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Feb. YPG Newsletter

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Volume 1 | Issue 5 CLICKHERE FORNEXT PAGELGBTQIA+ Service & Celebration 1/20/2024 N E W S L E T T E RFebruary ‘24PG.1

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R E F E R A F R I E N D V O L U N T E E RO P P O R T U N I T I E SM E M B E R P O R T A LC O N T A C T K A IThursdayThursday, February 21st, February 21stSip and ServeSip and ServeSaturday, March 2ndSaturday, March 2ndWomen’s History MonthWomen’s History MonthStretch & ServeStretch & ServeClick the BLUE button above to sign up for all upcoming YPG events and other volunteer opportunitiesPG.2

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This month, we spotlight two YPG members who have been elected toAssistance League of Los Angeles Board of Directors, Leslie Gonzalezand Mika Ford! Leslie and Mika bring a unique blend of lived experiences to theirpositions and understand the challenges of the population we serve:Leslie was a proud participant of our former Afterschool Program andMika has her own foundation helping foster youth in their professionaland personal development. Leslie and Mika are joining fellow YPG and existing Board Member, J’NetNguyen. Along with ten other board members, the three will representYPG and help govern the League. We truly appreciate their commitment to improving the lives ofunhoused and foster youth. Congratulations, ladies!PG.3“It is an honor to serve on Assistance League of LosAngeles’ Board of Directors. Growing up in thefoster system was a challenge, but through faith,determination, and hard work, I have become aleader and trailblazer. Representation matters; mygoal is for other foster youth to know they are notalone and can achieve all of their dreams. I lookforward to contributing to the League's invaluablemission and impactful decisions.” “I am proud and honored to be a Board Member ofthe League as it is way to represent and continueadvocating for the children we serve in LA. Thisrole Is important to me as I know first-hand the life long lasting impact this organization can have on a person. “Mika Ford Leslie Gonzalez

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ThursdayThursday, March 14th, March 14thProm Day is an annual event that serves female-identifying students from the Los AngelesProm Day is an annual event that serves female-identifying students from the Los AngelesUnified School District's (“LAUSD”) Homeless Education Office who are experiencingUnified School District's (“LAUSD”) Homeless Education Office who are experiencinghomelessness or extreme poverty. These students have maintained their grades whilehomelessness or extreme poverty. These students have maintained their grades whilesimultaneously managing extremely difficult life circumstances.simultaneously managing extremely difficult life circumstances. These students will be welcomed to Assistance League of Los Angeles' Prom Day, a “pop- These students will be welcomed to Assistance League of Los Angeles' Prom Day, a “pop-up” boutique where they choose their dream ensemble - new prom dresses, new shoes, newup” boutique where they choose their dream ensemble - new prom dresses, new shoes, newaccessories, new make-up, and more—all at no cost!accessories, new make-up, and more—all at no cost!We are thrilled to bring this annual event back on March 14, 2024 at Emerson College.We are thrilled to bring this annual event back on March 14, 2024 at Emerson College. Volunteers. donors, of new items and sponsorships needed.Volunteers. donors, of new items and sponsorships needed.D O N A T E F U N D SS H O P O U R W I S H L I S T SS P O N S O R P R O M D A YPG.4

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Catch up and see the latest news with Assistance League of Los Angeles!Socials@assistanceleagueoflosangelesAssistance League of Los AngelesAssistance League of Los Angeles PozosMembership and Community Engagement Manager323-545-6542Paloma Pozos ppozos@assistanceleaguela.orgKai Tramiel Membership and Community Engagement Director323-545-4847ktramiel@assistanceleaguela.orgPG.5