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E S T A T E P O R T F O L I OM A N A G M E N T , I N C .Reducing Risk in an Increasingly Volatile World

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O B J E C T I V E SEstate Portfolio Management,Inc. analyzes, designs andimplements a portfoliostrategy that reduces risk andleverages policies to secure anoptimal return for investors.I N T R O D U C T I O N M A R K E T S T A T SP U R P O S EThere is a dire need for ouraging population to maintaintheir standard of living. Doing so is becomingincreasingly more difficult astheir life expectancies rise. By utilizing the inherentvalue of a life insurancepolicy death benefit, lifesettlements provideeconomic opportunity for thepolicy owner and thepurchaser of the policy.$5 TRILLIONThe U.S. Life InsuranceIndustry has more than $5Trillion in assets and isexpected to grow to $9Trillion$217 BILLIONThe ten-year average forecastof the annual gross marketpotental for Life Settlementsis $217 Billion.W H O W E A R EEstate Portfolio Management,Inc. holds itself out as aprivate investment companypursuant to The InvestmentCompany Act of 1940,Sections 3(c)(1) and 3(c)(7).

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Q: WHAT IS A LIFESETTLEMENT?A Life Settlement is afinancial transaction where asenior sells their lifeinsurance policy that they nolonger need, want, or canafford to a third party. A LifeSettlement, for the senior, isan alternative to a policylapse or surrender. "The most importantinvestment you can make is inyourself." -Warren BuffetQ; WHAT DOES ALIFE SETTLEMENTPORTFOLIO LOOKLIKE?Estate PortfolioManagement, Inc. creates aportfolio model based uponthe client's objectives with adiversity of insured's, lifeexpectancies, insurancecarriers, and underwriters. Each portfolio has multipleallocation selectionsavailable for income andgrowth with varying termsand time periods. Q U E S T I O N S &A N S W E R S Q: HOW DOES A LIFESETTLEMENTTRANSACTIONOCCUR?The policies are purchased ata discount of their face value. A purchaser acquires theentire, or "whole" policy, withno fractional or poolinginterest. The policy portfoliois uniquely designed to meetthe objectives of thepurchaser.

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WHO MAY INVEST?01 02 03 04ACCREDITEDINVESTORSQUALIFIEDINVESTORSFAMILYOFFICESQ U E S T I O N S &A N S W E R S C O N T ' DQ: HOW IS LIFEEXPECTANCYDETERMINED?Life expectancy providers areactuarial and medical expertswho apply probability theory,actuarial methodology, andmedical analysis using therecords of the insured tocalculate the probable lifeexpectancy of an insured. Q: HOW DOES A LIFESETTLEMENTFUNCTION?A Life Settlement transactionis similar in nature to a zero-coupon bond, except thepurchaser does not know theexact maturity date. Thediscounted value of a policywill vary and is based uponthe life expectancy of theinsured, the individual policyfeatures, and the lifesettlement market conditionsfor that particular type ofpolicy.ESTABLISHEDINSTITUTIONSAND NON-PROFITORGANIZATIONSQ: WHAT TYPES OFACCOUNTS CAN BEUSED?IRA Accounts, 401K Rollover,Trust, Entity and IndividualCash Accounts.

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ALLOCATION OPTIONSEstate Portfolio Management, Inc. offersvarious allocation selections. A growthallocation, an income, or a combinationof both allocations are available. Thegrowth allocation option return is basedupon the estimated life expectancy anddemise of the insured. The incomeallocation is a "return for a term", whereincome payments are collateralized by aU.S. Life Insurance policy during theterm and when the term has ended thepayments cease and the investment isreturned or reinvested.SAFETY OF INVESTMENT010203External servicingcompanies are hired as asafeguard for the investor.04Diversification optionsavailable and encouraged.W H A T E P MP R O V I D E S Extensive compliancestandards to ensure allinvestors meet thresholds.The policies are issuedby A- or better U.S. LifeInsurance companies.

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ADDITIONALINFORMATIONIf you wish to know more, a ConfidentialPrivate Fund Memorandum is availableupon request. Please e-mail yourrepresentative Beatrice Schultz, CFP,with Westface Financial and InsuranceServices forfurther information.CONTACT INFORMATIONA L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D • T H E C I T R I N E C O M P A N Y • 2 0 1 9C O N T A C TI N F O R M A T I O NPhone: (360)

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