Rotary Club of MiamiVirtual BulletinJan - Feb 2022 + Upcoming EventsMeetings are currently held via ZOOM on Thursdays at 12:30 PM, when conditions improve in-person meetings (coupled with a ZOOM broadcast) will be held at the Miami Yacht Club. Please check our website for specifics:
Message from PresidentNoreen TimoneyDear Fellow Rotary Club of Miami Members and Friends:As we move forward through the second half of this Rotary year, we are continuing to strive to bring Value to your membership through our service efforts, programming, communication, and public image efforts. We have coupled each of these endeavors with a wonderful complement of fellowship and fun during our social events. Over the past seven months, we have worked together, laughed together, celebrated together and mourned losses together.Throughout this digital magazine, you will see some of the events directly tied to our ongoing activities and signature initiatives. I encourage you to put forth your ideas for projects and topics for our programs. Please share your thoughts with us so that the Rotary Club of Miami can truly reflect and actualize your membership goals.We continue to deal with the ramifications of COVID, and I thank each of you for your consideration and cooperation as we adjust our schedules and activities to ensure the safety of our members. We have learned that our Club members rise to the occasion when faced with challenges. As Rotarians, we have stood tall in dealing with some major ones; such as the eradication of polio, helping to fight disease, provide clean water, promote peace, support education and literacy, assist mothers and children, grow economies, protect our environment, and support disaster response efforts.As we go through the last five months of this year, let us hold the Rotary Club of Miami banner high and expand upon our Service Above Self and work to help others through impactful actions that change lives.Stay involved and engaged with us! Thank you for your support. You are our Club’s greatest asset.Sincerely Yours in Rotary Service,On behalf of the Board of Directors of The Rotary Club of Miami,Noreen L. TimoneyPresident, 2021-20223
==============================================================================================================================================================================Barbara Gobbi, is District Governor-Elect 2023 - 2024. Her presentation on Jan. 6thfocused on Social Media Marketing and how to maximize results of this important medium for communication. Dr. Agatha S. Caraballo, Founding Director of the Maurice A. Ferré Institute for Civic Leadership at FIU.Her presentation was on January 27thand covered issues of public policy. Johann Zietsman, the President and CEO of the Adrienne Arsht Center. His presentation was on February 3rdand covered many topics about the amazing Miami institution. Shlomi Ron, CEO of the Visual Storytelling Institute. On Feb. 17thhe explained who VSI helps brands better communicate their message through visual storytelling consulting, training, and thought leadership. Engaging Keynote SpeakersIn recognition of their effort and time as our keynote speaker, each one had a tree planted on February 12thin their honor. 4 Michael Hogan spoke to our Club on Jan. 20thabout his new book: Women of the Irish Rising, A People’s HistoryDr. Hogan’s new book is based upon Irish and UK military reports and combatant journals. As he says: “It’s really exciting stuff”.Last year, Dr. Hogan spoke to us about The Irish Soldiers of Mexico. A little known true story. or both of these books would make a great read as we approach St. Patrick’s Day. Buy them on Amazon.5
On February 12thwe returned to Crandon Park to finish the reforestation of native salt-water resistant trees in the marsh areas of the park. An additional 200 green buttonwood trees were planted. Most of the trees were dedicated to a friend or relative of a Club Member or in honor of a keynote speaker who addressed our Club at a meeting. 6
Richard Pagliarulo Created An Educational AwardIn Honor of Leo Carreño+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Richard Pagliarulo was a great friend, devoted father, avid sportsman and a successful entrepreneur. He was an active member of the Miami Rotary Club in years past and lived his life by the Four-Way test. He was also very generous, giving time and money to good causes. When he passed away in early 2020, he left a generous donation to our Club to fund scholarships. Richard had a long career in banking, and later in life bought Parker Sod, a well-known nursery in Miami. This is where his passion really laid. Norm Kassoff let us know that Richard always wanted to set up a scholarship program for landscape architecture. We will heed his desires. He set a good example for all of us to follow.Nick Cross, David McManus, Richard Pagliarulo and Robert Bull7
Create Your Own Charitable Legacy Through Our FoundationIf you are 70 ½ or older, you may direct your IRA administrator to distribute a gift from your IRA to the Rotary Club of Miami Florida Foundation, Inc. This is known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution. Any You may want to establish a legacy that will honor a loved one, or memorialize your name, in perpetuity or for a time frame you choose. Just set up a charitable award program within our Club'sfoundation. They are so many options you might want to address: educational scholarships, musical instruments, sensory toys for children with special needs, planting trees, feeding the poor and the list goes on and on. amount you transfer to the Club’s Foundation, up to $100,000, counts towards your RMD. Simply roll over part of your RMD to a charity, like the Rotary Club of Miami Florida Foundation, Inc. Your charitable contribution will then distributed tax-free. There are several individual awards that our Clubs manages, such as the Thomas Brown McClelland Trust, the Griffitts Award (Police Officer of the Year), the Grace & John DeLury Leadership Award (Four-Way Test at Miami High School) and recently, Richard Pagliarulo, a former Member who moved to Montana, left in his will a donation to fund educational scholarships in honor of a dear friend.8
We won the 1st place award in the International category competition for nesting boxes of solitary bees. Award from SloveniaThey also sent a book (A BEEKEEPER AT HEART) written by Andrejka Cufer that tells the story about a famous beekeeper, Anton Janša, professor of beekeeping in Vienna in the nineteenth century; and a painting (on a plank of wood) by nine (9) year old UrhAmbrozic. Paintings were placed above the entrances to the bee hives for three reasons: to protect the bees from magic spells, to prove the ownership, to make it easier for bees to find their beehives by remembering the colors.9
FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine and Rotary Club of Miami, Thomas Brown McClelland Scholar Pinning Event. This celebration was held on February 11thto recognize 46 of our HWCOM students who received Thomas Brown McClelland Scholarships.A total of $198,500 was awarded. Thestudents were recognized and pinned with an official TBM Scholar lapel pin.Dean Cendan & Michael Kesti, District Governor Nominee11
Valentine’s Day Party @ Diane’s Home12
========================================================17Candidate interviews for the TBM Scholarships are on Saturday, March 5, 12 and 19. Screening the candidates and selecting the TBM scholars is an honor. All Members are invited to volunteer for this interview process. You will be energized after meeting the wonderful applicants. You may choose to volunteer for all three Saturdays or just one. Please contact Phil Seipp for further details.Coral Reef Restoration project is scheduled for March 5th. We will first start at the Coral Restoration Foundation in Key Largo at 9:00 AM for training and education. After lunch we will meet at the dock and travel to the Coral Restoration Foundation’s nursery and then on to Pickles Key where small corals will be transplanted to that location. This trip is a snorkeling expedition. Contact Robert Bull, to see if space is available.13
February17 Thursday – Zoom Meeting23 Wednesday – RCM Board Meeting - Zoom24 Thursday – Meeting at Miami Yacht ClubMarch3 Thursday – Zoom Meeting5 Saturday – TBM Interviews5 Saturday – Coral Reef Restoration Project 10 Thursday- Meeting at Miami Yacht Club12 Saturday – TBM Interviews12 Saturday – Rotary Leadership Institute16 Wednesday – St. Patrick’s Day Happy Hour17 Thursday – NO MEETING 19 Saturday – TBM InterviewsMarch24 Thursday – Zoom Meeting30 Wednesday – RCM Board Meeting ZOOM31 Thursday – Meeting at Miami Yacht Club (April Fools Day Party)April7 Thursday – Meeting at Miami Yacht Club14 Thursday – Zoom Meeting15 First Night of Passover16 Saturday – District Training Assembly17 Easter Sunday21 Thursday – 21 Meeting at Miami Yacht Club27 Wednesday – RCM Board Meeting28 Thursday – Zoom MeetingNotes:As new opportunities for projects or events arise, calendar will be adjusted ROTARY CLUB OF MIAMICURRENT CALENDARFEBRUARY 17THTHROUGH APRIL 202214
We have outside speakers and invite everyone to submit investment ideas for analysis and review future investments. One strategy evaluated was the Dogs of the Dow. The Dogs are those stocks of the DOW that have performed the poorest during the past year (2021 in our case). Buy them at the beginning of the next year (in January of this year, 2022) and you should -- theoretically -- outperform the Dow Jones Industrial Average that year.Dogs of the DOWEveryone is invited to join the Investment Club• Each Member pays initial formation costs $100• Investment requirement/Members is $300/semester. The first semester investment is due.• AGIC does not offer investment advice. It is believed that Members may decide to follow some of the Club’s strategies in their own investments.• For further details, please contact Robert BullThe Alpha Generator Investment Club, LLC (AGIC) and the Rotary Club of Miami Evening Club have decided to join forces and hold joint meetings on a monthly basis. This will reduce ZOOM meeting fatigue and allow for greater attendance. Everyone’s Dream. LOL15
JOIN ESMAG! We need to address environmental issues in our area. Everyone is invited to join ESMAG (Environmental Sustainability Miami Action Group). There are NO Membership fees. We need your help to come up with new ideas and plan/participate with our projects. Contact Robert Bull.ESMAG has its own website: and its own Facebook page: Club is the ambassador for EndPlasticSoup and the ESRAG organizer in our District. Our goal is to expand these efforts. Help is need to accomplish these goals.16
Her Rotary theme is “Imagine Rotary”. Within the logo: the circle represents Rotary, the dots represent the seven areas of focus. Imagine Rotary: Imagine the possibilities in the change you can make to transform the world.Jennifer Jones will make history - first female President of Rotary Int’l Claudette Colvin(15 years old)REFUSED TO GIVE UP HER SEAT ON A BUS IN MONTGOMERY, AL. NINE MOHTNS BEFORE ROSA PARKS INCIDENTMarilyn MonroeJacqueline KennedyGolda Meir, Angela Merkel, Margaret Thatcher & Benazir Bhutto were the first female leaders of their countries: Israel, Germany, Great Britain and Pakistan.Rotary Club of Miami has had five female Presidents: Ruth Kassowitz, Anne de las Posas, Linda Singer, Diane Landsberg and now Noreen TimoneyMarch isSIX FAMOUS WOMEN EVERYONE KNOWS – SEE BELOW:17
====================================================================LONG TERM CARE (LTC) COSTS can be a financial drain for most families. Currently, the annual cost of a private room for LTC is $114,000. If medical insurance inflation is just 3.5%, in ten years it will cost $168,000/year and in twenty years it will be $249,000. LTC costs could even reach over $1,000,000 for just four years of care. In the case of Alzheimer’s, the cost could be double. Have you planned for this probable event? If not contact me and I may provide you with reasonable alternatives. Please contact me: Cell: 305.733.3704, Website: IN THE BULLETINFLEXIBLE TIMING DATESCOST:¼ Page - $10½ Page - $25Full Page - $50Contact: Robert BullRobert H. BullVIDEOS FROM JENNIFER JONES FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CONTACT SHIRLEY PARDON:(786.525.4621)BUYING/SELLING OR RENTING. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A VACATION HOME, RENTAL PROPERTIES OR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, SHIRLEY CAN ASSIST YOU.20SHIRLEY PARDONgri, sres, cips, trcREALTOR ®, SELLING, RENTING. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES. VACATION HOMES, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT.Each office is independently owned and operatedKELLER WILLIAMS® MIAMI700 NE 90THSTREET, SUITE AMIAMI, FL 33138