We believe that collaboration and long-lasting relationships whichrespect local culture are the best ways to enact meaningful change. Wework with the most at-risk populations in Northern Thailand—ethnicminority women and refugees in underserved communities. We believethat by creating as many opportunities as possible for these women andgirls, we can help them become strong leaders and advocates. For thisreason we take a multi-faceted approach to our work: EDUCATION,EMPLOYMENT AND OUTREACH.Daughters Rising is an anti-human trafficking, indigenous women'sempowerment NGO that works to end exploitation in marginalizedcommunities and break cycles of intergenerational poverty.THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM MISSION + VISION
WE PRIORITIZE ETHNIC MINORITY WOMEN AND GIRLS ASWELL AS REFUGEES AND IDPS. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoplesaffirms that, “Indigenous individuals have the rights to life, physicaland mental integrity and liberty and security.” However, as a resultof historical injustices such as colonization, genocide, loss of landsand resources, and discriminatory government policies, IndigenousPeoples have been prevented from fully realizing or exercising all oftheir human rights. While Indigenous People account for only 5% of the globalpopulation, they comprise more than 15% of those living in poverty.Indigenous women standing at the intersection of gender andracial inequality experience multiple layers of discrimination; on thebasis of gender, ethnicity, poverty, often being rural, andincreasingly as migrants. Around the world indigenous women andgirls are disproportionately exposed to acts of violence, sexualviolence, trauma, torture and murder. They are overrepresented inthe sex trade and are at a higher risk of being trafficked.FOCUS
In 2023 Daughters Rising continued to support people from the mostvulnerable and excluded communities to overcome poverty and socialinjustice. We overcame new challenges and increased the quality andimpact of our work.In FY2023, we continued to work in Thailand and Myanmar, contributingto providing emergency aid, defeating poverty, and fighting for socialjustice. We focused on 4 areas of impact that we believe lead to a moreequitable future according to The United Nations’ SustainableDevelopment Goals. Each area of focus is designed to address theunderlying causes of poverty and social injustice to prevent trafficking.These include: Gender Equality, Education and combating poverty andhunger. We continue to seek decolonial approaches, and embracefeminist principles to guide our efforts and empower stakeholders tocommunicate the needs of the community.2023 IN REVIEW
The ongoing military crackdown and genocide of ethnic minorities in Myanmar,forced displacement, increasing climate-related emergencies, and the refugeecrisis on the Thai / Myanmar border continued to impact our work andcommunity in 2023. Though largely ignored by the Western media, the conflict in Myanmar escalated this year, forcing even more families living in conflict zones to fleetheir homes or seek refuge across the border in Thailand. Howeverconcurrently, the Burmese military further restricted services for migrantworkers in Thailand, leaving many more citizens undocumented and vulnerableabroad. For these reasons we feel it is even more imperative than ever to giveaid, financial support and educational opportunities to refugees fromMyanmar.Our local indigenous community in Northern Thailand also continues to beimpacted by poverty, domestic violence and drug abuse - factors which harmmany underserved and marginalized communities around the world. Ourprogramming aims to combat these issues and create opportunities forempowerment and equity in the community we serve. - Alexa Pham & Hannah HerrImage Credit: The Nation A WORD FROM OUR FOUNDERS
WE CURRENTLY SUPPORTSTUDENTS STUDYING AT:Chiang Mai UniversityAsia Pacific InternationalUniversityThamassat UniversityRangsit UniversityThe Education University ofHong KongAssumption UniversityAsia University of WomenPayap UniversityChiang Mai RajabhatUniversityAlexa PhyoBA candidate Business AdministrationAssumption University, ThailandSandi ShweBA candidate HumanitiesChiang Mai University, ThailandAmy TNBA candidate International RelationsRangsit University, ThailandIN 2023 WE WERE ABLE TO SUPPORT 36 NEW STUDENTS!SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMOur scholarship program supportstuition and living expenses for 47indigenous women from Thailand andMyanmar seeking undergraduatedegrees. The majority of our students areBurmese refugees, who escaped warzones to pursue their dreams of highereducation. All students in our program are firstgeneration university students, studyingvarious majors such as: nursing,communications, political science,hospitality management, fashion design,social science, business administration,musical education, and economics. Ourfunding is need-based, aiming to help themost at-risk students.
STRENGTH IN DIVERSITYLISU BURMESE KARENKAYANDAWEI PAOMONKACHIN RAKHINEHMONGCHINNAGAThe Daughters Rising Scholarship Program is proud to have anethnically diverse student cohort. We feel it is imperative to supportstudents who are often overlooked or excluded from educationalopportunities due to their ethnic minority status. We currently supportstudents from the following ethnic groups in Myanmar and Thailand:
At Payap University our students Nang Num Oo (BA in HospitalityManagement), Khine Tha Zin (BA in English Communication),and Moo Law La (BA in Music Education) all received FirstHonors Awards. At Asian Pacific University, our students Chu Ti Mar (BA inAccounting) and Nan Hnin Nway Moe (BA in Education) bothreceived Academic Excellence Awards.And at Asian University for Women, our student 𝗔𝘆𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗣𝗵𝘆𝗼(BA in Economics with a minor in Finance) was recognized forher outstanding contribution as a volleyball trainer. Chu Ti MarAye Chan PhyoCONGRATULATIONS TO OUR STUDENTS WHO ACHIEVEDAWARDS FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS THIS YEAR!STUDENT SUCCESS
Daughters Rising recognizes the potential life-changing impact of overseasstudy opportunities. So when Nan Aye Aye Sein – one of our outstanding studentspursuing Nursing Science at Chiang Mai University – was chosen as one of only 5students in the entire Nursing program to attend the Global Nursing Program at Japan’sOtemae University but could not afford to attend, we knew we had to help make ithappen! Daughters Rising funded her travel, visa, and living expenses.Through this program Nan Aye Aye Sein was able to spend one week learning about theJapanese healthcare system in Osaka, with a focus on Japanese neonatal care andnatural disaster emergency response. She also toured the Higashiosaka City MedicalCenter and attended a first-year nursing class at Otemae University on comprehensivecommunication with patients. We are so happy were able to help make this trippossible for her!EXCHANGE PROGRAMIN OSAKA, JAPANSTUDENT SUCCESS
OUR GRADUATE RISING STARSWe are so proud of our most recent graduatesNan WIn Nandar Tun, Nant Soe Nandar Thein,and Laura Htway! They all graduated in May 2023with BAs in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics fromAsian University for Women in Bangladesh. Since graduation they have all gone on to beginpromising careers that give back to their indigenouscommunities. Nant Soe Nandar Thein is now workingas an English teacher for migrant children at WatDon Daew Primary School in Mae Sot. Naw Laura Htway is working as a Program Managerfor Sports and Education at Play Onside, anorganization that uses sport as a tool forempowering migrant children from Myanmar. Your generosity and belief in mypotential have been trulytransformative. The financialassistance you have provided has notonly eased the burdens that oftenaccompany pursuing one's dreams buthas also opened doors to a world ofopportunities. Your support hasallowed me to access qualityeducation, resources, and experiencesthat would have otherwise been outof reach. By alleviating financialbarriers, you have enabled me tofocus on my personal and academicgrowth, propelling me towards greaterachievements.–Nan Win Nandar Tun“”Nant Soe Nandar Thein Naw Laura Htway
Through the tours and elephant experiences that we offer to guests we employ anadditional 20 indigenous trekking guides, over 25 freelance workers, and thisyear, we rescued 7 more elephants - bringing the total to 19 elephants in ourcare.VOCATIONAL TRAININGIN HOSPITALITYOur social business and hospitality trainingprogram The Chai Lai Orchid continued toprosper in 2023. Chai Lai Orchid currentlyemploys 37 indigenous staff as vocationaltraineestrainees, 3 interns and 6 female hospitality training graduates who are now working ashotel management. This year, we were also able to help 8 undocumented refugees fromMyanmar obtain working papers and work with us in Thailand.
Ethnic minorities and refugees often face insurmountable barriers totaking out traditional bank loans due to immigration status or lack ofcollateral. We understand the life-changing impact a loan can have forthese communities to lift themselves out of poverty, therefore weregularly give interest-free loans to indigenous families in need. In 2023we gave 7 interest-free loans to people from our community. Theseloans financed the construction of Karen homestays, start-up costs forsmall businesses and technology for students in need.Daughters Rising believes that the best way to work sustainably andethically within indigenous communities is to invest in them. With that inmind, our social business and eco lodge Chai Lai Orchid partnerswith local Karen families to create Karen homestays. Thesehomestays not only allow guests to experience traditional indigenous lifeand create a space for cultural exchange, but provide crucial incomefor rural indigenous families with few opportunities for gainfulemployment. We currently support 17 Karen homestays. SUPPORTING KAREN FAMILY HOMESTAYSINTEREST-FREE LOANSINVESTSING IN INDIGENOUSCOMMUNITIES
In 2023 the girls at our children’s home Baan Sukito (“House ofKindness”) continued to flourish. Baan Sukito is a safehouse for at-riskgirls aged 6 to 18 years old who are unable to attend school because ofabuse, legal status or poverty. We believe that every child deserves the right to education, healthynourishment and a safe, enriching living environment. At our house wecurrently support 10 girls with three healthy meals per day, a safe andsupervised living space, tutoring and recreational programming, schoolsupplies and uniforms, and transportation to and from school each day. Our dormitory is supervised by 3 staff, has kitchen and laundry facilities, avegetable garden, a fish pond, and also serves as a community center foreducational, recreational and therapeutic workshops.SAFE HOUSE FOR AT-RISK YOUTH
INCREASES THE RISK OF TRAFFICKINGWe focus on trafficking prevention, particularly amongst refugeepopulations. Capitalizing on their vulnerability, traffickers deceiverefugees into fraudulent travel and employment arrangements. Punitive immigration policies and lack of access to safe migrationoptions further exacerbate refugees’ vulnerability. Many victims refrainfrom seeking assistance, fearing not only arrest due to their irregularmigration status, but also retributive violence from their exploiters.Without official documentation, access to resources, andawareness of their rights, they become easy targets of traffickers.CONFLICT-INDUCED DISPLACEMENT
AID TO REFUGEES & IDPSThe Burmese Military Junta continues to commit Crimes Against Humanity. Theyhave murdered, imprisoned, tortured, disappeared, persecuted, and forciblydisplaced peaceful protesters, activists, political leaders, and other civiliansincluding women and children. Refugee flows are currently at the highest levels in history. Refugees alreadyface perilous journeys, harsh living conditions in camps, and discrimination inhost countries, but they are also at risk of a human rights violation that all toooften is insufficiently addressed in security and conflict prevention efforts:human trafficking.In 2023 we continued collecting and transporting food and clothingdonations to Internally Displaced Person (IDP) communities stranded atthe Thai Myanmar border and Burmese refugees living in refugee camps.We distributed supplies of food, medicine and clothing to those in need in MaeHong Song, Mae Serang and Karen state in Myanmar.
In May 2023, Daughters Rising started a second-hand clothingdistribution initiative in collaboration with the Chiang Mai RotaryClub. The Chiang Mai Rotary Club set up clothing donation collectioncenters outside of Rimping and Macro Supermarkets throughout ChiangMai. Through these centers they were able to collect 30,000 lbs ofclothing! Daughters Rising’s team then laundered and sorted all donateditems by age, gender and season, and distributed the clothing tomarginalized communities in hard-to-access locations such as: refugeecommunities, conflict zones along the Thailand-Myanmar border andwithin Myanmar, and indigenous Karen villages in northern Thailand. Ahuge thanks to the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club for makingthis project possible! AID TO REFUGEES & IDPSIN COLLABORATION WITH THE CHIANG MAI ROTARY CLUB
AID TO REFUGEES & IDPSIn 2023 Daughters Rising donated 100 bags of rice to refugees andIDPs on the Thailand-Myanmar border. Additionally, we added a“share a meal” option to our Chai Lai Orchid eco lodge cafe menu.For every meal guests donate, Daughters Rising matches it, sendingcrucial food supplies to refugees in need on the border. The largestrecipient of our food donation program are the students at MinmahawSchool, an English-intensive program for migrant children in Mae Sot.This year we donated 2,646 healthy meals to Minmahaw students!
The ongoing conflict in Myanmar, forced displacement and lack ofinfrastructure in rural areas, makes seeking medical care as a refugee orIDP in Myanmar near impossible. Even within Thailand, poverty anddiscrimination against ethnic minorities in the medical industry also deeplyimpact the availability and quality of care they are able to receive. Without access to proper healthcare, ethnic minorities are at risk of dyingfrom preventable or easily curable diseases. Tuberculosis, a disease neareradicated in most parts of the developed world, is devastatingly commonin the community we serve. As such, when Daughters Rising becomes aware of an emergency medicalsituation facing a member of our indigenous community, we regularly stepin to help support access to and funding for healthcare expenses. In 2023we gave $8000 in direct medical aid to refugees in need.EMERGENCY MEDICAL AIDTO REFUGEES & IDPS
In November 2023, we were made aware that a beloved member of ourindigenous Karen community was in dire need of medical help. Unable to cover the costs of his treatment, we knew we had to help.John is a scholar and advocate for Karenni rights whose advocacy work hasbrought the Karenni struggle for freedom to the global stage.Following the recent turmoil in Myanmar, John contracted intestinaltuberculosis. Unaware, he visited Thailand and was rushed to the ER withsevere abdominal pain, where he underwent emergency surgery.Unfortunately, the first surgery was not entirely successful, necessitating asecond operation. The costs for this care were unfortunately beyond John’smeans, and without payment, the hospital was threatening to involve theauthorities, risking his deportation.Fortunately we were able to step in and cover his hospital expensesincluding: medication, medical supplies, food and transportion.EMERGENCY MEDICAL AIDTO REFUGEES & IDPS
Daughters Rising believes that access to technology is essential foreffective learning and skill development. Thanks to the generoussupport of the Chiang Mai Rotary Club and Mazars, we received 3second-hand laptops for the girls at our Baan Sukito Children’s Home. Wealso received 2 additional second-hand laptops as a personal donationfrom benefactor Vincent Roubinet. These laptops are crucial in helping our students complete theirschoolwork, particularly creating presentations and researching for classprojects. They are also used for our youth workshops about digitalstorytelling, photo editing and English lessons. Education is vital toempower at-risk girls and prevent them from human trafficking andexploitation. Big thanks to Mazars, CM Rotary Club and Vincent for yourgenerous donations! LAPTOPS FOR AT-RISK YOUTHIN COLLABORATION WITH THE CHIANG MAI ROTARY CLUB & MAZARS
SPORTS WELLNESSWe know that sports can be hugely beneficial to children’s physicalhealth and their mental well-being. In 2023 we continued to sponsor aweekly soccer club for the youth in our children’s home and our localMae Sapok Village. We also funded the construction of a newvolleyball court!Our sports club creates a positive environment for camaraderie andexercise, and helps reduce the likelihood for children to become involvedin high-risk behaviors such as illegal drugs. In addition to construction costs for the new volleyball court, DaughtersRising funds a soccer coaching salary, uniforms, shoes and equipment,snacks and beverages for practice and game days.
In 2023 we facilitated 40 workshops for youth andadults in the indigenous community we serve.Workshop themes included: domestic violence prevention;emotional resilience; cyber bullying prevention; genderequality; career development; women’s reproductivehealth; arts and crafts; baking; dance; swimming; yoga;soccer; art appreciation; Muay Thai; karate; self-defense;computer literacy; English language; and hospitality.2023 WORKSHOPS
In February 2023, Daughters Rising collaborated with SHero,an NGO working to eliminate domestic violence and denormalize violenceculture in Thailand, to conduct a two-day workshop on UnderstandingGender-Based Violence & Legal and Social Services.During the workshop, the participants actively engaged in discussions andpresentations to understand: definitions of domestic violence; the rightsof domestic violence survivors under Thai law; the importance ofpsychosocial support for survivors; navigating the case management and referral system; and mapping out existing organizational support. Domestic violence is a devastatingly common issue in our local indigenouscommunity. This workshop was very effective to understand the rootcauses, the importance of community support for survivors, knowing yourlegal protections, and reporting abusers. We are very grateful to SHeroteam members for helping us raise GBV awareness in the community!IN COLLABORATION WITH SHEROFIGHTING GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE
In September 2023, Daughters Rising partnered with Help WithoutFrontier Thailand (HWF) to facilitate a 2-day workshop series for ourlocal community about youth safety awareness. HWF provides supportfor at-risk children in underserved communities along the Thai-Myanmarborder to protect them from abuse, sexual exploitation, and harassment. Under the guidence of HWF’s Rays of Youth Project, we conducted 2days of awareness training about: Online Safety, Cyberbullying, andSexual Reproductive Health. 10 girls from our Baan Sukito home (aged 9 to 18) learned and actively engaged in discussions and activities thatenhanced their understanding of the topics. We are so grateful to allteam members from Rays of Youth Project traveling for 6 hours fromMaesot to share this valuable knowledge with our youth. Thank you toHelp Without Frontiers Foundation Thailand for making this training possible!IN COLLABORATION WITH HELP WITHOUT FRONTIERS’S RAYS OF YOUTH PROJECT YOUTH SAFETY AWARENESS
In February 2023 Aisha Doris, Co-Founderof the youth empowerment NGO LifeGivers International, facilitated a seriesof career mentoring sessions for thewomen and girls in our community. Aishainvited 3 women from diverse professionalfields to share their experiences via onlinegroup mentor sessions. Each mentor spoke about her career journey,advised on building confidence and selfesteem, leadership skills, goal-setting andthe importance of self determination. Big thanks to Aisha for so generously makingthese sessions possible! Alexis ConferSocial Advocate, FormerAdvisor to the Mayor ofNew York, FormerExecutive Director ofMarch For Our Lives Annice SilimonEntrepreneur,Scrum Master,Chief StrategistIN COLLABORATION WITH LIFE GIVERS INTERNATIONALCAREER MENTORSHIPAisha DorisLife Giver InternationalProgram Director
Additionally in February 2023, DaughtersRising partnered with Burma ChildrenMedical Fund (BCMF) to organize aVision Screening and ReproductiveHealthcare Workshop for our localindigenous community. BCMF providesfree medical care to underserved, rural communities on the Thai-Myanmar border.Our health workshop and free medicalexams were followed by donatingprescription glasses, wheelchairs andclothing to those in need. More than 270 people from Mae Sapokvillage and the surrounding areabenefitted from these activities. We arevery grateful to the BCMF teams for theirexpert care, time and effort!IN COLLABORATION WITH BURMA CHILDREN MEDICAL FUNDHEALTHCAREUNDERSERVED INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIESFOR
The pandemic brought light to rising mental health issues both around theworld and in our community. With limited or no access to mental healthcarein our rural area, Daughters Rising felt it imperative to take action toaddress the well-being of our community. Play Onside uses sport and educational workshops to promote positivemental health in Burmese migrant communities. We partnered with them tocreate a 2-day intensive workshop on Emotional Resilience and AngerManagement for members of our local indigenous community. IN COLLABORATION WITHMENTAL HEALTHCAREIn March 2023, Play Onside returned to help our Daughters RisingCommunity in Mae Sapok Village by facilitating an EmotionalResilience workshop.
In 2023 our scholarship program supported 47 university students byproviding tuition and/or living expenses dependent on each student'scircumstances and needs. Through our work at Baan Sukito, we also supported 10 primary schoolstudents by providing school supplies, tutoring and transport to school. Additionally, our series of RISE workshops—free, fun and educationalprogramming for our local indigenous community—we facilitated classesin a variety of topics such as English, Spanish, mental and physicalhealth, computing skills, yoga, and dance for 600 participants.SDG Quality EducationWe provide Quality Education through ourScholarship Program, our home for at-riskyouth Baan Sukito, and our RISE educationalcommunity workshops.
We work to address harmful gender norms which limit girls’ educationoutcomes and make them more vulnerable to violence. Thanks to ourintervention we were able to convince families to allow their daughtersto study instead of being forced to stop school and get married. In 2023 our scholarship program supported 47 university students and 30primary school students (10 from our children‘s home and 20 from nearbyvillages) to pursue their dreams of education.Through our RISE educational programming we facilitated workshops onWomen's Health, Women's Rights and Accessing Legal Support to 60participants from our local indigenous community. Gender inequality is a key driver of poverty, as well as one of themost widespread forms of injustice, which is why Daughters Risingputs gender at the center of all our work.SDG Gender InequalityWe fight for Gender Equality in all aspects ofour programming: our scholarship program forindigenous women, our vocational trainingprogram, and our RISE educational workshops.
Similarly to our work combating gender inequality, helping marginalized communities break cycles of intergenerational poverty is at the core ofall of our initiatives. We know that achieving higher education is a key factor in helpingsomeone rise out of poverty and support themselves and their families.Therefore our scholarship program for indigenous women is key tohelping these young women achieve this goal. Our support ofmarginalized youth at Baan Sukito to stay in school also helps createpathways for success in adulthood. Our social business The Chai Lai Orchid provides dignified work, a livingwage and educational opportunities to 37 staff and 25 freelanceworkers. It also supports indigenous landowners in our village—whoreceive payment for use of their lands for our hotel bungalows—andlocal businesses such as snack shops and artisan goods stands where wepurchase supplies and our guests frequent.SDG No PovertyWe work to break cycles of intergenerationalpoverty by providing education and dignifiedjob opportunities to the most at-risk womenand youth from indigenous communities. Photo credit: Peter Salnikowski
SDG Zero HungerWe work towards a world without hunger byproviding food to IDP, refugee and migrantcommunities in urgent need of support. In 2023 we donated 100 bags of rice to Internally Displaced People(IDPs) on the Thai-Myanmar border. IDPs have fled their villagesbecause of military fighting and have little or no access to food. It is very difficult to sleep or study on an empty stomach. Yet this iscommon for children in Mae Sot. In 2023 we continued our "Share aMeal" initiative to feed refugee students. This encourages guests at ChaiLai Orchid to consider donating a bowl of rice when they place an orderin our restaurant. We use the funds to buy food or to help financelearning at Minmahaw Higher Education, an English-intensiveeducational program for Burmese refugee students in Mae Sot. In 2023we donated 2,646 meals to the students at Miminhaw school.
SDG Decent Work &Economic GrowthWe provide decent work opportunities andeconomic growth through our vocationaltraining program at our social business theChai Lai Orchid, through our RISE educationalworkshops and through interest-free businessloans.At our ecolodge Chai Lai Orchid we provide a living wage, in addition toboard and lodging to all of our staff and vocational trainees. Through our RISE workshop program we facilitated workshops onhospitality job skills to 37 participants. We invested in our indigenous community by partnering with 16 homestays run by Karen families, and by giving 7 interest-free loans toindigenous people in need of financial support.
2023TOTAL REVENUE5,116,106 THB ($143,551 USD)OVERHEAD EXPENSES831,800 THB ($23,339 USD)PROJECT EXPENSES4,284,306 THB ($120,212 USD)FINANCIALSTATEMENTWe aim to operate as leanly as possible in order to invest asmuch money into our community and programming as we can.Much of our NGO work is aided by the help of internationalvolunteers, who support our small full-time staff of four, whileour Co-Founders hold unpaid positions. As such, our current overhead is only 16% of our income,allowing us to spend 84% on our project programming.
FUNDRAISINGOur programming is made possible through a variety of incomesources. The majority of our funding comes from our socialbusiness The Chai Lai Orchid. All profits from the Chai Lai Orchid Hotel and Tours are reinvested into Daughters Rising'sprogramming. We receive a quarter of our funds from direct donations from individuals and have corporate sponsorshipfrom the Spanish wellness company GLO Spain, which donates5% of their sales to us quarterly. We also host an annual artauction in New York City in collaboration with the ELMFoundation, which raises additional funds, increasing oursustainability. Our Social Business The Chai Lai Orchid62.7%Donations17.3%GLO Corporate Sponsor12.5%Art Auction7.5%
All of our initiatives are only made possible by our hardworking staffand the generous support of our donors around the world. We want to express our deepest gratitude for everyone’s continued support. Thank you for helping us work towards a world where all of ourdaughters are free to reach their highest potential.WWW.DAUGHTERSRISING.ORG THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT
+66 86 923 0867+1 717 940 6709explore@chailaiorchid.comwww.DaughtersRising.OrgCONTACT US