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February 2025 Newsletter

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FREE sessions for you and your family Hello FebruaryThis month we are busy preparing for ourAnnual SEND EVENT... Details insideHave your say - Bristol SENDservices need you!Bristol SEND 2025for familiesLook inside for moreCheck out our upcoming listening events Online and In-person eventsand webinars

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Click HereHave you heard of Bristol City Council's Young Adults TransitionService (YATS)? We have an online event on the 12th Feb whereyou can share your views, thoughts and experiences to helpshape and improve support for young people and their carers.Without your voice we cannot ensure that services like this willbest meet your needs. We need you!Click HereBristol SEND Parent CarerForum updatesFebruary 2025for familiesNot yet a member of Bristol ParentCarers? Join HERE for free!Young Adults Transition Service - Have your sayChildcare and funding for children with SEND - Share your experiencesHappy February to all our wonderful community. We know it is cold and blustery butyou made it through January so that deserves a round of applause! This month wewant to remind you about two exciting listening events. These events form a corepart of our work; we need to hear your experiences so we can understand what ishappening in our community in order to feed back to the local authority and makesure services are being shaped to meet the needs of those who need them - YOU! If you have never been to a listening event before, what better time to start...Bristol City Council are looking for parents and carers toshare their experiences with childcare for children withadditional needs in the city. Your voice helps make theseservices accessible to those who need it. We are holding twoevents: one in-person (3rd Feb) and one online (5th Feb). Official Ticket Launch!Together For SEND3rd March 2025On Monday 3rd March 2025 at We The Curious, we will be bringingan awesome event to Bristol. Inpartnership with the Integrated CareBoard and Bristol City Council we willhave over 50 exhibitors and 30 talksand workshops to bring you adviceand support on all things SEND. MELSA Training forparent carersThe Mediating Learning SupportApproach (MeLSA) helps supportchildren's learning with practical,hands-on training. It offers tools andstrategies to enhance learning,thinking and memory skills. TheseFREE and valuable sessions will bedelivered by Bristol City Council'sEducational Psychology team. Forcourse information please click HERE.Bristol City Council's SEND andInclusion Strategy is expected to beapproved at the Children andYoung People's Committee on23rd January. This three-year planoutlines 53 key actions the localarea aims to achieve to improvethe SEND workforce and services.Stay tuned for more updates onthis important development!SEND Inclusion StrategyBristol Parent Carers are collaboratingwith Bristol City Council to review theletters families receive as part of theEducation, Health and Care (EHC)process. This is a key area forimprovement, alongside addressingthe timeliness of decisions, placementsand simplifying the EHCP process tobetter support both families andpractitioners.EHCP ProcessBook Now

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click for moreFree support sessionsJoin us for free information and support sessions covering a variety of topics both in-person and online, run by parents for parents. No diagnosis is needed, this is a supportive space to connect, share experiences andgain practical advice. Or you can just hang out with your camera off and not join in atall, there are no expectations from us.Click the image below or visit: