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| 1 |I want our church to connect with families who are not a part of any church and help point them to Jesus. I know you want that for your church too. That is why it is a huge win each time a new family walks through the doors. They are hearing–perhaps for the first time, or maybe for the first time in a way that they can un-derstand–just how much Jesus loves them. As leaders in family ministry, we have the immense privilege and great responsibility of creating a remarkable experience for families so they feel welcomed, known, and genuinely valued without feeling overwhelmed. That’s why we work so hard to create environments designed just for them. However, that isn’t enough. We need to give them an experience that compels them to come back. They might be drawn by the teaching, the mu-sic, or another big aspect of our services. However, it is the little touches and details that let a family know we are glad their kid came, and we hope they’re coming back. The small points of connection that open the door to a relationship can make all the difference. This resource includes a list of sixteen different ideas that churches use to follow up with first time families. Take these ideas, combine them, add to them, remove from them, and make them your own. 16 GIFT IDEASfor First Time FamiliesHere are a few key principles to keep in mind as you use this resource to work on your process for following up with first time families. 1. Budget for it. Appreciating and making new families feel welcome is key to reaching more people for Jesus and showing them his love. It’s one of the most important things we can do. 2. Build a system. With a system in place, you as a lead-er can focus on building relationships and engaging the family. 3. Get creative. You’ll probably have to get creative to fig-ure out how you can wow families without breaking the budget, and this resource can help. Plenty of these ideas are free.4. Communicate value. Make it fun and meaningful more than informative. Remember, the most important thing is that the family feels comfortable, and that they know you care that they were there and if they’re coming back. As you develop your process to follow up with new families, please share what works and what doesn’t work. We want to learn from your great ideas! Share them in a Facebook group, in a comment on my blog, or email me at Blevins - Rachel -

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| 2 |• Families are greeted at the car and led to eKidz Check-in• Parents are offered a bag tag for easy identification, a family parking pass that allows them to park close to the building, and allergy alert labels (if needed)• Kids are given a lanyard, and can earn bonus points in Large Group with the lanyard. They can also bring the lanyard back next time they come to get a glow in the dark t-shirt. Learn more about the “why” and details behind the lanyard here. • When they leave, kids are given either custom sunglasses or a slap bracelet• Every child receives a personalized postcard by Thursday of the following weekElevation Church

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| 3 |• Parents are given a small popcorn box with a pack of popcorn, a free Redbox code, and a card that says, “Thank you for everything you do as parents” • New kids receive a VIP sticker to wear during the serviceCenterpointe Church

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| 4 |• A coffee cup with the Brazos Kids’ logo on the outside is given to parents• This cup includes a general introduction to the kids’ environment, along with additional info and detailsBrazos Fellowship

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| 5 |• Parents are given a small bag with a children’s ministry brochure, some basics about the church, and staff contact information• Kids receive a fun bundle of candyCrosspoint Church

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| 6 |• As soon as they enter the environment, kids are given a North Point Kids Shine album with an information card that introduces their parents to the kids’ ministry• Kids then receive a VIP nametag and candy • A “Thanks for joining us,” postcard is mailed to kids after SundayNorth Point Ministries

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| 7 |• Kids receive a sticker that identifies them as a VIP Guest• Parents are given a goody bag with information about the kids’ programs, and various items, depending on the age of the child• Nursery gives bubbles and a diaper bag tag with the kids logo; preschool gives a miniature stuffed sea turtle (the theme animal), fish bubbles, and stickers; elementary gives a t-shirt with sea creatures on it (the environment theme)Suncoast Community Church• Kids get a cool bracelet and a special kid cash coupon. They take this coupon to the prize center and get to choose a fun toy.Marcus Pointe Baptist Church

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| 8 |• Parents are handed a Plastic popcorn containers with info about the kids’ ministry, a bag of microwave popcorn, and a 5$ gift card to Chick-fil-aRinggold Church

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| 9 |• The family is given CD with kids’ worship music for the year• Parents are handed a vehicle car clink, and a cardboard envelope with information on different ministries• Vehicle/car cling• Volunteers hand them a card that lets them know a way to get instantly plugged in, and invites them to 2-3 things Bayside Church• The family receives a gift bag with a coupon for breakfast at a neighboring restaurant, a DVD of one of the most recent sermons, and a church brochure with beliefs, dates, and various ministries to get plugged into• The parents are given a coffee mug with this packageMt. Zion Christian Church

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| 10 |• A visitor packet is sent in the mail after a new family attends• This includes a personal letter from the Kids Director, stickers, an activity book, candy, and a kidmin brochureGrace Church

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| 11 |• Parents receive a gift bag with Reggie Joiner’s book, Don’t Miss It, a note, and a small item that is preschool or elementary specific specific• The nursery gives goldfish, preschool gives a magnet with the verse for the month, and elementary gives a CD with worship music• A “Welcome to Children’s Ministry,” that encompasses all ages is also includedSaint Mark’s Church

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| 12 |• Red stadium cups with the kids’ logo are given to the family• Popcorn is included with a note that says, “Thanks for popping in”• A card with ministry and contact info is attached for the parents• A little toy, sticker, or tattoo is placed in the package for the kidCommunity Christian Church Naperville• A hand ball is mailed to the child’s home. This will arrive just before the next Sunday, in hopes that the family will make plans to come back • Attached to the ball is a postcard that says, “We had a ball with you on Sunday!”Mountain West Church

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| 13 |• Kids receive a backpack with the Children’s Ministry logo on it• Inside the backpack is a welcome note from the director and staff, a package of M&M’s, a pencil with the ministry logo, a business card, and an activity bookThe Bridge Church

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| 14 |• The family is given a bag with the logo on it• A welcome card with staff pictures and info about weekends, volunteers, spiritual milestones, and events is included• Logo sunglasses, temporary tattoos, stickers, and a dog tag are also given to kids• Parents are encouraged to fill out a “Choose a service” and/or “Choose an area to serve” card• Kids are given a card with a secret code to say the following week for a special prizeMariners Church

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| 15 |Visit NICKBLEVINS.COM for more resources