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Conference Agenda Day 1 Wednesday 08 November 2023 Moderator: Organizing Pastor, Beulah Land Community Church, Houston, Texas Bishop Dr. Ruth Allen Ollison 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Registration 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Call to Order Presider: Archbishop Sterling Lands II, PhD Greetings from Civic Leaders Directions and Logistics Facilitator: Overseer Sylvia L Addison MDiv, Conference Manager Praise, Prayer, and Meditation Leader: Overseer Jo Alsandor, ThD 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM How to Get Out Of Debt and Stay Out Speaker: Bishop A L Hickman Sr. 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eradicating Ignorance in Kingdom Affairs Speaker: Bishop Michael Forney, PhD 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Your Walk Is Louder Than Your Talk Speaker: Bishop Rosemary Lands 5:00 PM Break 7:00 PM - Thanksgiving Praise and Worship Service Speaker: Overseer Demetrice Weeden

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Bishop Aris Hickman is the Organizing Pastor, New Commandment Christian Fellowship, B.S. in Economics, University of Houston, 29 year Special Education Teacher and Service Provider, Author and husband and father. Bishop Aris Hickman Houston Area Fellowship, Houston, Texas USA Bishop Dr. Michael D. Forney is the Founder/Overseer, Life Style of Christ Ministries. Married with six girls. He holds a Doctor of Arts in Theology, Cornerstone University, Master of Arts, Christian Counseling; Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Calvary Theological Semi-nary; University of Houston; Grambling State University; Organizer and Overseer of Lifestyle of Christ Church, Pearland, Texas, Former Executive Pastor, Cullen Missionary Baptist Church, Houston, Texas. Bishop Michael Forney, PhD President, Family Life Bible College Overseer Dr. Jo Ann Alsandor is a “BORN AGAIN” Believer called by God to Preach His Word! She holds a Doctor of theology from Christian Bible College and a Doctor of Theology from St John Bible Institute. She is married to Deacon Donald Alsandor, Canaan Mis-sionary Ministry of Baton Rouge, Louisi-ana. She has two daughters, Six grandsons and one granddaughter. Overseer Dr. Jo Ann Alsandor Baton Rouge Area Fellowship, Baton Rouge Louisiana, USA Bishop Rosemary Lands holds a Master of Social Work, Concentration in Corporate Social Work from Clark Atlanta University. She is presently pursuing a Master of Divin-ity at New Orleans Theological Seminary. In 1996, she and her husband birthed the Family Life Missionary Baptist Church with a vision “to take the family to godly heights through reaching, teaching, preaching God’s Word”. In 2011, she was appointed as Overseer of the Family Life International Fellowship and the Master’s Circle Christian Fellowship. November 2013, she was elevated to Bishop by the Family Life Interna-tional Fellowship, Austin, TX. She has a special calling for women and children and God has used her mightily as a Pastor, Preacher and Teacher of the Family Life Baptist Church. She and Vice International Presiding Bishop A.T. Lands have been for married for 34 years and they have two daughters. Bishop Rosemary Lands Executive Pastor Family Life Missionary Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Georgia

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Prelude of Praise Call to Worship Bishop Kristoffer S. Lands Prayer Overseer Larry Lands Welcome Reverend Gennell Shuler Greetings from FLIF West Africa Fellowships Bishop Raymond Wonders-Johnson Praise VOGC Message/Invitation Closing Remarks International Vice Presiding Bishop Alfred T. Lands International Presiding Bishop Sterling Lands II, DDiv., PhD Prayer of Dismissal Overseer Demetrice Weeden is a native of St. Louis, Missouri. She accepted her call to the gospel ministry in 1998. She was licensed in 2005, by the Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church (GBBC), St. Louis, Missouri, by Reverend Paul C. Robinson, Sr, and the licensing council. Overseer Weeden was appointed Overseer within the Family Life International Fellowship on January 1, 2023. She currently serves as the Associate Minister of the Alpha Bible Ministry, Greater Calvary Bible Church International and is the mother to her beautiful daughter, Jasmine Spann. Overseer Demetrice Weeden Associate Minister Alpha Bible Church Ministry Thanksgiving Service Order of Service 7:00 pm

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Day 2 Thursday 09 November 2023 International Presiding Bishop Day 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Praise, Prayer, and Meditation Leader: TBD 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM GCROP – Youth Sessions 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Rekindle the Fire and Relaunch Speaker: Archbishop C. Lloyd Battieste, PhD 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Africentric Hermeneutic. How can we dewesternized our preaching & teaching? Speaker: Archbishop Van Gayton, PhD 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Africentric Hermeneutic Panel Discussion Panel Members: Bishop Raymond Wonders-Johnson; Bishop Willie Brooks; Bishop Dr. Michael D. Forney; Bishop Aris Hickman 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM The Inaugural First Lady's Brunch Program Speaker: Lady Elect Carmela Wright Panel Members Lady Elect Iris Brooks, Lady Elect Angela Forney, Lady Elect Cynthia Hickman, Lady Elect Nicole Youmans 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch Break 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM GCROP – Youth Sessions 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Gender Confusion. What is God's design intent? Speaker: Archbishop Russell McClanahan, PhD 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Gender Confusion Panel Discussion. Panel Members: Bishop Alfred T. Lands; Bishop Rosemary Lands; Bishop Kristoffer S. Lands; Bishop Richard S. Lands 3:00 PM Break 6:00 PM Honors and Awards Gala Program Speaker: Bishop Alfred T Lands Moderator: FLIF General Secretary Bishop Anthony K. Wright

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Archbishop Dr. C. Lloyd Battieste is the Founding Pastor, Redemption Worship Centre, Toronto, Canada, Founder and Presiding Archbishop: Redemption Faith Ministries International Inc. (Toronto, Canada), President and Chancellor, Mount Olivet Bible Institute & Seminary Inc., (Toronto, Canada), Co-Founder and Chief Prelate, Interna-tional Council of Pentecostal Bishops Inc. (Toronto, Canada)\ Executive Member, Council of Interna-tional Charismatic Bishops (U.S.A) Dr. Van Gayton has taught subjects such as Philosophy of Religion at Jamestown Community College, The African Ameri-can Religious Experience at the Universi-ty at Buffalo, The Bible and Race at Gordon-Conwell Theological Semi-nary. He also taught Theology, Apolo-getics, and Classical Education, to high school students, as their teacher and high school principal. Dr. McClanahan received his B. A. from Kentucky Wesleyan College and his Master of Divinity from Garrett Evan-gelical Theological Seminary. He has traveled extensively throughout the U.S., the West Indies, and South America. Dr. McClanahan has sought to discover what has given meaning and purpose to people's lives regardless of their circumstance. He has served as a Family Counselor, Program Director for alcohol/drug treatment program, Pastor, church planter and regularly conducts seminars on functional and dysfunctional families and relationships. Archbishop C. Lloyd Battieste, PhD Founding Pastor, Redemption Worship Centre, Toronto, Canada Archbishop Van Gayton, PhD Dean of Education is for the Internation-al College of Bishops Archbishop Russell McClanahan, PhD Presiding Bishop/Patriarch of the Evangelical Episcopal Communion

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Elect Lady Minister Iris Brooks is the bride of Bishop Wil-lie Brooks Jr. They have been married for 32 years. She is an ordained minister and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Interperson-al Communication a Master’s Degree from Liberty University in Ministry Counseling and received her Alcohol and Drug Abuse License from Life Changing Ministries. Her desire is to bring Christ into the lives of those that are addicted to drugs and alcohol incorporating the Spir-itual element of healing. Her purpose is to carry out the mission of introducing Christ to those that feel overwhelm and lost from their addictive behaviors; showing them that belief in Christ is the way to stay clean and sober. Elect Lady Carmela C. Wright is an award-winning family advocate with 17 years of expe-rience in home education and over two decades of faithful Christian service who has dedicated her life to empowering and nurturing women to feel loved. In addition to being married to a church planter and homeschooling nine children, Lady Car-mela is a sought-after creative strategist. She is currently advising over fifty women-owned small businesses across the United States of America. Since 2006, she has led multiple workshops supporting families through one-on-one disci-pleship. Recently, her mission is to empower women of all ages to practice radical self-care along with the biblically based womanhood model of Titus 2. When she is not caring for her loving husband of 28 years, Bishop Anthony K. Wright, and their six younger children at home, she can be found scouring for Houston’s most delicious cupcake, taking high-energy jam sessions fueled by 90’s hip-hop, and looking for a location to take another solo vacation. Elect Lady Deaconess Nicole Michelle Youmans is the bride of Bishop Ian Maurice Youmans. They have been married for 9 years She is the mother of three and is a member of the Greater Calvary Bible Church Internation-al. She is a State, Federal and Private Ac-countability Office Budget Analyst. Elect Lady Pastor Angela Forney is the bride of Michael D. Forney, PhD. In 2006, she and her husband, Bishop M.D. Forney birthed out the Lifestyle of Christ Church. They have two beautiful daughters together who assist in the ministry. In 2023 after preaching, teaching, and ministering the Word of God for many years alongside her husband Lady Forney was ordained and licensed as a Pastor. That same year she and her husband Bishop Forney founded the Family Life Bible College where she works as an administrator as well as an educator in Christian Counseling with an emphasis in Temperament Therapy. Elect Lady Cynthia Hickman is the bride of Bishop Aris Hickman. They have been married for twenty two years. They have two chil-dren, and five grandchildren. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood/ Child Development from Texas Southern University and is the Di-rector of Visitors, Guest Ministry, and Co- Director of Special Outreach Projects at New Commandment Christian Fellow-ship.

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Honors & Awards Gala Bishop Alfred T. Lands is the Vice Presiding International Bishop, Family Life International Fellowship. He is the Founder and Pastor of the Family Life Missionary Baptist Church. Family Life was birth in 1996 under his leadership and has consistently developed into a ministry focus-ing on building the character in the family of God. Bishop Lands was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He attended grade school and high school in the same area. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts De-gree from the University of Southwestern Louisiana and a Master of Urban Ministry from Urban Seminary of Atlanta. He is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at New Orleans Baptist The-ological Seminary. He was ordained as a Bishop March of 2011 in the Family Life International Fellowship, Inc. He is the bishop of protocol in the Master’s Circle Christian Fellowship and a member of the “House of Bishops” and a member of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches. He moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 1980 to pursue work in Graphic Design and Marketing. He and his wife have operated Alfred Lands Creative Design Solutions, their self-employed graphic de-sign business for over 30 years. Bishop Lands is born again and God has given him a vision to “Take the Family to Godly Heights.” He is married to Rev. Rosemary Lands, for 34 years. She was consecrated as a bishop in the Family Life International Fellowship, Inc. in 2013. She also serves as the Assistant Pastor with a Master Degree in Social Work and a Master of Urban Ministry from Urban Seminary of Atlanta. Presently she is pursuing a Master of Divinity at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. They have two daughters that are musicians and they lead an all-female Gospel band called God’s Gurls. The oldest is Deaconess Trunae’ Alyse Green who plays lead guitar, a graduate of Georgia State, and a Master's from Laselle Col-lege. She is married to Deacon-Elect Thomas Green and they have two sons, Tylan Trunell & Tory Leon with one daughter on the way. Thomas has an MBA from Georgia State University and is in upper-level management with Ama-zon. The youngest is Trulyse Faith who plays the bass guitar and is a graduate from Georgia State University. Present-ly, teaching high school math at Westlake High School while preparing to enter Graduate School. The one awesome addition to the family is Bishop Lands' nephew, Rev. Taj B. Lands from Los Angeles, California. He has an undergrad-uate degree from Georgia State University in Criminal Justice and is a Director of Security. Overseer Larry Info Bishop Richard

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Doors Open - Meet & Greet 5:00 pm MC Bishop Aris Hickman Call to Worship Bishop Kristoffer S. Lands Prayer Bishop Maurice Youmans Serving of Meal Bigman & HORNS (playing during the serving of meal) Welcome & Greetings Deacon Chief Sunday (Sunny) Uzuh Resolutions & Presentations to Presiding Bishop FLIF Fellowship Churches Musical Selections VOGC Message/Invitation Bishop Alfred T. Lands Musical Selections Overseer Larry Lands Award Presentations International Presiding Bishop  FLIF ICOB Award of Excellence  Kingdom Building Award  Servant Leadership Award  Discipleship Award  Humanitarian Award  Children’s Missions Award  Community Building Award  Stewardship Award  Integrity Award  Perseverance Award PRAISE! DANCE! SHOUT! GCBCI BAND Closing Remarks International Vice Presiding Bishop International Presiding Bishop Prayer of Dismissal Program

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Day 3 Friday 10 November 2023 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Praise, Prayer, and Meditation Leader: Overseer Kiamesha Y Lands 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM GCROP – Youth Sessions 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Postcolonial Theology: What must we do to break plantation programming? Speaker: Archbishop Darel E Chase, PhD 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM PostColonial Theology Panel Discussion Panel Members: Bishop Dr. Ruth Ollison; Bishop Anthony Wright; Bishop Maurice Youmans; Bishop Raymond Wonders-Johnson 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Standing In The Gap For The Family Speaker: Archbishop Sterling Lands II, PhD 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM Q&A 12:00 PM Adjourn 1:00 PM FLIF ICOB Caucus Closed Session 12 Noon - "Until" Saturday 11 November 2023 Archbishop's 79th Birthday Celebration!!! Moderators: Bishop Kristoffer S Lands and Bishop Richard S Lands Area Presiding Bishop, FLIF Milwaukee, Wisconsin Bishop Willie F. Brooks, Jr. Senior Pastor, Upper Room Bible Church

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Overseer Kiamesha Lands is the Execu-tive Administrative Assistant to Arch-bishop Sterling Lands, II, DDiv., PhD., International Presiding and Patriarch Family Life International Fellowship, Executive Administrator, Greater Calva-ry Bible Church International, Pre K 4 Campus Administrator, Texas Empow-erment Academy, PEIMS Assistant Co-ordinator, Texas Empowerment Acade-my, Progress Female Director, Greater Calvary Rites of Passage. She holds an Associates Degree in Resi-dential Architecture, Austin Community College, Bachelor of Science in Man-agement, University of Phoenix, and she is a Licensed Real Estate Agent, Li-censed Life Insurance Agent, Licensed Property & Casualty Independent Agent, The Lands Group. Overseer Lands is married to Bishop Kristoffer Sterling Lands and the moth-er of their three sons and three daugh-Overseer Kiamesha Y. Lands Associate Minister Alpha Bible Church Ministry Archbishop D. E. Chase is a prophetic pastor, passionate leader, social activist, church planter, and educator engaged in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and fighting against racial injustice. Arch-bishop Chase is also committed to prac-ticing and preaching a Black theology that unapologetically calls attention to the problems of mass incarceration, envi-ronmental justice, and economic inequal-ity. He currently serves as the Presiding Prel-ate of the African Episcopal Church, the President of Metropolitan Christian Uni-versity, and the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Archdiocese of the River Valley. Archbishop Darel E Chase, PhD Senior Pastor of Metropolitan Cathedral in Louisville, Kentucky Archbishop Lands is the Presiding Prel-ate, St. John Archdiocese. Organizing Overseer and Leader of Greater Calvary Bible Church, Austin, Texas. He is the COO of the Evangelical Episcopal Com-munion. He is the Co-Founder and Presi-dent-Chief Executive Officer of the Inter-national Conference of Bishops Inc. He is the Co-Chair of the Pastors Across Texas Coalition. He is the CEO of the Family Life International Bible Institute. He Pastors and supports Bishops and Pastors in the USA, Ghana, Liberia, Sier-ra Leone, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan, India, Haiti, and the UK. He is committed to strengthening the family as a Kingdom priority. Archbishop Sterling Lands II, PhD Senior Pastor, Greater Calvary Bible Church International

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