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FlexRock Coatings - Confidential Installer Roof Coatings 01/22

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Easy Apply Roll OnSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCsECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYConfidential Network PricingROOFING APPLICATOR NETWORK 800.808.0414 | info@flexrockcoatings.comToughest Seamless Roof Coating Available!Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof Systems06/22

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Become a High-Demand FlexRock Coatings Applicator Our Customers are Looking forYou – At no cost to you!A p p l i c a t o r N e t w o r kReady to profit on this opportunity? Start Applying FlexRockEducate customers about the product, makesure their roofs are clean and in the rightcondition Roof Rejuvenation SystemIncredible profitable and high marginsSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCsECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYOnline Training and ResourcesEasy Apply Roll OnFLEXROCK FXR-100

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FLEXROCK FX-814FLEXROCK FXR-100April 202215YEARYEARWARRANTYWARRANTYMost older roofs are exposed to years of environmental damage thathas created deep cracks seam separation recessed areas that areprone to water ponding and leaking. FXR-100 has tremendous adhesion that creates a chemical bondthat penetrates cracks and its self-leveling properties allow it to fill inhard-to-fix ponding with a single pour. FX-814 Liquid rubber that withstands thermal and structuralmovement bridges cracks and gaps. Helps to reduce energy bills Save over 80% vs. the costof roof replacement

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Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof Systems2-3x stronger than other roof coatings.Bonds molecularly to almost any surfacewith 98% adhesion.Self-leveling, fills cracks and blisters toeliminate leaks and pooling.Save up to 80% the cost of a new roof. Nomax thickness.FLEXROCK FX-814FLEXROCK FXR-100 Liquid RubberApril 2022Up to 500% elongation — withstands thermal andstructural movement bridges cracks and gaps1,000 psi adhesion rate — goes on, stays on.White color reflects sunlight, reducing energy billsby 6.97%Great for new roofs or topcoat FXR-100 | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comUse with FX-814 and get 500% elongationThe FlexRock Roof SystemTwo easy coatings … one tough commercial roof. Don't drop a fortune on a new commercial roof … 3x ADHESION OF OTHERROOF COATINGS

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3X StrongerAdhesionZero Odor Zero VOC'sEasy Roll onApplication15 YearWarrantyFLEXROCK FXR-100Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof SystemsUV ResistantOdorless Zero VOC. Repair Almost Any Commercial Flat Roof. Ponding water has no effect on FlexRock Coatings. Self-leveling, super-adhesive, waterproof, sustainable,and fast-curing.Provides waterproof protection.Stands up to permanent ponding water withoutbubbling, peeling, or breaking down.Stays flexible and maintains adhesion.Our factory-direct program is straightforward and designed to save you money ECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCs

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Buy Online at FlexRockCoatings.com3x ADHESION OF OTHERROOF COATINGS FLEXROCK FXR-100Easy Apply Roll OnSave your roof and save moneyAC and Duct work repairGreat for metal seam repairsRepair torch down roofingBonds to cementitious roofsFlashing RepairEPDM RepairStrongly bonds to metal, asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete, brick, and most roofing substrates in seconds.FLEXROCKFLEXROCKAfterBefore

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GET | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comZero Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP)Zero in the Emission of Volatile OrganicCompounds (VOCS)Free from Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS)Ultra-Low Global Warming Potential (GWPEasily applied to complex and awkwarddetails or areas that are difficult to accessDeduct 100% of the project costs this year.You can write off every penny you spend withFlexRock Coatings System is 100% tax deductible.STRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMFLEXROCK FXR-100Installing a new roof can be a long, expensiveand disruptive endeavor versus applying aquality liquid roof coating.The team at FlexRock has been a pleasure to work with. Excellentcustomer service, with some of the fastest turnaround times inthe industry. Flexrock Coating products are extremely durable,and we have used them on many of our customers' roofingprojects. Berks Commercial Roofing, MEFLEXROCKFLEXROCKAfterBefore

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FlexRock Coatings™ is super flexible, highlyprotective and has passed forward and reverse impact tests.ECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCs Since FlexRock Coatings™ base has no solvents, itinstalls and dries very quickly even through many layers becauseof its autobonding properties. This thicker system (30 to100+ mils)is perfect for filling surface cracks and imperfections.Adhesion FlexRock Coatings™ is 2x-3x stronger than epoxy andbonds to virtually any substrate in seconds. Bonds to metal,asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete, brick, block, asphalt and more.CostFlexibllity FlexRock Coatings™ is very cost effective. It applieseasily and requires no use of potentially contaminating and expensivesolvents to dispose of. The overall life cycle costs are much lower.PerformanceDurabilityand ThicknessEnvironmentHealthand Safety FXR-100 manufacturing process (100% made in theUSA) is completely earth friendly. Made from plant based oil,natural minerals and the added strength of | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comFLEXROCK FXR-100Self-leveling, fills cracks and blisters to eliminate leaks and pooling.

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|Fills cracks before curing to get adeep penetration and bonds tosurface with outstanding adhesionOutstanding Adhesion and SuperDurability For Your Flat Roof. FlexRock Coating is VOC-free,BPA-free, odorless, bleed blocking.Seamless and WaterproofSeams and penetrations are the primary sources of leaks in roof systems.FlexRock Coatings™ eliminates this vulnerability. Since the FlexRockCoatings™ mixture is applied as a liquid, it can fill gaps, seams, andcracks in the existing roof and substrate.GET COATEDSTRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMFLEXROCK FXR-100

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BeforeAfterAfterThe ease of installation can save you time and money with your newFlexRock Coatings roof. The application is quick, odorless and can beapplied with usually no business interruptions.Save your roof and save moneyFLEXROCK FXR-100

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ESTIMATED TENSILE STRENGTH - ASTM D412: 900 PSI (6MPa)PULL-OFF STRENGTH FROM STEEL - ASTM D4541: 1000 PSI with 95-100% cohesiveESTIMATED ELONGATION - ASTM D412: 50-100%HEAT RESISTANCE - CONTINUOUS: 212F / 100CMINIMUM SERVICE TEMPERATURE: - 20 to - 40 F / - 30 to - 40 CWATER ABSORPTION - ASTM D570:0.3% - 30 g/m2 @ 185F / 85C for 30 days.PERM RATING - ASTM D1653: USA PERM rating of 5 PERMS for 0.030 to 0.050 inches thicknessVOC Compliant in all 50 states.Food-grade and environmentally benign.Made of natural products, plant based oil, natural minerals and hemp.Incredibly durable in the harshest of weather conditions and atmosphericpollution.Strongly bonds to metal, asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete, brick, block inseconds.98 -100% adhesion compared to just 50% for epoxy.Tensile and bond strengths are the same.Autobonds 100% to previous FlexRock Coatings™ applications with notime limit.Remains flexible with 50 - 100% elongation protecting againstexpansion/contraction stress.Thermal and electrical insulating properties. Dries in 24 hours.This material is:GET COATEDSTRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMKEY BENEFITSIdeal for metal roofs, fiberglass, cap sheets, torch down, composite roofs, agedasphalt roofs, concrete roofs, barrel tile, urethane foams, flat roofs.FLEXROCK FXR-100FLEXROCK FXR-100CHEMICAL BONDMolecularly Bonds To Surfaces

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GET COATEDSTRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMEXTRA HEAVY DUTYSkylights curbs Parapet wallsFilling ponding areasFill gaps, seamsDamaged rough surface 45 mil coverageMEDIUM COVERAGET H E H E A V Y - D U T Y O P T I O N I S P E R F E C T F O R F I L L I N G C R A C K SA N D I M P E R F E C T I O N S . G I V E S Y O U M O R E M A T E R I A L T O A D DM O R E P R O T E C T I O N T O S O M E O F T H E W E A K P A R T S O F Y O U RR O O F . L I K E P O N D I N G W A T E R P R O B L E M S , A N D E X T R AP R O J E C T I O N F O R M E C H A N I C A L P E N E T R A T I O N S , C U R B S A N DA O V E R A L L T H I C K E R E N C A P S U L A T I O N .Fill and bond cracks and blistersMechanical PenetrationsAC and Duct work repairGreat for metal seam repairsSemi Rough Surfaces 42 mil coverage +-Flat Smooth Surface 32-36 mil coverageLIGHT COVERAGEO N E F L E X R O C K 5 - G A L K I T C O V E R S A P R O X 1 5 0 - 2 2 5 S Q F T C O V E R A G E R A T E S C A N V A R Y D E P E N D I N G O N T H E T Y P E O FR O O F S U B S T R A T E , S U R F A C E C O N D I T I O N A N D A P P L I C A T I O NT E C H N I Q U E .COVERAGE GUIDEFLEXROCK FXR-100Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof SystemsSq. Ft. Per Kit 150 +-Sq. Ft. Per Kit 175 +-Sq. Ft. Per Kit 200-225+-

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GET COATEDSTRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEM COVERAGE: * C O V E R A G E R A T E S C A N V A R Y D E P E N D I N G O N T H E T Y P E O FR O O F S U B S T R A T E , S U R F A C E C O N D I T I O N A N D A P P L I C A T I O NT E C H N I Q U E .COVERAGE GUIDEFLEXROCK FX-814Apply FX-814 onto and new roof or as a Top Coat forFXR-100 for a continuous leak-proof seal. No seams. Nogaps. No points of failure. And no way for water to get inagain.Coverage depends on surface conditions and application procedures. Normally,1 gallon per 100 square feet of a first coat base coat and 1 gallon, per 100square feet of a topcoat combined to combined the recommended 32 mils wetthickness (16 mils each coat). RECOMMENDED COVERAGE: RECOMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS: 16-17 mils total dry film thickness will result from applying the recommended32 mills: wet thickness (applied in two coats) 5 Gal - 250 sq. ft. for 2 Coats Elastomeric Liquid | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comRoll OnSpray Onor

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FRX-100 FX-814 MSRPProduct15YEARYEARWARRANTYWARRANTYRoofing Applicator PricingBundled Packaged Roofing SolutionAt FlexRock Coatings™, we pride ourselves by producingoutstanding products that are both extremely durable andsupport a sustainable industry. We value customersatisfaction and integrity with our industry partners.Have a large project? Let us value engineer a long-lastingsystem specifically for your needs. Call 800-808-0414 to get a free consultation. $347.00$326.00We offer our preferred roofing applicators a deepdiscount off the retail price. Applicator Pricing$295.00$284.00

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WhiteTile RedShadow GrayBlack Sky Gray Dark BlueSafety Yellow Blue 4820 Dark GreenBrown Beige Lt. TanThis product is a synthetic rubbercoating that transforms mostexisting roof membranes into anattractive and highly reflectivesurface. This coating isrecommended for most common roofsubstrates; wood, 16metal, EPDM,APP, TPO, and Hypalon. (Applicationover tar based roofing is notrecommended)Product Benefits/Features:Excellent elongation and low temperature flexibilitySuperior adhesion propertiesExcellent tensile strength and UV resistanceAvailable in a variety of colorsWaterproofs flashingsReflects heat and sunlight (white)Copolymer Roof CoatingsFX-814 Copolymer Roof | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comWhite color reflects sunlight,reducing energy bills by 6.97% Liquid Rubber CoatingCoverage Rate 250 Per 5 Gal

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Copolymer Roof CoatingsCopolymer Roof CoatingsApply FX-814 onto and new roof or as a Top Coat forFXR-100 for a continuous leak-proof seal. No seams. Nogaps. No points of failure. And no way for water to get inagain.Fix the roof you’ve got economically andquickly with The FlexRock System. Liquid Rubber CoatingGET COATEDFLEXROCK FX-814STRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMBENEFITS OF USING:Excellent adhesion to a variety ofsubstratesExcellent low temperature flexibilityExcellent weathering and UV StabilityExcellent shelf lifeGood resistance to dirt pickupExcellent flexibilityEasy to use one component productMeets Federal VOC requirementsResists mildew and fungi growthGood resistance to Alkalis and acids

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Copolymer Roof Coatings PROPERTY TEST METHODRESULTSHardnessASTM D2240 shore A @ 75°F 50%R.H. Barcol hardness tester model306150-60AcceleratedweatheringASTM G53 (1000 hours QUVaccelerated weather tester UV-Blamps no. QES-40/280-315nanometers. (12 hr. QUV @ 60°Cand 12 hr. con @ 50°C)Excellent with noapparentdegradationTensile strengthASTM D412 @ 75°F and 50% R.H.Test is result of medium value(for 3)1000 psiElongationASTM D412 @ 75°F and 50% R.H.500% minimumThermalEmittanceASTM E408 0.89 (white)SolarReflectance 82.5 (white)82.5 (white)Waterabsorption 0.04%VaportransmissionASTM E96 0.025 permsCure time @70% R.H./70°F24-48 hoursFLEXROCK | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comFX-814 Copolymer Roof CoatingTYPICAL PROPERTIES: (CURED FILM)Technical and Safety DocumentsDownload PDF Roll On or Spray On

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FX-814R Copolymer Walkway CoatingThis is a copolymer rubber based liquid incorporatingrubber granules to provide texture and slipresistance. The walkway coating helps to provide slipresistance, while preventing punctures, rips, tears,and splitting. It helps create a more permanentwalkway solution, eliminating the need forconventional walkway system pads.Copolymer Roof CoatingsFX-814R Copolymer Roof Walkway Coating

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Other Roof Coatings MaterialsFX-811 is an acrylic self-plasticizing monolithic roofcoating that withstands UV light,temperature extremes, mildew andnormal foot traffic. This flexiblemembrane will accomodatebuilding movement withoutcracking or splitting.The coating can be applied in one,two, or three coat applications. Itcan be brushed, rolled or sprayed.Available in a variety of colors andfunctions with or without fabricreinforcement.Acrylic Roof CoatingsFX-815m is an acrylic self‐plasticizing high solids roof materialthat withstands ultraviolet light, temperature extremes, mildewand normal foot traffic. This flexible acrylic will accommodatebuilding movement without cracking or splitting.RECOMMENDED FOR: Designed to fill deep voids aroundprojections, repair splits,repair blisters,repair seams, sealfasteners,seal head laps and boltheadsNOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Application over tar based roofing or EPDM rubberFLEXROCK FX-811FLEXROCK | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comCoverage depends on surfaceconditions and application procedures. Normally, onegallon per 6.0‐6.5 square feet at 1/4” istypical (500 squarefeet per gallon for head laps and bolt heads.)Roof Caulking

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GET COATEDResistance to traffic, hail,animal, and other types ofdamage. Deduct 100% of the project costs this year.You can write off every penny you spend withFlexRock Coatings System is 100% tax deductible.STRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMWe put the flex rock coating on a low pitch roof in Hoboken NJ and theproduct is amazing!!! We used it to solve some otherwise difficult roofingsolutions. Love the way you can build up the thickness of the product whenand where needed. Vertical adherence is amazing as well! Joseph M. Hoboken NJFlexrock has been a game changer for with its extreme durability andease of install. As well as having little to 0 VOC’s or odors making itpossible to do installs with-in existing operations with minimal downtimes. Dylan P. Bangor MEI have been in the construction industry for nearly 50 years. I am happy to havefound Flex Rock Coatings due to the ease of use, durability and especially theirlow VOC's. There is almost no smell to the product during application .Additionally the speed of curing is especially important when weather issuesthreaten. Cilsset LLC. COClient Testimonials

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BeforeAfter"We own a number of commercial propertiesand shopping malls up a down the frontrange. Using FlexRock Coatings to resurfaceour flat roofs has saved us over half of thecost of roof replacement".John A, Centennial, COSave over 80% vs. the cost of replacementFluid Applied Reinforced Roof SystemsFLEXROCK FXR-100FLEXROCK | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comNo Facility Downtime

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Our factory-direct program is straightforward and designed to save you money ECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCsAPPLICATORNETWORKN E E D A N A P P L I C A T O R R O O F I N GCh o o s e Fu l l S e rv i c e I ns t a l l a ti o n f r omCo n t r a c to r s I n Y o u r A re aSave over 80% vs. the costof roof replacementBuy Online at FlexRockCoatings.comOnline How to VideosSave Money and DIY Online Training and | 800.808.0414 |