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FOHH Prospectus 2024

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THE FRIENDS OFHARMONY HALL-JACOB SLOAT HOUSERestoration Beyond& 15 Liberty Rock Road, Sloatsburg, New York 10974 |

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The Friends of Harmony Hall-Jacob Sloat House is anenergetic volunteer group and 501(c)(3) not-for-profitorganization dedicated to the preservation of Jacob Sloat's1848 home listed on the National and New York StateRegisters of Historic Places. Organized under a ProvisionalCharter issued by the NYS Board of Regents on April 24,2007, The Friends work in partnership with the Town ofRamapo, the landmark's owner, to support and furtheron-site restoration efforts, to research and document therich history of the estate and the Sloat family, to designand implement diverse and creative arts and educationalprograms, and to promote the rich history of New York'smagnificent Ramapo River Pass and Highlands.Our Mission Andrea LaMantiaPresidentBarbara BerntsenVice PresidentJane KralTreasurerStephanie HandRecording SecretaryGeoff WelchHistorianBOARD OF TRUSTEESMarianne CarrollFinancial SecretaryHarrison O. BushTrustee / Sloat descendantKatheryn GoldmanTrusteeKenneth J. LinsnerTrusteeHarmony Hall-Jacob Sloat House is the only Rockland Countyhistoric site that is run by an all-volunteer group activelyproducing year-round programs while preserving andrestoring this 1848 mansion.Peter BushTrustee / Sloat descendantAlison HarveyTrusteeLinda KarenTrustee

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Music, art, culture, lectures & researchHistoryTHOUSANDSattend the many events hosted atHarmony Hall-Jacob Sloat HouseIn 1848, Sloatsburg is abuzz with news that localentrepreneur and inventor, Jacob Sloat, is moving into his new mansion that he built overlooking hishighly-prosperous cotton twine mills along theErie Railroad tracks just steps away from the Ramapo River. At the time, Sloat could nothave imagined that the avant-garde,Greek Revival gem would somedaybecome one of the Hudson Valley’smost exciting restoration projects.S

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The removal of the rear verandaaddition reveals the original footprintof the pier antae, bluestone garden walk,and summer kitchen details.2009The removal of the 20th-century interioroverbuilds and linoleum uncovers thehidden main staircase, some first-floorwindows, and yellow pine subfloors.2007The pine subfloors are refinished. The 1910south salon chandelier, found in 2006 in a pileof debris in the basement by Edward Marse,Noel Jablonski, and Geoff Welch, was restoredby conservator Kenneth J. Linsner. 2010The Friends acquire and install vintageradiators. The restored south salonchandelier is installed.2012The Friends are gifted a fine ca. 1870crystal chandelier for the dining room.Major structural repairs to the houseframe and a new roof are completed.2013Preservation & Renovations2007 - 2023

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Dr. Carole Weaver-Linsner’s estate donatesfunds for the restoration of an entrance hallwayarchway. Summer concerts proceeds fund themain staircase, plasterwork, and windowrestoration.2022The Rockland County Executive’s Historic PreservationMerit Award for Preservation Leadership is awarded toThe Friends. The restroom is renovated to be ADA codecompliant. Second-floor office space is finished. Thesouth salon plasterwork and the molding of a previouslyhidden window are restored, and the central ceilingmedallion is reconstructed.2016Plasterwork in the dining room is repaired and thechandelier is hung. Paint chronology testing for thefirst-floor main rooms is initiated.2017Wi-Fi access for the house and grounds is installed.Zoned thermostats are added. The chandelier-matchingwall sconce is restored and hung in the south salon.2019Dr. Carole Weaver-Linsner donates asink/service preparation area which is installedin the family dining room. Additional structuralrepairs and a new roof over the summer kitchenare completed by the Town of Ramapo.2020The wallboard is removed and the door leadingfrom Jacob Sloat’s office/family sitting room tothe dining room was uncovered.2021The Town of Ramapo removed the modernwash basin in the butler’s pantry to make roomfor wheelchair accessibility.2023

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2020-2021Funding ProgressionThe Friends of Harmony Hall – Jacob Sloat House is seeking individuals, businesses, corporations,and foundations that share our vision for preserving and restoring this unique historical resource.The Friends of Harmony Hall secured a $100,000 private foundation grant in 2023 and, with the help oflocal businesses, brings the critical restoration funding within reach. Architectural plans and proposals fromestablished historic restoration/preservation experts have been submitted. Your generous contribution willkickstart this project when the total amount is secured. Our goal is to have the porch completed by 2025.Join the Harmony Hall restoration team and help make this vision a reality.$20,0002021-2022$30,0002022-2023$147,750Goal $190,000Join the Harmony Hall restoration team and help make this vision a reality.The “Not Just a Front Porch” campaign invites you to be part of this vital front porch restoration. Contributionsare welcome to sponsor a floorboard for as little as $200 or become a full-name platinum sponsor! Those whoelect to be part of our current fundraising campaign at the $200 and greater level will receive an invitation toour Ribbon-Cutting Celebration. Donors at the $1,000 or greater level will receive a complimentary familymembership to the Friends of Harmony Hall for one year and two tickets to our summer concerts. Benefactorsat the $10,000 and greater level will be recognized on a permanent plaque displayed at Harmony Hall.

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Platinum Sponsorship$100,000Gold Sponsorship$50,000Silver Sponsorship$25,000Bronze Sponsorship$15,000Porch Column $10,000Window Restoration$5,000Yankee Gutters$2,500Down Spouts$1,000Floor Board / Ceiling Board $200Not Just a Front Porch FOHH has initiated the “Not Just a Front Porch” campaign to restore the front porch, an importantarchitectural feature of the 1848 mansion. This critically urgent restoration will ensure the integrity of thebuilding as well as the safety of our members and guests. It will provide a year-round cultural venue for thehistoric Ramapo River Pass and Highlands. When completed, guests will have ample opportunities toattend a myriad of cultural, historic and social events, or simply sit and enjoy the serene parklike setting.Friends of Harmony Hall - Jacob Sloat House is a 501(c)(3) non-profitorganization. Your donation is tax deductible in accordance with tax laws.The front porch doorway is the main entrance to thehouse and provides an elegant portal to the past.The project cost is estimated at $190,000. In 2023,The Friends of Harmony Hall received a donation froma private foundation who wishes to remain anonymousand raised funds through events. The FOHH has a complete set of front porch architectplans, detailed project plans, and a proposal from acontractor who has already accomplished impressivework at Harmony Hall with the 2022 restoration of theGrand Staircase.Donations will be permanently recorded at Harmony Hall.All funds raised above the campaign goal will be appliedto window and interior restoration. Donations of support under $200, towards our restoration projects arejust as crucial to ensure the preservation of Harmony Hall - Jacob SloatHouse's cultural heritage for future generations to cherish and enjoy.

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15 Liberty Rock RoadP.O. Box 293Sloatsburg, New York“It has been said that, at its best, preservation engagesthe past in a conversation with the present overa mutual concern for the future.”- Dr. William J. MurtaghThe first “keeper” of the National Register of Historic PlacesEIN# 41-2224607