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SF Sunday 2024 Guidebook

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All your questions, answeredFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWhy Safe Families Sunday? How to participate + partnerWELCOME + OUR PURPOSENO. 4/5How to partner and change the world through prayer and preventionPARTNERS IN PRAYER + PREVENTIONNO. 7/9Grow and support the Safe Families movementGROWING THE MOVEMENTNO. 10/11NO. 14/15LIVE OUT THE GOSPEL | LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR

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We would like to invite you to participate in Safe Families Sunday, a designated Sunday on February 18, 2024, that aims to bring attention to God’s heart for the vulnerable and encourage congregations to live out the gospel by loving their neighbors. Our goal is to unite people through relationships and create compassionate communities that can transform lives. Just like Jesus, we believe that everyone is worthy and should be welcomed into a relationship. We were created to grow and thrive in communitywith each other, but our society is becoming increasingly isolated. The U.S. Surgeon General recently declared loneliness as “the most prominent mental health challenge of our time,” Isolation and loneliness can lead to parents feeling overwhelmed with daily tasks involving caring for themselves and their children.One of the most significant factors that can make or break a family’s ability to deal with life stressors and develop resilience is the lack of a caring, compassionate community. Over the past 20 years, Safe Families has witnessed the powerful healing effect that supportive relationships can have in the lives of vulnerable families. A solid community of support can be instrumental in preventing a crisis and enhancing the overall strength of the family unit when a parent is isolated and overwhelmed.We were created to connect and feel a sense of belonging, because life’s challenges are too overwhelming to face alone. By demonstrating radical hospitality, disruptive generosity, and intentional compassion, your church can reach people in your community and be the hands and feet of Christ. When people are supported, respected, and connected, it creates hope. And it is the hope of the gospel that ultimately heals hearts and transforms lives.At Safe Families, we believe that building relationships is essential. We believe that all families, especially those facing crisis in isolation, should feel loved and embraced by the Church. And when we share God’s love and grace with others, we experience more of it. That is the healing power of hospitality; both the giver and recipient are equally blessed!Thank you for participating in Safe Families Sunday. As you plan, we urge you to use these resources to communicate both the need and the opportunity for your Church to be engaged in championing all children and families. Small steps can make a significant dierence to those facing crisis, and your Church can play a critical role in helping keep children safe and families together.Thank you for being a lifeline and shining light for families in your community!Dear Church Community,3SAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY 2024Why Safe Families Sunday? How to participate + partnerGrow and support the Safe Families movement

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Safe Families Sunday is a designated day for your church to be engaged to love and support isolated families in your community who are facing a crisis and unmanageable circumstances. We have all felt the stress and strain that social isolation creates on all of us, and we have all come together to more deeply appreciate the need for radically, compassionate communities. Now, more than ever, the calling of the church to “love your neighbor” is needed and necessary!It is our desire for this time to bring awareness by spotlighting the need, sharing the vision of Safe Families, and creating unique opportunities for everyone to have a role in helping keep children safe and families together. We believe when families are supported and strengthened, children can thrive in the home. Family preservation is the goal.This awareness campaign seeks to educate churches and challenge communities about the importance of supporting vulnerable children and parents. We believe that intervening early is key to building and strengthening family resiliency.Churches are a vital part of our communities, and strong communities are built on strong families. This Safe Families Sunday Guide is to provide you with concrete ways to strengthen your connections with families in your community and help keep children safe and families together!5WHAT IS SAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY?For 20 years, Safe Families has served alongside churches to mobilize thousands of believers to embrace the practice of hospitality as a way of life that sees every day as a unique opportunity to love a stranger right where you are. SAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY 2024

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Starting in 2024, Safe Families Sunday will be observed on the third Sunday in February. This change is aimed at better aligning with church calendars and providing more opportunities to come together as a community to show love and care for our neighbors. However, if this date is not suitable for any church, they are free to choose any other Sunday to observe Safe Families Sunday. We only encourage all churches to dedicate a specific time on this day to raise awareness of the Safe Families mission and recognize, recruit, and train volunteers. For new church partners, Safe Families Sunday presents a great opportunity to introduce the Safe Families for Children program to their congregation and highlight the benefits of becoming a part of this mission.February 18, 2024THIS YEAR’S SAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY

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7PARTNERS IN PRAYERLIVING OUT SAFE FAMILIESPray for the lonely, vulnerable families who face crisis without having a caring, compassionate community. Ask God to surround them with His people and the volunteers of Safe Families in your church.Pray for Host Families who open their home and lives to children. Pray they will minister love to the children and their families, grow in their faith, and have the support they need from their church, family, and friends.Pray for Ministry Leads and Safe Families churches as they support volunteers in their churches, recruit new volunteers and mobilize people to provide tangible resources.Please pray for the various organizations and agencies in your community that assist those who are hurting, sick, homeless, abused, or destitute. Pray for the Lord to send volunteers to these organizations and for Safe Families to establish strong partnerships with local agencies for referrals.Pray for Family Friends who support Host Families and who befriend parents in need.Pray they would be a deep source of encouragement and hope to those who serve and to those who need support.Pray for Safe Families sta as they support churches, care for volunteers, and work to expand the movement in the community.Pray that they lead with vision and manage this work eectively.Pray for the workers and leadership of your state child welfare agencies as they deal with tragic situations every day. Pray that Safe Families would be a great partner and a light of the Gospel to them.Pray for Family Coaches as they coordinate and oversee hostings. Pray that they would be an eective resource for Host Families and parents facing  pray for usr core valuesSAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY 202414725836RADICALHOSPITALITYDISRUPTIVEGENEROSITYINTENTIONALCOMPASSION

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When Raelyn was referred to Safe Families for Children, she was a single mother struggling with mental health issues, and caring for her 5 month old son Wyatt. As Raelyn described it, “I was desperate, embarrassed, scared thinking Safe Families was similar to DHHS, and worried that I would lose my son.”Raelyn was open to receiving support from many compassionate, devoted volunteers called a “Circle of Support”. The “Circle of Support” often consists of a Host Family, Family Coach, Family Friend, and Resource Friends. Host Families use radical hospitality as an opportunity to provide a safe home for the children while creating extended family-like support for parents facing crisis that have nowhere else to turn. Families receive additional support from Family Friends, and Family Coaches working with the family in crisis on goals to help stabilize and mitigate further crises situations. When Raelyn and The Burr family connected, they found out they lived less than a mile from each other. This brought more opportunities to begin building a relationship with encouragement and support. Raelyn initially shared, “I wasn’t using Safe Families as it was intended. I was scared to be fully honest with what was going on for fear I would get in trouble and lose support from Safe Families for Children.” But Raelyn knew these fears would only lead to further isolation, feelings of failure, and discouragement. Raelyn slowly started sharing about her mental health and alcohol use disorder.The Burr family opened up their hearts and home to host Wyatt while also working alongside of Raelyn. The Burr’s led Celebrate Recovery, and it was obvious that God had brought this specific family to walk with her through alcohol recovery. Raelyn continued to receive day and overnight hostings for her son, Wyatt, so she could provide a safe environment for her child. Through the gift of radical hospitality and a community of wrap-around support, Raelyn is back on her feet and feels she is no longer alone but has an extended-family that continues to support and encourage her as a mother!RADICAL HOSPITALITYsries of hopeLIVING OUT OUR CORE VALUES

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SAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY 20249BIBLICAL HOSPITALITYJesus entered the hardest, most dicult places in people’s lives with humility, grace, and compassion. Practicing hospitality is an invitation to serve like Jesus that is inspired by God’s unconditional love.SPIRITUAL FORMATIONYour church can follow God’s commission to love your neighbor by joining this movement of compassion and hope that strengthens your community and supports vulnerable children and parents.COMMUNITY BUILDINGChurch families serving together build community within the church while extending community to others. It also gives the opportunity for church leadership to build relationships with community partners for shared responsibility and solutions.STRONGER FAMILIESVolunteers who are parents model hospitality, generosity, and compassion to their children and provide practical opportunities for their children to learn, share, and demonstrate what it looks like to be a Christ-follower.INCREASED CONNECTION TO COMMUNITYConnection happens as your church comes alongside of families feeling isolated and facing crisis to provide relationships and tangible support while sharing the love and grace of Christ.COMPASSION AND JUSTICERelationships between vulnerable children, parents, and volunteers oer opportunities to learn from each other though shared and dierent life experiences and perspectives.We believe the church can and should be a place where families turn for love, help, support, and guidance. Prevention is essential to help keep children safe and families together. Our goal is to provide your church with concrete ways to strengthen your connections with families in your community and also within your church congregation. We believe churches can benefit in many ways by participating with Safe Families!PARTNERS IN PREVENTIONhow churches can be the answer  preventi

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WAYS CHURCHES CAN PARTICIPATEsafe families sundayFive-Minute Sunday Presentation Use this designated time to acknowledge volunteers and your church’s eorts to strengthen families. Have volunteers wear their t-shirts and highlight a Host Family or Family Friend’s story of engagement. Share how your church is unleashing radically compassionate communities to transform families.Plan a Volunteer Appreciation Event Use this time to appreciate and engage volunteers, encouraging their eorts to strengthen your church’s Circles of Support. Highlight both new volunteer training and opportunities to serve the community.Display Informational Table in Lobby Place a table in the lobby to spotlight Safe Families for Children and volunteer opportunities to serve and support families.Pray for the Safe Families Movement Prayer is central to the Safe Families movement. We have prepared a prayer guide that can be used this designated day or throughout the year as you lift up the volunteers and families we serve in prayer.Offer a Small Group Study Scan QR code to access the 5-week Hospitality Unleashed small group study and discussion guide.Social Media Campaign Share testimonies of volunteers on your social media platforms to raise awareness and share stories of hope. Use our social media images to appreciate volunteers.Host a Safe Families 101 Host a Safe Families 101 to hear about the mission of Safe Families and/or schedule a volunteer training to provide opportunities for individuals to open their hearts and homes to support families facing crisis.Plan a Fundraiser or Offering Invite your church to invest in SFFC by planning a special fundraiser or taking an oering to raise funds for SFFC.

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WAYS CHURCHES CAN PARTICIPATEways  spread r miiHost a special time of prayer for the Safe Families for Children movement, locally nationally, and globallyWrite letters of encouragement for kids and their parents to receive when a hosting startsRead or study a book on compassion, hospitality, or generosity with your small groupDeliver a sermon themed on hospitality, compassion, generosity, or serving in the community Sing a worship song set about compassion, God’s heart for the needy, etc. Commission Safe Families volunteersInvite a placing parent, helped by volunteers, from your church to speak or be interviewed Invite a Host Family, Family Friend, or Family Coach to share about their experiencePlan a Safe Families fundraiserTake up a special love offering for the local Safe Families for Children ChapterShow a film or video that emphasizes family preservation, child abuse prevention, compassion, etc.Create a visual illustration of the need in your community/state (i.e. kids in foster care vs. at-risk families)Ask business leaders in your church to donate Kickoff or relaunch your Safe Families ministryStart a scholarship fund for daycare expenses, camp fees, etc.Have a dedicated space in your church, on your website or on your social media platforms for people to get information and get involved.SAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY 202411

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As Safe Families for Children walks alongside families facing a crisis, unemployment and the lack of affordable and dependable childcare create a tremendous challenge for parents. Many of the parents we serve are jobless or without a steady income stream to provide crucial financial resources for their families. They often struggle to secure and maintain job opportunities, because they lack social networks and sustained relationships.Safe Families for Children helps the parents we serve navigate the workforce and set goals to attain a job path that provides a sustainable future. Unfortunately, many of the parents lack prior work experience, never finished high school or do not have higher education which can limit employment opportunities.It’s not uncommon for parents find jobs at fast food chain restaurants, but this often poses challenges. The hours are typically very few, the location is far from where they live, the working hours don’t align with day shifts when their children can be taken care of, and the work environment isn’t positive with co-workers and ideals to support already vulnerable parents. This was the situation for Shayna, a young mom Safe Families was helping and supporting. As the Safe Families sta was supporting this mom, we decided to reach out to a local Chick-fil-A. We were hoping Shayna could secure a job opportunity that was within walking distance of her home and childcare provider, as well as an employer who would pour positivity into her and assist with her future success. A healthy work environment would enable Shayna to reach her desired goal to complete her GED and provide a safe home environment for her family.DISRUPTIVE GENEROSITYsries of hopeLIVING OUT OUR CORE VALUES

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SAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY 202413Not only did the Chick-fil-A owner agree on the spot to partner with SFFC, but he generously oered Shayna a job. He worked diligently to give her hours that aligned with her childcare and treated her with honor, dignity, and respect; something Shayna had never experienced in a work environment like this before. Shayna shared with SFFC sta, “I feel like I am part of a family at Chick-fil-A, not just an employee.” After working for several months, the store owner needed weekend help and asked Shayna to be a part of this endeavor. Due to the working hours being over the weekend when childcare wasn’t available, the owner oered to personally pay for childcare so Shayna could feel confident that her baby was safe. For over a year, the Chick-fil-A sta generously supported and loved Shayna like a family as she worked towards her GED, learned how to drive a car, obtained a driver’s license and transitioned into aordable housing. SFFC celebrates what can happen when like-minded organizations work together for the good of the community and well-being of vulnerable children and families!

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WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LOCAL CHURCH? Safe Families is a ministry that works in collaboration with local churches to help families in need. Our goal is to encourage churches to adopt Safe Families as a part of their local outreach initiatives. The local Safe Families chapter oers training, screening, resources, and support to the church and its volunteers to ensure the success of the program. Moreover, the Safe Families Chapter is responsible for handling all referral calls, screening them, and connecting families in need with the appropriate volunteers from the church.HOW CAN I INCREASE FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THIS MOVEMENT?Hosting a child costs $1,500, which includes all expenses. Give one-time or recurring gifts to support your local Safe Families chapter. Set a $6,000 goal to help prevent four kids from going into foster care!WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF SAFE FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN?We are proud to serve families who are at-risk, socially isolated, and under-resourced. Safe Families is preventative and proactive. Abuse and neglected often come during times of stress and crisis. SFFC steps in helps deflects children from entering the foster care system. We have had the privilege of hosting over 69,000 children in the past 20 years. Our program is designed to be cost-eective, with a cost of only $1,500 to host a child in Safe Families, compared to the average cost of $35,000 for a child in foster care. We have a reunification rate of 98%, which is significantly higher than the national average of less than 50%.Our volunteers play a vital role in our program, as they not only serve as a family but also as a community. The Safe Families “Circle of Support” is a group of Family Coaches, Family Friends, and Resource Friends who are often connected through their church. This provides an opportunity for spiritual growth and discipleship. When a local church embraces Safe Families, it gains a dynamic way to serve its community beyond a backpack, diaper, or food drive. Safe Families is an opportunity to impact lives personally, and we are grateful for the support of our volunteers and partners.LEARNING MORE ABOUT USFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

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IS THE CHURCH LIABLE FOR ANY UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES OR DIFFICULT SITUATIONS? Every Safe Families chapter has a sponsoring faith-based ministry that is providing supervision, training, and facilitating background checks. Safe Families volunteers are legally volunteers of our organization, and we provide the necessary liability coverage to safely host children in your home.WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE FOR MY CHURCH CAN BE INVOLVED?The first component is becoming involved in embracing the value of Safe Families and understanding how it can add value to your local church ministry. Our local Safe Families sta will work alongside your key leadership to help your church progressively deepen your partnership, serving, growth, and impact. The best model is to identify and recruit a volunteer Minis-try Lead and Leadership Team that will bear the respon-sibility of recruiting, training, and supporting the ministry. The team is supported and resourced by the local Safe Families chapter. A partnership with Safe Families in-cludes: developing a Safe Families Ministry Lead Team, recruiting and developing volunteer Circles of Support and providing internal and external financial support for the Safe Families ministry. HOW IS SAFE FAMILIES FUNDED?Safe Families is funded through a combination of generous individual donors, church partners, foundations, and various grants. Some chapters secure contracts with regional or state authorities to work alongside existing child welfare agencies. Due to our volunteer nature, we are able to keep the cost of Safe Families very aordable. Donations to Safe Families are viewed as an investment in prevention of child neglect and abuse. We are able to operate at approximately 10% of the cost of a child in the foster care system.SAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY 202415

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“Safe Families for Children gave me hope. I didn’t know what I was going to do. Now my life looks completely different. This is the first time I’ve ever had anyone care about me and act like I was a real person. It feels so good to have someone call to check on me or someone to tell me that I’m doing a good job. I wouldn’t know how to be a dad or even have my kids with me if it wasn’t for Safe Families.” -Mr. HuntOur first conversation with Mr. Hunt was heartbreaking. He wept as he explained his situation. He was jobless, homeless, and alone while trying to raise his two children on his own. His mother, who had been helping, had recently passed. His circumstances landed him in a place that was not good for himself or his children. Mr. Hunt was desperate. He had no idea what to do next. However, he knew he wanted and needed to be a better father to his children. Thankfully, Mr. Hunt called Safe Families for Children.Safe Families for Children surrounded Mr. Hunt and his two children with a Circle of Support. The intentional compassion and encouragement he received motivated him to find permanent employment, buy a car, and rent a place to live. The relationships he developed with the Safe Families for Children volunteers were life-changing. His Family Coach encouraged him and helped him navigate through things like getting before and aftercare in place for his children at school and how to juggle evening supper, school activities, and homework. He had Family Friends who took him to church and included him in the men’s discipleship events. Mr. Hunt even decided to give his life to Christ and got baptized. Other Family Friends helped provide day hostings when school was out, and there was no one to watch the kids while he was working. One of his Host Families even opened their home to him while they were out of town for a week as he transitioned during a move to keep him on his feet and provide stable housing for his family. With generous financial support, Resource Friends came along with a partner church to help purchase a mobile home. The family of Mr. Hunt has now taken a completely dierent path in life. The relationship between Mr. Hunt, his children, and the volunteers from Safe Families will last a lifetime. This relationship is a testament to his personal growth, brought about by the hospitality, compassion, and generosity of the volunteers who were willing to open their hearts and homes to keep his children safe and his family together.INTENTIONAL COMPASSIONsries of hopeLIVING OUT OUR CORE VALUES

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SAFE FAMILIES SUNDAY 202417The pblem with the world is that we draw the circle of r family o sma.The pblem with the world is that we draw the circle of r family o sma.MOTHER TERESA

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