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Final 5 Star Power September 202

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C O N T E N T SFIVESTARP O W E R3.The Power Code5. What kind of Billionaire....21  A Taste of Soul34Meet Aretha Scruggs45 4 Types of Dreams49  What is Deployed Generation?50 Who's up Next?19Rescued By Love10Pastor’s Josh and Noemi I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R  2S P E C I A L F E A TU R EJosh and Noemi Chavez MusicianAdvocateLong Beach, CA Publication StaffExecutive Director~Romaine JonesCreative Director~Nailah Jones

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THEPOWERCODEMany believers are content with knowingthat heaven will be their final restingplace; but have not fully processed whattheir time on earth really looks like,spiritually.od has strategically givenus all that we need tohave a successful spirituallife while on earth. Thequestion is: Do we havethe desire to receive whatHe has so freely given? GWe must understand that God has madeprovision for us by giving us individualsthat have made a commitment to God toequip His people: This can be illustrated through the Five Fold Ministry.The five-fold ministry is a biblicalteaching based on Ephesians 4:11-13,and it comprises five specific roles orgifts given by God to the church to fulfillits purpose. The five roles are apostles,prophets, evangelists, pastors andteachers. Each role is meant to serve,equip, and edify the church.Here is the breakdown:Ephesians 4:11-13 (KJV)11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto themeasure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:Firstly, we have Apostles, who areappointed by God to establish churchesand oversee them by the principles of theGospel. They are urged to plant andstrengthen churches through wiseleadership and a clear understanding ofGod's will.Next, we have Prophets, who are calledto speak into the future, proclaimingGod's will, and foretelling events tocome. Their role is crucial in guiding thechurch and the people of God in thedirection of the Lord's will.Then, we have Evangelists, who arepassionate about preaching the Gospeland leading people to Christ. They play avital role in helping people understandthe love of God and the need forrepentance.Pastors are called to shepherd, guide,and protect the flock. They have a heartfor people and are entrusted with theduty to care for each member of thechurch. They have to provide spiritualfood so that each person may grow intheir faith.Lastly, we have Teachers. Teachers areexperts in the Word of God. They have a passionto train others and to equip them to teachothers also. They play a critical role in equippingthe rest of the 5 Star Power and, ultimately, therest of the Body of Christ.5 Star Power also referred to as Five FoldMinistry is a manifestation of God's grace, agift from the Father to help equip the church todo the work of the ministry. May we all strive touse our gifts and roles effectively in the body ofChrist, for His glory. Amen!I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 4

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CorporateBillionairesCelebrityBillionairesSelf-madeBillionairesThose who becamebillionaires throughtheir own businessesor investments.WHAT TYPEOF BILLIONAIREWOULD YOU BE?InheritedBillionairesPhilanthropicBillionairesThose who inheritedtheir wealth frompreviousgenerations.Those who are CEOsor major shareholdersof large corporations.Those who becamewealthy throughentertainment orsports careers.Those who have usedtheir wealth forphilanthropic pursuitsor by donating tocharitable causes.I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 5

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Colors, like numbers, have significant meaning in the Bible. Understanding what different colors symbolize can helpus gain a deeper understanding of Scripture and give us revelation in our faith walk. The color green holds particularsignificance.When the color green is revealed in a dream or vision; it’s all based on context. Context is important, because it givesinsight on what God is trying to communicate to us. There are several meanings to the color Green: Here are a fewinterpretations: 1. Righteousness, Envy, Peace, Hypocritical, Prosperous, Productive, Life, Growth, Zealous, YouthJoy and Fruitful. Always seek Holy Spirit in gaining full understanding.C O L O R SProphetic

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boyBoycotting The Old Me is refusing to engage inhabits and lifestylesthat are not conducive to mypersonal growthcott.I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 8

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FEATUREDINTERVIEW...We are delighted to present an exclusiveinterview with the extraordinary Pastor Joshand Pastor Noemi Chavez, from ReviveChurch, Long Beach California.This husband and wife team shares a passionfor Jesus, people, and serving their gifts tothe world. With hearts full of compassion,they have dedicated their lives to spreadingthe Gospel message and transforming livesthrough the power of faith. Together, theybring their unique talents and abilities to thetable, creating a powerful ministry thatimpacts the lives of countless individuals.They are inspiring leaders, gifted speakers,and compassionate pastors, and they arecommitted to seeing their community thrive inevery way imaginable. Get ready to meet twopeople who are truly driven by their love forGod, and their desire to serve others witheverything they have.I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 1 0

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How do you balance your roles at co-pastors and spouse?Pastor Noemi Both Josh and I are strong leaders, which is why I believe we make a great team. From thestart, we wanted to approach our roles as co-leaders rather than the pastor and his/herspouse. Of course, we haven't always gotten things perfect, but that's where grace comesin. People need to understand that it's not about getting everything right all the time, butabout working together to achieve a balance in our co-leadership. It's also important toleave work at work and not bring it into our personal lives, whether it's during date nights orvacations. While it can be challenging to not discuss exciting news or difficult issues, weactively strive to maintain that balance and constantly check in with each other to ensurewe're in sync.Pastor JoshOur pastoral journey has spanned 15 or 16 years now, and as Noemi mentioned, we'velearned as we've gone along. We co-lead the church and have specific leadershipresponsibilities. Balancing each other's leadership styles and trusting in each other's abilitieshas been key in our co-leader model.Despite being married for 22 years and having gone through staff meetings and otherchurch responsibilities together, we don't always get everything right. But we've learned toplay to each other's strengths and work together like a beautiful dance. Understanding eachother's body language and championing each other's gifts and leadership has helped usbalance our roles as co-pastors.We've also found value in assessments like Enneagram, the culture index, and discoveryprofiles, which have helped us understand each other's wiring and reasoning behinddecisions. Though we've had our fair share of disagreements, we always find a way to makeup soon after.What challenges have you faced as co-pastor and how have you overcome them? Pastor JoshAs pastors, we recently faced a massive challenge that we can't overlook - the COVIDpandemic was brutal. When we started our church, we knew that this wasn't a business, andwe had to build the church intentionally and carefully. We had to be mindful of how weserved and loved people and how we led them spiritually. We also had to tackle the elementof spiritual warfare and identify it whenever it came up.At our church, we have two primary objectives - to prevent people from going to hell and tohelp those who are going through hell. But when challenges come, we take spiritual action -we pray, love each other, attend therapy, and seek advice from committed pastors, prophets,and prayer warriors, even if they don't go to our church.COVID was exceptionally difficult for us because we were a five-campus church inCalifornia, and the restrictions affected each branch differently. We had to close our doorsfor almost two years, which took a financial toll on us and our church members. It was likelythe most challenging season in our 16 years of pastoral ministry. However, even after threeyears, we still love each other, our families, and the local church that we lead. Therapy hasbeen a fantastic tool for us, so we always encourage our congregation to prioritize theirmental health. We fight for what we believe in, including our home, marriage, family, andministry mandated by God.Featured InterviewSEP, 2023

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What challenges have you faced as co-pastor and how have you overcome them? Pastor NoemiAs a co-leader, it's inevitable that challenges will arise, especially when both leaders have strong opinions. To tackle this, we make sureto have a meeting before the actual meeting. By doing so, we address any issues beforehand and ensure that we're on the same page.If we're not, we take the time to hear each other out and understand each other's perspectives.Despite having different approaches to certain situations, we're able to work together smoothly. For example, Josh may want toapproach a problem from a certain lens while I may prefer another. Before making any decisions, we ensure that we have listened tothe voices of our team members and taken them into consideration. By doing this, we come to a decision that benefits everyoneinvolved. It's important for us to have a shepherd's heart and care about the opinions of those around us. Even though we lead differentareas of ministry, we respect each other's leadership styles and work together to navigate any challenges that come our way.Featured InterviewSEP, 2023I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R  1 2How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance, with thedemands of ministry? Pastor NoemiAIn my opinion, going through burnout a couple of years back was avaluable lesson for me. I used to think that, as a woman and a Latina, itwas my responsibility to say yes to everything and be a representation.However, I quickly learned that this wasn't sustainable, and Godwanted to realign my priorities.Nowadays, I take my Sabbath day very seriously. I have developedrhythms of rest where I unapologetically take a day off. Although myschedules are different from my partner's, who also works outside ofthe local church, I am dedicated to my Sacred day of rest, and I alwayslook forward to it. This day is truly Holy, and I make sure to shuteverything out, including emails and text messages. In turn, I find waysto restore my soul and feel rejuvenated. This is an essential part ofkeeping me in balance.Pastor JoshI have to admit, maintaining balance in my life can be a challenge attimes. But I've come to realize that what makes it easier is my deeppassion for what I do. Whether it's in ministry or coaching, or even in mymusic, I simply love what I get to do. And I think that's true for both meand my partner, Noemi. We both have a deep appreciation for the workwe're called to do, so it never really feels like work.It's humbling to know that we're given the privilege of serving as pastorsand coaches. And I take great pride in being a coach for churchplanting, as well as being involved in music. Because of my love forwhat I do, I find myself always saying yes to new opportunities, even ifit means stretching my time and energy. But one thing that keeps usgrounded is the fact that we're intentional about taking vacations andunwinding without any apologies. It's all about finding balance.I think balance can be especially difficult when we feel like we're notdoing enough. But I've learned to focus on the things that give me life,like enjoying good food and being physically active. That way, I canstay healthy in all aspects - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Andat the end of the day, I'm grateful for the grace of God that allows meto pursue my passions while keeping my priorities in order.

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What advice would you give to other couples considering a co-pastoring model? Pastor Noemi As an individual or a couple considering co-pastoring, it's important to make sure that both parties want to pursue thispath together. Coercing someone into something they're not gifted or called to do can be detrimental to their relationshipwith God and each other. It's crucial to respect each other's roles and gifts, just like in the five-fold ministry. My husbandand I have different strengths - he's more apostolic, while I'm more of a teacher and evangelist. We try to champion eachother's calling and find ways to use our gifts together in service to God.It's important to note that co-pastoring doesn't have to look like anyone else's ministry. It's about discovering how God hasdesigned us to work together and fulfill His calling. Sometimes there can be pressure to conform to certain expectations,but that's not how it should be. Whether it's strategizing and preaching or different roles altogether, co-pastoring shouldbe a unique expression of how God has gifted and called us. As long as we respect and support each other, we can havea successful co-pastoring ministry.Pastor JoshWhen my wife and I started pastoring, we knew that we needed to learn from those who were doing it well. So, weintentionally inserted ourselves in spaces where we could be in proximity to co-lead pastors. We understood that thingsare not always taught but oftentimes caught, so we didn't want to miss the opportunity to learn from those who werethriving in the same role we desired to pursue.My wife was especially invested in finding co-pastors to learn from. Whenever she attended conferences, she intentionallysought out co-pastors to befriend and learn from. We understood that mentorship is not always given freely, so we madethe effort to seek it out. Our mentors became our coaches, advisors, and friends. My advice to anyone considering co-pastoring is to find those who are doing it well and invest in the relationship. Don't wait for them to offer mentorship, seekit out and show them that you genuinely want to learn from them.What does Ephesians 4:11 mean to you in the time that we are in?From the very start of planting our church in 2007, we knew that it's not wise for just one person to lead it. We believedthat for a church to make a significant impact in the community and the world, it should operate in the fivefold Ministry. AsCo-lead pastors, we understood that no human has all five gifts, unlike Jesus. Thus, we identified our giftings andsearched for people around us who could complete the fivefold ministry.It's essential for us to embrace and discover each other's giftings and how they can contribute to the church's mission.Knowing what each gift brings to the table helps with building up God's people and making disciples. I'm glad to be ateaching pastor, but I take joy in watching other teachers and shepherds lead small groups and teach in variouscapacities in the church. It's all about helping people discover their gifts, equipping them to utilize those gifts and do thework of the ministry.We firmly believe that Jesus established the fivefold ministry for the church to have its influence and impact in the world.It's not about glorifying any particular leader or gifting, but striving together to be a high-impact church that brings gloryto God. As Co-lead pastors, we're committed to identifying our giftings, operating within the fivefold ministry, andequipping others to do the same. It's a joy to serve and make a difference together.Featured InterviewSEP, 2023I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R  1 3

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How do you balance your duties as a pastor withleading a community organization?Balancing responsibilities with multiple organizations canbe tricky. I am grateful for the team that is leading BraveGlobal. Trusting the leadership of others is essential. Mymain role with Brave is to lead with the board and findcreative ways to fundraise. Can you share a success story or specific impactyour organization has had on the community?On one occasion probation reached out to our churchbecause they came across a young girl who hadattended one of our Brave events. She had been out onthe streets and getting into trouble. For us the win is thatthe body of Christ became a part of the solution. Thisyoung girl received some help and was surrounded bysome incredible women who helped her and she cameoff of the streets.How does your faith or your role as pastor inspire orinform your work in the community?Essentially what our desire is to be sensitive to theleading of the Holy Spirit to figure out how the Lord isinviting us to serve the people. As a spiritual leader in mycommunity I feel it is my responsibility to mobilize andequip believers to serve others. Praying about thoseopportunities and making the connections is an absolutejoyWhat are your plans for the future of theorganization, and how do you hope it will continue toserve the community?The dream for the future of Brave is to get as manychurches all over the US and the world to connect withthe girls who are most at risk for human trafficking.Whether it is through a Brave conferences or BraveCircles.Featured Interview (cont)I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R  1 5Can you tell us a bit about the history and mission ofyour community organization?Brave was birthed out of a desire to make a difference inthe lives of young girls in our community who were beingtrafficked. We combined our outreach ministry fortrafficked women with the knowledge that 70% of girlswho are trafficked were previously in foster care. Thisinspired us to reach out to probation and foster careservices to see how we could empower these young girlsand prevent human trafficking. We wanted to educatethem on the red flags and show them that they had thepower to make choices that could change their future. Weheld an empowerment conference for young girls andinvited women who had similar stories to share theirexperiences and successes. We wanted the girls tounderstand that their value went beyond theircircumstances.Our efforts started out as a preventative measure forhuman trafficking, but it grew into so much more. We nowhave 17 chapters in the US and 12 chapters in Canada.We have hosted events not only in North America but alsoin India and Africa, and we have more events planned forLatin America. We help churches develop relationshipswith their government and navigate the tension betweenchurch and state, all to create a space for these younggirls to encounter God's people and receive the hope thatis found in Him. We have received incredible feedbackfrom probation and foster care services, and the girls whoparticipate in our Brave circles have been transformed.They have a new attitude towards education andauthority and are empowered to take control of theirfuture. We are constantly asked to do more, and it is ahumbling experience to witness the impact that ourefforts are having on these young girls' lives.

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What message do you hope to convey throughyour music? The message I hope to convey through my music is themessage of HOPE. Whether it's a worship song, a songtelling a story or a love song my greatest desire is that mymusic would inspire hope.How has your faith influenced your musical style andlyrics? Being that my greatest desire is for people to experiencehope through my music, this derives from my faith in Godwho is our eternal hope. With God all things are possibleand my faith in Christ drives the why and how of how I writesongs, lead songs and story tell through my musicWhat advice would you give to aspiring musicianswho are also passionate about their faith? Keep your inspiration flowing from your place of faith.Life will try and detour you to be inspired by currentevents and social matters and while music has alwaysbeen an instrument that speaks into these places andspaces, remember to speak into them from the faithyou have in Jesus..What can we expect from you in the future? Anyupcoming music projects or live performances?My music ministry and career has been predominantlyto the Latin market and all my recordings have been inSpanish. God has opened some amazing doors wheresome of the platforms include an English speakingaudience and I will be dropping my first Englishspeaking album this Fall 2023Featured Interview (cont)I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R  1 6How do you balance the demands of your roles asa pastor and a musician? So, I've been reflecting on the importance of findingbalance in my life and taking care of my health. It'sbeen a learning process, but I've come to realize thatsaying yes to everything isn't necessary. As a musicianmyself, I love supporting my friends and the up-and-coming talent around me. So, whenever I receive aninvitation to participate in something, I ask myself if it'ssomething that I really need to be a part of or if it's anopportunity to showcase some new talent.To make this decision, I often ask this question: HasGod given me the green light to lend my voice to thisspace? If the answer is yes, then I'll definitely be there.However, if my presence isn't essential or there's anopportunity for someone else to take part, then I'llusually pass it on. It's a liberating feeling to realizethat I don't have to be at everything and that it's okayto prioritise the events that really matter.What message do you hope to convey through Music? As a worship leader and artist, it's crucial for me to impart amessage of hope in every performance. Whether I amleading worship or sharing my original songs, I want peopleto leave with the knowledge that there is hope. It's notalways about explicitly promoting Jesus as hope, but ratherleaving people with a sense of encouragement andpositivity. After more than 25 years in this industry, my goalis for my music to provide a space for people to experiencethe presence of God and receive the hope they need intheir lives.

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You areworthy oflove, respect,and success.Believe inyourself,because youhave thepower toachieveanything youdesire. Don'tlet self-doubthold you backfrom reachingyour fullpotential.- M Y R I A H N A G O R D O NI S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R  1 7

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N E W S T Y L E SOne of my favorite quotes is by Erika Christensen, “I think part of the beauty of our relationship withjewelry is that it can change and evolve as we doourselves.”B A B M . S H O P

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Pastor Rick & CJ Moyer

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CJ MoyerPURPOSEDPastor CJ is a survivor of highlevel Satanic Ritualistic Abuse.She lived for the first 40 yearsof her life in hopelessexistence. Life kept movingfrom bad to worse. As a child,few believed her when shewould report of her abusivechildhood. As an adult,virtually no one had a grid forthe levels of trauma and abuseshe had experienced. All ofthese facts left CJ feelingalone, broken beyond repair,and like no one could orwould every understand her.Then the Lord stepped in. Our Book, Rescued By Love - Breaking Out of Darkness to Receiving Hope & Restoration, tells the miraculous story the Lord lead Pastor CJ’s through. Today, Rescued By Love is a ministry for those who have experienced the devastation ofRape, Sexual abuse, Molestation, Torture, Mind Control, and demonic trauma, just toname a few. And for those who are walking along side of survivors to love and supportthem. It is our goal to offer hope, companionship, guidance and share the resources wehave learned as people walk into their healing. The journey to climb a mountain isalways easier with someone who has climbed that mountain before. VIEW FULLTESTIMONYI S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 2 1

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Growing up in the Imperial Valley near Mexicali, myroots in the South, including Mississippi, Oklahoma, andTexas, are reflected in the cuisine at my restaurant. Ourspin on soul food with a Latin twist isn't necessarilyunique, but it's made with love and is a reflection of myjoy and passion for cooking.A T A S T E O F S O U LA T A S T E O F S O U LMonica Lewis-Fletcher-BB’s Cafe OwnerWHAT INSPIRED YOU TO BECOME A RESTAURANT OWNER,AND HOW DID YOU GET STARTED IN THIS BUSINESS?Growing up, my grandparents inspiredme to become an entrepreneur withtheir example of running the firstdrycleaners in our hometown, El Centro.They were also passionate about cookingand hosted many gatherings where Iwould help out in the kitchen from theage of 6. I knew from a young age that Iwanted to have my own business, andeven at 19, I dreamt of starting aneatery. However, I first pursued a careerin customer service, which I did for over30 years but always catered on the side.In 2017, I decided to leave the corporateworld to finally pursue my dream, whichcame true when I opened my ownrestaurant.My goal is to inspire people of color tobelieve in their dreams. As they pass bymy cafe window, seeing the image of thelittle Black Lady, I want them to beencouraged that anything is achievable.While it's vital to keep up with a regular8-5 job routine, don't be afraid to stepoutside your comfort zone to pursueyour passions. Attend community events,showcase your talents at home showsand spread the word through word-of-mouth. Additionally, reach out toinfluencers who could help you elevateyour brand. Fear should never hold youback from chasing your dream!, WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE WHO WANTSTO START THEIR OWN RESTAURANT?CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR RESTAURANT'S CUISINE ANDWHAT MAKES IT UNIQUE?The most important thing to understand from the startis that running a restaurant is not a typical 9-5 job. Youneed to be there before opening time and sometimesstay late, depending on the hours of operation.When deciding on a menu, be deliberate and focus onwhat you do best. Avoid filling the menu with lacklustersides and offerings. Before selecting a location,thoroughly study the area and visit nearby restaurantsat different times and days of the week. Check foravailable parking and talk to neighboring businesses toget a sense of the area.Think about the type of dining experience you'd like tooffer and keep in mind how crucial customer service isto your success. Avoid hiring problematic friends orrelatives who may tarnish your brand and reputation.Remember that customer service is everything.HOW DO YOU ENVISION YOUR RESTAURANT CONTRIBUTINGTO THE BROADER COMMUNITY, AND WHAT IMPACT DO YOUHOPE TO MAKE BEYOND JUST SERVING DELICIOUS FOOD?Monica Lewis-FletcherBB’s Cafe ownerMichelle Wilson BB’s Cafe StaffSara MontesinosBB’s Cafe StaffF E A T U R E D I N T E R V I E WF E A T U R E D I N T E R V I E WI S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 2 2

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I S S U E 1 5 S T A R P O W E R 1 7KayG Kids Boutique isaffordable, idealplaywear for authentickids. By purchasingfrom us, you'll beexcited to receive kids'fashion that you'vebeen searching for!K A Y G K I D S B O U T I Q U E . C O M

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specialI S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R  2 5However, we leave TOO EARLY because we simplybelieve the hype and you don’t get what you were toreceive BY FINISHING THE COURSE. We leave earlyand don’t graduate… GED’s will still get you the job butnot the equipping to stay in it!!FINISH!!!!!!When you understand this andFINISH YOUR ASSIGNMENT yourealize that you will FOREVER be apartaker because it was the oil thatis/was being produced as youserve(d)!!!The greatest importance of serving leaders is O B E D I E N C ESERVING LEADERS IN MINISTRY It is essential to grasp that you play a vital role as a supporter and anchor to the man or woman ofGod. Your obedience and selflessness will enable God to sustain you and attend to your needs.Therefore, your focus during ministry should not be on personal gain but on asking for strength tostand firm in God's presence as they impart the Spirit of God to people according to divineinstruction.Within that the “great deception” sneaks in as well when we MIS-understandthat by serving “them” we are partakers of THEIR grace. THEIR “enablingpower” given to them by God. WE partake of the grace on their life andtherefore their anointing joins ours for a GREATER anointing. The enemy slipsin to confuse us into believing that IT’S ALL US! to what God has entrusted to you.The Posture of Elevation:~S. May~OUR OWN ANOINTING but ADDS TO IT. That understanding takes nothing away from

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WHODROPPED YOU?As the  Lord spoke those three wordsinto  my  spirit,  I  was  preparing  toaddress a  conference  for those whowere hurting. He led me to the storyof  Mephibosheth  in  2  Samuel  9:1-13,whose life took a drastic turn after thedeath of his grandfather Saul and hisfather  Jonathan.  At  the  tender age offive, Mephibosheth was dropped byhis  maid, leaving  him  with  a  lifelongdisability  and  relegating  him  to  aplace  without pasture,  known  as  LoDebar – a worthless placeHowever,  when King  David  began  tolook for someone from the householdof Saul to show kindness to, he foundMephibosheth and restored him to hisrightful place of honor, providing himwith protection, provision, and a placeat the King's table.cAs  the  Lord  spoke  to  me,  Herevealed  that  many  of  us  haveexperienced being dropped in life andleft  feeling  undervalued.  Despiteattempting  to  mask  our  pain  withmaterial  possessions  and  outwardappearances,  we  remain  unfulfilledand  incomplete.  These  drops  havehad  a  significant  impact  on  thechoices  we  make  and  the  paths  wetake.Whether we were dropped at a youngage or later in life, we must seek God'srestoration and trust in His provisionto lift us out of our place of devaluedliving.
by Christy GatesI S S U E  2  5   S T A R  P O W E R  2 8

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John 10:10 John 10:10 In the passage of scripture, wewitness God's use of David torestore Mephibosheth, illustratingour Heavenly Father's desire to dothe same for us. God wants torestore all that has been lost due tothe drops - experiences that havecaused us to feel devalued. Toachieve this restoration, we mustfirst seek God and do the necessarywork to address these areas of hurtand surrender them to God. Somemay require the assistance of aprofessional to facilitate theirhealing and total restoration, forwhich they'll need support fromloved ones.Being a part of the Hurting People, BeHealed conference was a tremendoushonor for me, and I felt humbled thatGod entrusted me with a message ofrestoration, healing, and revelation.Consequently, I've begun my work-not only for myself but also for thesake of my children andgrandchildren. It's crucial that Iexemplify the best version of myselfand radiate the agape love of God.WHO DROPPEDYOU?Continuedtestifies,that God,wants usto haveabundantlife.I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 2 9

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Anything worthhaving takes time.THEKING’SMENTHEKING’SMENTHEKING’SMEN1. The King’s Man is equipped witheverything necessary to build and lead thefamily2. The King’s Man is Purposed to carry God’spresence3. The King’s Man is focused on teaching theways of our King.4.The King’s Man’s ego is built on God’sword5. The King’s Man has the ability to multiplyand make his area of influence better.I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 3 2

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ARETHASCRUGGSJ A Z Z Y T O N E S W I T H G O S P E L A N D R & B S T Y L I N G SAretha Scruggs is a unique artistwho weaves jazz tones with gospeland R&B stylings to make a soundall her own. She resides in LosAngeles when she’s not touring theworld.Early on Aretha sang with her familygroup: The Scruggs Sisters,containing her three sisters and twoparents, on accompanying piano andbass. They opened for such artistsas: The Clark Sisters,Commissioned, Yolanda Adams andVickie Winans, and were awardedthe opportunity to sing for historicalevents like: Rosa Park’s 80thBirthday party and the TuskegeeAirmen’s Congressional banquet.After graduating from UCLA, she andher twin sister went on to tour asbackground singers for Natalie Coleand later, Christina Aguilera, AnitaBaker and Chaka Khan. Throughtelevision or live shows, she has alsosupported legends Whitney Houston,Chaka Khan, Patti Labelle, singers,Jill Scott, India Arie and producersJustin Timberlake, and Pharrell. Shehas also sung with gospel greats,Mary Mary, Kirk Franklin, IsraelHoughton, Tye Tribbett, FredHammond, Marvin Sapp andYolanda Adams.Aretha has also built an excitingcareer as a session singer. She’srecorded studio vocals for suchartists as Katie Perry, AnitaBaker, Harry Styles, and BeBeWinans, and can be heard onsuch film and Tv projects as TheColor Purple, Respect, Genius:Aretha Franklin, Harriet, JustMercy, Sing 2, Trolls 2, Bad BoysIII, The God Father of Harlem,Euphoria & Zoey’s ExtraordinaryPlaylist. In addition to this, shealso finds time to be a professorat Azusa Pacific Universityteaching “Commercial Voice” or“Intercultural Studies”. Recently, Aretha released herdebut jazz EP, called "Seasons”with her first single "Sunsets".The EP includes "Sunsets" anoriginal tune about family, amodernized rendition on a jazzclassic "Autumn Leaves" and ajazz take on "Ain't Nobody" aChaka Khan favorite. She’s beena featured performer at the WaltDisney Music Hall, the Jazz atthe Creek San Diego JazzFestival and at different venuesinternationally. She counts it anhonor that her gift of music hastaken her all over the world to 19countries and counting.I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 3 3arethascruggsmusic@ArethaScruggs

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888 Essential Factors to a Joyful MarriageI S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 3 6

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4. Be a Team..-Work with each other, not against each other. Let NOTHING comebetween you, not even your children!!1. Communication!!2. Listen..3. Learn to Forgive..-If you can’t talk to your spouse, then who can you talk to? Don’t beafraid to tell your spouse your feelings.-Hear your spouse intentionally. Don’t listen to defend, listen to respond.-Don’t hold your spouses mistakes or past against them.5. Continue to Date..-Always make time for each other. Whether it’s a movie or a quick lunch date.6. Laugh Together.. -Never take things too seriously. Make laughable memoriestogether and have fun.7. Be Intimate..-Intimacy can be emotional, mental and physical. Ifyou put all three together, it makes for a great time.8. Keep God First..-No matter what you do, make sure God is the beginning and end to your relationship.I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 3 7

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starts withshowing upand lettingourselves beseenCourage~Brené Brown

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Faith and Integrity: TheCornerstones of my RealEstate BusinessA particular meaningful experience I had while workingwith a client.I have so many experiences that I can share but this one standsout today. I was looking for new ways to get clients and decidedto offer my help to people in foreclosure. I got a list ofaddresses in foreclosure and went door knocking. When I got tothis particular house, I knocked and a lady on oxygen came tothe door. I told her that I knew she was in foreclosure and Iwanted to help her come up with a solution to either keep or sellher property. She stood there and began to cry. She told me shewas so afraid someone was going to show up and put her andher husband out. She had lost her job and was diagnosed withCOPD. I explained the foreclosure process to her to and let herknow how much time she had before the bank could legally haveher removed. I hugged her and told her everything would be ok. Iprayed for her and told her to give me a call if they wanted myhelp. About a month later she and her husband called me. Theywanted me to sell their home. They had lived there for 30 yearsand were the original owners. They had raised their childrenthere. It was so emotional for them but they had to sell it. Shesaid she called me because I was her Angel. She informed methat she was in her house crying about what she was going todo, then I showed up. I never door knock, but on that day I feltan urge to go. I am so glad that God sent me to be an answerto her prayer. I sold their home for over ask price. They hadenough left over to buy a mobile home free and clear. Mybusiness is my ministry. As long as I am doing the Lord's work, Iwill always be successful. It was a blessing to be part of God'sanswer for His child and I was honored. How does your faith inspire and direct the work that you doas a realtor?The most important part of my business plan is Faith. Faithinforms every decision I make in my Real Estate career. My Faithin Jesus is what keeps me safe when I go into empty homes notknowing who or what may be there. At the same time, my Faithhelps me navigate negotiations when margins are tight and myclient really wants the property. Faith inspires me to keep goingwhen times are hard and things are not going the way I wantthem to. Faith helps me to be the positive light in every room.How do you keep your own spiritual and emotional wellness at theforefront while managing the stresses and demands of your job?For my mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, I pray A LOT! Ialso worship God in song. There is truly fullness of joy in the presenceof the Lord. I can always tell when I have not spent enough time inGod's presence. My stress levels are elevated, I become fatigued,and I struggle to complete simple tasks. It is in those moments that Istop everything for what I call breakthrough prayer. I can easily getdistracted with my real estate business and neglect my prayer andworship time. I am grateful that every time I go to God in prayer, Hehears me, comforts me, and gives me the answers I need. He is trulya good Father.How do you believe your faith sets you apart from other realestate agents, and what unique value do you bring to yourclients as a result?My faith allows me to show up 100% as me, and that is My SUPERPower. I am the Realtor who Loves every client I work with and will goabove and beyond to represent them to the best of my ability. Yes,even the difficult ones. I had another agent say to me once, "youactually care about these people", my answer is yes. My business is aministry. I have been sent to speak hope to the hopeless. I have soldhomes to people in their 70's who had never owned before becausethey never believed they could. God sent me here as His vessel ofhope. So, my Faith, Boldness, Ability, and Love are what sets meapart. I am God's representation of Love and Integrity in Business, andI am grateful to be in His service.By: Josette DavisI S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 4 0

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Brandon D. LamarBrandon D. LamarR U N N I N G F O R : P A S A D E N A C I T YC O U N C I L D I S T R I C T 3I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 4 4

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types of DreamsOur Dream Life is vitally important, and we should pay attention to whatgoes on in the details. Don’t dismiss.... Seek God for understanding andwatch what happens. Here’s a little insight SOULICAL DREAM ~I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 4 54PHYSICAL DREAM ~SPIRITUAL DREAM ~PROPHETIC DREAM ~PROPHETIC DREAM ~A dream that reflects the focus ofpeople, things, and or objects. (The object of our imagination)A dream that reflects the engagement with peoplethrough conversation, relationship and/or atmosphere.(especially if the person or environment evokeswickedness)A dream that reflects symbols, whichcold be colors, numbers, or animals.(This dream requires interpretation)Job 33:14

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...his delight is in the law of the Lord

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DGDEPLOYEDGENERATIONWe believe that every individual has a unique calling and purpose, andthat their sphere of influence is a crucial component in fulfilling thatpurpose. By educating individuals on the 7 Mountain Strategy, weempower them to understand the importance of their role in shapingculture and society. Our mission is to equip them with the tools,resources, and knowledge necessary to effectively impact their assignedmountain, whether it be business, government, media, arts andentertainment, education, family, or religion. Through this approach, weaim to create a society where individuals are empowered to fulfill theirpotential and positively impact their community and the world.I S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R 4 9

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UPNEXTI S S U E 2 5 S T A R P O W E R  5 0DECEMBER 2023

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