Chief Editor 主編
“ Nurturing Future Leaders in Health and Social Sciences ”博貫醫療社科 ・ 培育傑出領袖
1目錄 < 歷史承傳CONTENTS 目錄MESSAGE Prof Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D., JP 2 獻辭 President, e Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學校長唐偉章教授 Prof Poon Chung-kwong, GBS, Ph.D., DSc, JP 3 President Emeritus, e Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學榮休校長潘宗光教授PREFACE Prof George Woo 4序 Former Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Visiting Chair Professor of Optometry, Emeritus Professor, e Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學醫療及社會科學院前任院長 眼科視光學訪問講座教授兼榮休教授胡志城教授 Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 6 醫療及社會科學院 Department of Applied Social Sciences 24 應用社會科學系 Department of Health Technology and Informatics 38 醫療科技及資訊學系 Department of Rehabilitation Sciences 50 康復治療科學系 School of Nursing 62 護理學院 School of Optometry 76 眼科視光學院 Future Development of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 92 醫療及社會科學院未來發展 Acknowledgements 94 鳴謝
MESSAGE獻辭2Decades of Success > Message
3獻辭 < 歷史承傳
4Decades of Success > PrefacePREFACE序e then Hong Kong Polytechnic’s Institute of Medical and Health Care (IMHC) was established in 1977 and eventually evolved into the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (FHSS) of e Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Credit is due to President Emeritus Prof. Poon Chung-kwong, who was PolyU’s President from 1991 to 2008, for first suggesting the idea to me to document the first four decades of FHSS’s development.As this publication shows, FHSS has undergone 40 years of incredible transformation from being a purely teaching unit in its early days as the IMHC to its current position as a world-ranked educational and research hub that can attract top students and world-class academics alike.FHSS has matured into playing a leading role in health and human services globally. rough collaborations and knowledge exchange, our achievements are shared and disseminated widely to benefit organizations and people all over the world.Last but not the least, my gratitude goes to all past and present colleagues for embracing the same forward-looking direction to advance excellence in our Faculty, and to PolyU’s Senior Management for their support all along.Prof. George WooEmeritus Professor of Optometrye Hong Kong Polytechnic University
5序 < 歷史承傳香港理工大學(理大)的前身香港理工學院於1977年成立醫療服務學院, 經歷數十載成為現時的理大醫療及社會科學院。我十分感謝由1991年至2008年擔任理大校長的潘宗光教授首先向我提出記錄醫療及社會科學院過去40年發展的想法。正如本刊所提及,醫療及社會科學院從成立初期的醫療服務學院只是一個純粹的教學單位經歷了40年的不可思議之演變,成為世界級的教育和研究中心,更吸引頂尖學生和世界級學者加入醫療及社會科學院的大家庭。時至今日, 醫療及社會科學院已經發展成熟,在全球的醫療及人類科學領域擔當著領導地位。通過合作和知識交流,我們的成果得到共享和廣泛傳播,惠及全球。最後,我特別感謝所有過去和現在的同事們都抱著前瞻性的信念,共同為推進學院卓越不斷努力,以及理大的高級管理層一直以來的支持。胡志城教授香港理工大學眼科視光學院榮休教授
Decades of Success > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences6FACULTY OFHEALTH AND SOCIAL SCIENCES醫療及社會科學院 Innovative technological harvesting and up-to-date scientific research contribute to 40 years of success Unified departments developing a new world era with sincerity科研技高常創新 ・ 四十默耕成就在工種不同志誠心 ・ 年更日替換人間
7醫療及社會科學院 < 歷史承傳Talents Cultivated throughInheritance and Development傳承開拓 ・ 學壇翹楚Over its more than 40-year history, the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (FHSS) has contributed more than 42,000 graduates to Hong Kong’s professional healthcare and social service workforce. 醫療及社會科學院有超過40年歷史,發展至今經已碩果纍纍,且培育了超過42,000名醫療及應用社會科專業人才服務香港。Department of Applied Social Sciences應用社會科學系Department of Rehabilitation Sciences康復治療科學系School of Nursing護理學院e Faculty encompasses five academic departments:醫療及社會科學院由下列五個學術部門組成,包括:眼科視光學院School of OptometryDepartment of Health Technology and Informatics醫療科技及資訊學系
In June 1987, the Institute was restructured and combined with School of Social Work, which was under the Division of Applied Science, to form the Division of Health and Social Studies. e Division was renamed the Faculty of Health and Social Studies in 1993/94, and later changed to Faculty of Health and Social Sciences in 2001/02.醫療服務學院於1987年6月與當時轄下於應用科學部的社會工作學院合併,改組成醫療及社會科學部。學部於1993年正名為醫療及社會科學院。8Decades of Success > Faculty of Health and Social SciencesIn 1977, e Hong Kong Polytechnic (the former name ofe Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)) founded the Institute of Medical and Health Care, which subsequently launched a series of health care programmes in areas including dental technology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, radiography, medical laboratory science and optometry. 香港理工大學(理大)的前身香港理工學院於1977年成立醫療服務學院,於翌年開辦了一系列醫療課程,包括牙醫科技、物理治療、職業治療、放射學、醫療化驗科學及眼科視光學等。
9醫療及社會科學院 < 歷史承傳e five academic departments offer professionally oriented programmes. Over the past some 40 years, their research and programme developments have received international recognition and achieved world-class status. e Faculty produces research and graduates of excellent quality.醫療及社會科學院的五個學術部門,開辦的課程雖大部分為職業導向,但經過超過40多年的發展,至今已達世界水平;且無論在研究及學生質素方面皆臻理想。In 1992, the first Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree was awarded to a graduate in optometry, and the first Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree was awarded in 1997.學院1992年有首名眼科視光學哲學碩士生畢業,更於1997年頒發了第一個哲學博士學位。In 2012, the Faculty launched the Service-Learning programme, offering free elective subjects for its students and those from other faculties. Students of the programme apply their subject knowledge to contribute to their communities. ese free elective subjects are always fully enrolled within half an hour after being released online for registration.自2012年起,學院開辦服務學習課程,供本系及其他理大學系同學選修,修畢後可以把所學應用到社區。這些選修課程,在網上公佈招生後,往往不到半小時便告額滿。In 2010, the Faculty founded the Institute of Active Ageing to meet the demands of the growing ageing population. e Institute aims to explore the potential of elderly, promote life-long learning and help them integrate into society.2010年學院創立活齡學院,致力協助香港社會回應老齡人口的增長及需要,並探索他們的發展潛能,藉此推動長者學習,讓他們繼續融入社會。Based on the student intake figures released in the last 10 years, the Faculty has consistently ranked top among PolyU’s undergraduate academic programmes in terms of students’ academic results. Similarly, the Faculty’s graduates have also achieved a high ranking for employment.根據近10年的收生資料顯示,醫療及社會科學院的課程名列理大收生成績位列前茅。至於就業率,也居大學各學系中的前列。In 2008, FHSS established the Peking University - PolyU China Social Work Research Centre with Peking University. e Centre is located in a Chinese-style garden lodge with historical signifiance on Peking University campus, aiming to facilitate the development of social work profession in the Chinese Mainland. 2008年學院與北京大學合作,成立北京大學–理大中國社會工作研究心。中心選址於北京大學一所具珍貴歷史價值的中式庭院建築物,致力推動中國社會工作專業的發展。
10Development of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 醫療及社會科學院發展進程1977/781986/87Institute of Medical and Health Care 醫療服務學院School of Social Work 社會工作學院 Division of Health and Social Studies 醫療及社會科學學部• Department of Applied Social Studies • 應用社會科學學系• Institute of Medical and Health Care • 醫療服務學院1987/88Division of Health and Social Studies 醫療及社會科學學部• Department of Applied Social Studies • 應用社會科學學系• Department of Diagnostic Sciences • 診斷科學系• Department of Health Sciences • 醫療科學系• Department of Rehabilitation Sciences • 復康治療學系1993/94Faculty of Health and Social Studies 醫療及社會科學院• Department of Applied Social Studies • 應用社會科學學系• Department of Health Sciences • 醫療科學系• Department of Optometry and Radiography • 視光學及放射學系• Department of Rehabilitation Sciences • 復康治療學系1997/98Faculty of Health and Social Studies 醫療及社會科學院• Department of Applied Social Studies • 應用社會科學學系• Department of Health Sciences • 醫療科學系• Department of Optometry and Radiography • 視光學及放射學系• Department of Rehabilitation Sciences • 康復治療科學系• Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre • 賽馬會復康科技中心(under Division of Applied Science) Decades of Success > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences(應用科學部轄下)
11Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 醫療及社會科學院• Department of Applied Social Sciences • 應用社會科學系• Department of Optometry and Radiography • 眼科視光學及放射學系• Department of Rehabilitation Sciences • 康復治療科學系• School of Nursing • 護理學院• Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre • 賽馬會復康科技中心2000/01Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 醫療及社會科學院• Department of Applied Social Sciences • 應用社會科學系• Department of Nursing and Health Sciences • 護理及醫療科學系• Department of Optometry and Radiography • 眼科視光學及放射學系• Department of Rehabilitation Sciences • 康復治療科學系• Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre • 賽馬會復康科技中心2002/03Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 醫療及社會科學院• Department of Applied Social Sciences • 應用社會科學系• Department of Health Technology and Informatics • 醫療科技及資訊學系• Department of Rehabilitation Sciences • 康復治療科學系• School of Nursing • 護理學院• School of Optometry • 眼科視光學院2005/06toPresent現時醫療及社會科學院 < 歷史承傳
Prof Maurice Yap Keng-hung葉健雄教授Prof Michel A. Millodot繆朗濤教授Prof omas Wong Kwong-shing 汪國成教授12Prof Daniel Shek Tan-lei石丹理教授 (Interim Dean 暫任院長)Previous and Current Deans前沿領導Dr William Henry Peter Lewis盧亦思博士Prof George Woo胡志城教授 197719951995199619972004200420082008201120112017‧72017.7 Present現在Decades of Success > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
13rough the transformation from the Institute of Medicaland Health Care to today’s Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, former Deans Dr William.H.P. Lewis (1977– 1995), Prof Michel. A. Millodot (1995–1996), Prof George Woo (1997–2004 and 2008–2011), Prof omas Wong (2004 – 2008), Prof Maurice Yap (2011–June 2017) and the current Interim Dean, Prof Daniel Shek ( July 2017–present), have wholeheartedly developed the Faculty to become not only a professional but also a unique learning facility in the health and social sciences.從醫療服務學院到今天的醫療及社會科學院,歷任院長盧亦思博士(1977年-1995年)、繆朗濤教授(1995年 –1996年 )、胡志城教授(1997年–2004年及2008年–2011年)、汪國成教授(2004年–2008年)、葉健雄教授(2011年–2017年7月)及現任的暫任院長石丹理教授(2017年7月至今)均致力建立學院成為一所既專業、又具有獨特色彩的醫療科學與社會科學的學習單位。繆朗濤教授於1995年至1996年接手出任醫療及社會科學院院長,致力促進學院與世界的接軌,加強學院所提供的課程的國際認受性。當時本學院眼科視光學專業文憑課程的畢業生,於澳洲可直接銜接當地的大學修讀碩士學位課程。憑藉各院長的觸覺與發展視野,帶領醫療及社會科學院建立了不少獨特的元素。舉例說,盧亦思博士於1977年至1995年出任為首任醫療服務學院院長,以及改組後的醫療及社會科學院院長,他於學院增設了日間給假部份時間調訓課程及夜校課程,令課程上課模式更具彈性,更能迎合當時的社會所需。With their hands-on approach and developmental vision, the former and current leaders have led the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences to create a number of distinct elements. For example, Dr Lewis, the first leader of the Institute of Medical and Health Care and later FHSS from 1977 to 1995, introduced the part-time day release programme (PTDR) and evening classes to the Institute to offer a more flexible mode of learning and to meet the needs of the community at that time. Prof Michel Millodot served as Dean of FHSS in 1995 to 1996 and strived to promote the competitiveness and recognition of FHSS academic programmes in the world. Graduates of the Professional Diploma in Optometry was able to study in the Master’s Degree programmes in Australia.醫療及社會科學院 < 歷史承傳
14Under the leadership of Prof Woo, the Faculty provided the government with support on the Primary Health Care Working Group for the implementation of Medical Development Services in the territory. is helped the Faculty to enhance the health care training clinics and service centres in different districts.在胡教授領導下,學院也支持政府在區內成立基層社區健康小組,以便在地方及社區推行醫療支援工作,學院往後也因此更廣泛地在社區建立以下的教學診所和服務單位,加深社會各階層對大學及學院認識。In parallel with health care education, Prof Woo guided the scientific research of the whole Faculty, so that each department could position itself and focus on strategic areas based on its capacity, community situation and international networks. A case in point is the global attention drawn to the School of Optometry’s research into myopia and the ageing eye. 另一方面,胡教授也指導各學系/學院的科研發展,就本身力量、社區情況及國際網絡作出定位,聚焦在一些策略性的領域,例如眼科視光學院集中進行近視、眼睛老化研究,成果皆為國際所重視。胡志城教授擔任院長前後10年(1997年-2004年及2008年-2011年),塑造了學院的整合發展策略,並為醫療科學的專業性定位。胡教授積極鼓勵學生到中國內地實習,使學院在內地的名聲顯赫,又大力支持師生發展專業知識,使學院更獲重視。理大的醫療科學與其他高等學府不同的地方,就是不單是走向醫學專門知識,而是同時向護理發展,所以成果更為前線同事認同,如驗血等化驗工作,均廣受業界重視。此外學院亦支持政府推動護康知識在坊間流佈的策略。Prof George Woo, as Dean of the FHSS for about 10 years (1997 – 2004 and 2008 – 2011), formulated an integrative development plan for the Faculty and defined the professional position of health science. As the Dean, Prof Woo constantly encouraged students of the Faculty to participate in internships in the Chinese mainland, which gained the Faculty both fame and popularity. His tremendous support in developing the professional knowledge of both students and academic staff further promoted the Faculty’s status. e health science programme at PolyU differs from those at other tertiary institutes in developing medical care rather than specific medical knowledge. is direction and its outcomes are recognised by frontline health workers; for example, medical laboratory science training, such as conducting blood tests, has gained wide acceptance in the health sector. Moreover, the FHSS has been involved in providing the government with support on public health education.Decades of Success > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
15Prof omas Wong, Dean of the FHSS from 2004 to 2008, stressed the importance of academic exchange and research for a tertiary institute, maintaining and upgrading its academic foundation and improving its education quality. Prof Wong encouraged the academic staff to participate in international academic conferences to enhance the Faculty’s academic standard. He also promoted overseas exchanges and visits to foster collaborations with other institutes, to enrich the profile of the Faculty and to pursue innovations and outstanding academic achievements.汪國成教授出任院長時,他認為開展學術交流及研究,乃一所高等學府維持及提高其學術水平之根本,亦是改進其教育質素不可或缺的元素。本此信念,汪教授積極鼓勵教職員參與國際學術會議,以提升學院的學術水平。通過進行海外參觀、交流,與海外的院校進行合作,累積經驗,創造新知,追求卓越學術成就。Prof Maurice Yap served as Dean of the FHSS from 2011 to 2017, during which time he promoted subject-based and interdisciplinary research. Prof Yap pointed out that the challenge facing the Faculty is to secure cross-professional development and interdisciplinary research collaborations to stay close to current trends in global research. e Faculty should make room for its academic staff to foster cross-professional and interdisciplinary development, which sharpens the competitive edge of both teaching staff and students and allows them to apply their knowledge and skills in the real world. To promote international education and research, the FHSS has not only set up a number of collaborative bases in the Chinese mainland, but has also fostered partnerships with universities around the globe.葉健雄教授於2011年至2017年出任醫療及社會科學院院長,於任內一直鼓勵學科及跨領域研究。葉教授認為學院須落實跨專業發展、跨領域研究的合作計劃,藉此緊隨全球的研究趨勢。所以,學院應該給予教職員跨專業、跨領域發展的空間,才能讓師生在國際上更有競爭力,且能學以致用。學院不單在中國內地成立了多個合作基地,也和全球多間大學建立了合作伙伴關係,藉此推動國際性的教學和科研工作。Prof Daniel Shek has served as the Interim Dean of the FHSS since July 2017. As an expert in promoting service leadership among university students, Prof Shek encourages FHSS students to engage in service-learning projects to help them become service leaders who can make changes to society through their professions. Prof Shek has also enabled the FHSS to develop meaningful collaborations with numerous community partners through his public service connections.石丹理教授於2017年7月起為醫療及社會科學院暫任院長。石教授為推展社會服務領袖教育的專家,曾多次於該範疇獲國際殊榮,鼓勵學院學生積極參與有意義的服務學習項目。此外,石教授亦領導學院與不同的社區機構組織合作,共同策劃推展多項大型社區活動。醫療及社會科學院 < 歷史承傳
16Community Partnership社區夥伴e Hong Kong Jockey Club Sports Medicine and Health Sciences Centre (on campus) was funded by e Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust with HK$88.72 million. It was jointly founded with the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, e Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 2007. e Centre’s 14 service units, in conjunction with the athletic and health science expertise and the facilities of the two universities, provides sports medicine and professional health care services for elite athletes and the general public. e Centre is also committed to promoting sports and health messages to the public. 香港賽馬會運動醫學及健康科學中心―獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助8,872萬元,與香港中文大學醫學院矯形外科及創傷學系於2007年共同合作成立。中心結合兩所大學的運動醫學及健康科學的專才與設施,編成14個服務單位,為精英運動員和市民提供運動醫學及醫護的專業服務,並致力向大眾推廣運動及健康訊息。Decades of Success > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
17e Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 greatly increased the demand for physiotherapists for the Chinese national team. With the intention to meet this need, in 2006, the FHSS collaborated with the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Huazhong University of Science and Technology to offer the first Master’s degree programme in physiotherapy in the Chinese mainland to train local physiotherapists. e collaboration also included research on sports and health related topics. is resulted in the “Telehealth System”, which the national team members could use to monitor health conditions such as heart rate, blood pressure and pulse using self-help electronic devices. e data collected were then analysed by health professionals as part of the athletes’ health care in Hong Kong and overseas.學院得悉北京籌辦2008奧運會,認為國家隊對物理治療師的需求大增,遂於2006年支持康復治療科學系與華中科技大學合作,開辦當時全國第一個物理治療碩士課程,為內地培訓物理治療師。同時,研究運動及醫療關係的課題,並研發了「遠距健康系統」,讓國家隊運動員能夠透過電子自助體檢工具,自我量度心跳、血壓、脈搏等健康數據,讓醫護人員能夠根據數據進行分析及治療。e Faculty sent a team of physiotherapists and optometrists to Beijing to help the national sports team prevent and treat sports injuries, and to maintain their optimum physical fitness and shape during preparation and the competition periods. During the Games, over 50% of the physiotherapists serving in the Olympic Village were staff and graduates from the Faculty.學院更派出一支由物理治療及眼科視光學專家組成的團隊往北京,於備戰奧運及比賽期間,協助國家隊員預防及療理運動創傷,把身體及體態保持在最佳狀態。在北京奧運期間,選手村內服務的物理治療師,超過50%為學院教員和畢業生。醫療及社會科學院 < 歷史承傳
18As all parties were preparing for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, a serious earthquake struck Wenchuan on 12 May in the same year, leading to huge casualties in Sichuan province. In response to the disaster, the FHSS formed a research and medical rescue team, sending its staff members to Sichuan to assist in relief and reconstruction. ose team members were mainly professionals from the following departments:• Department of Applied Social Sciences• Department of Rehabilitation Sciences• School of Nursing正當各方準備2008年北京奧運之際,同年5月12日發生汶川大地震,四川省出現重大的傷亡。地震過後,學院立即成立研究及醫療拯救小組,委派同事前往四川省,協助當地的救援及重建工作。當年參與救援及重建工作的團隊主要來自下列幾個領域:‧ 應用社會科學系‧ 康復治療科學系‧ 護理學院In 2013, PolyU and Sichuan University jointly founded Sichuan University – Hong Kong Polytechnic University Institute of Disaster Management and Reconstruction with the generous support from e Hong Kong Jockey Club. Meanwhile, the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences assisted in launching two Master’s degree programmes in physiotherapy and occupational therapy, respectively, to support reconstruction of the disaster-stricken area.2013年香港理工大學及四川大學於香港賽馬會的大力支持下,在成都成立了「四川大學–香港理工大學災後重建與管理學院」。康復治療科學系又協助開辦物理治療及職業治療碩士課程,藉此支援災區的重建。Decades of Success > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
19e Faculty was also aware of the urgent demand for professionals in animal care in Hong Kong. In February 2008, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Royal Veterinary College of the University of London in the UK. Co-organising with the College, the Faculty launched the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Veterinary Nursing in September 2010. e programme is the first Bachelor’s degree in veterinary nursing in Hong Kong. Most of the graduates of the programme have been employed in veterinary clinics or animal care institutions in Hong Kong and overseas.學院又注意到本港對動物護理的專業人才需求愈見殷切,遂於2008年 2月與英國倫敦大學皇家獸醫學院簽署合作備忘錄,並於2010年9月合辦全港首個動物護理學(榮譽)理學士學位課程,為業界培訓專業人才。課程畢業生大部份受聘於香港或海外的獸醫診所或動物護理機構。e Faculty also plays an active role as a community partner by contributing knowledge to the community. For example, it participated in the Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Project to help promote safety and health concepts to the community. It also set up an Integrative Community Health Centre in which nursing staff provide health assessments, and optometrists provide diabetes screening and vision care services for senior citizens. e Faculty also worked with Kwun Tong Youth Outreach to set up a mobile station to provide check-ups and detailed analyses for young drug abusers and alcohol addicts.學院又積極擔當社區夥伴角色,以知識回饋社會。例如參與葵青安全社區健康城市計劃,將安全社區健康概念推動至社區,並在當區設立社區結合保健中心,由護理人員為長者提供健康檢查服務,並由眼科視光師提供驗眼、診斷眼疾。又與觀塘協青社合作,設立專車為濫藥、酗酒的青少年提供身體檢查及進行詳細的分析。醫療及社會科學院 < 歷史承傳
20In 2013, PolyU and Sichuan University jointly founded Sichuan University – Hong Kong Polytechnic University Institute of Disaster Management and Reconstruction with the generous support from e Hong Kong Jockey Club. Meanwhile, the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences assisted in launching two Master’s degree programmes in physiotherapy and occupational therapy, respectively, to support reconstruction of the disaster-stricken area.e Institute of Active Ageing (on campus), founded in 2010, promotes the idea of “active ageing”. e Institute brings together academics and researchers from more than 20 disciplines, together with industry professionals, to carry out research on the ageing population. It also provides courses related to ageing studies for the third age group, so that they can integrate with and contribute to the community through continuing education, volunteer work and re-employment training. 活齡學院―成立於2010年。為推動「積極活齡」的理念,學院集合了理大20多個學科的學者和研究人員,以及業界的專業人士,進行老齡人口研究,並提供老年學的相關課程,讓第三齡人士可透過持續進修、義務工作及再就業培訓,融入及貢獻社會。Decades of Success > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
21123Treatment services for the community at a glance社區治療服務單位一覽e Rehabilitation Clinic (on campus), founded in 1993, provides occupational therapy and physiotherapy services. Combined with the most advanced Chinese and Western medical technology and knowledge, the clinic has designed a set of effective, personalised and one-on-one treatment schemes.康復治療診所(設於校內)―成立於1993年,診所提供的職業治療和物理治療,結合最先進,中西薈萃的醫療科技和認知,設計一套有功效,個人化的一對一治療。e Dr and Mrs Lui Che-woo Centre for the Knee (on campus), established in 2009, provides advanced rehabilitation services for patients with joint problems.呂志和伉儷膝關節康復專科中心(設於校內)―成立於2009年,為患有關節問題病人提供先進的康復服務。3e Centre for East-meets-West Rehabilitation Sciences (on campus), established in 1999, aims to combine Western rehabilitation techniques with traditional Chinese therapy. 中西薈萃之康復科學中心(設於校內)―成立於1999年,旨在結合西方的康復治療技術和傳統中式治療。12醫療及社會科學院 < 歷史承傳
231231e Integrative Health Clinic (on campus), founded in 2003, offers supplementary treatments, health screening services and cross-professional health management services through the integrative use of Western and Eastern health care approaches.結合保健診所(設於校內)―成立於2003年,透過中西合璧的護理模式,提供補充治療及健康檢查服務及跨專業健康管理服務。e Integrative Community Health Centre (Lai King District), founded in 2006, is a teaching and research clinic for students from the School of Optometry and School of Nursing. It also provides primary eye care consultation and other optometric services for residents in the nearby community.社區結合保健中心(設於葵青區)― 成立於2006年,為眼科視光學學生的教學及研究診所,同時亦為區內市民提供綜合眼科視光檢查及諮詢服務。e PolyU – Henry G. Leong Mobile Integrative Health Centre, founded in 2007, provides one-stop community outreach health care services for the elderly.理大―梁顯利流動結合保健中心―成立於2007年,為長者提供一站式的社區外展健康護理服務。22Decades of Success > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
4e Optometry Clinic (on campus), established in 1985 and renovated in 2007 with advanced equipment, supports teaching and clinical vision research for students of the School of Optometry, and provides the general public with primary eye care consulting services.眼科視光學診所(設於校內)―成立於1985年,於2007年全面更新,設備先進,為眼科視光學學生的教學及研究診所,同時亦為市民提供綜合眼科視光檢查及諮詢服務。235e Sik Sik Yuen – PolyU Optometry Centre (Wong Tai Sin District), founded in 2009, supports teaching and clinical vision research for students from the School of Optometry, and provides the nearby residents with eye examination and consulting services.嗇色園―香港理工大學合辦眼科視光學中心(設於黃大仙區)―於2009年成立,為眼科視光學學生的教學及研究診所,同時亦為區內市民綜合眼科視光檢查及諮詢服務。4 5醫療及社會科學院 < 歷史承傳
24DEPARTMENT OFAPPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES應用社會科學系 Decades of Success > Department of Applied Social Sciences
25e history of the Department can be traced back to 1973, when the Social Welfare Department of the Hong Kong government established the Institute for Social Work Training. In August 1977, the seven full-time staff members of the Institute were transferred to e Hong Kong Polytechnic to form the School of Social Work, which was independent from other departments and divisions. In the 1979/80 academic year, the School was incorporated into the Division of Applied Science. In 1987/88, as a result of restructuring the departments, the School of Social Work was renamed the Department of Applied Social Studies, and was combined with the Institute of Medical and Health Care to become the Division of Health and Social Studies. In 2000, the Department was further renamed the Department of Applied Social Sciences, a unit of the FHSS, to reflect its programme diversity.應用社會科學系的發展可追溯至1973年,當時香港政府社會福利署成立了社會工作訓練局。1977年8月,社會工作訓練局七位全職人員納入當時的香港理工學院,組成獨立於其他學系與部門的社會工作學院。1979/80年度,學院納入當時的應用科學部 。1987/88學年,香港理工學院重整學系架構,把社會工作學院命名為應用社會科學學系,並與醫療服務學院合組成醫療及社會科學學部。學系於2000年命名為「應用社會科學系」,為醫療及社會科學院轄下其中一個學系,藉此反映課程的多元化,學系的名稱遂一直沿用至今。應用社會科學系 < 歷史承傳
26Previous and Current Heads前沿領導197719871987199019902004200420102011201520152016Mr Foo Tak-nam 傅德枬先生Dr AngelinaYuen-Tsang Woon-ki 阮曾媛琪博士Dr David Ip Fu-keung 葉富強博士(Interim Head 暫任系主任)Mr Lachlan B.MacQuarrie 麥嘉理先生2016Present現在Prof Diana MakPing-sze 麥萍施教授Prof James LeeKin-ching 李健正教授Prof Daniel LaiWing-leung 黎永亮教授Decades of Success > Department of Applied Social Sciences
Decades of Success > Department of Applied Social Sciences27From success as a government training ground forsocial workers to the integrative development ofeducation, research and service始於從政府接掌社會工作訓練,整合發展「教育」、「研究」與「服務」Since its foundation, the Department has upheld its belief in the integrative development of education, research and service. It places strong emphasis on nurturing professional knowledge and the application of theories, with the aim of responding to the social needs of the general public.應用社會科學系創系之初,即訂定「教育」、「研究」與「服務」的整合發展理念,強調專業知識的培育與理論實踐,並以提供能回應社會所需的公共服務為本。As the founding Head of Department in office from 1977 to 1987, Mr L.B. MacQuarrie successfully merged the Institute for Social Work Training under the Hong Kong Government with e Hong Kong Polytechnic. He introduced a series of full-time and part-time diploma and certificate programmes, and founded social work and pre-school education as two focal areas.創系系主任麥嘉理先生於1977年至1987年在任期間把政府社會福利署的社會工作訓練局合併到香港理工學院,並開設一系列的全職及兼讀制文憑及証書課程,奠定社會工作及幼兒教育的兩個聚焦服務領域。On its establishment, the School offered three programmes, namely:• Diploma in Social Work (2-year full-time)• Certificate in Child Care (1-year full-time)• Certificate of Proficiency for Instructors of Mentally Retarded Children (1-year part-time day release training)學系建立之初開辦了三個課程,包括:• 二年全日制社會工作文憑課程• 一年全日制幼兒工作訓練證書 課程 • 一年日間給假部份時間調訓制 弱智兒童導師訓練課程應用社會科學系 < 歷史承傳
28Decades of Success > Department of Applied Social Sciencese part-time day release training (PTDR), as its name suggests, targeted at full-time staff members of industrial, commercial and public organisations. e PTDR training mode was a collaborative initiative between large corporations and e Hong Kong Polytechnic for nurturing human resources. Under this training mode, employees were given a paid day-off to receive training, and spent two evenings a week attending lessons.日間給假部份時間調訓制課程對象為工商/公營機構的在職員工,是當年大機構和香港理工學院合作的培育人才模式,機構一般給員工每周一天帶薪假期上課,同時員工也每週花兩個晚上上課。In the 1978/79 academic year, the School introduced the 3-year PTDR Diploma Course in Social Work. In 1979/80 when the School was incorporated into the Division of Applied Science, it offered the 2-year PTDR Certificate Course in Child Care and introduced the Certificate of Proficiency Course in Work with the Mentally Handicapped. 學系於1978/79年度增設三年制日間給假部份時間調訓制的社會工作文憑課程。於1979/80年度,學系納入當時的應用科學部,並為幼兒工作訓練證書課程增設二年日間給假部份時間調訓制的授課模式,及弱智人士服務修業證書課程。及後又於1982/83年度,完善了社會服務的訓練課程,增辦了二年日間給假部份時間調訓制的社會服務證書課程(安老服務/住院服務/弱智人士服務)。In 1982/83, the School improved to provide social workers with all-round social service training, adding the 2-year PTDR Certificate Course in Social Service (Certificate in Social Service: Care of the Elderly, Residential Care, Care of the Mentally Handicapped) to the existing programmes.Decades of Success > Department of Applied Social Sciences
29In 1983, the Hong Kong government issued the White Paper on Social Welfare, laying out a long-term welfare policy for the territory, including the necessity of setting up a registration ordinance and a Bachelor’s degree requirement for social workers. To meet the White Paper policy, the School of Social Work was required to train a batch of qualified social workers with Bachelor’s degrees as soon as it could. Consequently, the School introduced the 2+2 full-time Bachelor of Social Work programme in the 1983/84 academic year. 香港政府1983年推出社會福利白皮書,制定長遠的福利政策,包括社工註冊和學位化的要求。為配合白皮書的政策,學系須全速訓練一批具備學位資格的社工,因此於1983/84學年開辦2+2年全日制社會工作學士學位課程。In 1987/88, following the restructuring of departments at e Hong Kong Polytechnic, the School of Social Work was renamed the Department of Applied Social Studies, and integrated with the Institute of Medical and Health Care to become the Division of Health and Social Studies. 1987/88年度,香港理工學院重整學系架構,把社會工作學系重新命名為應用社會科學系,並與醫療服務學院合組成醫療及社會科學學部。e Bachelor of Social Work programme was one of the five offered by e Hong Kong Polytechnic, targeting graduates of the Department’s Diploma in Social Work programme. e aim was to allow these graduates to meet the degree requirement in two years, to become fully qualified social workers with both solid social work experience and academic training. Apart from the Bachelor’s degree programme, the Department introduced the 4-year night-time Diploma in Social Work programme.According to Prof James K.C. Lee, the Head of Department of Applied Social Sciences from 2011 to 2015, the 2+2 study mode was brand new and unique at that time, as credit transfer from diploma programmes to a degree programme was first recognised. e degree programme mainly supplemented professional knowledge and training acquired through corresponding diploma programmes with basic social sciences training. 社會工作學士學位課程為當時香港理工學院推出的五個學士課程的其中一項。收生對象為學系的社會工作文憑畢業生,在其社會工作經驗的紮實基礎下,以兩年全職就讀時間,完成社會工作學位課程的要求,畢業後立即投入工作。除學士學位課程,學系又同時增辦了四年制的夜間社會工作文憑課程。開辦了四年制的夜間社會工作文憑課程。2011至2015年擔任系主任的李健正教授憶述,2+2模式當時獨一無二,因為學士學位課程認受了文憑課程作為修學內容。學士學位課程主要補充社會工作專業知識以外的基本社會科學訓練。應用社會科學系 < 歷史承傳
30At the beginning of the 1990s, the programmes offered by the Department became more full-fledged with the introduction of the Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Mental Health and the Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Student Guidance (in a long-distance learning mode) in 1989/90, and the Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) Degree programme for graduates of the first Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) in 1990/91. 踏入九十年代,學系提供的課程更趨完善。學系1989/90年度開辦了精神健康深造文憑課程、學生輔導深造文憑遙距課程,又於1990/91年度開辦了招收首屆高級程度會考畢業生的社會工作榮譽學士課程。Over these 10 years or so, the Department offered more than 10 degree and non-degree programmes to cater to the needs of society, ranging from social work and pre-school education to social policy and administration. is formulated a blueprint for the next wave of development. To match its name to its practice, the Department was renamed the Department of Applied Social Studies in 1987 and subsequently the Department of Applied Social Sciences in 2000.這十數年間,學系為了迎合社會需要,開辦了超過10個學位及非學位課程,課程涵蓋社會工作、學前教育、和社會政策及行政,為下一階段的發展,訂定了藍圖。為了名實相符,學院1987年重新命名為應用社會科學系,又於2000年把學院英文名稱改為Department of Applied Social Sciences。傅德枬先生於1987至1990年擔任系主任,期間推動課程改革,開辦了學士學位課程和四年制混合式社會工作學士學位課程,學生可以全職或兼讀制完成課程的全部學分並取得學位。Mr T.N. Foo, Head of Department between 1987 and 1990, promoted the reform of the programme, introducing a Bachelor’s degree programme and a 4-year blended-mode Bachelor of Social Work programme for students to earn their degree through full-time or part-time study.於1994年11月,香港理工學院正名為香港理工大學,而應用社會科學院於同年開辦了社會工作碩士課程。於2000/01年度提升社會工作文憑課程至高級文憑程度。2001/02學年及2002/03學年再分別增設三年全日制社會政策及行政(榮譽)文學士、二年全日制社會工作(榮譽)文學士。In November 1994, e Hong Kong Polytechnic assumed full university status and changed its name to e Hong Kong Polytechnic University. e Department launched the Master of Social Work programme in the same year. e Department upgraded the Diploma Course in Social Work to a Higher Diploma Course in Social Work in 2000/01. It also launched the 3-year full-time Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Policy and Administration programme and the 2-year full-time Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Work programme in 2001/02 and 2002/03, respectively.Decades of Success > Department of Applied Social SciencesDecades of Success > Department of Applied Social Sciences
31Development of unique approaches tosocial work education to nurture professionals for thesocial welfare sector發展獨有的社會工作教學模式,成社福界人才搖籃After years of exploration in learning and teaching, the Department developed a “special alternative social work paradigm” in its programmes. 學系經過多年的探索,發展出別具特色的「另類社會工作模式」課程。麥萍施教授合擔任系主任期間(1990–2004),開創了一套富有特色的教學法,課程融合理論與實務,以西方學術理論為基礎,創造本地獨特的理論,培育具責任感公民意識,教導學生在反思中不忘道德、倫理和社會責任。學術專題研究以社會科學本土化和專業服務意識並重,從社區環境、醫療和福利事務等範疇,培養多元化人才。為配合社會福利改革和大學發展,將學科改革為學分制組合制,使課程更靈活,更多樣化。學系的學生到社區實習時,已甚獲社區組織的歡迎。Prof Diana P.S. Mak, Head of Department from 1990 to 2004, developed special learning and teaching approaches by integrating theory with practice in the curriculum. is allowed the programmes to derive unique theories of local situations from Western academic theories, which consequently fostered students’ civic awareness and sense of responsibility. Students were also able to include morality, ethics and social responsibility in their reflective thinking. In addition, academic case studies in the programmes emphasised both localisation of social sciences and knowledge of professional services, aiming to inculcate diverse capabilities in areas such as community situations, health care and social welfare. e Department also reformed the scheme-based system to a credit-based one, allowing for better programme flexibility and diversification to act in concert with social welfare reforms and PolyU development. All of these have gained undergraduates of the Department popularity as interns among community organisations. 應用社會科學系 < 歷史承傳
32To promote interdisciplinary research collaboration, Prof Mak centralised research funding for the seven units within the Department. e research output of the Department was often substantial and inspirational.為推動跨學科的科研合作,麥教授又將科研經費統一由系內七個部門共同使用,社會科學系的研究因而大幅攀升到80%,項目範疇豐富兼具啟發性。e Department has arranged student exchange tours and programmes with a number of universities in the Chinese mainland and overseas to foster students’ whole-person development and enrich their global perspective. ese tours and programmes attract more than 200 full-time and part-time students as well as alumni every year, thanks to the Department’s partnership with universities including the University of Nottingham in the UK, University of Queensland in Australia, University of California, Berkeley, and Washington University in St. Louis in the USA, York University in Canada and Peking University and Yunnan University in China, to name but a few.為了促進學生的全面發展及擴展他們的國際視野,學系與不少海內外大學合辦學生交流及國際交換課程。每學年都有超過200名全日制和兼讀制學生及校友參與不同的交流團和交換課程。學系亦與多所海內外大學建立伙伴關係,每學年進行交換生計劃,這些大學包括英國諾丁漢大學、澳洲昆士蘭大學、美國加利福利亞州大學柏克萊分校、聖路易斯的美國華盛頓大學、加拿大約克大學及中國的北京大學和雲南大學。Over the past 40 years, the Department has supplied more than 16,000 graduates for the social welfare sector in Hong Kong, amounting to 60% of the population of professional social workers in the territory. Our graduates are highly acclaimed among society for their theoretical knowledge base and practical skills. e Department is now a renowned academic institution for training social welfare educators and professional social workers in the Asia-Pacific region. 學系過去四十多年為香港社福界培育了16,000多名畢業生,佔全港專業社會工作者60%以上,畢業生的知識基礎和實務能力深受各界好評。現已成為亞太區知名的社會服務教育和專業社會工作人員訓練學術機構。學系在培育中國社會工作學者及專業人士亦成績斐然,於2000年和北京大學合辦社會工作碩士課程,至今共七屆的畢業生多達300人,他們現已成為內地高校社會教育和民政部分的管理層骨幹。It has also achieved tremendous success in nurturing Chinese social work scholars and professionals. In 2000, it co-offered with Peking University the Master of Social Work (China) programme. ere have been 7 cohorts of students so far, amounting to 300 graduates, who have become teachers of social work subjects at high schools in the mainland or core executive members of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.Decades of Success > Department of Applied Social Sciences
3331Establishing research bases withresearch projects all around China成立研究支點,研究項目遍佈全國During her period as Head of Department, Prof Diana P.S. Mak established a series of research centres for academic staff.麥萍施教授任系主任期間,設立了一系列的研究中心,成為教學人員的科研基地。1991 Professional Practice and Assessment Centre專業實踐及評估中心 1997 Network for Health and Welfare Studies 醫療及社福研究網絡1999 Centre for Social Policy Studies社會政策研究中心 1999 Manulife Centre for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities (originated in Department of Health Sciences)宏利兒童學習潛能發展中心(始於醫療科學系)2004 Centre for ird Sector Studies第三部門研究中心2123應用社會科學系 < 歷史承傳
34Prof Angelina W.K. Yuen-Tsang, Head of Department from 2004 to 2010, continued to strengthen collaboration with tertiary institutes in the Chinese mainland by establishing the China Research and Development Network in 2005. e Department also set up e Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Yunnan University Design and Social Development Centre (2007), Peking University – e Hong Kong Polytechnic University China Social Work Research Centre (2008), e Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Sun Yat-Sen University South China Rural Research Centre (2008), and e Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Peking University China Social Research Centre (2010). is laid a solid foundation for the Department to conduct research on social work in China.阮曾瑗琪教授於2004至2010年擔任系主任,繼續優化和內地高校的合作,學系於2005年成立中國研究及發展網絡,又先後成立雲南大學—香港理工大學設計與社會發展研究中心 (2007年)、北京大學—香港理工大學中國社會工作研究中心(2008年)、中山大學—香港理工大學華南農村研究中心(2008年)、北京大學—香港理工大學中國社會研究中心(2010年),為學系提供了中國社會工作的良好研究基礎。Decades of Success > Department of Applied Social SciencesDecades of Success > Department of Applied Social Sciences
35Under the leadership of Prof Yuen, the Department was the first academic body from Hong Kong to join the reconstruction works in Sichuan after the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. Students and academic staff of the Department formed teams to help with community reconstruction and victims’ psychological trauma recovery. Furthermore, PolyU and Sichuan University jointly established the Institute of Disaster Management and Reconstruction. e Department has supported the autonomous development of NGOs, education on disaster prevention and reduction, academic social work and so forth. It has also directly and indirectly trained more than 20,000 instructors for relevant work over the last ten years.2008年四川發生汶川大地震,在阮教授帶領下,學系是本港最先投入災後重建的學術機構之一。學系師生投入支援災區的社區重建、又為災民心理創傷的復原,四川大學及理大共同成立「災後重建與管理學院」。學系至今一直支持非政府社會服務機構的自主發展,防災減災生活教育,學術社會工作等,10年來通過培訓導師方法,已經直接及間接培訓超過20,000人。應用社會科學系 < 歷史承傳
36In 2010, the Department cooperated with Yan Oi Tong to set up the Yan Oi Tong Au Suet Ming Child Development Centre for Giftedness, which was funded by the University Grants Committee to offer the Master of Educational and Child Psychology programme to nurture talents specialised in educational psychology. e Centre has been renamed as “Yan Oi Tong Child Development Centre” in March 2018.2010年學系與仁愛堂合作成立仁愛堂歐雪明兒童資優發展中心,並獲教學資助委員會資助開辦教育及兒童心理學碩士課程,以培育專門的教育心理學人才。該中心於2018年3月更名為「仁愛堂歐雪明兒童發展中心」。Decades of Success > Department of Applied Social SciencesDecades of Success > Department of Applied Social Sciences
37Over the past decade, the Department has participated in research projects in various areas, including a Study of Rural Society in Yunnan, a Community Mental Health Study in Hunan, Community Correction Methodology project in Shanghai, a Social Study of Enterprises in North-eastern China, a Study of Community Problems in Poor Districts in Wuhan of Hubei and Reconstruction of the Earthquake-stricken Area in Sichuan. ese projects have served as useful bases for the Department to collect primary research data.學系過去10年於內地不同地區進行的研究項目包括雲南農村社會研究、湖南社區精神健康研究、上海社區矯正方法、東北企業社會研究、湖北武漢貧困社區問題研究和四川地震災區重建。這些項目都為學系提供很好的基地去蒐集第一手的資料進行研究。Prof James K.C. Lee served as Head of Department from 2011 to 2015. Dr David Ip Fu-keung acted as the Interim Head until Chair Professor Daniel W.L. Lai, took up the headship since 2016. All of them have been working on strengthening the cornerstone of the Department to further promote the development of education and specialisation to meet the learning needs of society and young people. After assuming the office, Prof Lai signed various collaboration agreements with prestigious overseas institutions with the intention of making the APSS the hub of social sciences research in Asia.李健正教授於2011年至2015年擔任系主任,其後葉富強博士接任為暫任系主任,任期至黎永亮講座教授於2016年成為系主任為止。他們相繼於學系的基石上進一步推動教育與專業化發展,以迎合社會需要。黎教授上任後積極與海外著名院校簽訂合作備忘錄,將應用社會科學系定位為亞洲區社會科學研究的樞紐,將學系的研究項目推至世界層應用社會科學系 < 歷史承傳
Decades of Success > Department of Health Technology and Informatics38DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH TECHNOLOGY ANDINFORMATICS醫療科技及資訊學系
39醫療科技及資訊學系 < 歷史承傳e origin of the Department can be traced back to the establishment of the Institute of Medical and Health Care in 1977, which offered higher diploma programmes in radiation therapy and medical laboratory science.醫療科技及資訊學系的發展歷史可追溯到1977年設立的醫療服務學院,學院當時開辦了放射治療、醫務化驗技術的高級文憑課程。In 2005, the e Hong Kong Polytechnic University further restructured the programmes in medical laboratory science, radiography and biomedical engineering, as well as the related teaching teams, to become the Department of Health Technology and Informatics. However, the programmes related to biomedical engineering were transferred to the Faculty of Engineering on 1 April 2012.香港理工大學2005年再次把醫療化驗科學、放射學及生物醫學工程的課程和教學團隊重組成醫療科技及資訊學系。自2012年4月1日起,生物醫學工程的教學工作,則轉由工程學院擔任。Ten years later, e Hong Kong Polytechnic underwent departmental restructuring. e Institute of Medical and Health Care then became the following three departments:• Department of Diagnostic Sciences, which provided programmes in diagnostic and therapeutic radiography and optometry, and was the precursor of today’s Department of Health Technology and Informatics and School of Optometry• Department of Health Sciences, which offered programmes in medical laboratory science and nursing; and• Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, which provided programmes in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and dental technology10年後,理工學院重整學系架構,醫療及服務學院重組成立了三個學系;分別為:• 診斷科學系―提供放射治療課程及眼科視光學課程,這成了今天醫療科技及資訊學系的雛型;• 醫療科學系―提供醫務化驗和護理課程;及• 復康治療學系―提供物理治療、職業治療及牙醫科技課程。
Decades of Success > Department of Health Technology and Informatics40Previous and Current Heads前沿領導Prof Arthur Mak Fuk-Tat麥福達教授Prof Yip Shea-ping 葉社平教授Prof Benjamin Yung Yat-ming 翁一鳴教授20052009200920152016Present現在
From offering programmes indiagnostic radiography to focusing oncultivating radiography and medical laboratoryscience professionals始於開辨放射診斷科的培育課程,現專注培育醫務化驗、放射學專才In the 1970s, radiography training was offered to meet the needs of Queen Mary Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Later, the number of hospitals increased and the government found that there was a shortage of technologists in radiography. As a result, programmes in radiography and diagnostic radiography were launched. 70年代,放射學的訓練是為應付瑪麗醫院和伊利沙伯醫院的運作需要,後來醫院數目增加,政府亦發覺放射技師供應不足,於是開設放射診斷和放射治療等相關課程。放射診斷課程一年開設兩班,每班10餘個學額。放射治療則視乎醫院需求而定,如在威爾斯親王醫院成立時便增設一班20個學額。當時的學員同時成為放射線技師學徒,通過英國的考試可獲專業資格。e programme in diagnostic radiography admitted two cohorts of 10 or so students each year, whereas the intake of students for the programme in radiation therapy depended on the demand of the hospitals. For example, the quota was increased to 20 per cohort at the opening of the Prince of Wales Hospital. Students back then also became radiography interns, who could gain professional qualifications by obtaining a pass grade in a UK examination.41醫療科技及資訊學系 < 歷史承傳
42Due to the continuous shortage of radiographers, the programme in diagnostic radiography was transferred to e Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1977, while the training in radiation therapy remained at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. e Hong Kong Polytechnic then offered a Higher Diploma Programme in Radiography and Higher Diploma Programme in Medical Laboratory Technique, laying the foundation for radiography and medical laboratory science. In the 1979/80 academic year, the 2-year full-time Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science and the 2-year evening-time Certificate in Diagnostic Radiography were added.由於畢業生仍不敷需求,1977年放射診斷科的培育課程便由醫院轉移到當時的香港理工學院,至於放射治療的訓練則仍然留在伊利沙伯醫院。學院當時開辦了放射治療高級文憑課程及醫務化驗技術文憑課程,放射學及醫療化驗科學的根基從此奠定。1979/80學年又增辦二年全日制醫務化驗科學文憑課程,及二年夜間制放射診斷學證書課程。In 1983, the higher diploma programmes were upgraded to professional diploma programmes with more substantial curricula. In the same year, the Department introduced a part-time Post-registration Certificate Course in Diagnostic Ultrasound. is served as a means of continuing education for working adults. In 1984/85, the 2-year evening-part-time Higher Diploma Course in Diagnostic Radiography was launched.學院於1983年再將課程內容整改充實,提升至專業文憑水平,取代了原有的高級文憑課程。同年,學系以兼讀形式開辦了超音波診斷學專修證書課程,為社會在職人士提供了進修途徑。1984/85年度,更開辦了二年夜間兼讀制的放射診斷學高級文憑課程。e Department of Diagnostic Sciences offered the 3-year Higher Diploma Course in Medical Laboratory Science in 1987 to prepare personnel for private and government-funded pathology laboratories. e programme was renamed as the Higher Diploma Course in Biomedical Science in 1996, with its Chinese title further renamed in the subsequent year. In 2001, the programme went on to introduce the 2-year self-financed Bachelor of Science (Honours) Programme in Biomedical Science.診斷科學系於1987年開辦了三年制醫務化驗科學高級文憑課程,主要為私人或政府資助的病理實驗室提供具專業資格的人才。1996年,課程整改為醫療科學高級文憑,翌年再改名為醫療生物科學高級文憑。2001年,課程更發展至開辦二年制的醫療生物科學(榮譽)理學士學位自資課程。In 1992, the Department of Diagnostic Sciences upgraded its Professional Diploma Course in Diagnostic Radiography to the 3-year Bachelor of Science Programme in Radiography, and further upgraded the Bachelor’s programme to Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Radiography in 1999.學系於1992年把放射診斷學專業文憑提升為三年制放射學學士課程。更於1999年提升課程為放射學(榮譽)理學士課程。Decades of Success > Department of Health Technology and Informatics
43In 1994, e Hong Kong Polytechnic was formally renamed e Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 1995, the Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre, which was under FHSS, successfully introduced the 3-year Bachelor of Science Programme in Prosthetics and Orthotics. In the same year, the Department admitted the first batch of postgraduate diploma graduates into its Master of Science degree programme.1994年,香港理工學院正名為香港理工大學。翌年,當時於醫療及社會科學院轄下的賽馬會復康科技中心,成功開辦了三年制的義肢矯形學學士課程。1995年,學系錄取首批深造文憑課程畢業生入讀理碩士學位課程。In early 1999, the institute, which used to provide the professional qualifying examination for radiographers, announced the transfer of the training to universities and subsequent cancellation of the professional examination. As a result, without a source for quality assurance and certification, hospitals in Hong Kong decided to gradually transfer the training of radiographers to universities. 到了1999年初,英國原來提供專業資格考試的學院宣佈將有關訓練轉交大學接手,且不再舉行考試。香港由醫院負責的放射治療再無考試可稽核,於是決定逐步轉交大學負責有關教育。剛好1994年香港理工學院正名為香港理工大學,政府又基於放射診斷已在理工開辦一段日子,決定將放射治療科也交由理大負責。政府當時的做法是將兩個學科合併。不過,兩科合併並沒有增加學額,而是將原本屬於放射診斷的70個學額分配其中20個給放射治療。Acknowledging the fact that e Hong Kong Polytechnic was upgraded to become e Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1994 and that diagnostic radiography programmes had been offered at the Polytechnic for a long time, the government decided to transfer its training in radiation therapy to PolyU. e government required the integration of diagnostic radiography and radiation therapy; however, the intake of students was not raised. Instead, 20 of the 70 places on the programme in diagnostic radiography were transferred to the programme in radiation therapy.醫療科技及資訊學系 < 歷史承傳
44e development of radiography met a roadblock in early 2000, when fewer than 10 out of 80 graduates landed a job. is situation occurred because although the government had requested an increase in the number of places on the radiography degree programme, hospitals in Hong Kong were trying to meet their urgent demand through overseas recruitment. erefore, before the graduation of those cohorts, the shortage of radiographers had already been solved. However, the situation changed in the next few years as a result of the expansion of existing private hospitals and the establishment of new private hospitals and medical centres.放射學教育的發展並非一帆風順。2000年代初期,曾有短暫時間80名畢業生中只有不足10人就業。當政府要求大學增加放射學學額時,醫院已同時透過外國招聘解決燃眉之急,待這些增加學額的學生畢業時,行業人手不足的問題亦早已解決。但往後數年,有很多私立醫院擴充和有新的私立醫院規劃,需求於是又有新的變化。In 2005, the programmes in medical laboratory science and radiation therapy were re-organised into the following four programmes offered by the Department of Health Technology and Informatics:• Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Engineering• Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Laboratory Science• Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Radiography.2005年,學院再次把醫療化驗及放射治療的課程重組成醫療科技及資訊學系,並開辦以下四個課程:• 生物醫學工程(榮譽)理學士學位;• 醫療生物科學(榮譽)理學士學位;• 醫療化驗科學(榮譽)理學士學位;及• 放射學(榮譽)理學士學位學系於1992年把放射診斷學專業文憑提升為三年制放射學學士課程。更於1999年提升課程為放射學(榮譽)理學士課程。Decades of Success > Department of Health Technology and Informatics
45Acknowledging the fact that e Hong Kong Polytechnic was upgraded to become e Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1994 and that diagnostic radiography programmes had been offered at the Polytechnic for a long time, the government decided to transfer its training in radiation therapy to PolyU. e government required the integration of diagnostic radiography and radiation therapy; however, the intake of students was not raised. Instead, 20 of the 70 places on the programme in diagnostic radiography were transferred to the programme in radiation therapy.e Department of Health Technology and Informatics subsequently developed its Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree programmes in medical laboratory science. e Department provides a steady supply of professionals in laboratory science at various levels through the above programmes.醫療科技及資訊學系及後再發展成醫療化驗科學的學士學位和碩士課程,為香港的醫療化驗行業培訓不同層次的專業化驗人才。As the saying “it takes 10 years to nurture a tree, but a 100 years to train a man” goes, more than 1,000 students have graduated from the Department. Many of them have become researchers and the next generation of scholars. Graduates of the Department are popular in related job markets, with a 100% employment rate for several years.常言道:「十年樹木,百年樹人」。學系至今已培育了千多名畢業生,更有不少校友投身學術研究,成為新一代的年青學者。學系的畢業生深受業界歡迎,就業率高達100%。醫療科技及資訊學系 < 歷史承傳
46Integration to promote the synergy ofmedical laboratory science, radiation therapy and imaging整合推動醫療化驗科學、放射治療、影像學的協同效應e Department of Health Technology and Informatics, founded in 2005, has a similarly excellent track record despite having the shortest history among all FHSS departments. Over the years, the Department has endeavoured to innovate technologically, with the aim of applying knowledge to improve public health and living standards. A particular focus on research on medical laboratory science and cross-disciplinary areas has resulted in internationally recognised research outputs. e Department has carried out research on various focused areas and researchers can obtain MPhil or PhD degrees through research.成立於2005年的醫療科技及資訊學系是醫療及社會科技學院五個學系中最年輕的學系,但其發展比其他學系毫不遜色。多年來,學系致力研創新科技,以知識改善人類健康及生活,尤其關注醫療化驗和跨學科研究,科研貢獻廣獲國際認同。學系也有多個重點研究領域,參與的研究員可以通過研究培育取得哲學碩士或哲學博士學位。Decades of Success > Department of Health Technology and Informatics
47e Department has integrated medical laboratory science, radiation therapy and imaging, which has achieved great synergy in promoting interdisciplinary and international research collaborations. e department has continued to promote postgraduate education by not only expanding the scope of subjects but also increasing the depth of curricula development, with the aim to meet the demand for medical technology and informatics in society. It has so far made outstanding achievements in various key areas. 把醫療化驗科學及放射治療及影像學同置於一個學系,取得很好的協同效應,有助推動跨學科的科研及國際科研合作。於此期間學系不斷推展研究院教育,在擴闊學科範圍之餘,更著重課程之深入發展,配合社會對於醫療科技及資訊的需要,在多個重點領域有卓越成就。正如在2015年公佈的通過大數據平台分析致癌基因關係的突破性研究成果,研究團隊包括來自醫療化驗領域的教授、放射治療及影像科領域的教授,及美國哈佛大學的生物統計學教授。A case in point is the ground-breaking research output on the big data analysis of genetic interactions in cancer in 2015. e research team comprised PolyU’s professors in medical laboratory science, radiation therapy and imaging, as well as a professor in biostatistics from Harvard University in the USA.醫療科技及資訊學系 < 歷史承傳
48Unfailing Endeavour in Research and Innovation以終為始,研創並進e Department’s outstanding development despite its short history owes credit to the vision, passion and devotion of the past and current leaders.醫療科技及資訊學系雖然成立於2005年,但發展迅速,全憑領導層的高瞻遠矚,工作熱忱與承擔,才有今天的成就。Prof Arthur F.T. Mak, the founding Head of Department from 2005 to 2009, was Director of the Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre at PolyU. e Centre was founded thanks to the sponsorship and support worth over HK$40 million from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. It serves as a key base for education and services in rehabilitation engineering.麥福達教授出任系主任前,是理大賽馬會復康科技中心負責人。中心由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金4,000多萬元的贊助及支持成立,是大學有關康復工程的教育及服務重要基地。As Head of the Department, Prof Mak restructured education and research in the Department, with a focus on the following areas, aimed at promoting interdisciplinary research:• Biomedical science• Biomedical imaging• Biomedical informatics• Rehabilitation engineering.麥教授2005出任系主任,成功整合了系內的教學及科研工作,並推動跨領域研究,聚焦於:• 生物醫學• 生物醫學影像• 生物醫學資訊• 康復工程領域Before taking up the headship of the Department, Prof Mak also made another major contribution when he successfully persuaded the government to allow the transfer of the teaching of prosthetics and orthotics (P&O) from hospitals to PolyU. Since then, P&O has become the core part of theBachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Engineering,and an indispensable element in the reconstruction of earthquake-stricken Sichuan.麥教授於出任醫療科技及資訊學系系主任,成功說服政府,讓義肢矯形教育從醫院轉移至理大。這使義肢矯形成為醫療科技(榮譽)學士學位課程的核心部分,也成為日後支援四川災後重建不可或缺的部份。Decades of Success > Department of Health Technology and Informatics
49正如在2015年公佈的通過大數據平台分析致癌基因關係的突破性研究成果,研究團隊包括來自醫療化驗領域的教授、放射治療及影像科領域的教授,及美國哈佛大學的生物統計學教授。Prof Yip Shea-ping, current Head of Department, assumed his duty in 2016. He is a graduate of the Higher Diploma Programme in Medical Laboratory Science from Hong Kong Polytechnic. Undertaking the Department’s years of success, Prof Yip has repositioned research in the Department to meet future challenges, focusing on the following five major areas:• Cancer genomics and bioinformatics• Complex diseases and microbial infections• Healthy ageing: dietary, environmental and lifestyle influences• Applications of Radiation Science in Cancer• Imaging research in metabolic and vascular diseases葉社平教授於2016年出任系主任。葉教授是香港理工學院開辦的醫療化驗科學文憑畢業生,承接學系多年佳績,他為學系的科研方向進行評估,加以重新檢視,讓學系更具條件迎接未來挑戰,研究將集中下列五大範疇:• 癌症基因組學及生物信息學• 複雜病症及微生物感染• 健康高齡化:飲食環境及生活模式影響• 放射科學於癌症治療的應用• 顯像科技應用到代謝血管疾病的研究Prof Benjamin Y.M. Yung was appointed Chair Professor of Biomedical Science at PolyU in 2008, and he succeeded Prof Mak as Department Head from 2009 to 2015. Before joining PolyU, Prof Yung had worked for the College of Medicine at Chang Gung University in Taiwan for a number of years. rough his connection, the Department and the College have initiated many valuable and successful joint research projects.翁一鳴教授2008年獲理大醫療科學系聘任為生物醫學講座教授,並於翌年接替麥教授出任學系系主任 (2009年至2015年)。翁教授加入理工大學前一直在台灣的長庚醫學院工作,透過他的人脈網絡,學系順利和長庚醫學院合作建立了很多有價值的科研項目。Prof Yung gained insights into the significance of biochemistry to health science research during his post-doctoral fellowship in biochemistry at Stanford University in the USA. He has developed biochemistry as one of the professional areas at the Department, and has established a big data analytics platform to promote collaboration among medical laboratory science, radiation therapy and medical imaging science. Concurrently, the Department has produced outstanding research output. e Department has also served as a bridge between the territory and the world through collaborations with top universities in the Chinese mainland and overseas, such as Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan, and Harvard University and Stanford University in the USA, to name a few. ese collaborations foster the learning and research of the teaching staff and students in the Department.翁教授曾在美國史丹福大學從事生物化學相關的博士後研究,清楚了解生物化學對醫療科學研究的重要性。他銳意把生物化學打造成學系的專業領域,並且建立大數據分析平台,推動醫療化驗科學及放射治療和影像科學的合作研究。學系作為聯繫地區及世界的橋樑,學院與國內外頂尖大學合作,包括台灣的長庾醫院、美國哈佛大學和史丹福大學,以促進師生的學習和研究。醫療科技及資訊學系 < 歷史承傳
DEPARTMENT OFREHABILITATION SCIENCES康復治療科學系Decades of Success > Department of Rehabilitation Sciences50
51康復治療科學系 < 歷史承傳e Department of Rehabilitation Sciences was developed when the Institute of Medical and Health Care was founded in November 1977. e Department strives to become a world pioneer in education and research in rehabilitation sciences, caring about society, impacting positively on the lives of people with and without disabilities and empowering them to be self-sufficient in their daily life, work life and physical life.康復治療科學系的發展也是從1977年11月成立的醫療服務學院開始。學系致力成為世界康復治療教育及科研之先驅,關懷社會積極協助健全及殘疾人士改善生活以滿足在日常生活,工作及運動等各方面的需要。e above vision is rightly demonstrated in the Department’s “CARE” mission:• C (Create) – creating an enriched environment that fosters the integration of the best of Eastern and Western theories to develop knowledge of rehabilitation sciences central to occupational therapy and physiotherapy;• A (Advance education) – advancing education for our students through the dedication of our teaching staff and therapists, who are committed to life-long learning, and through the use of innovative technologies;• R (Research ideas) – researching innovative, translational and multidisciplinary ideas to underpin evidence-based practice;• E (Enhance the ability of people) – enhancing the ability of people with or without disabilities to actively participate in daily life through the service and leadership of our students, graduates and staff.學系定立的CARE使命,是以彰顯以上的願景:• C (Create)是創造充裕的環境,促使中西方的知識融合,以集中發展職業治療及物理治療之康復治療科學知識;• A (Advance education)是運用創新科技,聯同專業及投入於教育事業的教員和治療師,提供高質素的教育;• R (Research ideas)是使用創新、變化及不同規範的研究概念,以支持科研實踐;• E (Enhance the ability of people)是透過學生、畢業生及職員提供的服務,提升健全及殘障人士的能力,令其積極投入生活。
52Decades of Success > Department of Rehabilitation Sciences198619921992199519952005Prof ChristinaHui-Chan Wan-ying 許雲影教授Dr Baboo Dasari達沙利博士2005201020112017.6Prof Gabriel Ng Yin-fat 吳賢發教授Prof Chetwyn ChanChe-hin陳智軒教授Prof Hector TsangWing-hong 曾永康教授Dr Alan R. King 金毅倫博士2017.7Present現在Previous and Current Heads前沿領導
53康復治療科學系 < 歷史承傳Focusing continuously on theprofessional development of physiotherapy andoccupational therapy從開始至今聚焦物理治療、職業治療的專業發展e Department launched its first Higher Diploma Programme in Physiotherapy and Higher Diploma Programme in Occupational erapy in 1978. e two higher diploma programmes were further upgraded to professional diploma programmes in 1981. 康復治療科學系於1978年首辦物理治療和職業治療高級文憑課程。這兩項高級文憑課程於1981年提升為專業文憑課程。In the 1996/97 academic year, the Chinese title of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences was changed. In the same year, the Department admitted its first research degree student, reaching a milestone in its research development history.1996/97學年,復康治療學系易名為康復治療科學系,學系亦招收了首位研究生,為學系的科研發展奠下基石。金毅倫博士於1986 至 1992年出任系主任期間,把學系的主要課程從高級文憑提升至專業文憑水平。學系於1991年開辦的職業治療學及物理治療課程獲列入理學士學位課程。達沙利博士於1992 至 1995年擔任系主任,領導學系開辦本科課程。1992年成功開辦首項深造文憑課程,以組合方式分為三個主修,包括有:職業治療學、物理治療學及發展障礙人士康復課程。Dr Alan R. King, Head of the Department from 1986 to 1992, upgraded the Department’s core higher diploma programmes to professional diploma programmes. In 1991, the programmes in occupational therapy and physiotherapy were converted to Bachelor of Science degree programmes. Dr Baboo Dasari, Head of Department from 1992 to 1995, led to start offering undergraduate degree programmes. In 1992, the Department successfully launched its first Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Health Care. e programme was offered in a scheme-based mode with three majors: occupational therapy, physiotherapy and rehabilitation for people with developmental disabilities.
54In 1998, the Department’s two Bachelor’s degree programmes were successfully revalidated as honours degree programmes: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational erapy and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy. However, the Department faced a huge challenge – statistics obtained by the government revealed that the market need for personnel in occupational therapy and physiotherapy was small and was thus unable to absorb all graduates. erefore, the government requested that places for the programmes be drastically reduced to 100.1998年,學系成功整改兩個學士課程並通過評核,成為職業治療學(榮譽)理學士及物理治療學(榮譽)理學士課程。學系於該年遇到很大的挑戰,政府統計後認為市場對職業治療學及物理治療學人才需求不大,且認為未能吸納所有畢業生,所以要求大學裁減學生人數,招生人數於是大幅下降到100人。In 2001, the Department launched some self-financed advanced courses in rehabilitation sciences, with specialisations in manipulative physiotherapy, vocational rehabilitation and geriatric rehabilitation, followed by the sports physiotherapy specialisation in 2002.2001年,學系發展至開辦自負盈虧深造課程 — 醫療護理學深造組合課程,主修手法物理治療學、職業康復及老年康復治療學。2002年更增設運動物理治療學。In 2007, the Department successfully launched full-time Master’s degree programmes and attracted students from China, Japan, Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Taiwan.2007年,學系成功開辦全日制碩士課程,並吸引了包括日本、馬來西亞、卡塔爾、中國、新加坡、斯里蘭卡等國家和台灣地區的學生前來報讀。In January 2012, PolyU launched the 2-year Master of Occupational erapy programme and the Master of Physiotherapy programme under the auspices of the Social Welfare Department to cope with the manpower shortage of occupational therapists and physiotherapists. Non-occupational therapy and non-physical therapy graduates can become practitioners after successful completion of these programmes.為應付職業治療師及物理治療師的人手短缺問題,理大於社會褔利署的資助下,於2012年1月推出為期兩年的職業治療學碩士學位及物理治療碩士學位的課程,讓非職業治療或物理治療的學士學位畢業生進修後執業。Decades of Success > Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
55In the 2013/14 academic year, to cater to the 3-3-4 education reform, the Department upgraded its Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational erapy and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy to 4-year programmes. Today, apart from the two Bachelor’s degree programmes, the Department offers research degrees and the following Master’s degree programmes:• Master of Science in Manipulative Physiotherapy• Master of Science in Occupational erapy• Master of Science in Rehabilitation of People with Developmental Disabilities• Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences• Master of Science in Sports Physiotherapy2013/14學年,學系為配合「334」學制,把職業治療學及物理治療學(榮譽)理學士學位課程提升至四年制課程。時至今日,學系除了繼續開辦以上兩個學士課程,同時開辦研究生課程及以下五個碩士課程:‧ 手法物理治療理學碩士學位 ‧ 職業治療學理學碩士學位 ‧ 發展障礙人士復康理學碩士學‧ 康復科學理學碩士學位‧ 運動物理治療理學碩士學位Despite the Department’s output of qualified physiotherapy graduates, there is still a huge shortage of registered physiotherapists in Hong Kong. Among only 2,700 registered physiotherapists, 90% are PolyU graduates, contributing to a ratio of fewer than 5 physiotherapists per 10,000 people in a total population of over 7 million. Such a ratio is extremely low compared with that in northern European countries (22 per 10,000 people). A similar shortage also applies to occupational therapists. e shortage has remained serious due to Hong Kong’s ageing population. erefore, the Department hopes to nurture more physiotherapists and occupational therapists who possess a global vision and research talents who are globally competitive to promote academic development.香港的註冊物理治療師是遠遠追不上需求的,現在的註冊物理治療師只有2,700人,而2,700人中,90%是理大畢業生。對比於有700萬人口的香港,一萬人中不足五名,是非常低的比率,職業治療師亦然。這個比率相比北歐國家相差很遠 (北歐一萬人中有22名物理治療師);何況香港人口老化問題日趨嚴重,對治療師的需求將會愈來愈大,人手短缺問題更嚴重。學系期盼繼續為香港培養更多具國際視野的物理治療師和職業治療師的同時,也培育出一批具國際競爭力的科研人才,藉此推動學術發展。康復治療科學系 < 歷史承傳
562007年,學系成功開辦全日制碩士課程,並吸引了包括日本、馬來西亞、卡塔爾、中國、新加坡、斯里蘭卡等國家和台灣地區的學生前來報讀。In January 2012, PolyU launched the 2-year Master of Occupational erapy programme and the Master of Physiotherapy programme under the auspices of the Social Welfare Department to cope with the manpower shortage of occupational therapists and physiotherapists. Non-occupational therapy and non-physical therapy graduates can become practitioners after successful completion of these programmes.為應付職業治療師及物理治療師的人手短缺問題,理大於社會褔利署的資助下,於2012年1月推出為期兩年的職業治療學碩士學位及物理治療碩士學位的課程,讓非職業治療或物理治療的學士學位畢業生進修後執業。Developing a network of professionals topromote rehabilitation sciences建立專才網絡,推動復康科學e Department is strengthening its research in areas of East-meets-West rehabilitation sciences, neuroscience and neurological rehabilitation, orthopaedic and sports rehabilitation, and geriatric rehabilitation, besides fostering the integration of the research teams in each area. 康復治療學系未來的科研發展將強化以下四個研究範疇:中西薈萃之康復科學、腦神經科學和神經康復、骨骼肌肉及運動康復治療、長者康復治療,並促進各範疇研究團隊間的融合。As Head of Department, Prof Christina W.Y. Hui Chan led the Department in various initiatives in the 10 years between 1995 and 2005. She championed the foundation of the Centre for East-meets-West Rehabilitation Sciences in 1999, to promote the integration of Eastern and Western concepts in rehabilitation. She has also promoted East-meets-West rehabilitation sciences, which remains a key research area in the Department, in PolyU and the Chinese mainland. 許雲影教授1995至2005年擔任系主任的10年期間,領導學系作了多項創新,她推動中西醫結合康復治療的理念,除了前文提及於1999年在校內成立中西康復科學薈萃中心,並推動理大和中國內地中西薈萃之復康科學,至今仍是學系重點研究領域之一。Decades of Success > Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
57In addition, Prof Hui Chan has endeavoured to promote the internationalisation of the Department and the professionalisation of rehabilitation personnel. One initiative was the Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, inaugurated in 1998. e biennial conference is one of the most important rehabilitation conferences in the Asia-Pacific region. In the last decade or so, the Conference has taken place in Hong Kong a number of times. e 10th Conference was hosted by the Department in Shanghai in 2016, with an estimated 1,000 attendants. e Conference attendants are mostly physiotherapists and occupational therapists as well as some physicians and social workers in the Pan-Pacific area.許教授推動學系的國際化及康復工作者專業化不遺餘力,她在1998年發起創辦首屆泛太平洋康復會議。這個每兩年舉辦一次的國際會議,是亞太區最重要的康復會議之一,過去10多年,多次在香港舉行,由學系承辦2016年在上海舉行的第十屆會議,參與人數達1,000人。參與者多為泛太平洋區的物理治療師和職業治療師,還有醫生及社會科學的社工。e Department has invested substantial resources in knowledge transfer. In 2006, the Department signed a collaboration agreement with five top-ranked tertiary institutes in the Chinese mainland to construct a network of rehabilitation education and key research. e five institutes were Beijing’s China Rehabilitation Centre (Capital Medical University), Wuhan’s Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Kunming Medical University, Nanjing Medical University and Guangdong Sport Hospital of Guangzhou’s Sun Yat-sen University. e Department has secured strategic partnerships with various universities and medical organisations worldwide. e partners have given high acclamation to PolyU’s programmes and have arranged for interested students to study in the Department.學系在知識轉移方面投放不少資源。2006年,學系與中國內地五所頂尖學府簽署合作協議,組織康復治療教育及重要研究網絡。五所學府分別為:北京中國康復研究中心 (首都醫科大學)、武漢華中科技大學、昆明醫學院、南京醫科大學、廣州中山大學及廣東體育醫院。康復治療科學系現在已經和世界多所大學及醫療機構建立了策略性合作伙伴關係。合作伙伴對理大的課程予以肯定,並安排學生慕名到學系學習。康復治療科學系 < 歷史承傳
58As a pillar of services for large projects為大型項目擔當服務支柱e Department integrates Chinese and Western knowledge, with its research strengths focused on the development of frontier technology in occupational therapy and rehabilitation sciences. It has also established advanced research facilities, a rehabilitation clinic and a remote rehabilitation clinic. 學系融合中西方的知識,集中科研力量發展職業和物理康復治療的前沿科技,又擁有先進的研究設備、康復治療診所和遙距康復治療中心。e Department has always completed important therapeutic missions in huge projects with its indubitable professional qualifications. Prof Chetwyn C.H. Chan, Head of the Department from 2005 to 2010, brought the impact of physiotherapy and occupational therapy to China by leading the Department to support the Beijing Olympics and reconstruction of earthquake-stricken Sichuan province.由於學系的專業資格無容置疑,屢次為大型項目擔當重要的治療任務。陳智軒教授於2005至2010年擔任系主任期間,領導學系支援中國主辦奧運及四川大地震災後重建,把物理治療及職業治療的影響帶到中國。Since 1978, the Department has nurtured numerous outstanding physiotherapists and occupational therapists, amounting to 90% of the professional sectors. e professional qualifications of the Department’s graduates have gained immense international recognition. For example, physiotherapy graduates are eligible to become practitioners in Hong Kong and the UK upon direct registration as physiotherapists with the professional physiotherapist boards. Occupational therapy graduates, given the exemption of examination, are eligible to become practitioners in Hong Kong, the UK, Australia and Singapore upon registration with the occupational therapists boards.自1978年起為業界培育大量優秀的物理治療師及職業治療師,佔香港這一專業工作者的90%。畢業生的專業資格均獲國際認可,物理治療畢業生均可直接在香港和英國的物理治療師專業委員會註冊後在當地執業。職業治療師則可向香港、英國、澳洲及新加坡的職業治療師管理委員會申請註冊,並且豁免考試,註冊後即可在上述地區執業。Decades of Success > Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
59e International Olympic Committee set the requirement that the host country of the Olympic Games must have adequate internationally qualified physiotherapists. For Beijing to fulfil this requirement for the 2008 Olympics, the Department cooperated with Tongji Medical College of Wuhan Huazhong University of Science and Technology to launch a Master’s degree programme in physiotherapy in 2004. e programme trained 108 local graduates, who not only provided support to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, but have also assumed important positions in major hospitals or medical schools in the mainland.國際奧林匹克運動委員會要求籌辦奧林匹克運動會的國家必須提供足夠的國際認可物理治療師,為了配合北京2008年申辦奧運時滿足這一要求,學系於2004年與武漢華中科技大學的同濟醫學院合作開辦物理治療碩士課程,培養了108位畢業生,這些畢業生不單支援2008年的北京奧運會,目前且在內地主要醫院和醫學院擔任要職。During the 2008 Olympics, the Department joined the Faculty’s initiative to support the Chinese national team and engaged in facilitating injury prevention and rehabilitation for national athletes in China. At the Olympic Village, the Department’s physiotherapy experts were appointed team therapists for the Chinese national team. In addition, the Department sent 15 volunteers, including 7 graduates, 6 year-three students and 2 year-two students, to provide physiotherapy services for athletes in the stadiums.除了北京奧運會的支援,學系亦協助中國的運動員預防傷患和受傷之後的治療。當時奧運會選手村的物理治療中心,理大的專家團隊都曾被委任為國家選手隨隊治療師。學系安排支援北京奧運會的義工更多達15人,包括七名畢業生、六名三年級學生及兩名二年級學生,在奧運場內為運動員提供物理治療服務。PolyU offered physiotherapy services to the athletes at the Olympics Games. e physiotherapy centres operated by the Department at the Olympic Village were genuinely a world without borders, as any athlete of any country could seek help from the variety of professional health care teams at the centre. 當時奧運會選手村的物理治療中心,無分國界,裡面有很多不同的專業團隊,任何國家的選手也可以在治療中心得到協助。康復治療科學系 < 歷史承傳
60Prof Gabriel Y.F. Ng was the Head of Department from 2011 to 2017. Prof Ng worked hard to maintain the educational and research leadership that had been established in the Department for many years. He also led the Department to provide professional rehabilitation support for the community.吳賢發講座教授於2011年至2017年6月期間擔任系主任,吳教授努力維持學系多年所建立的教育及科研領導地位,並帶領學系為社區提供專業康復治療支援。In 2012, Prof Ng promoted the Department to cooperate with the Social Welfare Department and launched two Master’s degree programmes. e Social Welfare Department provided full funding for prospective students of occupational therapy and physiotherapy. After graduation, they could serve in non-governmental organisations. is move has helped to nurture new occupational therapists and physiotherapists for the community to alleviate the manpower shortage in the market.2012年,吳教授推動學系與社會福利署合作推出兩個碩士準入課程,由社會福利署提供全額資助予準職業治療學/物理治療學碩士課程學生,待他們完成課程後投身非政府機構,為社會培育新晉的職業治療師及物理治療師,以舒緩市場人手不足的問題。Prof Hector W.H. Tsang assumed the role of Head of Department in July 2017. He will continue to lead the development of the Department with a focus on teaching, research and services. Prof Tsang is also planning to upgrade the academic programmes and facilities of the Department to provide the best teaching and learning environment for staff and students.曾永康教授於2017年7月成為系主任,將繼續以教學、科研和服務為學系發展核心。曾教授計劃益善現有的學術課程及教學設備,讓師生享用一個最理想的教學環境。Decades of Success > Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
61After the earthquake on 12 May 2008, Wenchuan in Sichuan Province was in grave need of medical and health care assistance. Teaching staff of the Department took the lead to visit the affected area for relief work. With subsidies from the Hong Kong government, Hong Kong Red Cross and Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Department sent a physiotherapy and occupational therapy team formed by its students to assist the Red Cross in establishing a rehabilitation centre and in training local physiotherapists and occupational therapists.四川汶川大地震發生於2008年5月12日,當時最要緊是救死扶傷。地震過後,康復治療科學系老師率先到災區援助。當年得到香港特區政府、香港紅十字會和香港賽馬會慈善信託基金三方資助,學系派出由學生組成的物理治療及職業治療團隊直接支援紅十字會在地方設立災後康復中心,並訓練當地的職業治療師。PolyU offered physiotherapy services to the athletes at the Olympics Games. e physiotherapy centres operated by the Department at the Olympic Village were genuinely a world without borders, as any athlete of any country could seek help from the variety of professional health care teams at the centre. 當時奧運會選手村的物理治療中心,無分國界,裡面有很多不同的專業團隊,任何國家的選手也可以在治療中心得到協助。One of the many priorities of the reconstruction project was to fully train a batch of physiotherapists and occupational therapists. To this end, the Department and Sichuan University adopted the train-the-trainers mode, jointly launching Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree programmes in 2009 and 2013, respectively. PolyU sent its teaching staff to Sichuan to teach, and local students travelled to PolyU to learn to teach occupational therapy and physiotherapy. In the second academic year, professional subjects such as anatomy and psychology, accounting for 70% of the curriculum, were still taught by PolyU professors, whereas the remaining 30% of the programmes were taught by academics of Sichuan University. e first batch of Master’s degree students graduated in 2016.援助災區重建首要工作之一,是培養一批物理及職業治療師。康復治療學系和四川大學合作採取培訓導師模式,合辦本科及研究生課程,由理大老師到四川負責教學,而學生則到理大學習如何教授職業治療和物理治療。第二學年開始,專業學科繼續由理大教授任教,包括解剖及心理學,佔課程約70%,而部份課程則由四川大學教師任教,佔課程約30%。合辦的課程包括於2009年開辦學士學位課程及2013年開辦碩士學位課程。首批碩士課程學生已於2016年畢業。康復治療科學系 < 歷史承傳
SCHOOL OF NURSING護理學院 Decades of Success > School of Nursing62
63護理學院 < 歷史承傳e School of Nursing, together with the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Department of Health Technology and Informatics, originated from the Institute of Medical and Health Care established in 1978. In the 1987/88academic year, e Hong Kong Polytechnic underwent departmental reform and divided the Institute into three departments: Department of Diagnostic Sciences, Department of Health Sciences, and Department of Rehabilitation Sciences. e three departments then combined with the Department of Applied Social Studies to form the Division of Health and Social Studies. e Department of Health Sciences was assigned to manage nursing programmes during that period. In 1997, the Department was renamed the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences. In 2002, it was further renamed the School of Nursing during another departmental reform. As its name suggests, the School focuses on providing nursing programmes.護理學院的發展史與康復治療科學系、醫療科技及資訊學系一樣,也是從1977年成立的醫療服務學院開始。1987/88學年,香港理工學院重整學系架構,把醫療服務學院分拆為三個學系:診斷科學系、醫療科學系和復康治療學系,並與應用社會科學學系合組成醫療及社會科學學部。護理課程納入醫療科學系管理。1997年,醫療科學系改名為護理及醫療科學系。及至2002年,學系重整後改名為護理學院,專注提供護理學相關課程,學院的名稱遂沿用至今。
64Decades of Success > School of Nursing199620002000200420042005Prof Frances WongKam-yuet黃金月教授Prof omas Wong Kwok-shing汪國成教授20062012Prof Alex Molasiotis 莫禮士教授Prof Samantha PangMei-che彭美慈教授Prof IdaMarie Martinson 馬婉麗教授2012Present現在Previous and Current Heads前沿領導
From a nurse training hub to a pioneer inhealth care education始於為僱主培訓在職護士,現已成為護理教育的先驅At its establishment in 1977, the Institute of Medical and Health Care offered first-aid courses. In 1982/83, the Institute launched a Post-registration Diploma Course in Health Care Education (Nursing). e programme targeted practising registered nurses, who received course fee subsidies from their employers. In 1984, the Ship’s Captain Medical Programme was launched. In the 1985/86 and 1986/87 academic years, the 2-year PTDR Post-registration Diploma Course in Nursing Administration, and the Post-registration Diploma Course in Nursing were offered, respectively. ese programmes trained students to become professional health care workers in the field.醫療服務學院1977年成立時只開辦了急救課程,護理相關的課程首見於1982/83學年的護理教育專業文憑課程,對象為已註冊的在職護士,學費則由僱主贊助。學系其後於1984年開辦船長醫療課程,又於1985/86、1986/87學年分別開辦了二年日間給假部份時間調訓制的護理行政學專業文憑課程及護理學專業文憑課程,為醫護界提供專業的護理人才。In 1987, the Institute combined with the Department of Applied Social Studies to become the Division of Health and Social Studies, with its programmes streamed into three different majors: behavioural science, medical laboratory science and nursing. Apart from the diploma programmes on offer, the Department launched the 1-year Post-registration Certificate Course in First Line Nursing Management in 1989/90, and the 6-week evening Certificate in Captain’s Medical Training Programme in 1990/91.1987年,醫療服務學院與應用社會科學學系合組成醫療及社會科學學部,並將轄下的課程分拆成三個學系,分別開辦行為科學、醫務化驗科學及護理學課程。其中醫療科學系即為護理學院的前身。學院除繼續開辦護理學相關的專修文憑外,亦分別於1989/90及1990/91年度開辦一年制的護理基層管理專修證書及六星期的船長醫療證書短期夜間課程。65護理學院 < 歷史承傳
66As e Hong Kong Polytechnic was striving to achieve its transformation into a university in the 1990s, the Department launched the first-of-its-kind 4-year full-time Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing, and a 2-year Post-experience Diploma Course in Nursing Education in 1990/91. 踏入90年代,理大積極籌備轉型為本科院校。1990/91學年,學系開辦全港首個四年全日制護理學(榮譽)理學士學位課程及二年制的護理學教育進修文憑課程,並於翌年開辦全港首個兼讀制護理學(榮譽)理學士學位課程。By late 1994, when e Hong Kong Polytechnic was renamed e Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Department already offered a series of programmes in nursing at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In 1997, the Department was renamed the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences. It launched the Master of Science Programme in Nursing and, in the subsequent year, the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Programme in Clinical Nursing.香港理工學院1994年底正名香港理工大學,當時的醫療及科學系已開辦了一系列護理教育的本科及碩士課程。學院於1996年開辦護理學高級文憑課程和護理教育深造文憑課程。到1997年,醫療科學系更名為護理及醫療科學系,開辦了護理學理學碩士學位課程,並於翌年開辦臨床護理學(榮譽)理學士學位課程。1992/93學年更開辦了兼讀制醫療生物科學(榮譽)學士學位課程。為了滿足業界需求及提升專業水平,學系1993年開辦醫療護理學深造文憑課程,又於1995年開辦兼讀制醫療護理學理學碩士學位/深造文憑課程(醫療生物科學專業)。In the subsequent academic year, the first part-time Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing and the part-time Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science were also introduced. To meet the needs of the health care sector and raise workers’ professional level, the Department launched the Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Health Care (Nursing) in 1993, and the part-time Master of Science and Postgraduate Diploma programme in Health Care (Biomedical Science) in 1995.Decades of Success > School of Nursing
67In 2002, the Department was renamed and upgraded to become the School of Nursing. Programmes in biomedical science were transferred to the Department of Health Technology and Informatics and integrated with programmes in radiation therapy to become a scheme. e School then started focusing on training professional nursing practitioners.2002年學系升格為護理學院,把生物醫療科學課程轉交給和放射治療課程合組成的醫療科技及資訊學系續辦。護理學院從此專注培訓護理學的專業人才。In the 2009/10 academic year, the School launched the 4-year Bachelor of Science (Honours) Programme in Mental Health Nursing in response to recent social changes and needs. In 2015/16, it further launched the Master of Science Programme in Mental Health Nursing, with the aim to cultivate more health care professionals to serve society.近年護理學院為應付社會的改變和需求,於2009/10學年開辦了四年制精神健康護理學(榮譽)理學士學位課程,更於2015/16學年開辦碩士學位課程,培育更多專業護理人才服務社會。e School of Nursing has played a pivotal role in the history of promoting nursing education in Hong Kong. It transformed the early hospital-oriented student nurse or nurse training mode into a professional undergraduate education with a substantial theoretical foundation and sufficient clinical practice. e major milestone in the development of the School dates back to the 1980s, when Dr W.H.P. Lewis, Head of the Institute of Medical and Health Care and Head of the Department of Health Sciences at that time, introduced the Diploma in Nursing Education. In 1997, the University renamed the Department of Health Sciences as the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences. Since then, the nursing profession has been recognised as a mainstream academic discipline. 護理學院在推動香港專業護理教育的歷程,扮演著舉足輕重的角色,並成功將早期由醫院主導的學護或護士培育方式,轉化成既有充實理論基礎、又帶臨床實踐的大學本科教育。護理學院發展的轉捩點,要追溯到1980年代時任醫療服務學院院長及醫療科學系系主任盧亦思博士引入護理學專修文憑課程,及至1997年,大學把醫療科學系更名為護理及醫療科學系,護理專業成為學系主流的課程。護理學院 < 歷史承傳
Over the past decade or so, the School has assisted in training doctoral candidates for key universities in the Chinese mainland. Some of these candidates, since graduating with a doctoral degree, have become deans of schools of nursing at tertiary institutes in the Chinese mainland. e School has also assisted in the professionalisation of nurses, upgrading nursing education to undergraduate degree level and launching Master’s degree programmes in Macau.過去10多年,學院協助內地的重點大學培養護理學的博士生,今天內地很多大專院校護理學院院長,都是由理大護理學院協助培養的學生。同時,護理學院也協助澳門護士專業化及學位化,更協助開辦碩士課程。當時的系主任馬婉麗教授(1996–2000)及汪國成教授 (2000–2004)引進了很多全港首次引入的教學設施和教學法,又大力拓展中國內地和海外的關係,為學院的國際化及教學支援打下堅實的基礎。Prof Ida Martinson, Head of Department from 1996 to 2000, and Prof omas K.S. Wong, Head from 2000 to 2004, introduced innovative learning and teaching facilities and methodologies. ey also endeavoured to establish connections with nursing-related bodies overseas and in the Chinese mainland, forming a solid foundation for the School’s internationalisation and educational support. 68Decades of Success > School of Nursing
Developing collaborative networks for thedevelopment of regional professionals開發協作網絡,為地區推動專才發展e School has been a fundamental provider of high-quality professional education in the health care sector through collaboration with various institutions. In 1999, the School launched the top-up Bachelor’s degree programme in nursing at Zhejiang University – e Hong Kong Polytechnic University International Executive Development Centre (Hangzhou Centre) to provide training for local nursing practitioners. 護理學院一直為醫護界的專才樞紐,透過與不同單位合辦課程以滿足業界的需要。1999年杭州的「浙江大學 ― 香港理工大學國際培訓中心」開設了護理學士專升本學位課程,培育當地在職護理人員。In 2001, it jointly launched with Zhejiang University the first non-local part-time (partly day release) top-up Bachelor’s degree programme in nursing, nurturing high-quality nurses for the Chinese mainland. e School also collaborated with Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau to launch the part-time Postgraduate Diploma Course in Nursing in 2006 and the Master of Science Programme in Nursing in 2011. e School also collaborated with local hospitals to launch various programmes: the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Programme in Nursing with St Paul’s Hospital and St Teresa’s Hospital, respectively, in 2007, and the Full-time Pre-registration Master of Nursing Programme with Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital in 2008, to name a few. 2001年學院又與浙江大學合辦首個境外課程―兼讀制(半脫產)專科升本科護理學士學位課程,為中國內地培養高級護理人才。此外學院又與澳門護理學院於2006年合辦兼讀制護理學深造文憑課程,又於2011年合辦兼讀制專科護理學理學碩士學位課程。又分別於2007年和聖保祿及聖德肋撒醫院合辦全日制護理學(榮譽)理學士課程,2008年又與養和醫院合辦全日制職前護理學碩士學位課程。In addition to meeting the demand for health care professionals, the School has formed partnerships with hospitals, where students conduct clinical practice under the supervision of full-time hospital nurses and faculty members of the School.除了支持業界的人才發展需要,和合作的醫院建立伙伴關係,有利於臨床實習,由醫院的全職護士和學院的老師共同指導學生的實習。69護理學院 < 歷史承傳
70In 1992, the School became an Associate Member of the Institute of Biomedical Science (AIBMS). In 1997, it established the East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, with the aim of promoting exchanges in doctoral research and education, and serving as a significant platform for advancement of the nursing profession and academic frontiers. e forum was initiated by Prof Ida Martinson and her colleagues in 1997. Since then, the forum has been held annually in various locations such as Hong Kong, South Korea, ailand, the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan. In the same year, the School founded the Honour Society of Nursing, which was successfully chartered in 2000 to become the Pilota Chapter of the Honour Society of Nursing, Sigma eta Tau International. e mission of the Society is to cultivate and foster excellent health care scholars and leaders to improve and promote nursing development and health care services.護理學院於1992年成為生物醫療科學組織成員。於1997年成立東亞護康學者論壇,促進博士研究和教育心得交流,為提升學界的專業和學術前沿領域邁出了重要的一步。論壇由馬婉麗教授及學院同事於1997年創辦,其後每年在不同地方舉行,包括:香港、南韓、泰國、菲律賓、台灣和日本。同年又成立「護理榮譽學會」,更於2000年獲特許成為「國際護理榮譽學會」香港首個分會。國際護理榮譽學會的使命是培育卓越的護理學者和領袖,以領導醫療護理發展和推動服務改善。In 2005, the School and 20 other institutions jointly established the Chinese Consortium for Higher Nursing Education. In 2015, the School was elected as Chief Convener of the Consortium, which aims at promoting research collaborations and academic exchanges in the greater China region, fostering and practising holistic health care.2005年學院與20所院校成立華夏高等護理教育聯盟,更於2015獲選為華夏高等護理教育聯盟的總召集人。教育聯盟旨在促進兩岸四地護理院校的研究協作及學術交流,推廣及實踐整全護理。Decades of Success > School of Nursing
71e School of Nursing has played a pivotal role in the history of promoting nursing education in Hong Kong. It transformed the early hospital-oriented student nurse or nurse training mode into a professional undergraduate education with a substantial theoretical foundation and sufficient clinical practice. e major milestone in the development of the School dates back to the 1980s, when Dr W.H.P. Lewis, Head of the Institute of Medical and Health Care and Head of the Department of Health Sciences at that time, introduced the Diploma in Nursing Education. In 1997, the University renamed the Department of Health Sciences as the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences. Since then, the nursing profession has been recognised as a mainstream academic discipline. To excel in nursing research for thewell-being of mankind創新護理研究,惠澤全人In its 40-year history, the School’s endeavours in research, and learning and teaching have paid off enormously. During the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong in 2003, the School continued to support hospitals, which were in a grave need of nurses. Under the leadership of Prof omas Wong, Head of School, students of the School volunteered themselves to support operations in hospitals, after signing voluntary the consent forms. ey also went into communities to explain to the public about the protective measures that could be taken against the disease. Meanwhile, the School conducted studies on infection control. e devotion of the teachers and students during that period enriched their clinical experience. e School’s students and staff displayed their selflessness and professionalism during the SARS outbreak.護理學院經過30年奮鬥,教學、科研方面皆取得了豐碩的成果。2003年香港爆發沙士疫症,醫院前線需要大量護士照顧病人,當時在系主任汪國成教授帶領下,學生無懼風險,自願簽下同意書到醫院支援運作,又到社區向公眾講解防護知識。學院同時做了很多有關感染控制的研究,師生積極參與,取得寶貴的臨床經驗。沙士一役,見證了學院培養的人才於專業知識外更有無私的奉獻精神。e School has always been devoted to the local community. For example, as a collaborator in the Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Project, the School helped to promote safety and health concepts to the community. It also worked with Kwun Tong Youth Outreach in setting up a mobile station for check-ups and detailed analyses for young drug abusers and alcohol addicts. Following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the team led by Prof Samantha M.C. Pang, Head from 2006 to 2012, was a major force in the post-disaster nursing operations.學院一直積極服務社群,包括透過參與葵青安全社區健康城市計劃,推動社區健康概念,並在該區設立服務中心,又與觀塘協青社合作,設立專車為濫藥、酗酒的青少年提供身體檢查並進行詳細健康分析;2008年中國汶川大地震,當時系主任彭美慈教授(2006 – 2012) 帶領的團隊更是災後護理的重要支柱。Prof Alex Molasiotis, the present Head of School since 2012, has focused on the vision and motto of the School, “to excel in nursing for the well-being of mankind”, by inculcating graduates’ sense of nursing responsibility: fostering health care, preventing diseases, assisting recovery and relieving pain. Research developments and international collaborations are being promoted, focusing on the key areas of ageing and health, family and community health, mental health nursing, transitional care and supportive and palliative care.莫禮士教授(2012年至今)擔任學院主任以來,致力實踐「創新護理,惠澤全人」的目標,培養畢業生竭盡護理責任:促進保健、預防疾病、協助病患者康復、及減輕患者痛苦。同時進一步推動科研發展和國際合作,目前的科研聚焦五大範疇,分別為耆年健康、家庭及社區健康、精神健康護理、過渡期照護,支援及紓緩護理。護理學院 < 歷史承傳
72Ageing and health耆年健康Health care for the physically weak and elderly 體弱長者Family andcommunity health家庭及社區健康Focused research聚焦研究Transitional care,as well assupportive and palliative care過渡期照護,支援及紓緩護理Community and long-term health care社區護理及長期護理Health care for dementia patients認知障礙症照護Child and adolescent health兒童及青少年健康Family health家庭健康Community health社區健康Intervention measures for serious psychiatricpatients嚴重精神病患者的干預措施Interpersonal challenges, social adversity and mental health人際關係的挑戰,社會逆境與精神健康Cancer relief and care symptom managementat the terminal stage of the disease癌症紓緩護理及疾病末期的症狀管理Traditional Chinese medicine andcomplementary therapy傳統中醫藥和補充療法Transitional care and community-based chronicdisease management services過渡期護理及社區為本的慢性疾病管理服務模式Mental health精神健康護理e following are the sub-areas of the School of Nursing’s key focused areas:護理學院科研聚焦的範疇涵蓋以下領域:Decades of Success > School of Nursing
73e School has established various health care-related centres to promote scientific research. In 2003, the Integrative Health Clinic was established to offer multidisciplinary health management. Patients and their health problems are holistically treated through the integrative use of conventional Eastern and Western health care modalities, complementary therapies and health assessment services. Patients with chronic diseases are then treated physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. In 2008, the Squina International Centre for Infection Control began operation. e Centre for Gerontological Nursing established in 2012 became a member of the National Hartford Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence in the USA in 2014. In 2012, with sponsorship from the Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation, the School launched the PolyU – Henry G. Leong Mobile Integrative Health Centre, which was converted from a truck. With its advanced equipment, the Centre provides free check-ups for the elderly. It also supports learning and teaching, research and community service, through which students can conduct their clinical practice while researchers can directly carry out research on community development. 學院又不斷成立相關中心推動科研。2003年成立結合保健診所,以整全健康理念為本,結合中西護理、輔助治理及保健服務,以同時關顧患者的身、心、社、靈的手法,治理慢性病;於2008年開始營辦雪肌蘭國際感染控制中心;2012年成立耆年護理中心,該中心於兩年後成為美國National Hartford Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence的成員;同年,學院獲得大鴻輝慈善基金贊助,改裝了一輛貨車並成立了梁顯利流動結合保健中心,車上配備了先進儀器,為有需要的長者免費檢查身體。保健中心同時支援教學、科研及社區服務,供學生臨床實習又可讓研究人員直接進行社區發展研究。護理學院 < 歷史承傳
74Since 2007, the School took the initiative to establish the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services. As a community health care services partner, the School develops and carries out pilot-testing of minimum standards to promote psychosocial aspects of adolescent health in school settings in collaboration with other centres and regional offices in Southeast Asia. To enhance overall health in the community, the School develops and tests effective psychosocial services delivery models and programmes via community-based interventions for Asian people of different ages. e School also has a duty to contribute and influence the policies of WHO member states, and promote research programmes and education related to the activities of WHO collaboration centres.自2007年起,學院成立世界衞生組織「世界衞生組織社區健康服務合作中心」。作為社區健康服務合作中心,學院需與其他合作中心及東南亞區域辦事處共同制定促進青少年在校園的心理社會健康之最低標準,並進行先導試驗;為提升社區健康,須制定及測試有效的心理社會服務模式或計劃,為亞洲不同年齡人士提供社區為本的干預。學院也有責任促進世衛組織成員國的健康服務政策,以及合作中心相關的研究和教育計劃。Decades of Success > School of Nursing
75To further promote the innovation of nursing services, the School took the lead in the establishment of e Hong Kong Innovation Academy in 2013. e Academy is a joint school collaborative project of the world’s top institutions, and is coordinated by the University of Geneva, Switzerland. All participating institutions co-organise the Global Healthcare Innovation Day every two years to bring together experts with a view to exchanging innovative medical and care proposals.護理學院 < 歷史承傳為進一步推動護理服務的創新,學院帶頭於2013年創立香港創新學院。學院屬於世界頂尖院校的聯校協作項目,協作由瑞士日內瓦大學主導。所有參與院校每兩年都會合作舉辦世界醫療護理創新日,讓專家匯聚,共同交換創新的醫療、護理方案。
Decades of Success > School of Optometry76SCHOOL OF OPTOMETRY眼科視光學院
77眼科視光學院 < 歷史承傳e origin of the School can be traced back to the 1970s when the Institute of Medical and Health Care was founded. e School provided only the Certificate Course in Ophthalmic Optics at that time. 眼科視光學院的歷史也是要追溯上世紀70年代所成立的醫療服務學院。學院當時只提供了驗光配鏡証書課程。In 1987, the Institute was restructured as the Department of Diagnostic Sciences, initially offering the certificate course and subsequently launching the Higher Certificate in Optometry, Certificate in Optometry and Professional Diploma in Optometry. 1986年醫療服務學院重組,視光學課程由診斷科學系提供,繼續開辦眼科視光專業文憑課程,以及視光學證書及高級證書課程。In the 1993/94 academic year, the Department was renamed the Department of Optometry and Radiography, signifying the importance of optometry. 1993/94年,診斷科學系改名為視光學及放射學系,奠定了視光學的地位。In 2000, its Chinese title was further renamed. In 2005/06, the Department became the School of Optometry upon the restructuring of departments.2000年,學系名稱改為眼科視光及放射學系,直至2005/06年,學系重組後成為眼科視光學院。
78Decades of Success > School of OptometryPrevious and Current Heads前沿領導198719901990199519951997Prof Marion Edwards艾綺華教授 Prof Michael A. Millodot 繆朗濤教授1998200720072013Prof Carly Lam Siu-yin 林小燕教授Prof Maurice YapKeng-hung 葉健雄教授Prof To Chi-ho 杜嗣河教授Prof George Woo胡志城教授2013Present現在
20122011199019841982Certificate Course in Ophthalmic Optics驗光配鏡証書課程1978Certificate Course in Optometry視光學證書課程Higher Certificate Course in Optometry視光學高級證書課程Professional Diploma Course in Optometry視光學專業文憑課程Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Optometry Programme視光學(榮譽)理學士學位課程 Master of Science in Optometry Programme視光學碩士課程Doctor of Health Science Optometry Programme健康科學視光博士課程 79眼科視光學院 < 歷史承傳Developing undergraduate education fortherapeutic purposes 發展以治療為目的之眼科視光學本科生課程In the 1970s, there were eye examiners but only a few optometrists in Hong Kong. e first optometry programme in the territory was launched by the precursor of the School, the Institute of Medical and Health Care. 在70年代香港只有驗眼師,並沒有眼科視光師。香港第一個培育眼科視光師的課程是由眼科視光學院的前身醫療服務學院開辦的, Until now (2018), the School remains the only academic institution to offer optometry programmes that fulfil the requirements for registration as an optometrist. It is also the sole provider of degree programmes in optometry and Doctorate in Health Science. 直到目前(2018年)眼科視光學院仍是香港唯一提供能滿足視光師註冊要求的視光學課程、並開辦眼科視光學學位和醫療科學博士學位的學術機構。
80Over the past 30 years, the School has trained more than 1,200 optometrists for Hong Kong, amounting to about 60% of existing practitioners. e Optometry Clinic on campus provides professional services for patients, and comprehensive clinical practice opportunities to students.過去30年,學院已為香港培養了1,200多位專業的視光師(約佔全港執業視光師60%)。而設於理大校園的眼科視光學診所為患者提供專業服務,亦為學生提供完善的臨床實習機會。Decades of Success > School of Optometry
81Initially, education in optometry was targeted at the working class, especially refractionists, to raise their knowledge in optometry. In the 1982/83 academic year, the Institute launched a 2-year PTDR Certificate Course in Optometry.初期的眼科視光學教育,主要針對在職人士,特別是眼鏡店內擔任驗眼工作的驗眼師,提升他們視光學的水平。至1982/83學年,學院增設兩年日間給假部份時間調訓制的視光學證書課程。When the Institute of Medical and Health Care was first founded, it only offered full-time programmes in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and diagnostic radiography. ere was no full-time optometry programme but a 2-year PTDR Certificate Course in Ophthalmic Optics. 醫療服務學院建立之初,開辦了物理治療、職業治療、放射診斷等全日制課程,但沒有全日制的視光學課程,只提供了兩年日間給假部份時間調訓制的驗光配鏡証書課程。In 2000, its Chinese title was further renamed. In 2005/06, the Department became the School of Optometry upon the restructuring of departments.眼科視光學院 < 歷史承傳
82In 1984/85, the Institute launched a 2-year PTDR Higher Certificate Course in Optometry, and the first 3-year full-time Professional Diploma Course in Optometry. e former was designed to enrich the theoretical and technical standards of workers in the optometry field after they completed the first certificate course. e latter was a 3-year professional education course designed for secondary school students who have matriculated with a Hong Kong Advanced Level qualification to acquire an understanding of optometric theories.醫療服務學院於1984/85年開辦二年制日間給假部份時間調訓課程的視光學高級證書課程,並於1984/85年,開辦了首個三年全日制的視光學專業文憑課程。前者是針對業界的在職人士而設,在他們完成證書課程後,再通過高級證書課程的進修,提高視光學的理論和實踐水平。後者的對象是中學預科生,通過三年的專業培育,讓他們掌握視光學的理論和實踐。In the same year, the optometric clinic was founded to support learning and teaching at the Institute. e clinic allowed students to engage in clinical practice and the faculty members to conduct their research, laying a solid foundation for the professional status of optometry in Hong Kong.同年成立視光學診所,支援教學,讓學生一方面作臨床練習,老師更可在診所中進行研究,為視光學在香港的專業地位打下基礎。In 1986, the Institute underwent restructuring, with the optometry and radiography programmes and teaching staff grouped under the new Department of Diagnostic Sciences. e Department continued to offer Professional Diploma and Higher Certificate Courses in Optometry. It also maintained close connections with health care organisations to provide students with precious practicum opportunities.及至1986年醫療服務學院重組,視光學及放射診斷學兩個課程及教學人員合組成為診斷科學系,視光學課程由診斷科學系提供。學系繼續開辦眼科視光專業文憑課程,及視光學證書及高級證書課程。學系與保健醫療機構保持緊密的聯繫,為學生提供寶貴的實習機會。Prof George Woo, Head of Department from 1987 to 1990, championed the launch of the 4-year Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Optometry Programme in 1990/91. In 1993/94, the Department of Diagnostic Sciences was renamed the Department of Optometry and Radiography.胡志城教授於1987 – 1990年擔任系主任期間,於1990/91年,學系首辦四年制視光學(榮譽)理學士學位課程。1993/94年,診斷科學系改名為視光學及放射學系。Decades of Success > School of OptometryDecades of Success > School of Optometry
83In response to collaborative promotion by institutions and the industry, the government introduced legislation for the sector in 1996, in which the 1,200 optometrists were categorised into four classes. Part I optometrists include holders of the Bachelor of Science Degree in Optometry awarded by PolyU; they are legally permitted to provide prescriptions and perform diagnoses. Part II optometrists include holders of the Higher Certificate in Optometry issued by e Hong Kong Polytechnic. Part III and Part IV optometrists are required to have passed an examination. 在學院和業界的共同推動下,香港政府於1996年立例,將業界(共1,200名眼科視光師)分為四個註冊名冊部分。理大視光學系的學士畢業生為第一部分,獲准使用委員會批准的藥物及做診斷;第二部分為香港理工學院頒發的高級證書持有者;第三、四部分則需要考試認證。Graduates of the School have often been elected Chairperson of the Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists, which has formed a partnership with the School in developing the optometric sector and relevant regulations.香港眼科視光師學會的領導多由理大視光學畢業生擔任。學會和視光學院的關係良好,對視光行業發展和行規的制訂亦不遺餘力。In 2000, the Department’s Chinese title and degree programme were further renamed; the English names remained the Department of Optometry and Radiography and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Optometry. In the 2005/06 academic year, after departmental restructuring, the Department became the School of Optometry. It is the only University to offer a Bachelor’s degree in optometry in the territory. In 2011, the School launched the Master of Science Programme in Optometry. In 2012, it launched the Doctor of Health Science Programme in Optometry. In 2012, the 4-year Bachelor’s degree programme was lengthened to 5 years, to provide undergraduates with a more solid foundation.2000年,學系中文名稱改為眼科視光學及放射學系,課程易名為眼科視光學(榮譽)理學士學位。2005/06年,學系重組後成立眼科視光學院,繼續提供全港唯一的眼科視光學學士學位課程。理大於2011年開辦眼科視光學碩士課程,並於2012年開辦健康科學視光博士課程。2012年學院把四年制的學士課程增加至五年,為學生打造更紮實的基礎。Initially, education in optometry was targeted at the working class, especially refractionists, to raise their knowledge in optometry. In the 1982/83 academic year, the Institute launched a 2-year PTDR Certificate Course in Optometry.初期的眼科視光學教育,主要針對在職人士,特別是眼鏡店內擔任驗眼工作的驗眼師,提升他們視光學的水平。至1982/83學年,學院增設兩年日間給假部份時間調訓制的視光學證書課程。When the Institute of Medical and Health Care was first founded, it only offered full-time programmes in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and diagnostic radiography. ere was no full-time optometry programme but a 2-year PTDR Certificate Course in Ophthalmic Optics. 醫療服務學院建立之初,開辦了物理治療、職業治療、放射診斷等全日制課程,但沒有全日制的視光學課程,只提供了兩年日間給假部份時間調訓制的驗光配鏡証書課程。眼科視光學院 < 歷史承傳
84Since 2005, all of the School’s programmes have been successfully transformed to include courses in therapeutic prescribing. All graduates are required to undergo clinical practice during the five semesters in the fourth and fifth years of the programme, and they must be assessed and confirmed as ‘Qualified’ before they can graduate. e School’s optometry programmes are therefore rated as excellent, and have won recognition from the Australian government in its qualification framework. 由2005年開始,眼科視光學院所有課程成功轉型為治療訓練,每名畢業生需於修讀課程的第四及第五年,分別於五個學期中進行臨床實習,並必須於評核中合格,方可畢業。眼科視光學課程因此獲評定為優秀課程,更獲澳洲政府承認資歷。Graduates from the 2009 cohort onwards can apply directly for an optometric therapeutic licence in Australia. e School also attaches importance to multi-lateral exchanges for its students, and since 1987 it has been sending students on exchange programmes to enrich their knowledge and experience other cultures in mainland China, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. e School places great emphasis on nurturing local scientists. Most young scholars at the School are indeed its graduates, some of whom have acquired further education overseas and then returned to their alma mater to continue the School’s efforts in nurturing future optometrists.由2009年起,理大的畢業生可以直接考取澳洲的眼科視光師牌照。學院很注重學生的多元交流互動,自1987年起,學生能長期跟內地、加拿大、澳洲和新西蘭等展開交流,增廣見聞,學習不同地區文化知識。學院也十分重視訓練本土專家,目前眼科視光學院有很多年青學者都是學院培養的畢業生,他們出國深造後,學有所成再回母校培育人才。Decades of Success > School of Optometry
85Eye care education and blindness prevention in the community照顧基層眼睛健康,教育社區,護眼防盲In the 1980s, the School started to promote the “optometric check-up” to educate the public about eye care. e School also performed simple vision tests for citizens to identify vision problems as early as possible. e campaign included activities such as seminars, and eye and oral check-ups for students in cooperation with dentists, to name a few. e promotion even extended outside Hong Kong; for example, the School has provided regular eye examinations and education about eye care for victims of the Sichuan earthquake, and people in Vietnam and many provinces in China including Xinjiang.自80年代起,學院在全港社區推廣「眼科普查」計劃,向社會帶出護眼常識,又為大眾做簡單的視力測試,以及早發現視力問題。計劃包括舉辦講座、與牙醫合作一起為學生檢查眼睛和牙齒等。又於香港以外的地區開展護眼運動,例如為四川災民提供眼睛護理的教育與協助,於越南、新疆等地區推展護眼普查健康活動等。e School has established teaching and learning platforms to collect research data through general eye care services. To encourage more non-optometry students to serve the community, the School offers eye care services training to participants every semester. In 2015, 360 non-optometry students were trained to provide 15,000 beneficiaries with the services. e School has also collaborated with 16 primary schools under Tung Wah Group of Hospitals to teach eye care knowledge and basic eye examination techniques to students. Students then regularly have simple vision tests at points set up in the school to identify vision problems as early as possible.學院透過普查服務建立教學平台,蒐集研究數據。為讓更多非眼科視光學系的學生能夠參與普查活動,視光學系每個學期均開設護眼普查服務培訓,提供一些護眼普查的訓練給學生。2015年共有360個非眼科視光學系的學生參與這項活動,服務人次達到15,000人。眼科視光學院也和東華三院轄下16間小學合作,向學生講解護眼常識和驗眼基本方法,在學校設點讓學生定期做簡單的視力測試,以便及早發現視力問題。眼科視光學院 < 歷史承傳
86e Hong Kong Polytechnic founded its optometric clinic as early as 1985, supporting relevant education, clinical practice and research. Since 2000, the optometric assessment pointat Tsing Yi, the optometric clinic (in collaboration withOur Lady of Maryknoll Hospital) at Wong Tai Sin, the Integrative Community Health Centre at Lai King and the Sik Sik Yuen – PolyU Optometry Centre have been founded. In 2014, the optometry research clinic was established not only to provide a platform for scientific research and clinical practice, but also to further reinforce the research strength in optometry and vision science. Teaching and learning are considered to complement each other.早於1985年,香港理工學院已成立眼科視光學診所,為教學實習和科研提供全面的支援。2000年後分別在青衣設立眼科評估站,與黃大仙聖母醫院合作成立眼科視光診所,於荔景開設眼科視光診所服務中心,以及與嗇色園合辦眼科視光診所。2014年又成立了眼科視光學研究診所,不但為科研和臨床提供了平台,而且進一步加強眼科視光學院的科研實力,可謂教與學相長。Decades of Success > School of OptometryDecades of Success > School of Optometry
87In 2017, with the support of the “Vision of Love Fund”, the School launched the “Vision of Love Mobile Eye Care Project” and purchased a seven-seater vehicle equipped with ophthalmic optometry equipment. e School has further extended its eye care outreach service in various districts by providing visual screening services for people in need. is project is expected to benefit about 20,000 people in its first two years of operation.2017年,學院於「看見愛基金」的支持下更啟動「看見愛流動護眼計劃」,為計劃添置一輛配備眼科視光檢查器材的七人車,以外展形式進一步把護眼服務拓展至全港各區,為有需要人士提供視覺篩查服務,預計計劃首兩年可惠及近20,000人次。In 2014, in support of PolyU’s mission to nurture civic responsibility in students, the School launched a Service-Learning subject for all PolyU students – Learning through Providing Eye Care and Vision Health to the Community. e subject aims to prevent blindness among school children, the elderly, low-income families, people with disabilities and mental difficulties, ethnic minorities and the general public, through providing eye tests and eye care activities in the community. Over 16,000 people have benefited. e School’s students also provide services for people in the Chinese mainland, Cambodia, Vietnam and so on. 為支持大學培育具社會責任的公民,學院於2014年推出可供全校學生修讀的服務學習科目「眼睛護理及視覺健康在社區」。透過於社區進行眼睛篩查及護眼活動,以推展防盲為目標,服務對象為學童、長者、低收入家庭、傷健人士、智能障礙人士、少數族裔及市民大眾,受惠者現已超過16,000人,除了服務本地居民,學生更為內地、柬埔寨及越南有需要人士提供服務。眼科視光學院 < 歷史承傳
88Focused research for life-long eye health聚焦科研,讓人類於有生之年皆擁有健康視力Prof Michael Millodot (1990 –1995) and Prof Marion Edwards (1995 – 1997), in their capacity as Head of School, nurtured a great research culture and led the academic staff to conduct research on certain focused areas. is resulted in a gradual increase in research publications on myopia. Prof George Woo became Head of School again from 1997 to 1998, and later the Dean of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (1997 – 2004). He affirmed myopia and the ageing eye as strategic focused research areas.繆朗濤教授 (1990–95)及艾綺華教授 (1995–97)擔任系主任期間,營造了很好的研究文化,引導老師作聚焦研究,近視研究開始初見成果。胡志城教授於1997–98年再次擔任系主任,並同時擔任醫療及社會科學院院長(1997–2004),為學院策略性聚焦近視和眼睛老化研究的領域。For several years, the School has been developing in a strategic and focused manner, and consequently it now plays a leading role in the academic field and is internationally recognised both for its teaching and research. e School’s current research mainly focuses on myopia prevention (around 60%) and the ageing eye (around 40%). With a clear vision and wise use of resources, the School has achieved great success and an immense output of research on myopia and glaucoma, winning high acclamation in the field. With the leadership and support of Prof George Woo, Prof Michel Millodot, Prof Marion H. Edwards, Prof Maurice Yap, Prof Carly S.Y. Lam and Prof To Chi-ho in their capacity as Head, the School has established an international reputation and collaborative network through research with universities in countries including Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA. e network benefits all participating parties in their specific areas and creates a flexible platform for sharing their research.學院多年來聚焦提升科研實力,無論教學或科研都手執學界牛耳,且享譽全球。主要研究重點為近視預防 (約佔60%),和眼睛老化研究(約40%)。由於目標清晰,資源配合得宜,近視病和青光眼研究方面均取得豐碩的成果,享譽同儕。在胡志城教授、繆朗濤教授、艾綺華教授、葉健雄教授(1998–2007)、林小燕教授(2007–2013)及杜嗣河教授(2013至今)擔任系主任時的領導下,讓學院通過研究建立國際聲譽和國際合作網絡,分別和澳洲、加拿大、英國和美國等國家著名大學合作,各取所長,不斷提升科研層次和水平,靈活建構科研共享平台。e Hong Kong Polytechnic founded its optometric clinic as early as 1985, supporting relevant education, clinical practice and research. Since 2000, the optometric assessment pointat Tsing Yi, the optometric clinic (in collaboration withOur Lady of Maryknoll Hospital) at Wong Tai Sin, the Integrative Community Health Centre at Lai King and the Sik Sik Yuen – PolyU Optometry Centre have been founded. In 2014, the optometry research clinic was established not only to provide a platform for scientific research and clinical practice, but also to further reinforce the research strength in optometry and vision science. Teaching and learning are considered to complement each other.Decades of Success > School of OptometryDecades of Success > School of Optometry
89Glaucoma is one of the leading cause of blindness. However, apart from knowing that the disease is associated with eye pressure, medical experts know little about its root cause. e School’s research team presented a major finding in relation to glaucoma regarding the formation of aqueous humour and its regulatory mechanism. e finding was subsequently published in an academic journal in 1998. e team’s research findings on myopia have won recognition from authoritative international bodies. In 2002, the team was ranked second in the world by an international panel. e team has also advanced orthokeratology, a technique in which the cornea is progressively reshaped using specially made contact lenses, thereby reducing children’s myopia. 青光眼為致盲的其中一個原因,目前醫學界仍未找到病危致盲的機制,只知道與眼壓有關。眼科視光學院科研團隊於1998年發表學術論文,發現青光眼的前房水分泌維持機制。眼科視光學院科研團隊對香港的近視研究成果,亦屢獲國際權威認可,於2002年更獲國際機構評為世界第二最優秀團隊。研究團隊發現角膜矯形術能有效減慢兒童近視加深。眼科視光學院 < 歷史承傳
90In addition, the team invented the Defocus Incorporated Soft Contact (DISC) lens, which effectively slows down myopia growth. is invention was supported by the Sek-J in Chew Travel Grant of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology in 2005, and won two other prizes in 2011: the Grand Prize of e Technical University of Cluj-Napoca-Romania and the Gold Medal with Jury’s Commendation in the 39th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva.團隊又發明了「光學離焦」(DISC)軟性隱形眼鏡,有效放緩近視增長,此發明於2005年獲視覺與眼科研究協會Sek-J in Chew Travel Grant資助,更獲得2011年羅馬尼亞克盧日納波卡科技大學 頒授特別大獎,以及於第39屆瑞士日內瓦國際發明展中獲得評審團特別嘉許金獎。Researchers of School of Optometry developed the Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) spectacle lens and won the Grand Prix award for being the best invention of the whole exhibition, the Prize of the Legal Company “Gorodissky & Partners” – Russia, and a Gold Medal with the Congratulations of the Jury at the 46th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in April 2018.眼科視光學院研究人員研發「多區正向光學離焦」(DIMS)眼鏡鏡片,於2018年4月舉行的第46屆國際發明展中奪得全場總冠軍、特別大獎(由俄羅斯”Gorodissky & Partners”頒贈),以及評判特別嘉許金獎三項大獎。Decades of Success > School of Optometry
91Research on progressive lenses and bifocals has also made remarkable achievements. As early as 1996, our research team had already published journal articles on related topics. Other research teams in countries such as the USA, Singapore and Taiwan made use of our research output, while research institutions from countries such as Australia, the USA and the UK have collaborated with us. Nobel Prize Laureate and former President of e Rockefeller University, Prof Torsten Nils Wiesel, has expressed great attention and highly complimented our research contributions.漸進近視與雙光眼鏡研究亦取得驕人成果。學院的研究團隊早在1996年已發表相關學術論文。美國、新加坡和台灣等地的研究團隊採用學院的研究成果;澳洲、美國和英國等研究機構亦為學院合作伙伴。洛克菲勒大學校長,諾貝爾得獎者托斯坦•威澤爾教授,對學院的研究成果深表讚賞。Prof Chi-ho To, the current Head of School, hopes the School will continue to achieve the betterment of mankind. is includes achieving better control of myopia, so that everyone can enjoy life-long good eye health and no longer be troubled by problems such as progressive myopia, glaucoma and retinal detachment. He also hopes to see more of the School’s research transformed into application. e research team not only improves the inventions made by others, but also has the courage to implement its own inventive research.學院主任杜嗣河教授期望眼科視光學院能繼續為人類謀福祉,包括控制近視,讓每個人於有生之年都可以保持良好視力,不再被青光眼,白內障,視角膜脫落等問題所困擾。他更加希望學院能夠將科研轉化為應用,不只改良他人的研究,更勇於多作創新研究。眼科視光學院 < 歷史承傳
Decades of Success > Future Development of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences 92FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OFFACULTY OF HEALTH ANDSOCIAL SCIENCES 醫療及社會科學院未來發展新動向Looking ahead, the FHSS will continue to cultivate professionals to promote high-quality scientific research and community services. It will focus on continually improving its programme development to meet the human resources demand. e Faculty will also devote itself to offering a better learning environment and cultivating outstanding health science and human services professionals.Moreover, staff and students will be encouraged to participate actively in service-learning projects and to promote community health education. PolyU’s new academic building in Ho Man Tin is expected to be completed by 2024, and the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and School of Optometry will then move to the new facilities. e Faculty will be even closer to the community and able to serve the people in need. Research teams in all areas will be committed to the study of human well-being to provide high-quality and practical scientific results that benefit the community.
93醫療及社會科學院未來發展新動向 < 歷史承傳展望未來,醫療及社會科學院將繼續以培育專才、推動高質量科研及服務社區為己任。學院將針對社會人力資源所需,持續優化發展課程,締造更佳學習環境培育優秀醫療科學及人本服務專才,又會積極鼓勵師生參與服務學習項目,推廣社區健康教育。預期於2024年理大於何文田的新校舍落成時,康復治療科學系和眼科視光學院將搬到新校舍,進一步貼近社區,為有需要的人服務。各領域的研究團隊將致力就人類福祉進行相關研究,務求能為社會帶來具質量又實用的科研效果。
Decades of Success > Acknowledgements94ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS鳴謝Prof George Woo, the Chief Editor, takes this opportunity to gracefully acknowledge the following persons (in alphabetical order) for their assistance and contributions in making this publication possible.主編胡志城教授藉此機會感謝以下人士 提供的慷慨協助及寶貴貢獻,以令本書得以完成及面世。Prof Chetwyn Chan 陳智軒教授Prof Daniel Lai 黎永亮教授Prof Carly Lam 林小燕教授Prof Maria Law 羅婉儀教授Prof James Lee 李健正教授Prof Arthur Mak 麥福達教授Prof Diana Mak 麥萍施教授Prof Alex Molasiotis 莫禮士教授Prof Gabriel Ng 吳賢發教授Prof Daniel Shek 石丹理教授Prof To Chi-ho 杜嗣河教授Prof Hector Tsang 曾永康教授Prof omas Wong 汪國成教授Prof Maurice Yap 葉健雄教授Prof Yip Shea-ping 葉社平教授Prof Benjamin Yung 翁一鳴教授(以英文姓氏排序)
95鳴謝 < 歷史承傳Manuscript by文稿提供Institute for Entrepreneurship, e Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學企業發展院Fact checking by資料核對Prof Tang Pak-lai鄧柏澧教授Sources of facts and photos資料及照片Publications by e Hong Kong Polytechnic / e Hong Kong Polytechnic University香港理工學院/香港理工大學刊物• 香港理工大學《六十五載耕耘創新》• 香港理工大學《歲月留影》七十周年回顧• 香港理工大學《校友網絡》• 香港理工大學《理大聯網》• Academic Calendar • e Hong Kong Polytechnic University Annual Report • e Hong Kong Polytechnic Staff Newsletter “Profile”• e Hong Kong Polytechnic Prospectus • e Hong Kong Polytechnic University Prospectus• e Hong Kong Polytechnic University Student Handbook• PolyU Milestone• FHSS Newsletter “Health News”
Faculty of Health and Social Sciencese Hong Kong Polytechnic University香港理工大學醫療及社會科學院 Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong香港九龍紅磡