MONTHLY HOME MAINTENANCEF E B R U A R YFIRE & CARBONMONOXIDE SAFETYFirst things first! Make sure yourcarbon monoxide and smokedetectors are in good workingorder. THE DO’S &DON’TSOF HANGINGCURTAINSCurtains might not be the most excitinghome decor buy you can make for yourspace, but they are one of the mostimpactful. Curtains complete a room. Theyhelp control the light, lend privacy andwarmth, affirm your style, and add textureand color. A set of curtains makes yourhome look instantly more pulled together(and makes a space look more grown up,too).Hanging curtains is a totally DIY-friendlyproject, but there are some tips and tricksthat will help you get the most out of yourwindow treatments. Here, some commonmistakes that people make when makingcurtains — and what to do so your curtainslook as good as possible.DO USE ENOUGH FABRICYou want your curtains to feel full, not skimpy. If you actually planto close your curtains on occasion, the curtains should be roughlybetween two and two-and-a-half times the width of the actualwindow.DO HANG HIGHThe higher the curtain rod, the taller the window will appear, so fixyour curtain rod closer to the ceiling than the top of your window, ifyou can. One rule of thumb is that they should sit 4 to 6 inchesabove the window frame.DO CHOOSE APPROPRIATE FABRICChoose curtain fabric that suits both the mood of the room and itsfunction. Lighter blends feel casual and filter light, while denserfabrics feel more formal and provide more privacy. DON’T GO TOO NARROWSelect a curtain rod that is wider than the width of your window. Ittricks your eye into thinking the window is much larger than it is. Therule of thumb is to go 8 to 12 inches wider than your window.DON’T GO TOO SHORTUnless they’re cafe curtains, too-short drapes like the ones aboveare a little like high-water pants: not a good look. A little puddlingcan be nice if you want a romantic feel, but if you don’t want toworry about them dragging and getting dirty, then stop the fabricjust before they hit the floor. PROPERLYGROUND OUTLETSIf you have breakers tripping andfuses blowing on a regular basis,have an electrician take a look.CHECK YOURINSULATIONProper insulation slows themovement of heat between twospaces, keeping your homewarmer in the winter and coolerin the summer.
6 PERKS OFLISTING WITH MECompetitive marketing of your homeHome prep & staging adviceMy local network & professionalrecommendations My market knowledge & real estate insightsMy experience navigating this competitivemarketHaving me on your side during negotiationsAs a realtor, I am dedicated to providingexceptional service and helping myclients find their dream homes. With apassion for real estate and acommitment to professionalism, I striveto make the buying and selling processas smooth as possible. Trust me to guideyou through every step of the journeyand make your real estate experience apositive one.The Hottest New Wedding GiftNewlyweds Are Asking ForThe number of couples including a “home fund” ontheir wedding registry has ballooned in recent years.Since 2018, the proportion of couples asking formoney to buy a home has jumped by 55%, accordingto a new analysis by Zillow Home Loans and TheKnot. Ahead of their big day, many engaged couples register for kitchen gadgets, home decor, linens, andeven sporting equipment — gifts that will help them start their new life together. But a growingnumber of lovebirds are taking an even more practical approach and asking for cash to put toward adown payment on a house.This upward trend makes a lot of sense when you look at the current housing market. If the value of atypical home in the U.S. right now is $350,000, that means a couple would need to come up with$70,000 if they plan on putting 20% down. That is a lot of money for a newlywed couple! Moreover,home prices and mortgage rates are not expected to fall dramatically any time soon, so we believe thiswill be a trend you will see moving forward... makes getting that last-minute gift a little easier!
We have seen some local housing marketadjustments and want to keep you informed andupdated on your home's value.Getting a Mortgage after BankruptcyDeclaring bankruptcy is a significant financial turning point. Although this uncomfortable event may seem like theend of your homeownership dreams, it's important to understand that bankruptcy isn't a permanent red flag tomortgage lenders. The good news is that buying a house after bankruptcy is still a possibility.How Long After Bankruptcy Can You Get A Mortgage?The type of bankruptcy you pursue, the type of loan you apply for andthe unique factors surrounding your situation will impact how long ittakes to be in the clear for a mortgage. In some cases, you can apply for amortgage immediately after the bankruptcy is discharged or dismissed.But in general, you can expect to wait between 2 and 4 years.Buying A House After A Chapter 7 BankruptcyA Chapter 7 bankruptcy indicates the debtor is seeking to liquidate theirassets and wipe away all debt. The bankrupt party emerges from theprocess with a fresh start. If you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you’ll usually have to wait at least 4 years from the court discharge date toqualify for a conventional home loan. However, some government-backed home loan programs offer reducedwaiting periods.Buying A House After Chapter 13 BankruptcyIn a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, debtors seek a reorganization of their debts and commit to strict repayment plans.Debtors must make payments to creditors, but they don’t lose all their assets. Plus, they don’t take as hard of a hitto their credit because creditors reward debtors who are committed to paying their debts. After the courtdismisses the Chapter 13 bankruptcy, many home buyers can apply for a home loan immediately. But the waitingperiod varies based on the loan type you pursue.HOME VALUESCAN THIS QR CODETO GET YOUR UPDATEDDO YOU KNOWYOUR HOME VALUE?JENNIFER RODGERSBroker/Owner517-398-2541jenniferrodgers@greenkeysellsmi.comwww.greenkeysellsmi.com