Message I T ’ S S H O W T I M E !S T C A N D S T AF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5NEWSLETTER
Monthly NewsletterW E L C O M E T O O U RI T ’ S S H O W T I M E !S T C A N D S T AF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5Latest updates, class info, merch orders and more!In this newsletter you will find:
FebruaryI F Y O U R B I R T H D A Y I S I N T H E M O N T H O F F E B R U A R Y B U T N O T O NT H E L I S T , E M A I L : M A D D I S O N @ S H O W T I M E A C A D E M Y R H . C O M S OW E C A N U P D A T E O U R R E C O R D S .2/1 Ruby Eastwick2/1 Chloe Eastwick2/2 Lainey Ashe2/3 Jasmine Nibbs2/3 Sullivan Williams
MonthlyLeadership FocusLeadershipTechniqueShowtimeCommittmentPleadgePresentationWatch this video to see how our students atShowtime will apply the commitment pledge to theirtraining!
S H O W T I M EA C A D E M YI M P O R T A N T D A T E SDates to RememberFebruary 14 -Valentine’s Day Parents NightOut!February 22 -Class #1 in the BalletVariations Series - sign uptoday!!February 24-March 1 -Button Week 2 assessmentweekFebruary 14-17Long holiday weekendPlease refer to the dates and details below forinformation on studio holidays and other closures. Studio Built in Holidays -Studio Closed - No classesor rehearsalsW W W . S H O W T I M E A C A D E M Y R H . C O M / C U R R E N T - S T U D E N T 803-203-0208
CONGRATULATIONSto the Showtime Theatre Company JTF team and tothe Academy JTF team, on a successful weekend atthe Junior Theatre Festival in Atlanta, Georgia!The Academy Teambrought home an awardin Excellence in Musicfor their performance ofMoana Jr! The Company Teambrought home an awardin Excellence in Dancefor their performance ofLion King Jr!Moana Jr.Watch their performance here!Lion King Jr.Watch their performance here!
VALENTINE’S DAYSign up here!Sign up here!Parent’s Night Out onShowtime Academy 145 - 9 P MF E BF O O D | G A M E S | A R T S & C R A F T S | M O V I E $15 per child$15 per childPayment charged upon registration
BROADWAYSUMMER CAMPSEE BELOW FOR SUMMERCAMP DATES!CONTACT SHOWTIMEACADEMY TO SECURE YOURSUMMER CAMP WEEK!Summer Camp: Week 1: 6/9-6/13Week 2: 6/16-6/20Week 3: 6/23-6/27Week 4: 7/7-7/11Week 5: 7/21-7/25Week 6: 7/28-8/1More Information 803-203-0208 | eligible for classes AND summer campBasic: eligible for classes OR summer campBroadway Bound is included in yourShowtime Academy membership!Summer Camp: K-5MT Intensive: 6-12BOUNDMUSICAL THEATREINTENSIVEMusical Theatre Intensive:7/14-7/18Summer Camp runs 9-1, M-FIntensive runs 9-2, M-F
Ballet Variations SeriesBallet Variations SeriesWhat is a variations class? A ballet variations class focuses on learning selections (orvariations) of choreography from well know classicalballets. This allows students to dive deeper into theartistry, story and history of the ballet while also workingon their technique, characterization and performancequality. Students will focus on the following ballets: SwanLake, Don Quixote, and Giselle.This is a 3 class series - see below for dates andtimes for Kids and TNT KIDS TNTSaturdays 1-2:30pmFebruary 22ndMarch 22ndApril 12thSaturdays 3-4:30pm February 22ndMarch 22ndApril 12thImmersive: $30 / Basic: $45 for the full ballet variations series!$60 for Non Academy students. Contact 803-203-0208 or to secure your spot!Teacher: Ms. JessicaLearn about Ms. Jessica’s experience on the next page!
A native of Rock Hill, Jessica discovered her passion for thestage while participating in local productions at York CountyBallet and Rock Hill Community Theatre. She continued herdance education - focusing on ballet and pointe, modern,jazz, and tap - at the American Ballet Theater and BroadwayArtists Alliance in New York City. In high school, Jessicaattended the South Carolina Governor's School for the Artsand Humanities as a Drama major. In her senior year, shewas named a YoungArts Silver Medalist in Spoken Theaterand a Presidential Scholar in the Arts, ultimately performingat the Kennedy Center. Jessica next attended Yale Universitywhere she studied a variety of acting techniques, as well asplaywriting, directing for film and stage, experimentaltheater, clowning, improvisation, and theater history. Sheperformed in dozens of productions at Yale - includingplaying Sheila in Hair, Owen Meany in A Prayer for OwenMeany, and Austin in True West - and continued her danceeducation as part of the Yale Dance Theater, originating newworks by resident artists from Alvin Ailey American DanceTheater and Trisha Brown Dance Company. She also studiedclassical theater at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts andOxford University in London.About Ms. JessicaAbout Ms. Jessica
Ready to Travel?We are planning fun Showtime trips and events! SOAR could fly to us!A NYC Broadway Trip Oct 2025!A return to Disneyworld October 2026!A European Theatre Trip Summer 2026 or 2027!Let us know your interests using the survey below.Special Event and Travel Interest Survey
Note: Legally Blonde Jr’s May 3rd performance moved to 7PM andLegally Blonde’s May 3rd performance moved to May 4th 7PM, as notedabove, to make allowances for local school district event conflicts.
STC School ShowsMY SON PINOCCHIOMarch 13th - 9 AM puppet 11 AM fairyLEGALLY BLONDE JRMay 9th - AMDo you want your school to come see aShowtime Theatre Company production? Talk to your teachers and schools! To get more information about reserving spotsfor a field trip, they can reach out to VivianRobinson at
Performance Location2197 Dave Lyle Blvd, Rock Hill, SC 29730This address will take you to Ashley FurnitureStore - our performance space is locateddirectly next to this location. Look for Showtime signage. = performance location
Tech Week SchedulesMY SON PINOCCHIO Jr.Thursday, 3/6 4:30-8 - Fairy castFriday, 3/7 4:30-8 - Puppet cast Saturday, 3/8 - BOTH casts -10-2:30 Fairy, 3-7:30 PuppetSunday, 3/9 4:30-8 - Fairy castMonday, 3/10 4:30-8 - Puppet cast Tuesday, 3/11 4:30-8 - Fairy cast Wednesday, 3/12 4:30-8 - PuppetcastThursday, 3/13 - School shows -9am Puppet, 11am Fairy
LEGALLY BLONDE Jr.Tech Week SchedulesFridays 4/4, 4/11, & 4/18 - TNT classes atthe mall performance space / LB jr.rehearsal 6:30-8:30pm.Sunday, 4/27 4-8:30Tuesday, 4/29 5-done (approximately9:30/10)Thursday, 5/1 5-done (approximately9:30/10)Friday, 5/9 - school show
LEGALLY BLONDETech Week SchedulesTuesdays 4/1, 4/8, & 4/15 - TNT classes atthe mall performance space / LB rehearsal7-9pm.Sunday, 4/27 10-4Monday, 4/28 5-done (approximately9:30/10)Wednesday, 4/30 5-done (approximately9:30/10)Wednesday, 5/7 5-9 (pick up rehearsal)
PRIVATE VOICELESSONS!PRIVATE VOICELESSONS!We have availability forprivate voice lessons! Space is limited. Sign up today! Contact us to learnmore or to sign up forvoice lessons. Meet our newvoice teacher,Ms. Brittany, onthe next page! Cancellation Policy24 hour notice of cancellation, no charge for lesson. No shows, charged full lesson fee.Cancellation within 8 hours of lesson, charged 50% of lesson fee.This does not apply in case of emergency
MEET THE NEWMEET THE NEWTEACHER!TEACHER!Brittany Martin is a singer, teaching artist, and voice teacher who believesmusic has an unmatched power to connect us more deeply to ourselves andothers. Brittany is passionate about inspiring the artist in every personthrough voice teaching in her in-person and online studio. She helps singersof all ages find their unique artistic and musical voices by working with themto build a healthy foundation of singing and develop musicianship skills.Brittany is the co-founder of Some Strings Attached, a chamber musicensemble that opens the borders of chamber music through interactiveconcerts and diverse programming. Her recent roles include Mary Warren(The Crucible), Phoebe D’Ysquith (A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder),Parthoenis (La belle Héléne), and La Musica (L’Orfeo). On the concert stage,Brittany recently sang in John Adam’s monumental Grand Pianola Music withUSC’s Wind Ensemble. As a chamber musician, she has performed PeterAblinger’s haunting Wiesse Litanei and worked directly with composersincluding Pulitzer Prize winner Raven Chacon, Alex Temple, and Lori Laitman.Brittany completed her MM in Voice Performance with an emphasis inCommunity Engagement (2023) at the University of South Carolina whereshe studied with Dr. Tina Stallard. Ms. Brittany MartinWhat does she teach?Ms. Brittany teaches privatevoice lessons for students of ALLages! Word from Ms. Brittany!“I am thrilled to join the Showtime team.My passion is helping singers of all agesbuild confidence in their singing voice sothey can make music for the rest of theirlives. Whether you’re looking for lessonsfor a child or teen in your life (oryourself!), I can’t wait to make musictogether!”
Do youwant torock someShowtimeswag?!NewDesignsAvailable!Click on the picture for the t-shirt you need to order for you and/or your child. Turn In Your Performance T-Shirts Orders ASAP-Thanks!Get Your Showtime Gear!Use the link to to the right to purchase anAcademy or Theatre Company jacket,Showtime Academy t-shirts, water bottles andmore! S H O W T I M E G E A R !
We are getting closer to breaking ground on our newfacility. Fingers crossed we get the go ahead soon!Here is a preview of the design for the theatre!Click here!Thank you to Hans Meier Designs and Vinyet Architecture formaking this great video for us!
Vist this page!Read thehandbook!Current StudentResourcesAccess links to the studentportal, show resources, JTF,the student handbook andmore.StudentHandbookRead about the expectationsfor our program, leadershipsfocuses, and other importantinformation! W W W . S H O W T I M E A C A D E M Y R H . C O M / C U R R E N T - S T U D E N T 803-203-0208