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IMPACTGamefor your CSR strategyin 2023-2024ISSUE 001 - DEC. 202359 Social ImpactInvesting VenturesChanging theWorld ThroughFinanceIonuț-Gabriel Solomon Delivers Insightson 'Game On for ImpACT: PoweringChange through Video Games'– A Revolution in ProgressA M A Z I N G I M P A C TI N V E S T M E N T S5P L U S

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08Ionut-GabrielSolomonGame ON: Powering Change Through VideoGames16Oana-Ramona UrsuGeneration Z - Their Work And The Impact TheyMake26Dr. Giulia TufaruFundraising Known To All, Grasped by None30Alexandu HutanuNavigating Romania’s Tech Evolution. FromOutsourcing Hub to Social Impactful InnovationHubInterviews36Nagy NorbertGames Have the Power to Change Us43Ioan DomsaUnleashing Innovation: a Vision for Romania’s ITEvolution3IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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AnnouncementFestival del fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Partner’s Highlights Animeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unapologetic OpinionFundraising, Known to all Grasped by none! . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Social Impact Investing VenturesChanging the World Through Finance . . . . . . . .5 Impact Investments for your CSR strategy Conscious for the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FCV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iscoada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .APAIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132529384528472640SummaryArticles from Gaming and ITGame ON: Powering Change Through Video Games. . . . . . . . .Generation Z - Their Work And The Impact They Make. . . . . . .Fundraising Known To All, Grasped by None. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Navigating Romania’s Tech Evolution. From Outsourcing Hub toSocial Impactful Innovation Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Games Have the Power to Change Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Unleashing Innovation: a Vision for Romania’s IT Evolution. . .0816263036434IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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The Impact Giving Magazine is tailored for professionals anddecision-makers within the IT and gaming industries, startups,scaleups, investors, and individuals intrigued by the convergence ofindustry and impact. In addition to our core IT and gamingaudience, we extend our reach to readers in the pharma, banking,and retail sectors in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, France andRomania.We extend our gratitude to all contributors who continue to makeImpact Giving Magazine a platform for insightful dialogue, and welook forward to your continued engagement.Editor's NoteFounder, ImpACT Giving & Editor-in-Chief, ImpactGiving MagazineAt the heart of Impact Giving Magazinelies a vibrant and passionate youngteam dedicated to catalyzing positivechange through innovative projects atthe intersection of technology,education, and corporate socialresponsibility (CSR). Our team iscurrently immersed in an EdTechimpact project, leveraging thetransformative power of technology torevolutionize education. By engagingwith cutting-edge educationaltechnology solutions, we aim to bridgegaps, enhance accessibility, andempower learners of all ages. Throughinsightful articles and interviews, weshare our journey, challenges, andsuccesses, providing a valuableresource for those navigating therapidly evolving landscape ofeducational technology.D R . G I U L I A T U F A R UMeet Our Dynamic Team: DrivingEdTech Impact and Nurturing CSRInitiativesIn this edition of Impact Giving Magazine, we delve into thedynamic intersection of the gaming industry and social impact,exploring its potential to drive positive change across varioussocietal realms. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Ionut-GabrielSolomon, Oana-Ramona Ursu, Alexandru Hutanu, Nagy Norbertand Ioan Domsa for their enthusiastic response and keeninterest in contributing to this insightful narrative.5IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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GamePowering Changethrough Video GamesInterview with:IONUȚ-GABRIEL SOLOMONIMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Q. Ionuț, with your remarkable career trajectory and deep expertise in thegaming industry, could you share some insights into your journey and whatinspired you to pursue a career in this dynamic field?A: "As a child, I fondly remember my father tucking me into bedwith a cassette playing stories in the background. While mostchildren would typically drift off to sleep, I didn't; I was captivatedby the stories I was hearing. In the early 1990s, belonging to the upper middle class, my fatherbrought home an Atari clone that he had purchased from Turkey.I was absolutely amazed by the fact that I no longer had toaccept that stories were very linear, and there wasn't much Icould do to change them. Now, by playing games, I couldactively participate in, engage with, and even reshape thosestories. This realization brought me immense satisfaction.Even then, I had a sense that it was something I wouldpursue in the future.In the late 1990s, as computers became more affordable and Internet Cafes began to pop up here and there, Ifound myself thinking, 'Could this be a dream job - being surrounded by games and getting paid for it? Iwant a piece of that!' In 2002, I landed that very job, and for several years, I found myself behind the counter atInternet Cafes. As you can imagine, gaming became a significant part of both my work and leisure. However, ascomputers became more affordable for the middle class, interest in Internet Cafes began to wane. I took a detour,working in construction and bartending. During this time, I was honing my artistic skills (my father spent hisweekends painting with oil on canvas), and I was eager to take those skills and apply them in the digital realm.In the summer of 2007, I first learned about Ubisoft and their studio in Romania, which was actively seekingvideo game testers. I decided to apply and was fortunate enough to meet a group of like-minded and highlypassionate individuals who shared a strong desire to learn from each other. By 2009, I found myself embeddedwithin a production team, serving as their tester. Shortly thereafter, I was offered a permanent position within theproduction team. By 2014, I witnessed how the gameplay experiences I had contributed to creating werebeing enjoyed by a wide audience.In 2014, I took a significant leap of faith,transitioning from Ubisoft to a startup calledAmber, which, at that time, had just begun itsjourney. I became the fifth member to join theirproduction team. I started to apply what I hadlearned from others and, in turn, started givingback.In 2015, with an entirely new team, we successfullylaunched our first game together. It was also duringthis period that I conducted game design courses foranyone interested in quality assurance. This proved to be a win-win situation - I couldobserve those who were on the verge of reachingtheir potential, helping them transition into therole of game designers, while also impartingvaluable knowledge to others about the craft.I was also fortunate to work closely with highlyexperienced individuals from whom I absorbedinformation like a sponge. Moreover, they wereincredibly humble and patient with me during myearly years in the field.Image source: Ionuț-Gabriel Solomon, în studioul Sport Total FMImage source: Amberstudio 9IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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At Amber, I played a partial role in the execution side of Business Development. This included constructingcreative proposals for clients in need, as well as overseeing the management and growth of the designdiscipline. Essentially, I was on the frontline, presenting our offerings to clients, both big and small, around theworld.By the time I left Amber in March 2022, I had the privilege of leading a team of 60 multidisciplinarydesigners, with half of them receiving internal training. My commitment to training and upskillingothers remains a core value at Amber. I also actively participated in numerous community events,engaging with high-school students, parents, and indie studios, providing them with insights into theworld of video game development.I leveraged these experiences during my tenure at TenSquareGames, where I contributed to the closure of twotitles and successfully shipped another title alongside one of their smaller teams based in Verona, namelyRORTOS - Wings of Heroes. Since June of this year, I have returned to the console gaming space, this timecollaborating with an external studio that entered Romania through an M&A. I consider myself one of the fortunate individuals who are living out theexact vision they had for themselves. This is the part of my story that Iwouldn't allow anyone to alter!”Q. Given your extensive experience, could you provide your perspectiveon how the industry can contribute to meaningful social change andinnovation within the country?A: “Like anything that aims for widespread acceptance,it must begin with education. Romania's educationalprograms are somewhat outdated, having been built on thefoundations of its post-communist past.I believe that the gaming industry still stands at acrossroads, caught between being viewed as alegitimate pursuit by the Boomer and X generations(1946-1980) and Generation Y, to which I belong. For most of our lives, we were often told that gaming was awaste of time, burdened with certain stigmas. I can't evencount how many times my mother advised me to pursue a'serious career,' and yet, despite these discouragements, Imanaged to succeed.“I think that the industry can achievepositive change by developingeducational programs for both parentsand teens, not only advocating for aprofession but also educating thebroader masses on what exposure tovideo games can produce as side effects.”If we take a closer look, we'll discover numerousindividuals who are discouraged from pursuingtheir dreams due to these preconceived notionsingrained by their parents.For many, it's far more appealing to pursuecareers in medicine, law enforcement, law, orengineering because those were the prevalentprofessions when they first entered theworkforce. I believe that the industry can drivepositive change by developing educationalprograms designed for both parents andteenagers. These programs should not onlypromote gaming as a viable profession butalso enlighten the broader population aboutpotential side effects of exposure to videogames.On one hand, we see the educational potentialthat games possess. On the other hand, we mustacknowledge the harm they can cause throughpredatory monetization practices and addictivegame loops that replace the dopamine triggerswe used to get from, for instance, achievingsimple tasks like washing a car or reading a newbook, with the excitement of passing a level in agame.10IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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A: “Through a combination of awareness campaigns, education, partnerships, and collaboration withstate institutions, the gaming industry in Romania can address several critical issues: Running awareness campaigns about gaming and gambling, as many kids from vulnerablebackgrounds turn to these activities as coping mechanisms, often leading to negative consequencesfor themselves and those around them.1.Launching campaigns to educate the elderly about the true nature of gaming, emphasizing theexperiences it offers, social connections, and the sense of accomplishment it provides.2.Collaborating with psychologists and state institutions to diagnose and treat gaming addictions.3.Partnering with state institutions to establish grants for smaller studios or subsidize some of theiroperational costs.4.Cooperating with major companies to establish subsidiaries in vulnerable areas, therebycontributing to economic development and employment opportunities.5.Collaborating with the formal leadership of the Romanian Game Developers Association (RGDA) toenhance the visibility, engagement, and presence of individuals from the gaming industry at alllevels of society.6.Working with state institutions to curb the brain drain phenomenon, ensuring that talent remains inthe country.7.These initiatives aim to reduce negative consequences associated with gaming and gambling, promoteresponsible gaming, support the growth of smaller studios, boost economic development in vulnerableareas, and strengthen the gaming industry's role in society while retaining talent within the country. By implementing these strategies, the Romanian gaming industry can foster positive change andcontribute to the well-being of both its community and the nation as a whole.”In terms of innovation, the Romanian GamingIndustry aligns with the index of innovation andapprenticeship across Romania, placing it towardsthe lower end of the EU scale. Innovation is alsoclosely tied to taking risks and securing investorswho are willing to support those endeavors. This progression will likely occur naturally asmore individuals from the Millennial generationachieve financial stability and become willing toinvest. However, if they were raised inhouseholds with a 'gaming is a waste of time'mindset, they may exhibit reluctance.Another key element here lies within theeducational system, especially in the higher levelsin which they don’t encourage Q. Let’s discuss relevant social impact investments for the gamingindustry. Can you share your thoughts on specific areas or projectswhere the gaming sector can make a significant difference in Romania'ssocial and educational landscape?bespoke skills like interpretation, imagination, andspontaneity but rather stick to what is expected to beheard back for a mark. Don't shy away from taking risks;it's an essential part of the journey toward progress andinnovation. In terms of innovation within the gamingsector, many of us are content with being consumers.Romania's Gaming Industry, as it stands today, is areflection of what we consumed during our youth.Unfortunately, a significant portion of ourconsumption involved pirated content, often missingkey cinematics and crucial components.This is evident in the relatively small amount of originaland creative work that the Romanian Gaming Industryproduces and contributes to the global stage, which, tosay the least, is quite limited."11IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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BIOWith a strong foundation built over his 16-yearjourney from AAA console to mobile games andcross-platform, he believes that there's alwaysmore to learn about players, markets, andemerging technologies in the entertainmentindustry. He thrives on continuous learning,adapting his opinions based on newfindings, and staying in tune with the ever-evolving landscape.Beyond his professional endeavors, he'sdedicated to mentoring and supportingaspiring design professionals, paying itforward to the next generation. He's also anadvocate for increasing visibility and the appealof a career in the video game industry.In his free time, you'll most likely find himspending quality moments with his family,engrossed in a good book, exploring varioushobbies, or seeking solace through fishing trips.PROFESSIONAL JOURNEYGame Design Director at Maximum Games(Jun 2023 - Present) Leading a dedicated team in Bucharest, Romania, tocreate innovative gaming experiences.Head of Design at RORTOS S.R.L. (Jul 2022 -Mar 2023)Managing design leadership for the global launch andpost-launch phases of Wings of Heroes.Creative Director at Amber (Jul 2020 - Jul2021)Shaping the direction of Tetris® Beat for Apple Arcadeand coordinating a large, multi-disciplinary designteam, providing mentorship, and leading internalpitches.IONUȚ-GABRIELSOLOMON“Like anything that aims forwidespread acceptance, itmust begin witheducation.”12IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Conscious for the FutureEmpowering Youth for a Tech-Healthy FutureDo you want to ensure that the digital worldcan be safe, and the youth can navigate itsecurely?Discover that the primary goal of this project is tofoster responsible technology use and preventvideo game addiction among young people aged10 to 19.Project Return Of Investment(ROI): 10.7%for your CSRstrategyin 2023-2024I M P A C TI N V E S T M E N TP R O J E C T113IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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This initiative not only provides support for young people to overcome thisaddiction but also contributes to the development of the digital future, ensuringthat Romania's youth have a healthy balance between online and offline life.With the support of partners, we aim to have a substantial impact by securing thenecessary budget for implementation: EUR 171,600The project operates through multiple implementation pillars. With the executionof Pillar I, the project extends its reach to 400 middle school classes annually,delivering awareness to 10,000 students and offering assistance to 300 students.If you wish to become part of the team that is building a healthierfuture for young people, we invite you to get in touch with us, andlet's discuss how we can make a real change in Romania.www.jocresponsabil.ro14IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Empowering Talent,Enriching Worlds:The SociallyConscious Essenceof GamingExploring beyond the boundaries of play, the gamingindustry is experiencing a profound shift towards socialimpact. This transformation aligns with the values andaspirations of a discerning new generation. In this conversation, we engage with Oana-Ramona Ursu,Talent Acquisition Partner at Gameloft, to unravel herillustrious career journey and gain insights into how thegaming industry is embracing a socially conscious ethos.17IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Q. Oana, your career journey showcasesimpressive roles in the gaming industry.Could you please share what led you to yourcurrent position at Gameloft, and whatunique aspects of the company's mission orculture drew you to this role?A: I have been passionate about the gaming industry since mychildhood. It all began when my parents bought me a gamingconsole for the television – those old cartridges that needed tobe dusted off to work. Super Mario Bros. was the first game Iever played. Later, I upgraded to a PC, naturally spending hoursplaying games like GTA: San Andreas, NFS, Hercules, Tarzan,and other popular titles. Additionally, I was a huge fan of videogame playthroughs, spending hours on YouTube watchingnewly released games.From a professional perspective, I was indecisive until mysecond year of college. During my volunteering experience withASER (Association of Economics Students in Romania), astudent NGO, I discovered the field of HR. Motivated to explorethis field professionally, I started an internship as a Recruiter atIBM Bucharest in my second year of college. Under anexcellent mentor, I realized that recruitment was where Iwanted to grow.After graduating from the Faculty of International Business and Economics, I aspired to enroll ina master's program in HR at ASE -> Faculty of Management, specializing in Human ResourcesManagement. During the first year of my master's, I became an Erasmus student in Poland,where I experienced the onset of the pandemic, making me more responsible and independent.Later, when I had to return home and start looking for a new job opportunity, I never thought fora second that I could somehow get involved in the gaming industry until I saw a job opening atUbisoft Bucharest for a Junior Talent Acquisition Specialist & Employer Branding role in theProduction department. That's where it all began.I had a wonderful team, learning from colleagues about how the 3A game development industryworks. I recruited talents for the company's franchises and was involved in the EmployerBranding area, organizing events for students regarding internships and trainee opportunities.A Gamer'sOdyssey:NurturingPassion intoa Career inHumanResources18IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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In November 2021, I aimed for a careerlevel-up and engaged in discussions for aTalent Acquisition Partner role in theCreative department at GameloftBucharest. Knowing the company, the games, andhaving heard only positive things aboutthe studio's organizational culture, I waspleasantly impressed right from theselection process, where I metprofessionals with over 10 years ofexperience in the company – a majorgreen flag from my perspective. At that moment, I learned about thecompany's global objective to developcross-platform games and felt that it was asuitable environment for my furtherdevelopment in this industry.The flexibility, trust, and support providedby the management greatly aided mygrowth not only in the recruitment area but also in employerbranding and CSR. I can't see myself working in anotherindustry; I feel that I can seamlesslycombine my passion for video games withmy job. I believe the greatest satisfactioncomes from knowing that I have broughttalent into a team – an action that latermaterializes into a game accessed by theentire community, including myself.Moreover, as a Recruiter, you should beup-to-date with the latest game titles,technologies, and news. So, playing gameson PS5, PC, Nintendo, or mobile devices isnot just a hobby now – I like to call it'market research.'“In the dynamic context oftalent acquisition, I thriveon fostering connections,merging passion withprofession, and sculpting agaming future thatresonates acrosscommunities.”19IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Q: With your extensiveexperience in the gamingindustry, how do youbelieve the industry'scommitment to socialimpact aligns with theaspirations and values ofthe new talent it seeks toattract? As professionals inthe gaming industryincreasingly prioritizecompanies with a strongsocial impact focus, whatinsights can you offer onhow this shift affects talentacquisition strategies andwhat steps the industry cantake to attract top talent?A: In my opinion, companies'commitment to Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) initiatives is notonly welcome but can alsopositively influence the attraction oftalent within the industry. It is well-known that CSR plays a vital role increating a strong employer brand inthe market, especially in a dynamicand competitive industry such asgaming.Multiple studies, like the TopEmployers Study conducted byCatalyst, indicate that professionalsin the industry are more inclinedtowards roles in companies with arobust employer image. This employer image is not just formed throughawareness activities but also through thecompany's external actions and their socialimpact – which represents the contribution thecompany makes to society, actions that arethen reflected in the organizational culture.Speaking specifically about the gaming industry,I feel that the education sector needs specialattention and could significantly benefit fromthe presence of gaming companies in thecountry. In Romania, there are professionals;however, their number isn't enough to fill allrecruitment needs, especially for specializedroles in Production/Creative departments(programming, art, design). This is where the immense challenge ofrecruiting seniors arises. These seniors havegrown and developed due to their passion andthe experience they have accumulated overtime.20IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Considering the 'unicorn' profiles that the industry still requires, the primary issuecircles back to education. However, when it comes to the future and nurturing talentwithin the industry, the discussion becomes more complex. Currently, there are feweducational opportunities in Romania that facilitate training for the industry.Moreover, students often do not consider a job in the industry initially because thereare no specialized programs available – automatically making it seem like anunpromising career choice. Fortunately, there are talents who independently developtheir skills, driven by their passion for the industry, but this approach only works up toa certain point.At present, in the absence of accredited courses or specialized programs in gamedevelopment at universities, companies have a wide range of opportunities to getinvolved in educating the new generation and expanding the gaming industryworkforce. This involvement can range from facilitating courses, partnering withuniversities, donating technical equipment, or even assisting in school renovations.While university students are the most visible target audience, support can also beextended to the education of children in primary schools and high schools located indisadvantaged areas.On a positive note, efforts have begun to create specific master's programs for theindustry, such as the Game Development Master's at the Faculty of Automatic Controland Computers, or optional master's courses offered by UNArte in partnership withcompanies within the industry.Some examples from Gameloft include a close collaboration with professors from thePolytechnic University of Bucharest, where colleagues actively engage in teachingmodules/optional courses in game development. Internships at the company oftentake the form of an academy for several months, with a well-structured framework andcontexts through which interns should pass to understand the role/industry beforebeing integrated into projects. Another example that I hold dear is our partnershipthis year with Alina Greavu (Aluziva Association) for the renovation of Lipnita School –involving donations and organizing a volunteering day with colleagues from the studio.In conclusion, this focus on education, combined with the strategy to attract talent,has long-term win-win potential, benefiting both the company's brand and thedevelopment of talents that the entire industry will require.21IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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When we talk about the youngergeneration, we are mainly referring toGeneration Z. Unlike other generations,they have certain personality traits thatset them apart.Most of the time, they are extremelyvocal about what they want and what isimportant to them when it comes to ajob – rightly so, in my opinion, and this issomething to be appreciated. Eventhough this generation has often beenlabeled as unstable in the workplace andhas been called job hoppers, I personallybelieve that this characterization is farfrom the truth. Generation Z is purpose-driven, meaning the "why" behind theirwork and the impact they make arecrucial factors they consider whenchoosing an employer.Considering that they are digital natives,having grown up surrounded bytechnology and acquiring these skillsfrom a young age, they are used tomultitasking, dynamic environments, arewell-informed, and have advancedgeneral knowledge. In short, knowledgeis power. This background shapes theirexpectations, which every companyshould meet now. It's a natural evolutionof things, particularly significant in thegaming industry, where the specificnature of the field makes things highlycompetitive.Q: The younger workforce often values a company's social and environmentalimpact when considering job opportunities. In your opinion, what specificinitiatives or actions can the gaming industry implement to not only attract butalso retain this socially conscious talent?Regarding the working environment in the industry, Ibelieve we need to consider the following aspects toattract and retain these talents:Embracing Diversity and Inclusion:Creating a workplace that celebrates diversity in all itsforms fosters a sense of belonging and acceptanceamong employees. Embracing individuals from variousbackgrounds enhances creativity and innovation,making the workplace more appealing to sociallyconscious talent.Ethical Gaming Practices:Committing to ethical gaming practices, such asavoiding exploitative monetization schemes andensuring fairness in gameplay, is essential. Transparentand consumer-friendly approaches enhance theindustry's reputation, making it more attractive tosocially conscious individuals who value integrity andfairness.Sustainable Game Development:Adopting eco-friendly practices in game development,such as reducing carbon emissions and minimizingelectronic waste, showcases a commitment toenvironmental sustainability. Incorporating energy-efficient technologies not only demonstratesresponsibility but also aligns with the values ofenvironmentally conscious workers.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs:Establish comprehensive CSR programs that supportenvironmental conservation, education, and communitydevelopment. Actively participate in initiatives like treeplanting, beach clean-ups, or wildlife conservation, andencourage employees to volunteer for such activities.22IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Incorporating these initiatives, the gaming industry can create a workplace environment that notonly attracts socially conscious talent but also fosters a culture of inclusivity, ethical practices, andsocial responsibility. By championing these values, the industry can pave the way for a new era ofgaming, driven by a passionate and socially aware workforce.Flexible Work Arrangements and Well-being Programs:Offering flexible work arrangements and prioritizing employee well-being, including mental healthsupport, creates a healthy work environment. Socially conscious talent appreciates employers whovalue their holistic well-being, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.Transparency and Accountability:Maintaining transparency about the company's social and environmental initiatives is crucial.Regular updates on progress and outcomes build trust and confidence among employees,showcasing the company's accountability and dedication to its values.Collaborative Partnerships:Collaborating with non-profit organizations, environmental groups, and social enterprises amplifiesthe impact of initiatives. Such partnerships demonstrate a collective commitment to creatingpositive change, making the company an attractive choice for socially conscious workers who seekmeaningful collaboration.“In talent acquisition for the gaming industry, we harness our expertise and innovation,transforming passion into a dynamic force that shapes the future of gaming talent andindustry challenges.”23IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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IntuitiveLEADERSHIP6-Month Program -Navigating with Wisdomand InnovationThis program fosters synergy, enhancing teamperformance through a heightened understanding ofindividual and collective needs. Participants will uncoverhidden talents, fostering a culture of collaboration andcommunication.Diana Bosiu, Systemic GIVING MAGAZINE

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for your CSRstrategyin 2023-2024I M P A C TI N V E S T M E N TP R O J E C GIVING MAGAZINE

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Unveiling the Dynamicsof Fundraising inRomaniaDr. Giulia Tufaruarticulates a visionaryperspective, recognizingthe pivotal role thatfundraising plays inchampioning impactfulinitiatives. Herimpassioned opinionseeks not only toresonate but to inspire aprofoundmetamorphosis in thevery fabric offundraising within theRomanian landscape,envisaging a futurewhere transformativechange becomes thehallmark ofbenevolence.FUNDRAISINGIMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Unveiling the Dynamics of Fundraising in Romania: In a candid expression of her perspective, Dr. Giulia Tufaru, a seasonedprofessional in the field of fundraising, recently shared her unapologeticopinion on the contrasting approaches to fundraising between Romania andItaly. Drawing from her extensive experience, Dr. Tufaru pointed out that thefundraising landscape in Romania primarily relies on personal relationships,negotiations, and often operates in a context of unclear rules for partnerships.Unlike Italy, where partnerships between companies and non-profitorganizations are perceived as more structured, transparent, and inherentlyoriented towards doing good, Romania faces a different fundraising dynamic.Dr. Tufaru speculates on several potential factors contributing to thisdistinction. One possible influence is the strong presence of the CatholicChurch in Italy, fostering a culture of philanthropy and community service.Another aspect could be the ingrained spirit of volunteering for the bettermentof society, a value instilled in individuals from an early age in Italy.Dr. Tufaru's bold stance opens up a dialogue on the need for a more organizedand transparent fundraising ecosystem in Romania. By voicing these opinions,she prompts reflection within the industry, encouraging a closer examinationof existing practices and potential areas for improvement. As fundraising playsa pivotal role in supporting impactful initiatives, Dr. Tufaru's insights serve as acatalyst for discussions that could lead to a positive transformation in thefundraising landscape of Romania.Known to allGrasped by none!27IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Let’s get to know each other!!3 - 5 June 2024, Riccione - ItalyThe largest European community festivaldedicated to fundraising and sustainability"Together WE feel INVINCIBLE"IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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for your CSRstrategyin 2023-2024I M P A C TI N V E S T M E N TP R O J E C T329

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Q: With your in-depthknowledge and experience inRomania's IT industry, couldyou share insights into theevolution you've witnessed,particularly in the shift fromoutsourcing to productdevelopment? How do you seethese changes impactingRomania's position on theglobal IT stage?“Romania boasts a very strong IT industry thathas experienced continuous growth over thepast decade despite political and economicchallenges. According to ANIS (Employers'Association of the Software and ServicesIndustry), the market volume exceeded 9billion euros in 2021 and is projected to reach12 billion euros by 2025, representing anannual growth rate of 15-17%, approximatelythree times higher than Romania's overalleconomic growth rate. This places the ITindustry at around 6% of Romania's GDP.In an exclusive interview, we had the privilege of delving into the insights ofAlexandru Hutanu, a Senior Technology Consultant & Engineering Manager withprofound knowledge and experience in Romania's dynamic IT industry. Ourconversation revolves around the transformative journey of Romania's techlandscape, exploring its evolution from a renowned outsourcing destination to aburgeoning hub for socially impactful innovation. Mr. Hutanu shares his perspectives on the trajectory of the IT sector, the pivotal roleof companies like Bitdefender and UiPath, and the promising future that lies aheadfor Romania's technology-driven initiatives.Romania emerged as a leadingoutsourcing destination, excellingin software development,cybersecurity, robotics, and otherhigh-tech fields. Major ITcompanies like Microsoft, Google,Oracle, IBM, Amazon, Siemensand others have establishedoffices here. Despite having a solid foundationof technical universities producingtalent, meeting the demand hasproven challenging.While Romania gained recognition for highlyskilled and talented engineering capabilities, itwas predominantly associated withoutsourcing rather than innovation or productdevelopment. However, the rise of a unicorn,UiPath, marked a turning point.UiPath, the first unicorn startup founded inRomania, achieved a $1 billion valuation in2018. Its success inspired many otherRomanian startups, positioning Romania onthe global tech map. After UiPath's IPO in April2021, Romania experienced record levels of VCfunding, doubling the levels observed in 2020. 31IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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UiPath's success shifted the focus from outsourcing to product development, demonstratingthat Romanian engineers can build globally successful products.UiPath's ecosystem has fueled numerous startups like FintechOS, TypingDNA, andCyberSmart, establishing the grounds for potential unicorns like Bunnyshell,, andDruid. UiPath did for Romania what Skype did for Estonia many years ago, making itappealing and possible to thrive in product development, and not only outsourcing. WithUiPath and Skype being the first unicorn startups in their countries, they inspired many newstartups, boosted funding and valuations, and shifted the focus to product development.Their IPOs and success stories fueled the growth of their startup ecosystems.“ The IT industry can leverage it’s resources, expertise andinnovative capacity to help tackle social challenges ”32IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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As such, we can expect to seemuch more innovative stuff andglobal products coming out ofRomania right now, and it madeit very appealing for investors aswell. It made very excited andeager for its future and happy tosee it reaching its full potential.Because Romania had thecapabilities to do it but missedthe courage - from bothentrepreneurs and investors - todive into this, and this is whatUiPath brought ultimately.Courage and internationalexperiences for the local IT start-ups. It showed that it is possible.And now, from local communitiesto big events like How To Web,you can see, or rather "feel" this.A lot of innovative, potentialunicorns, with great products,being born from here like neverbefore. I can't wait to see whatthe future will bring!Q: In our magazine,we’re exploring thepotential for the ITindustry in Romania toinvest in social impactinitiatives. Given yourunique perspective,what role do you believethe IT sector, includingcompanies likeBitdefender and UiPath,can play in drivingmeaningful socialchange and innovationwithin your country?Romania's fast-growing and dynamicIT sector, featuring major companiesthat have achieved global success,makes up around 6% of Romania'sGDP and employs over 100,000people.The IT industry can leverage itsresources, expertise, and innovativecapacity to help tackle socialchallenges in areas like education,healthcare, economicempowerment, and environmentalsustainability.Companies can drive socialinnovation through corporate socialresponsibility initiatives, socialentrepreneurship programs, impactinvesting, and cross-sectorpartnerships. Opportunities abound to supportsocial enterprises and provide skillstraining. The IT industry cancollaborate with government, non-profits, and communities to co-create technology-based solutionstailored to local social needs, such aseducation, healthcare access, orenvironmental protection.33IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Romania's robust engineering talent and digital infrastructure position it favorably to developinclusive digital services and platforms, benefiting disadvantaged groups.I think we will see more and more social initiatives as an outcome of what UiPath and Bitdefenderhave achieved."Q: We're delving into impactfulsocial investments within the ITindustry. Could you provideinsights into specific areas orprojects where the IT sector,and companies like the onesyou mentioned, can be pivotalin enhancing Romania's socialand educational landscape? Arethere any particular initiativesthat inspire you in this context?While numerous impactful initiatives exist, here aresome insights into social investments and initiatives bythe IT sector that could enhance Romania's social andeducational landscape:IT companies can support programs aimed at increasingtechnology literacy and preparing individuals for jobs inthe industry. For instance, UiPath initiated robotics andprogramming courses in Romanian schools.Providing opportunities for students and graduates togain work experience through internships,apprenticeships, and career coaching. Collaborationsbetween the Romanian IT sector and universities havefacilitated such programs. Companies like Pentalog (aGlobant division) have initiated successful internshipprograms, fostering talent.Backing organizations and startups that leveragetechnology for positive impact in areas like education,healthcare, and the environment. Civic tech andassistive technology are areas where IT-focusedinitiatives in Romania have made a significant impact.Leveraging technologies such as AI, big data, and IoT toaddress societal challenges and support vulnerablegroups. An example could be the development ofsoftware to predict dropout rates and improveeducation outcomes.Engaging in community outreach programs, especiallyfor vulnerable groups like the elderly and low-incomeindividuals, to promote digital inclusion. Initiatives likedigital literacy programs supported by companies likePorsche Romania have had a positive impact ondisadvantaged youth.Championing ethical practices, transparency, anddiversity in the technology sector through industryinitiatives and public-private partnerships.”Digital Skills Training and EducationProgramsInternships, Apprenticeships, andCareer CoachingSupport for NGOs, SocialEnterprises, and StartupsUtilizing Technology Solutions forSocietal ChallengesPromoting Digital Inclusion andAccessAdvocacy for Ethics, Transparency,and DiversityBIOAlexandru Hutanu is a seasoned professional in thetech industry, renowned for his strategic leadershipand innovative mindset. With a rich background inIT management and entrepreneurship, Alexandruhas played a pivotal role in shaping Romania's techlandscape.34IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Gaminga debate between harm and benefitIn a society quick to judge the gamingindustry is often dismissed as mere time-wasting. But within this realm lies anuanced landscape, offering both harmand benefit. Let's challenge stereotypesand explore the transformative potentialof gaming.Gaming goes beyond entertainment,offering cognitive and social advantages.Studies show it enhances:critical thinkingproblem-solvingteamworkAdditionally, gaming provides stress reliefand has educational potential throughgamification techniques. Understandingthese varied benefits positions gaming asa multifaceted tool impacting cognitive,social, and educational realmsBreak free from online toxicity! Seize the opportunity to empower the nextgeneration for a healthier tech future. Your action today shapes theirtomorrow.Join our CSR Project “Conscious for the Future” and makea lasting impact!hello@impactgiving.it35IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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GAMES HAVE THEPOWER TO CHANGE US.In an insightful interview, we had the privilege to sit down with Nagy Norbert, a seasoned professional inthe gaming industry with a passion for art and a commitment to social impact. Nagy's journey from theUniversity of Art in Cluj-Napoca to becoming a key player in the gaming sector reflects the dynamicevolution of the industry and its potential for meaningful contributions to society.A Conversation with Nagy Norberton Art, Gaming, and Social ImpactThe Art-Gaming Connection:Nagy's journey into the gaming industry took anintriguing turn when he discovered the realm ofdigital painting, particularly its application ingames as concept art. This revelation marked theintersection of art and gaming for him, wherecrafting digital landscapes and characters becamenot just a job but a form of artistic expression.Reflecting on his early experiences, Nagyemphasizes the creative allure of working ongames. The collaborative, imaginative process ofgame development appealed to his artisticsensibilities, making it a fulfilling career choice.Transformation of Romania'sGaming Landscape:With over 13 years ofexperience at Gameloft in Cluj-Napoca, Nagy has witnessed atransformative period inRomania's gaming landscape.36IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Nagy Norbert, a distinguishedprofessional at the intersection ofart and gaming, brings a wealth ofexperience and creativity to thedynamic landscape of the gamingindustry. Holding a degree fromthe University of Art in Cluj-Napoca, Nagy embarked on ajourney that seamlessly blendedhis artistic passion with the ever-evolving world of digital gaming."Initially, there were few gaming companies in the city,but today, there's a notable increase, fostering healthycompetition.”Nagy notes the thriving presence of small gamingcompanies, proving that Romania has become a vibranthub for the IT and gaming industry.NAVIGATING THE DIGITAL CANVASHe credits this transformation with creating opportunities foryoung talents to explore and learn extensively, contributing tothe country's growing reputation in the tech and gamingsectors.Social Impact Initiatives in Gaming:As the gaming industry gains prominence, the discussionnaturally shifts to its potential contributions to social impactinitiatives. Nagy advocates for more indie developers andinnovative ideas like Virtual Reality (VR). He envisions seriousgovernment support to further innovation in the gaming sector,fostering an environment that encourages new ideas andapproaches.Moreover, Nagy highlights the potential of games aseducational tools. He suggests a shift toward creating moreeducational-themed games, contributing to the social andeducational landscape of Romania. By leveraging the engagingnature of games, the industry can play a significant role inenhancing learning experiences for children.Nagy Norbert's journey from the world of art to the dynamicrealm of gaming paints a vivid picture of the industry'sevolution in Romania. His insights into the creative process, thechanging gaming landscape, and the potential for social impactinitiatives shed light on the multifaceted nature of this field.Nagy Norbert37IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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ADDICTION OF THE MINDUnderstanding and destigmatizing neurodiversityISCOADA Association proposesa project that looks at the linkbetween neurodivergence inadults and addiction.Neurodivergent disorder witha focus on:Autism Spectrum Disorder-ASDAttention DeficitHyperactivity Disorder-ADHDEnter the radiant beacon of change – theISCOADA Association. Within the folds ofits embrace, a remarkable projectunfurls, destined to illuminate theshadows that shroud the intricacies ofthese conditions. It beckons us totranscend ignorance, inviting all tounravel the true meaning behind theseafflictions and discover the collectivepower we possess to extend a helpinghand. Let us not merely hear, but trulyunderstand; for in comprehension liesthe catalyst for compassion, and withinISCOADA's visionary project, lies thepromise of a more enlightened andinclusive tomorrow."for your CSRstrategyin 2023-2024I M P A C TI N V E S T M E N TP R O J E C T438IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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To empower 20 beneficiaries from vulnerable groups to understand the link betweenneurodivergence and addiction by facilitating psychological treatment and conducting research toraise public awareness of these realities. The short-term effects of the project aim to reduceaddictive behaviors in the 20 beneficiaries involved, neurodivergent people from vulnerable groups,who normally have difficulties in accessing mental health services. This aspect will be measured inthe follow-up interviews planned during the last period of the project. Beyond possible improvements at the individual level, we anticipate that the intervention will alsohave an effect within the beneficiaries' communities (family, friends) - some relationships may beresumed, discussions may become more meaningful, and the support network may be extended,preventing a return to harmful behaviors in the future. Furthermore, the project aims todestigmatize conditions on the neurodiversity spectrum by changing the current perspective anddiscourse. We anticipate starting a dialogue in the public space about these phenomena as a resultof podcasts, roundtables and articles published on the ISCOADA Platform. hello@impactgiving.it39IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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59 Social Impact InvestingVentures Changing the WorldThrough FinanceImpact Investing is a type of investment that seeks to generate both financial return and social orenvironmental impact. Impact investments are made in companies, organizations, and funds with theintention of generating positive, measurable impact alongside a financial return.There is growing evidence that impact investments can be impactful and generate financial returns.The impact investing market is still relatively small, but it is growing rapidly. In 2017, impact investing wasestimated to be a $228 billion market.This is expected to grow to $1 trillion by 2025.The growth of impact investing has been driven by increasing interest from individuals, institutions, andgovernments.There are a number of different ways to measure impact. The most common approach is to use the UnitedNations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework. The SDGs provide a comprehensive andglobally-agreed upon set of targets for sustainable development. Many impact investors measure theirimpact against one or more of the SDGs.Impact Investing ExamplesRenewable Energy: Investing in renewable energy projects, such as solar or wind farms, to reducereliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change.Affordable Housing: Investing in affordable housing initiatives to address housing shortages andimprove access to safe and affordable homes for low-income individuals and families.Microfinance: Providing capital to microfinance institutions that offer financial services, such as smallloans and savings accounts, to empower entrepreneurs and individuals in underserved communities.Regenerative Agriculture: Supporting regenerative farming practices and agricultural technologiesto enhance food security, promote organic farming, and reduce the environmental impact ofagriculture.Education: Investing in education-focused initiatives, such as schools, vocational training programs, oreducational technology platforms, to improve access to quality education and skill development,particularly in disadvantaged communities.Impact Bonds: Investing in social impact bonds, also known as pay-for-success bonds, which fundsocial programs aiming to achieve specific social outcomes. Investors receive returns based on thesuccess of the program in achieving predetermined objectives.Healthcare: Investing in healthcare startups and companies or healthcare infrastructure projects toimprove access to quality healthcare services, particularly in underserved regions or low-incomecommunities.Clean Technology: Investing in companies developing innovative clean technologies and solutions forenergy efficiency, waste management, water conservation, and pollution reduction.Social Enterprises: Investing in businesses that have a primary social or environmental mission, suchas fair trade enterprises, sustainable fashion brands, or organizations providing employmentopportunities to marginalized communities.Impact Funds: Investing in specialized impact funds that pool capital from multiple investors to financea diverse portfolio of impact-focused companies and projects across various sectors.40IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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The Future of Impact InvestingAs Millennials start to gain more and more equity in the markets this is an absolute sector that will continueto grow. 90% of Millennials would switch brands to one associated with a cause, so why wouldn’t Millennialsswitch to investments with these same values as well. With these numbers social impact investing is poisedto be a huge trend.Below are financial ventures changing the world through social impact investing. Whether they are investingin organic farmland, fintech, innovative entrepreneurs, or sustainable energy, these companies,entrepreneurs and organizations are using their funds to create a better, more sustainable world.Generate Capital,www.generatecapital.comregenr8, www.regenr8.comAstanor Ventures, www.astanor.comRubio Impact Ventures, www.rubio.vcChainforest, www.chainforest.comMercy Corps Ventures, Ventures, www.freshventures.ioSocial Impact Capital,www.socialimpact.capitalGood Fashion Fund,www.goodfashionfund.comThe Beacon Fund, www.beaconfund.comCitizen Mint, www.citizenmint.comObvious Ventures, www.obvious.comResponsibly Ventures,www.responsibly.vcAqua-Spark, www.aqua-spark.nlNew Profit, www.newprofit.orgTin Shed Ventures,www.patagoniaventurefund.comHEED Capital, www.heedcapital.comGlobal Good Fund,www.globalgoodfund.comImpact Engine, www.impactengine.comNew Age Capital, www.newage.capitalPurposeTech, www.purposetech.orgReach Capital, www.reachcapital.comThe De-Carceration Fund,www.decarcerationfund.orgAccess Ventures,www.accessventures.orgCNote, www.mycnote.com1863 Ventures, www.1863ventures.netFuture Planet Capital,www.futureplanetcapital.comBetter Ventures, www.better.vcCollab Capital - www.collab.capitalTZP Group - www.tzpgroup.comREDF (The Roberts EnterpriseDevelopment Fund) - www.redf.orgFullCycle - www.fullcycle.comBig Path Capital -www.bigpathcapital.comThe Reinvestment Fund -www.reinvestment.comEllevest - www.ellevest.comAcumen Fund - www.acumen.orgFig Loans - www.figloans.comDreamlabs - www.dreamlabs.capitalDeetken Impact -www.deetkenimpact.comEcosystem Integrity Fund -www.ecosystemintegrity.comRoot Capital - www.rootcapital.orgHuman Ventures -www.humanventures.comSDG Impact Fund -www.sdgimpactfund.orgVital Capital - www.vital.capitalDomini Social Investment -www.domini.comRevitalizing distressed communities,bringing new voices to the table,redefining corporate America's bottomline. Invest for your future whilehelping to build a world of peace andjustice.Global Partnerships -www.globalpartnerships.orgAlterfin - www.alterfin.beOne Acre Fund - www.oneacrefund.orgMedia Development Investment Fund -www.mdif.orgBamboo C a p i t a l Partners -www.bamboocp.comAccion F r o n t i e r Inclusion Fund -www.accion.orgSustainVC - www.sustainvc.comFarmland LP - www.farmlandlp.comCommunity Reinvestment Fund -www.crfusa.comVox Capital - www.voxcapital.comGrassroots B u s i n e s s Fund -www.gbfund.orgCalvert Impact Capital -www.calvertimpactcapital.orgRenewal Funds -www.renewalfunds.comMoore Ventures - www.moore.venturesAlante Capital - www.alante.capital42IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Ioan Domsa, a seasoned professional with a deep-rooted love for programming,shares his journey from coding in QBasic to senior management. Driven by a needfor change and new challenges, Ioan reflects on the transformative power of the ITindustry in Romania and its untapped potential for social impact initiatives.INTERVIEW WITH IOAN DOMSAIMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Tech VisionaryIn a rapidly evolving technological context,individuals with a passion for innovation andchange are propelling industries forward. This article dives into the insightful reflections ofan industry expert, exploring the untappedpotential of Romania's IT sector to not only adaptto the shifting technological context but also leadthe charge in fostering positive societal change. Ioan Domsa's journey in the IT sector began atan early age, coding in QBasic in the third gradeand progressing to Pascal in the fifth grade. Hislove for programming, coupled with the joy ofproblem-solving and bug-fixing, set thefoundation for a fulfilling career. Despitedeviating from the programming path duringcollege, Ioan realized that his true happiness layin the world of programming. Transitioning from coding to seniormanagement, he embraced change and newchallenges, creating a professional life thatresonated with his passion.Exploring the Potential for Social Impact inRomania's IT IndustryAs Romania's IT industry experienced significantgrowth primarily in outsourcing activities, IoanDomsa emphasizes the need for a mindset shiftand increased innovation. The legacy of thecommunist era and an outdated schoolingsystem have contributed to a risk-averseculture. However, with the emergence of a newgeneration, a higher risk appetite, and achanging mindset, the landscape is evolving.Ioan highlights the importance of regulatorychanges to boost innovation and foster aconducive environment for the IT industry. Heenvisions an industry that drives social change,influencing sectors such as education,interaction with authorities, mobility, financing,and more.With an innovative mindset, the IT sector can lead theway in reshaping social behaviors and contributing tomeaningful societal advancements.Pivotal Role of the IT Sector in Social and EducationalEnhancementIoan emphasizes the omnipresence of the IT sector inour daily lives, touching everything from cars andphones to how we order food and access information.He envisions a pivotal role for the IT sector in variousaspects, but acknowledges the need for a proactivemindset shift.Drawing attention to STEM faculties in universities, Ioanhighlights the gap between outdated teachings and thecurrent IT landscape's demands. He envisions a moreproactive approach, pushing for change in mindset andregulations. Ioan cites examples, such as the recyclingsector, where IT tools can drive significant change withproper advocacy and adoption.Call for Proactive Change and InnovationIoan Domsa encourages proactive change andinnovation, citing the work of organizations like Code 4Romania. While recognizing the efforts of non-governmental organizations and IT associations, heurges dreamers with energy and dedication to push forchanges in mindset and laws. Ioan believes that thetransformative power of the IT sector in Romania liesnot just in its technology but in the mindset anddedication of those driving change.In the pursuit of transforming Romania's IT landscape,Ioan Domsa's insights shed light on the untappedpotential of the industry to drive meaningful socialchange and innovation. With a proactive approach, achange in mindset, and dedicated individuals, Romania'sIT sector can not only adapt to the evolving technologicallandscape but also become a catalyst for positivesocietal transformations.BIOIoan Domsa: IT professional with a passion forinnovation. From coding enthusiast to seniormanagement, shaping Romania's IT landscape.44IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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GOOD NEWS FORREAL ESTATEDon’t miss that because they present more type of courses such as:Ethical CodeWorkshopsBootcampAPAIR empowers aspiring real estate professionals with a comprehensiveeducational program complex, meticulously crafted for both novices embarking ontheir journey in the real estate industry and seasoned agents seeking to elevate theirexpertisehello@impactgiving.itIMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE |  17for your CSRstrategyin 2023-2024I M P A C TI N V E S T M E N TP R O J E C T545IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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3 LinkedIn posts about youon our LinkedIn page 1 article of 3 pages publishedon our next magazine issueBE SANTABE SANTAInvest in ChangeGift Your ChristmasSupport a Project thatTransforms Livesnow and collect 3x benefits later At least 2.5 K EUROYou collect We offerhello@impactgiving.itIMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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ASSOCIAZIONE PER IDISTURBI ALIMENTARIEmbark on a journey into the poignant narrative of Animenta, a non-profit organizationdedicated to unraveling the intricate layers of eating disorders.Discover how, through the prism of their compassion, you can metamorphose your ownstory—a tale where health intertwines seamlessly with the joys of existence, creating asymphony of empowerment and well-being that resonates with the beauty inherent inliving life to its fullest.#F3913C47IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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Every panel echoes with the wisdom of experts, activists, and creatorsintimately acquainted with eating disorders. Uncover the unexploredfacets shaping your relationship with nourishment. Delve into unseenrealms, guided by firsthand insights, and redefine your journeytowards a healthier, more beautifully balanced life. The panels: BEAUTY AND BODIESDIETSOCIAL MEDIASTORIESAnimenta present the event with theme of: Eating DisordersFrom Different PerspectivesRomeMarch 16th3:30 pm to 7:30pmhello@impactgiving.it48IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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THOUGHTFood for"GREAT THINGS HAPPEN TO THOSEWHO DON'T STOP BELIEVING, TRYING,LEARNING, AND BEING GRATEFUL"Embrace the journey ofgreatness: keep believingin your dreams, tryingnew paths, learningfrom every step, andexpressing gratitude forthe lessons along theway.In the tapestry ofsuccess, threads ofbelief, effort, continuouslearning, and gratitudeweave together to createthe masterpiece of greatachievements.The alchemy ofachievement: Believe inthe magic within you, tryrelentlessly, learnendlessly, and begrateful for everytransformative momentthat shapes your path.Craft your story ofgreatness by perpetuallybelieving in yourpotential, trying withoutfear of failure, learningwithout bounds, andbeing grateful for therichness each experiencebrings.49IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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BEST PRACTICES FOR COMPANIESCOLLABORATING WITH NGOSEffective collaboration between companies and NGOs is vital for maximizing the impact ofcorporate social responsibility initiatives. Establishing a harmonious relationship requires astrategic approach and a commitment to shared goals. Here are some best practices to ensure asuccessful collaboration:1. Clearly Defined Objectives:Articulate specific and measurable philanthropic goalsaligned with the company's overall mission.Ensure a shared understanding of the desired socialimpact and the key performance indicators (KPIs) tomeasure success.2. Integrated Philanthropic Strategy:Integrate philanthropic initiatives seamlessly into thecompany's business strategy for a cohesive andunified approach.Align philanthropic efforts with the company's corevalues and expertise to enhance authenticity and long-term sustainability.3. Cross-Functional Collaboration:Foster collaboration between various departments,including marketing, HR, and operations, to leveragediverse expertise and resources.Encourage open communication channels to shareinsights and align philanthropic efforts with broaderbusiness objectives.4. Employee Engagement and Volunteerism:Promote employee involvement through volunteerprograms and initiatives that align with individualskills and interests.Recognize and celebrate employee contributions tophilanthropic efforts, fostering a sense of sharedaccomplishment.5. Strategic Partnerships:Seek strategic partnerships with non-profits, NGOs,and community organizations that share similarvalues and objectives.Collaborate with partners to pool resources, expertise,and networks, amplifying the impact of philanthropicinitiatives.6. Impact Measurement and Transparency:Implement robust measurement and evaluationmechanisms to assess the effectiveness ofphilanthropic programs.Communicate transparently about the outcomes,challenges, and learnings from each initiative,building trust with stakeholders.7. Flexibility and Adaptability:Remain adaptable to evolving societal needs andchallenges, adjusting philanthropic strategiesaccordingly.Embrace a flexible approach that allows for agileresponses to unforeseen circumstances or emergingpriorities.8. Long-Term Commitment:Cultivate a sustained commitment to philanthropy,viewing it as an ongoing process rather than a one-time effort.Build enduring relationships with communities andpartners to create lasting positive change.50IMPACT GIVING MAGAZINE

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AVAILABLEAT €29,99!Book Review by Hyden Kirkus: “This book is a game-changer for anyonelooking to harness the full potential ofLinkedIn. Whether you're a newcomer seekinga foothold or a seasoned professional aimingto optimize your presence, the systematicguidance, coupled with real-world examples,makes this book an invaluable asset in therealm of business development throughLinkedIn.Navigating the intricacies of LinkedIn can be adaunting task, particularly for those new tothe platform seeking quick and tangibleresults. In this context, the book under reviewemerges as a valuable resource, providing asystematic approach rooted in the LinkedInalgorithm, complemented by practicaltemplates and illustrative examples.The book proved to be a lifeline for me,addressing the challenges faced by individualslike myself who crave swift outcomes. Thesynergy of the author's system, coupled withtemplates tailored for various professionalcontexts, offered a comprehensive toolkit forleveraging LinkedIn as a robust platform forbusiness development.What sets this book apart is its immediate impact.Within days, I witnessed tangible changes in myapproach to LinkedIn, all thanks to the actionableinsights provided by the author. The refreshingperspective embedded in the narrative not onlysimplified the platform but also shed light on itsuntapped potential.”Order 001 - DEC. 2023

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N. 6, Ronche di Sopra St. 31046 Venice, ItalyPhone: +39 327 444 95 69, Email:, Web: www.impactgiving.itImpACT Giving