Year 11 and one in Year 12 These will be marked by the teacher and externally moderated Please Note Pupils taking GCSE music are expected to take part in a musical group within school e g Orchestra Concert Band Choir etc This participation will greatly enhance pupils GCSE work and provide invaluable experience in practical music making Career Pathways Music teacher Instrumental Tutor Performer Composer Music Therapist Sound Engineer 23
Physical Education GCSE GCSE PE is a challenging subject that requires a strong interest in sport and an experience of participating in at least one sport to club level What will I be studying In the theory components students will learn about applied anatomy and physiology movement analysis physical training the use of data health fitness well being sport psychology and sociocultural influences In the practical component students will learn and develop skills and tactics in team and individual sports In the coursework component students will learn to plan analyse and evaluate a 6 week personal exercise programme How will this subject be examined 60 theory 2 x written exams Component 1 Fitness and body systems 36 Component 2 Health and Performance 24 40 Controlled Assessment 10 x 3 practical performances in sports 10 personal exercise programme coursework Career Pathways PE teaching Sports Coaching Sports Physiotherapy Sports Psychology Sports Science Fitness Instructor Personal Trainer Leisure Assistant Lifeguard 24
Religious Studies GCSE This course gives students opportunities to develop their interest in religion explore religions and beliefs and relate them to the wider world reflect on fundamental questions related to belief understand different cultures locally nationally and in the wider world enhance their spiritual and moral development enhance their personal social and cultural development adopt an enquiring critical and reflective approach to the study of religion and reflect on and develop their own values opinions and attitudes We study TWO UNITS worth 50 each There is NO coursework or controlled assessment required Unit 5 Christianity through a Study of the Gospel of Mark Year 12 This unit introduces students to five themes in the life and ministry of Jesus as portrayed in Mark s Gospel The identity of Jesus Jesus the miracle worker The teaching of Jesus The death and resurrection of Jesus The role and nature of Christian discipleship Unit 6 An Introduction to Christian Ethics Year 11 This unit aims to introduce students to ethics within the study of religion Personal and family issues relationships marriage and divorce Matters of life and death sanctity of life abortion euthanasia capital punishment and punishment Developments in bioethics I V F surrogacy A I and the use of embryos for research Contemporary issues in Christianity equality racism world poverty and the study of one Christian charity Modern warfare pacifism causes and effects of war nuclear warfare Biblical views on war Please note that this is an academic course where 4 essays worth 10 marks each have to be written over the two exam papers It is not an easy course 25
Science Double Award GCSE Summary Pupils can opt to sit the more demanding CCEA Double Award Science course You will need a minimum CAT prediction C D in Science to take this course This course will study various aspects of Biology Chemistry and Physics and will also assess practical skills Unit Biology Unit B1 11 Chemistry Unit C1 11 Physics Unit P1 11 Biology Unit B2 14 Chemistry Unit C2 14 Physics Unit P2 14 Unit 7 Practical Skills 25 Tested Subject content Cells Living Processes and Biodiversity These units are examined in February and May of Year 11 1 hour written paper These units are examined in June of Year 12 1 hour 15 minutes Structures Trends Chemical Reactions Quantitative Chemistry and Analysis Motion Force Moments Energy Density Kinetic Theory Radioactivity Nuclear Fission and Fusion Body Systems Genetics Microorganisms and Health Further Chemical Reactions Rates and Equilibrium Calculations and Organic Chemistry Waves Light Electricity Magnetism Electromagnetism and Space Physics Booklet A 7 5 3 hour Practical Skills assignment Jan May Yr12 Booklet B 17 5 External Written Exam June Yr12 1hr 30 minutes N B For each unit pupils have a choice of Foundation or Higher tier Career Pathways Nursing can enter through childcare course but need distinctions Food industry lots of courses at CAFRE Engineering Electrician Plumbing Joiner Dental technician Vet nurse Agriculture Science technician LABORATORY ASSISTANT PHARMACY ASSISTANT Gas fitter Green keeper Brewer Lighting engineer Animal welfare Home energy adviser Landscape architect etc The table below is designed to help you chose which Science is for you CCEA Single Award Science Core only Less demanding topics More accessible wording of papers 4 periods of Science per week Module exams are spread out throughout KS4 It is possible to repeat each module once 1 GCSE in a STEM subject 26 CCEA Double Award Science More Science on timetable More interesting if you like science 8 periods of Science per week 2 GCSEs in Science so more options for future Science courses and careers You need this to study Science at A Level 2 GCSEs in a STEM subject
Technology and Design GCSE Summary The GCSE Technology and Design specification encourages students to be innovative and prepared to take design risks They explore the creative engineering and manufacturing industries as well as the importance of high quality design and technology All pupils will develop a core of knowledge in the following key areas before they choose to specialise in one electronic and microelectronic mechanical and pneumatic control systems product design this is the option we choose in FHIC What Will I Be Studying Year 11 Unit 1 Paper 1hr 30mins Worth 25 of course Pupils learn about and are examined on electronics mechanisms computer control pneumatics and core theory regarding tools machines and materials Year 12 Unit 3 Paper 1hr 30mins Worth 25 of course Pupils learn about their specialised option of Product Design and are examined on this Unit 3 January of Year 11 April of Year 12 Worth 50 of course CCEA set theme published in January of first year of study Ten page A3 portfolio will be produced combination of hand and CAD drawing skills Practical solution to the set problem will be manufactured How will this subject be examined There are two written exams each worth 25 of the final mark and a design and manufacturing project worth 50 In Fort Hill one of the written exams is taken at the end of Year 11 and the design and manufacturing project will start in January of Year 11 Teachers mark the design project CCEA will visit the school to carry out moderation Career Pathways With this qualification students may choose to progress to a GCE in Technology and Design a qualification in engineering product design or a related area or the world of work Charge There is a 10 Fund This is payable in September of Year 11 27
Occupational Studies Please note that you can choose two units only from each Occupational Area Occupational Area Business and Services Communication within an Office or Childcare The Play Environment Business Environment AND AND OR Using Office Technology The Physical Care of Babies See Mrs D Patterson See Mrs Muldrew Occupational Area Construction Units Bench Joinery AND Carpentry and Joinery See Mrs McLaughlin Occupational Area Design and Creativity Patisserie and Baking AND Contemporary Cuisine See Mrs Muldrew Occupational Area Engineering and Engineering Services CAD Computer Aided Design AND Electronic Circuits Construction See Mrs McLaughlin Occupational Area Technology and Innovation Sound Production AND Digital Music See Mrs Currie When making choices it is important to think about how well you study are you good at revising for exams and whether you are a more practical person You must also think about what you would like to do after Year 12 and the subjects and grades you need Please note there will be charge of 15 for this course 28
Business and Services Occupational Studies The ICT Department offer two units from the Business and Services pathway Unit Communication within an Office or Business Environment Pupils will learn about 1 Communicating effectively with customers 2 Customer service within a business 3 Meeting customer needs and dealing with complaints and queries 4 Preparing and handling routine business documents and working as part of a team within a business Unit Using Office Technology Pupils will learn about 1 Office Equipment 2 Safe and effective use of a photocopier 3 Using a computer to produce documents 4 Events planning Career Pathways ICT skills are required in many areas of employment but some specific ICT related jobs include Computer Programmer Games Designer Secretarial and Administration ICT Technician Software Developer etc OR The Child Development Department offers two units from the Business and Services pathway Unit Childcare The Play Environment Pupils will learn about 1 Working with children in a childcare environment 2 Children s physical linguistic intellectual emotional and social development 3 The importance of play and children s learning and development 4 Communication difficulties Unit The Physical Care of Babies Pupils will learn about 1 Feeding babies 2 Basic hygiene needs of babies and measures to prevent cross infection 3 Products and clothing for babies 4 Cultural requirements and sudden death syndrome 29
Construction Occupational Studies The Technology and Design Department offer two units from the Construction pathway Summary Occupational Studies courses are vocational alternatives to the traditional GCSEs This option is one of two we offer in the Technology Design department and is a basic introduction to some aspects of Carpentry and Joinery What Will I Be Studying Unit Bench Joinery Pupils will learn about 1 Appropriate use of bench joinery tools and basic hand held power tools 2 Techniques of cutting boring and planning to produce construction related components 3 Construction of a range of bench joinery models Final Assessment Wooden Steps Unit 2 Carpentry and Joinery Pupils will learn about 1 Appropriate use of carpentry and joinery hand tools and hand held power tools 2 Construction of a range of carpentry and joinery models incorporating a wide range of joints and jointing methods Final Assessment Wooden Birdhouse How will this subject be examined This subject is 100 coursework 60 of each unit is practical work Each qualification consists of two units Each unit is equally weighted and is worth 50 percent of the overall qualification A portfolio is compiled with evidence of practical activities and theory work for each unit This is assessed by your teacher and moderated externally Career Pathways This Occupational Studies pathway would suit students who wish to pursue careers in Carpentry or Joinery and or continue studies at SERC or BMC in a carpentry related course 30
Design and Creativity Occupational Studies The Home Economics Department offer two units from the Design and Creativity pathway Unit Patisserie and Baking Pupils will learn about 1 Food hygiene and personal hygiene standards for food handlers 2 Preparing cooking and finishing bread scones cakes biscuits and pastry products Unit Contemporary Cuisine Pupils will learn about 1 Food hygiene and personal hygiene standards for food handlers 2 Preparation cooking and finishing four starters four mains and four desserts 3 Healthy eating alternatives Please note that a payment of 15 will be required for food consumed or taken away as per the Remissions Policy 31
Engineering Engineering Services Occupational Studies The Technology and Design Department offer two units from the Engineering and Engineering Services pathway Summary Occupational Studies courses are vocational alternatives to the traditional GCSEs This option is one of two we offer in the Technology Design department and is a basic introduction to some aspects of Engineering We highly recommend any pupil who is considering a career in Engineering and or choosing GCSE Technology Design to consider this Occupational Studies pathway as the CAD skills developed in this course would be invaluable What Will I Be Studying Unit 1 Electronic Circuit Construction Pupils will learn about Electronic components and electronic circuit diagrams Construction and assembly of electronic circuit diagrams Checking and testing of circuits Unit 2 Computer Aided Design Pupils will learn about Skills required for use of an industrial CAD drafting package Methods of creating drawings in disciplines of Engineering and Construction Routine drafting techniques within CAD Methods of creating component drawings within CAD Final Assessment CAD drawings of a Birdhouse Final Assessment two fully working electronic circuits How will this subject be examined This subject is 100 coursework 60 of each unit is practical work Each qualification consists of two units Each unit is equally weighted and is worth 50 percent of the overall qualification A portfolio is compiled with evidence of practical activities and theory work for each unit This is assessed by your teacher and moderated externally Career Pathways This Occupational Studies pathway would suit students who wish to pursue careers in Engineering CAD Design work or continue studies at A Level BTEC in a Technology or Engineering related course 32
Technology and Innovation Occupational Studies The Music Department offers two units from the Technology and Innovation pathway Unit Sound Production Pupils will learn about 1 Musical styles and equipment used by DJs 2 Producing a demo CD 3 Performing to a live audience Unit Digital Music Pupils will learn about 1 A variety of musical styles 2 Digital Music Software 3 Producing a Music Track Assessment Pupils must submit the following 1 Portfolio containing all work completed 2 Diary short accounts of work completed in each lesson 3 My Record a written list of work completed and where it can be found in the portfolio 33