February 5 2021 ALWAYS ASCENDING Dear Parents The Parsha states Do not ascend on steps to my Rashi states when you build a ramp for the Mizbeiach don t make steps but rather keep it smooth and inclined like a ramp The Meforshim wonder why this mitzvah is selected to conclude this Parsha What connection does it have to the climax of the Parsha The Meforshim point out that there is a difference between an object placed on a ramp and an object placed on a step While an object on a step is firmly at rest and stable an object on a ramp runs the risk of rolling downwards The Torah concludes the Parsha with this mitzvah to inform us that the key to climbing in our is to view our spiritual growth as a continual process that cannot be paused Neglecting our spiritual growth results in an automatic decline in our Ruchniyus 4 46 PM In the possuk states The writes that in Yiddishkeit there is no middle ground or state of neutrality Either one is ascending or descending Unlike others who can be content with mediocrity Klal Yisrael cannot We can never rest on our laurels This then is the lesson of the Mizbeiach s ramp The Mizbeiach represents and its ramp represents our continual struggle to ascend and strive for more in our spiritual development Because otherwise we will slip downwards Hence it is very appropriate for Parsha of Matan Torah the blueprint for our spiritual growth to conclude with this mitzvah Sun Feb 7 Parent Teacher Conferences 6 8B Israel Mon Feb 8 Parent Teacher Conferences grades 1 8B Tue Feb 9 Parent Teacher Conferences for 7 8G Thurs Feb 11 Wed Feb 17 Winter break no classes Thurs Feb 18 regular classes resume Rabbi Ochs Wow Grandparent week was really beautiful Seeing the smiles and joy of our grandparents watching their grandkids was priceless Nachas with a capital N The students were SO excited to wave to their grandparents as they Zoomed into their classrooms Thank you to all those that participated We thank our Shoroshim members for their ongoing support towards our school A huge thank you to our teachers for preparing and running the Zoom sessions Rabbi Mordechai Becher had the grandparents laughing hysterically at our kickoff event as he discussed the role of a grandparent We all need to laugh a bit more especially this year Thank you to Rabbi JP Katz for filming and producing a heartwarming video A Day at TA which was shown at the kickoff event Thank you to all the administrators for sharing meaningful memories of their own grandparents highlighting the very real and long lasting impact grandparents make for years to come The Digital Dov Katz event was out of this world as Digital Dov connected with grandparents and grandkids with his minute to win it games scavenger hunt and family feud trivia games It was adorable watching everyone run around their houses to find the various items to compete in the games In short although Zoom is second best to in person it was a really great second best Next year we look forward to seeing our grandparents in person in Boston Yasher Koach to Rabbi Frohlich for a wonderful Grandparent s Week Mazel Tov to 4G on being misayem Parshas Vayechi and Sefer Bereishis They will celebrate next week with a pizza and project siyum Thank you Mrs Sternfield Mazel Tov to 5G on being misayem Parshas Yisro They decorated little cakes to commemorate Kabalas HaTorah on Har Sinai Thank you Mrs Gould
Bulletin Board MAZEL TOV TO Bobby Esther Sanieoff on the bar mitzvah of their son Aaron 7B SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Beshalach 4B 5B 6B 8B Natanel Atar Ezra Klompas Mordy Bier Moshe Beilin Moshe Bark Uri Knisbacher Ephraim Kashnow Yisrael Feldman Eli Benmergui Aron Luria Shmuel Loketch Yaakov Fontek Elchanon Frohlich Moshe Aryeh Riesel Naftoli Ochs Sruly Halpern Yosef Hoffman Chaim Yaakov Septimus Tzvi Posy Uri Katz Tuvia Schonberg Moishe Leff Shua Kashnow Gavi Rosenberg Eliyahu Yousheei Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein 7B Mendel Meyers Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Dov Posy Yisroel Leib Greene Ezzie Schwarz Aaron Sanieoff Binyomin Septimus Avromi Shimanovich Chatzkel Wilhelm Noam Youshaei
GRANDPARENT S WEEK Grandparents Zoom virtually visit their grandchildren s classes
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 2B learns about bris bein habesarin Boys prepare their STEM Fair projects 6B learning about looms as part of their of study of malachos relevant to the acts related to weaving BBQ siyum for 6B completion of Maseches Rosh Hashonah
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS Grade 5 Har Sinai cakes decorating siyum 1G enjoying the snow at recess reading during library time and celebrating filling their jelly bean jar STEM projects in 4B
PURIM GEMACH COSTUMES LIST 0 9 months Pink bunny rabbit new Cute cow new Banana Broccoli Baby cat Cute flower 18 24 months Beautiful parrot Clown fish Policeman 6 12 months Minnie mouse Ladybug Penguin Mischievous monkey Garden gnome new 2 years Beautiful green Sari Red Sari only skirt Sleeveless lion top with hood Scooby Doo dog new Clown 3 small Chinese Kung fu costume Fairy new Policeman Paw patrol chase new Mini mouse Green alien 4 5 years Robot dress new Fire fighter Curious George Magician new Cowboy Pirate girl Nurse Fabulous aviator jacket Sleeveless velvet crusader top shark 10 and older Wizard of Oz Tin Man without Axe Civil war soldier Big Boy Penguin Aviator tall boy new Big scarecrow Pioneer girl Fabulous medieval gown Wizard of Oz scarecrow Fabulous pirate girl barmaid gown Fabulous medieval gown Boys American soldier Boys Israeli soldier 5 7 years Ragdoll girl Furry sleeveless monkey jacket Doctor costume new Skeleton Adult costumes King or queen robe ER scrubs Court jester Pioneer woman black and white gown Statue of Liberty Long black gown Joseph s coat with animals sewn on Renaissance lady velvet gown Snow white gown Elizabethan gown Horse costume Ringmaster Fisherman Long black caftan with embroidery 12 18 months Strawberry ladybird new Frog Robot dress new Baby sheep 12 months Baby tiger without head 3 4 years Bumblebee Paw patrol Marshall new Scooby Doo dog new Dragon new Bunny rabbit Aviator power suit new Pirate girl Nurse 7 10 years Purple and green tulip dress Nurse Dorothy from Wizard of Oz Native American Cowboy girl Two astronaut suits Wolf costume Clown Mad scientist new Ninja costume Large assortment of hats masks wigs PLEASE TEXT ME 857 919 8467 IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BORROW A COSTUME MAKE AN APPOINTMENT MARION FINE HAPPY ADAR Please try your hardest to return the costumes to me in the same condition you received them Namely clean and ready for the next user This gemach is l ilui Nishmas Rivka bas Yehoshua a h and Alter Avrohom Ben Zev z l