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February 2025 Library Monthly Newsletter

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L I B R A R Y ’ S L A T E S TC A S E Y V I L L E P U B L I C L I B R A R Y D I S T R I C TFEBRUARY 2025Library Lovers MonthFebruary ReadingFuzzy Friends Winter Tea Partypledge, join the Library Friends group,become a Library Ambassador andshare our social media posts and is Library Lovers Month! There areso many ways to show your love forCaseyville Library! Check out books from ourbook displays, fill out feedback forms, make amonetary donation, set up an annual Children and their families brought their favoritestuffed animals for a tea party to color, decoratefancy tea hats for their fuzzy friends, play with teasets and sensory bins, and then learn songs andlisten to tea party stories. We also had herbal teas,hot cocoa, some allergy friendly cocoa options, andcookies and cakes! We hope you had as much fun aswe did! This was our first big special event since weopened the new building, so thank you Caseyville,for such an amazing turnout! Next year will be evenbetter! Also thank you, library staff and volunteers,for helping put on this program. We appreciate allyour hard work!February book displays include Black History, Lunar New Year, Library Lovers Month, and Romance.

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Homebound Delivery 1pm-3pmSensory Saturday 10am-2pmLibrary Board Meeting 6pmAnswers on Aging with CFIA 2pm-4pmBooks & Appetizers Club 6pm-8pmTELL US HOW WE ARE DOING!Homebound Delivery 1pm-3pmLibrary Closes at 3:30 for CPR TrainingSensory Saturday 10am-2pmLibrary Board Meeting 6pmAnswers on Aging with CFIA 2pm-4pmBooks & Appetizers Club 6pm-8pmFEBRUARYMARCH6812132068121320Caseyville Public Library District419 S. 2nd St., Caseyville, IL 62232618-345-5848C a s e y v i l l e P u b l i c L i b r a r y D i s t r i c t618-345-0081admins@caseyvillelibrary.orgc a s e y v i l l e l i b r a r y . o r gF o l l o w U s O n l i n eCASE YVILL ELIBR AR Y.ORG /FEED BACK- FO RMFebruary 2025Answers on AgingEvery 2nd ThursdayPat Bivens with Collinsville Faithin Action is at CaseyvilleLibrary to answer questions onaging well. CFIA will be on-siteto answer your questions aboutMedicare counseling,discounted license plate tags,free public transportation, orany aging well topics you’d liketo discuss.Sensory Saturdays!Every 2nd SaturdayBooks & AppetizersEvery 3rd ThursdayEvery third Thursday of themonth, chat over appetizers anddiscuss what books you'rereading! Bring your newfavorite dish and favorite bookof the month. This is awonderful way to acquire newreading recommendations andtalk about your favorite books! During Sensory Saturday, thelibrary features dimmedlighting, noise considerations,and visual aids. Esther orJordan Comfort Dog will be atthe library to provide a calmatmosphere and also will beavailable as reading buddies.This program is geared towardneurodiverse individuals andfamilies of all ages. Black History MonthLibrary Lovers MonthWomen’s History MonthGender Equality MonthDevelopmental Disabilities MonthWHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE LIBRARYSee more about library programs and events onour website at: ResourcesYou can pick up free tax formshere at the library. Ask yourlibrarians if you need aspecific form printed or needto find out how to file taxes inour area. For tax forms, onlinefiling, and tax provider aidlocations visit our to our Winter Cheer Challengewinners, Katie and Remi, who won the grandprize drawings! Thank you, everyone whoparticipated in the Cheer Challenge to spendthis winter reading, enjoying winter, andspreading cheer to our community! Winter Cheer Challenge Winners

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T H A N K S F O R R E A D I N G !