2024 Order FormITEM $$ SubtotalSet(s) of __100 ($65) __50 ($40) 2024 unfolded Posters, 18” x 24”, English ___, Spanish___ $Set(s) of ___100 ($35) ___50 ($20) ___25 ($15) 2024 folded Posters, 11” x17”, English ___, Spanish___ $2024 Happy Kit includes, 50 student posters, 50 mixed bird stickers, 50 Bird Buddy Cotton Bracelets, 30 bird masks, and 30 pre-cut, colorful paper birds. ___$602024 T-Shirt ____S ____M ____L ____XL ____XXL Women’s T-Shirt ____S ____M ____L ____XL ____XXL2024 Youth T-Shirt ____S ____M$112024 Sticker set: set(s) of 100, English ___, Spanish___ $102024 Bilingual coloring pages set(s) of 50 ___ $52024 Conservation pins set(s) of 50, English ___, Spanish___ $222024 Protect insects, protect birds pamphlet: Set(s) of 30 ___ $132023 WMBD coloring and activity book: Set(s) of 30 ___ $1002023 Water conservation pamphlet (bilingual): Set(s) of 30 ___ $13Bird conservation calculator (bilingual): Set(s) of 30 ___ $14National geographic migration map Set(s) of 30 ___ $25Why birds matter infographic (bilingual): Set(s) of 30 ___ $13Set(s) of 100 bookmarks: 20 ways to help birds (bilingual) ___ $15Set(s) of 30 Jr. Birder Journals, English ___, Spanish___. All About Hummingbirds, English ___, Spanish___. All About Shorebirds, English ___, Spanish___$25Collisions magazine: Set(s) of 30 ___, English_____ Spanish_____ $12Set(s) of 100 stickers with 5 species: ___migratory waterfowl ___migratory songbirds $10Set(s) of 30 bird masks to make (masks & popsicle sticks) ___ $12Set(s) of 30 bird cutouts in 5 colors (5” x 7” ea )___ $10Set(s) of 100 bird buddy cotton bracelets ___ $45Life of a dead tree Poster: Set(s) of 30 ___ $25Shade-Grown coee, 12 oz. bag _____Whole bean _____Ground $12Shade-Grown coee, 5 lb bag _____Whole bean _____Ground $60Metal Bird Bookmark ___ $2SUB-TOTALPAYMENTName on Card Credit Card Number Expiration Date CVC (3 digits on back)World Migratory Bird DayPlease place your order as quickly as possible, so that we can get your materials to you in time! Call to place your order at 303.499.1950 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (MST) E-mail your order to sales@environmentamericas.org Contact Date of EventPhone EmailOrganization (Park, Refuge, Unit, Forest) Shipping Address (UPS)City State ZipWorld Migratory Bird Day sponsors receive special pricing on education materials. is order form is for use by USFS, USFWS, BLM, and NPS partners only.Shipping will be added or provide your Account Number FedEx UPS TOTAL
PosterT: 30 3. 499.195 0 E: info@environmentamericas.org W: migratorybirdday.org Sticker SetOutreach Products for WMBD PartnersCollisions MagazineUnisexPinsWater Conservation Pamphlet (bilingual)2023 Coloring and Activity Book (bilingual)World Migratory Bird Day Día Mundial de las Aves MigratoriasProtect Insects, Protect Birds Protege los insectos, protege las avesProtect Insects Protect Insects Protect Birds Protect Birds WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG World Migratory Bird DaySemipalmated SandpiperProtect Insects, Protect Birds Buzzer MidgeWWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG World Migratory Bird DayWood DuckProtect Insects, Protect Birds Giant Water Scavenger BeetleWWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG World Migratory Bird DayBroad-tailed HummingbirdProtect Insects, Protect Birds Burrowing MayflyWWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG World Migratory Bird DayAmerican KestrelProtect Insects, Protect Birds Red-legged GrasshopperWWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG WWW.MIGRATORYBIRDDAY.ORG World Migratory Bird DayCliff SwallowProtect Insects, Protect Birds Vivid DancerWomenNational Geographic Migration MapBird Buddy Cotton BraceletFor additional products please visit our website or call us. migratorybirdday.org/shop 3 03.49 9.195 0Art © Marco Garcia for Environment for the AmericasWeakened trees attract beetles that lay eggs in the bark.Cavities later become roosts (homes).Some animals modify the holes into more fitting cavities for themselves, depending on their size.A snag acts as a nursery providing shelter from the elements...Plants and fungi help the process of decomposition of the dead tree, using it as a source of food.Woodpeckers chop into the tree to feed on beetle larvae, creating holes.... and protection from predators!is it REALLY dead? Seems pretty lively to me!Like every living thing,trees die eventually, but their ecological value remain long after the last leaf falls...Coloring PageLife of a Dead Tree20 BookmarksBird Mask KitMetal Bird Bookmark2024 WMBD MaterialsOther Materials