The story of Fern the Fern
Fern the Fern is a good leader, yet their teamis underperforming.They create, a consistent environment forthe team to work in and treat everyone thesame way.2
Fern the Fern, knows their team are tryinghard to show up each day and give theirbest, yet energy is low and Fern the Fernknows they can all perform better.They call each plant into a meeting one byone to discuss how they are feeling.4
Corrine the cactus, has been in her role for 15years and loves what she does and thecompany she works for.She loves to spend most of her time workingalone and finds the constant daily wateringsuffocating. She feels like her boss Fern theFern doesn’t trust her to work things out forherself and is trying to make her grow, whenin reality she is happy just as she is and reallygood at what she does.6
She respects Fern the Fern and knows howhard she works to keep the team togetherbut sometimes wishes they would treat heras an individual instead of the same as someof the newer team members.8
Oscar the Orchid is quite new to the team. Helikes the sunny nature of the team butsometimes feels it’s a bit much and he doesn’tfit in. He would like more watering from Fern theFern until he is fully established but is nervousto ask for fear of feeling like he isn’t growingfast enough. 10
Oscar has big career aspirations but worrieshe may not have the chance to live these outin this team, as he thinks Fern the Fernexpects the same from him right now assome of the more established plants.12
Sonny the Sunflower has been in the teamfor a couple of years, she has grownexponentially and is hungry for morechallenges but feels like Fern the Fern isholding her back by just feeding her watereach day. Sonny knows that if she was given someplant feed now and again it would help herprogress even faster which would benefit theteam as a whole.14
She loves the team she works with butsometimes feels Fern the Fern wants to holdher back so they can all grow at the samerate.16
As a leader, what would you do in Fern theFern’s position?18
Looking after plants is a lot like looking afteryour team. Each plant requires differentamounts of attention and different methodsof care.When we buy a plant, we are given theinstructions on how to care for and nurture itto get the best from it and help it grow.
Safe around children and petsWater once a weekThrives in humid environmentsKeep out of direct sunlight Prune regularlyRepot once plant has outgrown current containerPlant Care20
Human CareWhich Environment gets the best from them?How much time and support do they require from you?What keeps theirenergy levels high?What format of communicationdo they respond best to?What is important to them in life and their career?How do they like to be led?
As leaders, we rarely get given that insightand therefore it is our job to find out how ourpeople will flourish and thrive in their rolesand their environments. What motivates them? What keeps theirenergy high? What working environment willenable them to be their best? How muchinteraction and support do they need fromyou their leader? What are their goals andaspirations?22
Thanks for reading our story of Fern the Fern,we hope it has sparked some curiosity for youwith your team!You might be wondering who Revolve is andwhy you are receiving this plant from Pti!Well here is an exclusive story for you as ourfriend and partner......We're retiring the Pti Worldwide brand,deciding our future lies with the name Revolve!!!
L e a d e r s h i p i n m o t i o n24
Why have we done this?Through continuous conversations andfeedback from our clients, as well asquestions about the relevance of PtiWorldwide, it got us thinking about ourfuture, who we are as a team, and thediversity of leaders we are and will beworking with in the future. Once all this was considered, the Pti brandno longer seemed to fit.
Revolve is leadership development forbrands in motion. But what does that mean?Just like Fern the Fern and their team, ashumans and as leaders we all have elementsand characteristics that make us unique butthese things change over time. Our age,environment, experiences, cultures, thepeople we spend our time with, will allchange as the years go by and ultimatelychange us as individuals. It's continuous, wenever stand still, we are always in motion.No one leader is the same, so why shouldleadership development be any different?
We believe in the power of curiosity andcontinuous learning, a revolving space ofshared knowledge, that grows and adaptswith people and the environment around us.We start by becoming part of your team,immersing ourselves in your business and inyour culture, allowing us to effectivelycombine our knowledge with your revolvingworld!28
Hopefully this story has helped give aninsight into Revolve and what we stand for. Ifthis has thrown up more questions thananswers, please give us a call and we willgladly wax lyrical about the why, what andhow of Revolve!We hope you enjoy Pascal your new plant. Ifyou love him as much as we do we wouldlove you to share a picture of him onLinkedIn and tag Revolve from the 16th ofJune! or send us a pic of Pascal in yourenvironment for us to share anonymously.
For now, you can still reach us on all of ourPti contact details, we will be transitioningthese to Revolve over the coming weeks andwill be sure to let you know once the finalswitch happens.As always thank you for your support andwe look forward to creating and sharingmany Revolve memories with you.Your Revolve team 30