Message 2025EditionSTORY TIMEMYSTERY MYSTERY COOK COOK BOOK CLUBBOOK CLUB10-11 am Mondays - Stewart Hall LibraryTo register, visit our Events Calendar on our website Program Coordinator are thrilled to welcome back Hannah Norris, our Program Coordinator, from her maternity leave. Get ready…2025 is going to be an amazing year at OSMPL.Hannah is a life long reader with a passion for libraries andstrengthening communities. She has worked in librariesacross the country and is currently working on her Mastersin library sciences. When she’s not at work she loves tospend time outside with her son, playing board games withfriends, and of course curling up with a good book. Stop inand say hello to her anytime, and let her know what you’rereading! hannah@osmpl.caTo register, visit our Events Calendar on our website Upcoming Programs Available Feb. 4 Craft kits includes a reading list, andsupplies. We would love to see your masterpiece, send us apicture to You can pick up this take homecraft at any branch of OSM Public Library while supplies last. Available March 4Available April 8Drop-In10-11 am Tuesdays - Bailieboro Library1-2 pm Wednesdays - Keene LibraryAges 0-52 n d T h u r s d a y E a c h M o n t h , 6 - 7 : 3 0 p m S t e w a r t H a l l L i b r a r yJoin us monthly to discover dishes you never dreamed youwould make! Participants will be assigned a mystery cook bookand they must make one dish from their book and bring it tothe next meeting where we will have a potluck and discusswhat they thought of the cook book they got!EUCHRE TOURNAMENTEUCHRE TOURNAMENTJoin us for some free and friendly competitionat our library euchre tournament every lastFriday of the month Stewart Hall CommunityCentre. 6-8 pm. No entry fee!Register via our Events Calendar onour Website.Homeschool Meet Up & Material SwapHomeschool Meet Up & Material SwapLast Thursday of each month 12-2 pm Bailieboro LibraryJoin us at the library for some crafts, books, and socialization. Bringschooling materials that you are no longer using and swap them withother families in the community.A reminder that the Library can bring story time to you! If youhave a home daycare, childcare program, or school, the librarycan bring story time to you every month. Please contact Hannahat
2025EditionHelp from our Friends OSMPL received funding from KCU’s 2025 Community InvolvementProgram. Thank you for your support again this year.Check out our on-line catalogue for new additionsStarting March 4, Keene LibraryCall Claude Caron at 705-295-2210 to book 2025 Ontario Park Passes are in!Borrow one now and embark on awinter adventure at one of Ontario’sstunning Provincial Parks. With thesepasses, you can enjoy the beauty ofnature on a winter walk. The passes areavailable for day loan period. Volunteer Income Tax ClinicAttention Jigsaw Puzzle Enthusiasts! We're excited to announce our upcoming friendly 500piece ”In the Cards” jigsaw puzzle competition! March 22, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm, Stewart Hall Community CentreTo register, visit our Events Calendar. “Blind date with a book! We’re taking ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ seriously. Stop in at any of our branches and fall in love withyour next read.” Visit your branch to pick up your book date.You never know you may have just met a new author orbegun what may evolve into a long-term relationship.“Spring Into Reading” ProgramShare the joy of reading with yourchild and enjoy the surprise of readinga different book every night deliveredby “Peter” our Library Bunny. To register to reserve your child’s a special canvas bagfilled with 6 delightful Easter and Spring picture books,along with Peter, to enjoy with your child each night leadingup to Easter. Book pickup begins on April 7, 2025. Spring into Easter at Your LibraryJoin us at the Stewart Hall Community Centre for a day filled with the joys of Spring! Families will make their own Easterbaskets, gather eggs in an egg hunt and read some stories thatcelebrate the season. April 12, 11 am - 1 pm. To register, visit ourEvents Calendar.Discover the joy of reading with us! Join our newly formed book club at the BailieboroPublic Library for a delightful afternoon of bookdiscussions. Whether it's your all-time favourite or anew discovery, share your love for books with fellowenthusiasts. Led by our Program Coordinator,Hannah, this group is all about growing together andmaking it uniquely yours. We can't wait to see youthere! The Club meets on the 1st Thursday of eachmonth, 2 pm. To register, visit our Events Calendar.Bailieboro Book ClubStudent Volunteers Wanted!Do you love working with kids? Are you looking for fun a way toearn volunteer hours and gain valuable work experience? Have we got an opportunity for you! We are currently looking forstudent volunteers to help with our March 7, Minecraft P.A. DayCamp. Volunteer Application FormAre you passionate about books, learning, andcommunity engagement? Do you have a skill, hobbyyou would like to share? We're looking forenthusiastic volunteers to join our team and helpmake our library programs even more amazing! Fillout our Volunteer Application Form we wouldlove to hear from you! Given our current budget limitations, we would greatly appreciate your financial support. Yourcontribution will help us continue providing valuable services to your community.
2025EditionLibby is used by millions of library patrons allover the world to enjoy ebooks, magazines,& audiobooks from their public libraries.Gayle Nelson Keene Library3252 County Road 2, Keene,
Bailieboro LibraryHwy. #28, Bailieboro, ON705-939-6510Bailieborobranch@osmpl.caComputer, Devices Hall Library1490 Matchett Line/Wallace Point Rd.705-749-5642Stewarthallbranch@osmpl.caIs a ground-breakingdatabase... one-stopself-help resource and fully interactive online communitycenter for teen health and wellness.Visit our Digital Resources page to see our full e-resources.Computer, device etc. assistance is available. We can assist with device,computer set-up and installations there is afee of $10 per hour. Please call us to make anappointment. One-to-one lessons can bescheduled but must be arranged beforehand withinstructor. Please call your branch to book yourtime with Melissa. Cost perinstruction is $10.We added new e-resources to our collectionline-up in 2025. You will need an OSMPL LibraryCard ti access them. Sign up here. Library library edition can only beaccessed at your library branch. Thedifference between Ancestry is that thelibrary edition lacks some of thepersonalization tools such as creating andlinking family trees.You want to look up your roots? We can help youwith that?Unleash your creative potential with our fantastic e-resources! Dive into Craft & Hobby and Creativebug tosatisfy your artistic cravings and explore endless creativepossibilities.Is Creativity Your Passion?Discover The Mailbox Plus—anincredible resource perfect for bothteachers and homeschoolers. With over 54,000 ideas andworksheets, it helps teach essential skills and makes lessonplanning a breeze, all on an easy-to-use, teacher-friendlyplatform.Attention Homeschoolers and Teachers!Home Improvement SourceWhether you're installing a new door, fixing a leaky faucet, orsprucing up your garden, we've got you covered! Our libraryoffers free access to Home Improvement Source, acomprehensive database with thousands of articles from tophome improvement magazines and reference books, plus aunique collection of home repair images you won't findanywhere else online.Ready to Tackle Home Projects?Designed for non-medical professionals, ConsumerHealth Complete is a comprehensive research database.It offers full articles from journals and magazines, healthreference e-books, and evidence-based health reports.Discover Consumer Health CompleteNoticeChange in Operational Hours at the Bailieboro BranchPlease be advised that effective February 1, 2025, there will bea change in the operational hours at our Bailieboro Branch.Hours as follows: Tuesdays 11-6:30 pm, Saturdays 11 am to 4 pm