Supporting The Find It First RolloutSPEAKERS ON?
For two years, HomeActions has been helping Howard Hanna agents build, grow and protect a nurtured pipeline
Hundreds of HH agents rely on HomeActions to GET and STAY Top Of Mind
HomeActions sends almost 800,000 branded and exclusive eNewsletters every month for HH Agents.
When We Ask Agents Why They Can’t Do The Best Job At Staying In-Touch…“I have a little bit… but not everything needed”
…But quickly turns into “Conversation Starters”The system starts out as an E NewsletterOur predictive metrics show the agents who is “warming up”
15 of every 100 contacts an agent has in a database may be warming up… Problem: 9 out of 10 agents we met in HH did not have a clean, current databaseInteresting Stat..
So We Built One For Them
•Every Two Weeks•Custom Graphics•Unlimited Contacts•Hyper-Local•Complete MetricsWe promote their listings, testimonials, etc.
An E-Mail-able Website!
Deliver Recent Solds… Highly Predictive Article
Another Reason To Open Your Newsletters!
No Other Email Marketing System Has These Features!Email Exclusivity: Once entered by the first agent, no other agent can enroll that same email address.
And We Can Drive Traffic To Internal Programs
Start The Conversation Right After Engagement
Why Run To Zillow?It’s Easy To UseHome Value EstimatesDemographicsLifeStyle DataNearby SoldsCost Of Living DataSchool Info
This widget covers 150 Million Street Addresses and Neighborhoods!NEIGHBORHOOD 360 Up to now, consumers did their research behind the agent’s back…
Readers Can Search On ANY of 150 Million Street Addresses
Remember- 150 Million Addresses!
With YELP Reviews
Find It First…The Work FlowTeresa’s HomeActions goes out to her 699 readers every two weeks- She promotes the FIF program!And She Knows Who Clicked The Banner!
They have every listing in the HH Footprint. For some listings they do voice over videos for Sign RidersWe are integrating with Cell-A-Home.
With our integration with Cell-A-Home, we are able to produce an E-Flyer, with video, and get it out to the agent’s sphere in a few hours after ANY pictures are taken of he FIF Listing.With Complete Tracking on Opens and Clicks!To maximize the value in the FIF Program, speed to market is required.
Top Part Of The E Flyer…Consistent Branding To Match The Newsletter
Set The StageVoice-Over VideoHH Landing PageNeighborhood 360 Report
All Open and Click Data is provided to the agent.Agent gets a Link so the Flyer can be shared on social, texted, etc.
We’ll Be There!
For More Info On What Else We Can Do To Help Howard Hanna Increase Adoption of Programs…Albert Clarkaclark@homeactions.net570.510.3507