MUSIC PLAYLISTEnjoy a playlist in Spotify just for SOPHIA COLLECTIVE byusing the QR code or the link below. Listen to affirmations,music + hear from Esther Hicks to uplift and empower you onyour journey.SPOTIFYIf you're feeling inspired and would like to contribute toSOPHIA COLLECTIVE, you can use this QR code or linkbelow. Your support helps us continue our journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment, allowing us to reacheven greater heights together. Every donation is deeplyappreciated and goes towards creating more transformativeexperiences for our members. Thank you for being a part of SOPHIA COLLECTIVE and for your loving support.DONATIONSSOHIA COLLECTIVE
that is really the way italways works. As youfocus clearly upon thethings you desire, andhold no contradictoryvibration that causesresistance-whateveryou desire must be.for what you ask, it isalways given, every time,with no excepetions.THE TEACHINGS OF ABRAHAM HICKS
Welcome Back, Beautiful Souls!After a well-needed hiatus, it brings me immense joy to welcome you back to ourcherished book club. As we prepare to embark on a new chapter together, I'mthrilled to introduce our next literary adventure: "Ask and It Is Given" by EstherHicks.Our journey into the world of "Ask and It Is Given" promises to be a profoundexploration of the power of intention, the law of attraction, and the boundlesspotential that resides within each of us. Esther Hicks' teachings, delivered throughher connection with the spiritual entity known as Abraham, offer us a roadmap tomanifesting our desires, nurturing our inner wisdom, and living lives filled withabundance, purpose, and joy.During our time away, we've all experienced personal growth, transformation, andthe ebb and flow of life's many adventures. Yet, as we gather once more as SophiaCollective, we find solace in the knowledge that our shared journey continues toenrich our lives in immeasurable ways.The pages of this workbook are meant to be your companions on this newadventure. They are spaces where you can jot down your thoughts, dreams, andinsights as you delve deeper into the teachings of Esther Hicks and the wisdom ofAbraham. Let these pages be a canvas for your reflections, a container for yourrevelations, and a testament to your journey of self-discovery.As we reconvene this fall, may our collective energy, wisdom, and camaraderieamplify the magic that unfolds within our discussions. May our discussions inspireus to ask the right questions, align our intentions with our desires, and manifest thelife we've always dreamed of.1
So, let us gather our favorite blankets, brew a cup of comforting tea or somethingwithin these pages that strikes your fancy, and open our hearts and minds to thetransformative wisdom of "Ask and It Is Given." Together, we will rekindle theflames of curiosity, ignite our inner wisdom, and empower each other to co-createthe lives we envision.With love, light, and boundless anticipation,2Meredith
Welcome to SOPHIA COLLECTIVE! I am so glad you are here!In case you were wondering, here is a little about how Sophia Collective came to be.I started this self-love book club out of a need to love myself, encourage myself andfill my mind with all the good things that resonate with truth, beauty and goodness.I dreamed of having a gathering of unique, wild, rebellious, women to go on thisinward journey with me. I had no idea where to start. However, it was my bigsister, Samantha, who planted the idea of reading and doing the homework forNapoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. I had already read the book but had no ideathere was homework in the form of a workbook. I jumped at the idea of doing amini book club with her! Since she lived in a different state, it proved ratherdifficult to coordinate our schedules so it never got off the ground.However, the homework was calling me, so I asked my daughter and a few closefamily & friends to join me in the journey of self-love and to develop a deeperwisdom from within. From then on, I was hooked and SOPHIA COLLECTIVE wasborn! Now here we are almost 2 years later, going deeper still and finding truth,beauty and goodness in ourselves, each other and our lives.As for you, dear soul, this self-love book club can be an incredibly transformativeand enriching experience for you personally. As you delve into works that exploresthe depths of self-compassion, self-acceptance, and self-care, you embark on aprofound journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It's not just a pleasant pastime; reading and participating in these discussions havetangible benefits. Studies have shown that reading regularly not only expands yourknowledge but also enhances your empathy, reduces stress, and improves yourmental health. 3New Here?
This means that, as a member of SOPHIA COLLECTIVE, you're not only gainingvaluable insights and practical tools for nurturing self-love, but you're alsobenefiting from improved overall well-being. Additionally, the shared readings anddiscussions create a supportive community where you celebrate your individualjourney and provide a safe space for vulnerability and healing.It's not just about reading; it's about prioritizing your well-being, embracing yourunique qualities, and developing a deeper sense of self-worth. These elementscontribute to a more successful and fulfilling life, allowing you to shine brighter andlive more authentically in all areas of your life.Thank you for taking the journey with me.All my love,SOPHIA COLLECTIVE: A collection of women whogather together to share in wisdom; otherwise known asSophia, the goddess of wisdom, and the many differentincarnations of sacred feminine knowledge.4Meredith
The key to bringinganything that youdesire into yourexperience is simplyto raise yourvibration to matchit, because the onlyreason you havenot alreadyreceived it isbecause yourvibration does notmatch your desire.ASK AND IT IS GIVEN - ESTHER HICKS
1 2 3 456789101112131415161718192021222325252627282930Notes ReminderN O V E M B E R/ 2311S A M H A I N ’ S V E I L , A N CE S TR A L W HI S PE R S.S U N T U E T H UM O NW E DF R I S A TMistletoe BOOK CLUBChapters 1-7DiscussionBOOK CLUB IntroductionMeet & GreetThanksgiving
This challenge is designed to help you apply the principles of the Law of Attraction inyour daily life, as outlined in Esther and Jerry Hicks' book, Ask and it is Given. The Law ofAttraction suggests that like attracts like, and by focusing on positive thoughts andfeelings, you can manifest your desires. Over the next 30 days you will be putting to thetest this universal law. As each day passes, simple check if you completed the dailychallenge. Day 1-5: Gratitude Journaling | Start a gratitude journal, use your current journal or use theattached journal and write down three things you're grateful for every morning andevening. Reflect on how these positive thoughts make you feel.Day 6-10: Visualization | Set aside time each day to visualize your ideal future. Picture yourgoals and desires as if they've already been achieved. Feel the emotions associated withyour success.Day 11-15: Positive Affirmations | Create a list of positive affirmations or use the ones foundin this workbook that align with your desires. Repeat them daily, several times a day, toreinforce positive beliefs.Day 16-20: Clearing Negative Beliefs | Identify any negative beliefs, doubts or resistance thatmay be holding you back. Challenge and replace them with more positive, empoweringbeliefs.Day 21-25: Act "As If" | Act as if your desires have already manifested. Make decisions andtake actions that align with your future success.Day 26-30: Inspired Action | Listen to your intuition by finding time to be still. From thisspace and alignment with Source Energy, take inspired action steps towards your goals.Trust your inner guidance and move forward with confidence.Bonus Challenge | Use Slumber, your bedtime ritual pillow mist, and allow the universe towork as you sleep.Remember that the Law of Attraction is about maintaining a positive mindset, being open toopportunities, and allowing the universe to work in your favor. Enjoy the journey and the positive changesthat are coming your way!The Law of Attraction | 30 day Challenge22SOPHIA COLLECTIVE
RITUALS OF MANIFESTATION1. Set Your Intention: Before spraying themist, take a moment to set a clear andpositive intention for your dreams.Visualize your desires as if they've alreadymanifested.2. Spray the Mist: Give the mist bottle agentle shake and spray it lightly onto yourpillow and bedding. Feel free to mist onyou and around your aura as well. Thesoothing scent will create a tranquilatmosphere for your night's rest.3. Release and Let Go: As you drift off tosleep, release any worries or doubts andtrust that the universe is working with youto bring your desires to fruition. your ultimate bedtime companion. Slumberisn't just any pillow mist; she's your nightly voyage to the realm of dreams.Infused with the comforting embrace of lavender, the serene aura of chamomile,the ethereal essence of frankincense, the gentle guidance of white chestnut, andthe enchanting energy of crystals, Slumber serves as your passport to a tranquildreamscape. With just a few spritzes, you'll embark on a journey to restfulslumber, harmonizing your dreams with your deepest desires while the universeorchestrates its magic. Say hello to Slumber, your newest nighttime ritual andlet her guide you into a realm of serenity, where dreams take root and blossominto reality, and where sleep reigns supreme.Meet SlumberR I T U A L B O T A N I C A L D R E A M I N G M I S TSOPHIA COLLECTIVE
Joy | Appreciation | Empowered | Freedom | LovePassionEnthusiasm | Eagerness | HappinessPositive Expectation | BeliefOptimismHopefulnessContentment1. | Irritation |ImpatienceOverwhelmDisappointmentDoubtWorryBlameDiscouragementAngerRevengeHatred | RageJealousyInsecurity | Guilt |UnworthinessFear | Grief | Depression |Despair | Powerlessness1. EMOTIONALGUIDANCE SCALE41