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Flip Impact Report 2023

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The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) partnerswith other religious, civic, and ethnic organizations in theSt. Louis community that share our goal of a justdemocratic and pluralistic society. As allies, we standtogether in promoting the security of Israel and Jewseverywhere as well as a better region. We are guided byJewish values as we take action – whether leading thechange or supporting our coalition partners. Jewish Community Relations Council of St. LouisOur Guiding VisionA vibrant and secure Jewish community in a thriving andjust St. Louis regionWhat We Do2023 ImpactReport2023-2024Council Member OrganizationsADL HeartlandAmerican Israel Public Affairs Committee (non-voting)American Jewish Committee St. LouisBais Abraham CongregationB’nai B’rith St. LouisCentral Reform CongregationCongregation B’nai AmoonaCongregation Shaare EmethCongregation Temple IsraelHadassah St. Louis ChapterHillel at Washington University in St. LouisJewish Community CenterJewish Family ServicesJewish Federation of St. LouisJewish War VeteransJewish Women International, St. LouisJews United for JusticeJ Street St. LouisKol RinahMaryville University HillelMaTovuMidwest Jewish CongressNA’AMAT USA, St. LouisNational Council of Jewish Women, St. LouisNext Dor STLNusach Hari B’nai ZionShir Hadash Reconstructionist CommunitySt. Louis Rabbinical and Cantorial AssociationSt. Louis Rabbinical CouncilTemple EmanuelTraditional CongregationUnited Hebrew CongregationVaad HoeirYoung Israel of St. LouisZionist Organization of America, St. LouisCouncil Community MembersHila Ben AbrahamEmilie FanConnie FlachsLauren Rodriguez-GoldsteinRhona LyonsJenifer NewmarkDana SilverblattPatrick ThimanguRichard WolkowitzBoard of DirectorsJoel Iskiwitch, ChairAnna Shabsin, Vice-ChairJulia Mendelow, SecretaryJane Rubin, TreasurerDavid Rosenstock, Development ChairNancy Solomon Desloge, Nominating & Governance ChairPaul Sorenson, Programming ChairDeborah Price, Immediate Past ChairSally AltmanKaren AroestyShira BerkowitzSusan BlockLaura HorwitzMichael NovackIsaac PollackNikki WeinsteinHow We Do ItWe educate, collaborate, and mobilize action on issuesimportant to the Jewish community. The JCRC advocatesfor policies and positions developed by our Council,which is comprised of 35 member organizations, up to 10community members, and our Board of Directors. Weengage in civil discourse and work together to createpolicy positions that consider the diverse viewpoints ofthe St. Louis Jewish community.85 YEARSCelebratingCelebrating

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Why Faith Leaders Believe in a Clean Slate virtual town hall meeting brought together faith leaders fora conversation about forgiveness, community healing, and automatic expungement.85 YEARSCelebratingCelebratingStudent to StudentA PROGRAM OF THE NEWMARK INSTITUTE AT JCRC*These programs were made possible in part through the generosity of the Lubin Green Foundation, a supporting foundation of Jewish Federation of St. Louis, and is part of the Sh’ma Listen Speakers initiative.*Ten local social services agencies received Jewish Fund for Human Needs grants totaling $34,000.JCRC Honored by the NAACPJewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis2023 Impact ReportStronger in RelationshipThe St. Louis Jewish community is passionate and ambitious, but we know we cannot change theworld on our own. We collaborate, partner, and build relationships through dialogue and sharedaction. In 2023, we proudly continued strengthening our relationships - these are just a fewhighlights:Student to Student, a program of the Newmark Institute at JCRC,received the St. Louis City NAACP’s Frankie Muse Freeman/Norman R.Seay Commitment to St. Louis Award and former Deputy Director ofJCRC Cheryl Adelstein was honored for outstanding community relationsat the NAACP St. Louis County 86th Annual Freedom Fund Dinner. Mazel tov to Sue Picus, longstanding volunteer for JFHN who was honored with a 2023 Jewish Light Unsung Hero award!*The Handshake that Shook the World: A 30 Year Reflection on the Oslo Accordsprogram offered a unique look into Israel and the pivotal moment betweenPrime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat.JCRC worked in partnership to advocate for education equity issues, including submitting 15 pieces oftestimony, five trips to Jefferson City, and helping Student to Student and LeadSTL program participantshave their voices heard both in Jefferson City and via an editorial in the Jewish Light.Click to learn more about ourCOMMUNITY PARTERS

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Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis2023 Impact Report85 YEARSCelebratingCelebratingInterfaith Breakfast Dialogue Group Shalom Amigos L’Chaim Tea HouseEvent HighlightsThe American Dream Deferred: One Family's Incarceration During WWII & Holocaust Museum Tour L’Chaim Tea House, our Asian-American & JewishDialogue Group, and members of the St. Louiscommunity convened at the St. Louis Kaplan FeldmanHolocaust Museum for a docent-led tour followed by apresentation on WWII Japanese incarceration byRobin Hattori, who shared her family's story.The Michael and Barbara Newmark Institute for Human Relations at JCRCcommitted to the concept of a pluralistic society where diverse religious,racial, and ethnic groups live and work together and their differencesenhance the community.The Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius XII, Mussolini, and HitlerProfessor and scholar David Kertzer presentedhis lauded book, The Pope at War: The SecretHistory of Pius XII, Mussolini and Hitler to anaudience of over 500 people at Graham Chapelon the campus of Washington University in St.Louis. Through a diverse partnership withcommunity organizers, we were able to bringKertzer’s findings and analysis of the recentlyopened archives of Pius XII to a wide and diverseaudience.Click to learn more about ourDIALOGUE GROUPSCommitment toPluralismDid you know...JCRC proudly holds a seat on theInterfaith Partnership Clergy Cabinet?

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Student to Student, a program of the Newmark Institute at JCRC, has reachedthousands of students in area schools with little or no Jewish presence. These studentscan now put a “human face” on Judaism—the best antidote to antisemitism, bigotry,and intolerance.Student to Student, a Program of the Newmark Institute38total schools, includingthirteen new partners85 YEARSCelebratingCelebrating1183500+37How teens in Missouri are experiencingantisemitism — and what they’re doing about it,PBS NewsHourMaking a Difference: St. Louis Jewish teenagersfighting antisemitism 'Student to Student,' KSDKThe Pulse of St. Louis: Student to Student, St. LouisJewish teens visit schools, educate peers aboutfaith, KPLR“Student Standouts,” Town & Style St. Louis“These St. Louis teens are at the forefront offighting antisemitism,” St. Louis Jewish LightCongrats to Professor Alan Kirby, a Student toStudent partner for 22 years, who was named2023 Jewish Light Unsung HeroJewish COMMUNITY Relations Council of St. Louis2023 Impact ReportJewish student leadersentering classrooms,breaking down barriers, andbuilding bridgesstudents reached inhistory, theology,journalism, and literature classesMedia Features:In 2023, Student to Student expanded toclassrooms in both Illinois and throughout the St. Louis region!community presentationsand synagogue tours SharingJudaismClick toDONATE

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85 YEARSCelebratingCelebratingUnderstanding our connection to Israel has always been a focal point for JCRC. In 2023, JCRC hosted multi-part SH’MA: Listen! Courageous Communities andShowing Up programs that equipped participants with resources and tools to discussIsrael and antisemitism.Jewish COMMUNITY Relations Council of St. Louis2023 Impact ReportWe introduced new programs such asHakol Koreh: Everything Happening inIsrael and created a monthly Israelnewsletter.In the second half of 2023, JCRCsponsored or cosponsored 15 programs,expanded Student to Student offerings topresent classes on Israel, and organizedmeetings with local elected officials todiscuss harmful Israel/Gaza ceasefireresolution proposals.JCRC joins with area clergy to lead the St. Louis March for IsraelPhoto Credit: Philip DeitchConnection toIsraelBarry Rosenberg, professor atWashington University in St. Louisin conversation with Daniel Kurtzer,former US Ambassador toEgypt and IsraelGil Hoffman, Executive Director ofHonest Reporting, which fightsanti-Israel media biasDavid Makovsky, Ziegler Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute andDirector of the Koret Project onArab-Israeli RelationsRabbi Scott Shafrin of JCRC speaksto the community at the Shloshimgathering to mark thirty daysfollowing the October 7 terroristattack on IsraelGladys K. CrownFoundationClick to subscribe to our ISRAEL NEWSLETTER

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Jewish COMMUNITY Relations Council of St. Louis2023 Impact ReportWe’ve found strength through the messages of solidarity we’ve received from our partnersthroughout the region since the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel.Messages of SolidarityClick to read moreMESSAGES OF SOLIDARITY85 YEARSCelebratingCelebrating

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Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis2023 Impact ReportState of Israel is created and JCRCresponds to efforts to delegitimizeJewish State1986Peer to peer education programtakes shape and debuts as theStudent to Student programJewish and Muslim Day ofCommunity Service (JAMDOCS)begins2019JCRC was founded in December of 1938 in response to the expanding antisemitism in Europe.During WWII, JCRC joined with interfaith and civic groups to fight vicious rumors and refutemisconceptions about Jews. As we begin our 85th year, we honor our partners of the past andshare our deep appreciation to the coalitions, faith organizations, schools, elected officials, andindividuals that collaborate, learn, advocate, celebrate, and grieve with us today.December 281938St. Louis Jewish leaders create the Jewish Coordinating Council in responseto antisemitism expanding in Europe1945Changes name to the JewishCommunity Relations Counciland joins what is now the JewishCouncil for Public Affairs19481950sJCRC partners with localorganizations to desegregatepublic housing and schools inSt. Louis1984Rabbi Robert P. Jacobs launched theJewish Fund for Human NeedsJCRC stages “Don’t Let the LightsGo Out” demonstration insupport of Soviet Jewry19902010Michael & Barbara Newmarkestablish the Newmark Institutefor Human Relations2012JCRC hosted its first AureliaKonrad Charitable FoundationCommunity Seder, a program ofthe Newmark Institute2023The Bohm Family endows theLee & Milford Bohm Director ofSocial JusticeMaharat Rori Picker Neiss,JCRC Executive Director, 2015-2023“As we witness growing divisions within our communityand increased hate against our community, it is ever morechallenging but ever more necessary to build bridges andtranscend difference.”85 YEARSCelebratingCelebrating85 Years ofBuilding Bridges in St. Louis2023 Staff from Left to Right: Cheryl Adelstein, Lauren Abraham, Elyse Picker,Maharat Rori Picker Neiss, Jennifer Swanson, Rachel Bray, Rabbi Scott ShafrinClick to meet ourJCRC STAFF

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Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis2023 Impact Report85 YEARSCelebratingCelebratingThank you for your partnership and donations to JCRC.Your generous gift furthers our mission and reach.Haven’t made your donation yet?Please click the link in to help us leave a lasting impact.2023 Expenses - $708,2002023 Income - $634,5002023 Tzedek Award Honorees:Dr. Arlene & Rabbi Jeffrey StiffmanBatya Abramson-Goldstein Legacy AwardMarie A KenyonNorman A. StackCommunity Relations AwardDonn RubinJoel and Joanne Iskiwitch Israel AwardNancy Solomon DeslogeMichael and Barbara NewmarkEmerging Leader AwardThe Reverend Mike AngellCaroline FanRam LakshmananReverend Gabrielle NS KennedyGuillermo A. RodriguezNewmark Institute for Human RelationsPluralism AwardAnissa SmithMartin I. and Merle K. GoldsteinScholarshipClick toDONATE