Hel l o MyNamei s Pancake I m Pancake Pi zzawho st hi s Ij us tfoundhi m i nt het r as hbi n Whot hes l i cei st hi s Hel l o Iam pancake Char mi ng Iam Pancake Qui ckguyscome Pi ckl ei s aboutt odoanot heroneofhi s s t unt s Mmmfmmf
Onion, Burger don‛t encourage him, he‛ll just-FELLOW FOODSI MUST DO THIS FOR THESAKE OF COOLNESS, I MUST GO OUT WITH A BANG!Pickle stop using fireworksto get attention!JOKES ON YOU THESEARE REAL BOMBS!W AIT W HATNow that‛s a plot twist!No Pickle, you have so much to live for!