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Forge CPD - How to guide V2

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WWW.FORGECPD.COMINTRODUCTION Welcome to ForgeCPD – a one stop shop of resources for all members of the school community. Our vision is to bring together the fractured educational world and strengthen partnerships locally and nationally by providing a central repository of knowledge and content which every partner contributes to, and benefits from. We are determined that the central section of ForgeCPD should be free to all schools no matter how small or large they are. We curate materials from Ofsted, DfE, EEF, curriculum hubs, research schools etc. We also host material from national figures such as Mary Myatt, Kirstie Page and Tom Sherrington who share our vision. In addition, we create our own content in partnership with local and national experts. This document aims to give you an overview of the platform and how to get the best out of the site. Aims Our aims are very simple; · To provide a core offer of high quality, evidence informed, professional development for all members of the school community at every stage of their career · To support schools to use technology to create flexible and bespoke delivery of CPD for all staff to be used at any time, in any place · To act as a springboard to exchange ideas, promote richer conversations and deeper thinking across the school system Intended audience The platform is designed for everyone involved in the life of a school; teachers, support staff including oice and premises staff as well as governors. Q and A Our content is regularly reviewed by our ForgeCPD team of NLEs; it includes materials donated by national experts such as Teresa Cremin, Kirstie Page, and Steve Smith. 1

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WWW.FORGECPD.COMNew materials are created by colleagues from Teaching School hubs, the curriculum hubs including Sheield SEND hub, local school improvement services and local multi academy trusts. (See our Q and A document for more information) Organisation of resources There are resources on the curriculum, inclusion, governance, pedagogy as well as safeguarding, finance, HR (all under compliance), career pathways for staff and leadership. Click on each tab to explore what each section. Video resources There is a focus on a video format of approximately 10 minutes which research suggests is the optimum length of time people can sustain concentration for. This bite sized learning is designed to give key messages succinctly and clearly and be short enough to be used with a cup of tea or coffee. This delivery approach enables all members of the school community to hear the same consistent message at any time, any place and as many times as needed. In this way, practice becomes embedded across a school in a way a time eicient and cost effective way. Supplementary resources There are a range of other resources on the platform including PDF support documents for video content, links to relevant research, other essential documents and useful websites to allow for a flexible delivery approach. Layout of pages Useful websites as well as any relevant research are always located at the bottom of a page. New material is placed at the top of a page or section. Any significant updates are posted on the home page. Updates We tweet when any new materials are posted, as well as any significant educational updates that are useful for schools. There is a termly newsletter which contains the latest updates on the site in case you have missed them! 2

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WWW.FORGECPD.COMHow to use the materials Our aim is to support schools to make informed choices that suit their context and priorities. The materials on the platform are given freely by our partners; however, schools must use them within a carefully thought out CPD programme to have the desired impact. Online CPD can be used in a variety of ways; Coaching The short bite sized videos can be easily watched as part of a school’s coaching culture for all its staff; resources can be used before, during or after a session as many times as required. Rapid response CPD Access to a wide range of CPD materials provides a toolbox of materials to address unplanned CPD needs such as safeguarding or new diagnosis of SEND need. Staff meetings The video content allows all staff to listen to local/national experts and be exposed to high quality examples of practice and ideas. The length of the videos lend themselves to be used as an input in a staff meeting, whole school briefing or for a targeted group of staff such as SMSAs or Key Stage team. Self-directed professional learning Our intention is to democratise access to a knowledge and research base that can be accessed at any time ensuring that anyone working in school or who has an interest in education can have autonomy over their learning. Please contact for further support. 3

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WWW.FORGECPD.COM4Telephone :! 01709 763905Email! Ellis House, Brampton Road,Wath Upon Dearne,Rotherham,S63 6BB