MediaPackLast Updated January 2024
About usSince 2003, FE News has been on amission to provide a collaborative andinclusive platform for individuals toshare their expertise and shape thenarrative of the FE & Skills Sector. We believe that everyone should havethe power to join a community ofthought leaders and to encourageexciting change in education, skills, andthe future of work.
Global Influence70% of our traffic comes from the UK and20% from North America/Canada. Our AudienceMedia PackOur readership comprises of top-leveldecision makers, senior management,executives, and policy makers in theFE, HE, skills, apprenticeship, training,and employability sectors. Key Decision Maker AudienceJust under 60% of our audience are inSenior Leadership positions!
FE News Audience60%SeniorLeadershipSenior LeadersBe seen by decisionmakers: Just under 60% ofour audience are SeniorLeaders within theirorganisation!Statistics from LinkedIn (OCT 2023)SimilarWeb StatsJUL AUG60%115KSENIOR LEADERSHIP99.4K76.5kOur readers are frequently engaged with ourcontent, which is a clear indication that theyperceive it as interesting, relevant, and valuable.By collaborating with us, you can increase yourpotential audience reach to over 100,000individuals.Total Visits Last 3 MonthsSEP 2023
Media PackSenior35.4%Entry22.6%Director15.6%Manager8.3%Training5.2%With 60% of our audience in senior leadershipand 58% across the educational and careerdevelopment sector. If you're looking to reach key decision-makers,FE News is the place to be.Whether you're promoting a new product orservice, showcasing your thought leadership,or building brand awareness, FE News can helpyou achieve your marketing objectives!Statistics from LinkedIn(OCT 2023)Check out the SimilarWeb Data here.
Website StatsMonthlyVisitors96kOverOrganicReach66%Over
Media PackMedia Pack49.63%Female50.37%MaleFE News is a digital platformwith consistently high traffic andengagement, this is driven by ourorganic and sustainable growth. With over 200 articles publishedweekly, we attract a large anddiverse audience, making FE News the go-to source ofnews and information for SeniorExecutives and Directors in theFurther Education Eco-System.Tried, tested and trusted. FE News has been supportingthe sector for 20 years!
LinkedInFollowersMonthlyImpressions19,000104.8kTwitterFollowersMonthlyImpressions32k198KFacebookFollowers MonthlyImpressions1,370 4,299
Media PackSocial MediaInsightsAs FE News has been established longer thanFacebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, weunderstand the importance of social media.Our social media channels provide a range ofbenefits to our audience in the furthereducation, skills and apprenticeship sectors,helping to keep them up-to-date with the latestnews, trends, and insights.Social Media Channels(September 1-30th 2023)LinkedinTwitterFacebookInstagram104823198K429973Impressions
Advertising OptionsSide PillarsOn the Home Page, every Post andChannel. Desktop only. Find outmore about Side Pillars here.If you would like more information about ourdifferent advertising options, don’t hesitate to getin touch with our team with any questions youmay have.
Media PackHeadline BannerAt the top the page, just beneaththe main menu, on desktop andmobile.Find out more about Headliner Banners Content Square BlockBefore the main content, at the topof each post, just beneath themain image.Find out more about BeforeContent Square Blocks here.
Advertising OptionsIn Article ButtonCentre panel of the Desktop siteand about half way down themobile site.Find out more about In ArticleButtons ButtonRight hand side of the Desktopsite and about half way down themobile site.Find out more about Sidebar Buttons here.
Media PackHome Page Section Break ButtonCentre panel of the Desktop siteand about half way down themobile site.Find out more about Home Page Section Break Buttons of PageAt the end of the centre panel ofthe desktop site and at the end ofthe mobile site.Find out more about End of Page advertshere.
Co-ProducedContentWe see co-produced content as a truepartnership. We have assisted ourmedia partners to create and produceworld-class award-winning podcastseriesLooking to take your production qualityto the next level? With our help, you cansupercharge your content and delivertop-notch results that will dazzle youraudience.Find out more information by clickinghere.
Media player onFE News£700.00+VAT LivestreamProduction6 part season£6,000.00+VATContent strategymeeting and plan1 Co-host and 2 Guestsper episodeTech checksSetting up templatesand media assetsSetting up the streamsand branding fordifferent platformsLive on FE News andother social networks6 episodes in a legacyformat on FE NewsEach episode’s audio willbe published on the FENews PodcastLivestreamLivestreaming is a powerful tool for organisationsto engage with their audience in real-time. At FENews, we provide a dynamic platform forlivestreaming that is specifically tailored to yourneeds.Media Pack
We also offerfree podcast services.Click here to findout more. 6 part podcastseason£5,000.00+VATContent strategymeeting and planTech checks to test kit,access and feedsSetting up the templatesand media assetsDistribution acrossmultiple podcastplatformsPromotion on FE Newsand other socialnetworksThere will also be 6episodes in a legacyformat on FE NewsPodcasts are a growing medium for engaging withaudiences, and FE News is at the forefront of producinginformative and thought-provoking content. Bypartnering with us to produce podcasts, you canshowcase your expertise, reach a wider audience, andestablish yourself as a thought leader in the industry.Podcast
FE SoundbiteWeekly Journal &Newsletter HeadlineBanner for one week£295.00+VATFind out moreinformation here.FE Soundbite is our Weekly Journal & Newsletter hasbeen going for over 13 years. We offer a HeadlineBanner slot, which is an effective way to reach a loyaland engaged audience in the further education eco-system and increase your brand awareness.On every page of the FESoundbite WeeklyJournal and thesubscription emailnewsletter (8000+).At the top the FESoundbite WeeklyJournal page, justbeneath the navigationmenu.SoundbiteMedia Pack
£350 +VATper 1000subscribers.Video, phone,livestream,podcast orin-personinterview£2,500+VATEmail MarketingBy providing us text, imageryand other assets, we will tailorthese emails exclusively toyour business.Our email marketing packageis a powerful tool for reachinga targeted audience in thefurther education eco-systemand driving engagement withyour brand.This includes:Content strategy meeting and planto discuss the interview topic andquestions.Tech checks to test kit, access andfeedsSetting up the templates and mediaassetsLivestreams of video or audio on theFE News site wide media player, andother social networksEach episode’s audio will bepublished on the FE News PodcastInterviewSubscriber ListsDaily News = Over 4700 Soundbite = Over 8800 CPD = Over 3000 Podcast and Livestreams = Over 1700 Newsrooms = Over 6100
Media Pack1 person crew£1,500.00+VAT2 person crew£2,500.00+VATVideographyFrom £1,000 + VAT per day +travel + accommodation 6-8interviews per dayUpload to FE News, YouTube,dedicated video coveragepage of your event on FE News,and tweet coverage of yourvideos.Bespoke advertisement on thefront and back of the videocoverage.Opening and closing advertisements to be producedfrom images and text provided by the client.Our videography package provides a professional andvisually compelling way to showcase your brand,events, and content to a wider audience in the furthereducation, skills, and apprenticeships sectors.Don't Miss Out! Click Here to Discover Our Latest Offersand Check Availability.Discover the Possibilities: Unlock Your Potential with Our Offers
Neurodiversity: Empowering Learning andEmployment in partnership with Cognassistalso gained huge interest and engagement.This season was blended with short-formstreams, and a long-form as the season finale.Impressions(Media Player)117,374Total Clicks4,341Clickthrough rate3.69%WE HAD 37 VIDEOS IN THE SERIES!Impressions(Media Player)340,820Total Clicks8,723Clickthrough rate2.558%Short-Form VSMedia Pack
Impressions(Media Player)6,948Total Clicks521Clickthrough rate7.49%3,371 Impressions3,300 ImpressionsWe had a one-off long-form livestream withNCFE during National Apprenticeship Weekwhere we let the apprentices take over! Thisstream gained huge engagement both on thestream and across our social channels!Long-FormWe have a variety of options for co-produced content and will collaboratewith you to tailor the package to fulfilyour needs.
FE Careers has been the largest specialist job advertisingsite in Further Education, Apprenticeships and WorkBased Learning since 2003, helping you find your next jobin Learning and Development or your next member ofstaff.Want to Boost your Job Ads?.. it's all about the AI The Premium Jobs on FE Careers have had AI generatedAggregator services for over 5 years. A Premium Job adappears at the top of the FE Careers home page and a setAI budget... and we post it for you. Executive Recruitment - Reach Senior Leaders on FENewsWe can tailor a display campaign across both FE Careersand FE News. The FE News audience are predominatelySenior Leadership, whilst on FE Careers are mainlyEducators to Middle Management. Please click here to viewour Executive Recruitmentadvertising solution.Job Advertising on FE CareersFE Careers
Explore our candidate blog for valuable insights on acinginterviews, crafting the perfect CV, and much more. Visit now.Featured AdvertisersWe have a variety of advertisingpackages tailored to suit everyone'srecruiting needs. Check them outbelow!
From our platform to success: Discover theimpressive achievements of ourcontributors!FE News Contributors: A Look at their Success StoriesMedia PackOur thought leaders have accomplished remarkable feats!With features on BBC News, Good Morning Britain, BBCRadio 4 and GBN Live! Watch the video below to see more!We have also been mentioned onepic publications such as Reutersand Forbes!
Find out more here.Supporting our Contributors We know creating life changing content is hardwork. So we have created a suite of tools to help you, from theContent Creator Academy to the ConnectingContributors Community. Celebrating our Thought Leaders Every month, we celebrate our influencers and thoughtleaders by showcasing the Top Three most popularexclusive articles on FE News!Do you want to be recognised as a Sector Leader? Tofind out how to become a thought leader on FE Newsclick here.Create Epic Contentwith FE News!We also convert your thought leadership articles into apodcast using generative AI, this is called FE News on the go!
In October 2023, we hosted our eventin Birmingham, marking the debut of FECollective. This groundbreakingoccasion centered around artificialintelligence, investments in the sectorof the future, and the path to progress.With each upcoming FE Collectiveevent, we will delve into diverse,industry-relevant hot topics.The FE Collective is a flippedconference where the audience workstogether to share ideas, visions andsolutions, and develop a joint plan totackle some of the biggest challengesfacing the FE and Skills sector. All ofwhich will contribute to arevolutionary collaborative report.If you would like to get involved in a FE Collective event,please email us on
We reached out to brilliant thoughtleaders, influencers and friends of FENews to embark on a captivatingjourney down memory lane, reflectingon how the FE sector has evolved overthe last 20 years and looking at whatthe future holds for the FE Sector.You can check out the series here.We had so many coolperspectives that Septembercouldn't contain them all, sowe rolled our celebration intoOctober. It's been a blast!To celebrate 20 years of FE News, we launched a brandnew series of streams called ‘20 Years, 20 Voices’.IMPRESSIONSCLICKSCTR340,8208,7232.558%WE HAD 37 EPIC VIDEOS!
Real People, Real Experiences“FE News is the leading community site for those committed to furthereducation, apprenticeships and skills. It has some of the most interestingand authoritative professionals and practitioners who write for thechannel, meaning it exposes a broader audience to challenging andcutting edge thinking. I write for FE News because it has a credible team of committed peoplebehind it. The digital aspect of the channel has allowed me and myorganisation to get to a much wider audience, in a variety of formats,including launching the first radio show podcast for FE during thepandemic. The award we received for digital innovation was as much areflection of the expertise and dedication of the exceptional FE Newsteam” FAB- Prof. Tom BewickSkills Consultant- Aidan Relf"I’ve worked with FE News since the beginning and I’ve watched it growever since. I’ve witnessed Gavin taking his camera around numerousconferences and posting online vox pops with key sector leaders indouble-quick time long before they became commonplace on socialmedia. Perhaps at the time, some of us, including me, didn’t fullyappreciate how ground-breaking this was, especially for a sector whichstruggled for national media coverage. Yet the short clips were a reallydisciplined and effective way for colleagues to get their key messagesacross. "More sector colleagues than ever are now submitting comment piecesto the FE News website. It means that a wide range of topical issues getcovered – FE News was for example quick to latch on to the significanceof ChatGPT’s development for the sector and invite experts to contributeviews on what AI means for learning and assessment. It doesn’t surpriseme that sponsors and advertisers want to be associated with a dailysmorgasbord of varied opinions. "As well as being ‘introduced’ to new voices, I enjoy reading the articles ofpeople that I hugely respect and admire and I look forward to doing thisfor many more years. This year heralds the twentieth anniversary of FENews’ arrival and its continued growth is testimony to all the hard workwhich Gavin and his team have poured into it. Long may it continue toprosper in a sector vital for our economy and social inclusion. "
Media PackOAL- Zachary Wilde“I’ve been in apprenticeships for 3 years now and during that time I’veworked with Gavin and the team at FENEWS on many articles, campaigns,and projects. They’re always wanting to put information out there into the world, positive information about the sector and the people in it.Celebrating the successes and giving a voice to those proposing solutionsto areas that fall short. I find myself on FENEWS reading articles andwatching videos probably more than I should but with everything going on it’s hard to keep up otherwise! Thankfully FENEWS work hard on providing a platform for all essential news within further education.”“FE News is an absolute delight to work with. A trusted partner andcollaborator, Gavin and his team are incredibly knowledgeable and add somuch value through their deep insight into the sector. This is matched bybucket loads of positivity, enthusiasm and innovation – FE News is alwaysbursting at the seams with fantastic ideas to implement new and effectiveways of working to reach different audiences. They take the time to really understand the needs of your organisation and then support you in translating this into quality, value-adding content – from articles toadverts, from live shows to videos and more. They closely monitorengagement and regularly feedback on the results of any activity to help you understand your reach and impact. As an educational charity, it is our core purpose to promote and advance learning and ensure nolearner is left behind, and it is clear that FE News shares this vision,championing learning in all its forms.”NCFE- Lindsay PlumptonBranagh PR- Tim Walsh"I have had a number of clients in further and higher education, and theyhave always been keen to engage with FE News. This is a high qualitymedia outlet reaching top practitioners and leaders in education. Thestandard of the content shared by FE News is consistently high, so to be featured is valuable for anyone wanting to reach an influential FEaudience. They set high standards but the team at FE News are also a joy to work with. Professional but personable and helpful with it”
Publishing articles onFE NewsExclusive articles are solution-led, thought leadershiparticles which FE News retains the rights to. FE Voices areimportant updates from the sector, but also these thoughtleadership articles which the author would like to retain therights to. Start contributing now, find out more here orwatch our video on how to upload content here.
To upload content directly to the site, you will need apublisher newsroom. This is free for all government fundedproviders and ofqual regulated awarding organisations*Free for all government-funded providers and Ofqual regulatedawarding organisations
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