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February 2022

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Vol 58 No 2 February 2022Institute of Animal TechnologyBulletinInstitute of Animal Technology•Branch News•Invitation to Congress 2022•AS-ET News•Industry News•Diary Dates•Dear ReadersIAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 1IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 1 10/02/2022 11:2310/02/2022 11:23

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Tel:+44(0)1293827940Email:sales@lbs-biotech.comContact LBS -your trusted supplier, servingthe needs of the Biotechnology Industrywww.lbs-biotech.comAmultitude of happyhomeownersnow living in Desirable Residences•Low maintenance•Low cost•Builder’s certificate•Upwardly mobileThe ‘original’ DesRes is available in a range ofspecifications to suit the first time buyer or thosewith a large family, these affordable cage additionsoffer an excellent way to improve living conditions inlaboratory housing.•For singles, couples or families•Detached / semi-detached•We offer ‘Help to Buy’•Whole of the UK now housed!GLP Rat HouseGLP Rodent CastleGLP Mini MouseHouseGLP Mini MouseMazeGLP Semi-detachedDome HomeGLP Mouse HouseDesResTM-from theNation’s favourite home providerIAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 2 10/02/2022 11:23

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EDITOR*Carole EDITOR*Paul monthly by theInstitute of AnimalTechnology*Registered Office:5South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other thanBulletin related contact:IATADMINISTRATOR* 0800 085 4380BulletinFinal copy date forAugust Bulletin23rdJuneThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily reflectthose of the Editor or theInstitute.CONTENTSDear Readers 5___________________________________CLAST information 6-7___________________________________Welcome to MySociety –8-11The IATMembershipDatabase___________________________________BING and Branch Reps –14-15first joint meeting___________________________________AS-ET News 16-18___________________________________Diary Dates 19___________________________________Vol58 No2February 2022CONTENTSFinalcopydateforFebruary Bulletin23rdFebruaryDear Readers 5Get Ready for Tech Month7Congress2022: Invitation to9participateNotice of IAT2022 Annual10General MeetingLooking Backat2021:11-17North East EnglandBranchIndustry News:20-23IPS ‘Elf CompetitionAS-ET News 24-25NC3Rs:Managingaggressionin27Laboratory SpeciesPoster Competition: North West 28BranchNC3Rs:Malocclusions: spot the29signs and check the teethRSPCA: Opportunities to focus on 30severe suffering meetingCongress 2022: Ask aQuestion 30Diary Dates 31IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 3 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin4 • February2022UNIFLOWEQUAFLOW5LPDELIVERINGEQUALAMOUNTSOFGAS WHILESAFEGUARDING USERS.EqualFlowWatch itinactionby Single Mouse/Rat EquaflowNoseConesprovide stateofthe art anaesthesiadeliverytoasubject. The EquaflowNose Conehas built in scavenging holes thatwork withSomni Scientific’sEPS-3 or an attenuatedinhouse vacuum system. This safeguards usersso theyare notsubjecttonoxious, gaseousanaesthesia, keeping them compliant withNIOSH exposurelimits.COMPATIBLEWITHEXISTING UK/EU:ProductsAccessoriesFittingsINHALATION ANAESTHESIA EQUIPMENT AND SERVICESOMNI Scientific is centered on the animal welfareandresearch community with afocus on clinical accuracy,clinician/technician safety, economic performanceandintuitivefunctionality.SOMNI PROVIDES UNPARALLELED CUSTOMER SERVICE, CLINICAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT.(T) 0800 0129101 (D) 01872 248890 (M) 07798 BULLETIN FEB22.indd 4 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 5Dear ReadersCaroleKeep Reading!Iamstartingg ooffff tthhee FFebbruaryeddiittiioonnwithanapologgyy.LLaassttmonthIwrotethatStephenBarnettwass aa lliifememberoftheIAT,heisinfactaVicePrreeesssiiidddent,notallliiifffemembbberofffthhheIAT.IamveryssooorrrryStephen,IdonoootknowwhyIwrotethatbeecccaaauseIdo knowyouareeeaVicePresident.IIIthinkFebruaryisprobablyamongstmyleastfavouritemonths–thedayyysarestillshortanditiscoldanddank,soitwaswithgreatinterestthatIreadabouttheactivitiesoftheNorthEastBranchlastyear(seepages1111–17).Foragroupthat,aswiththeressstofus,havehadayearblighhhtedbyCovidtheycertainlyhavebeenbusy.IthinkifIhadbeeninDalbyFFForest,Iwouldhavegoneon“GoApe”!Ialso lovedthepicture compeeetitionandthephhhotttottthhheyawardddedddfififirsttt pppriiizealllsomadddeourfffrontttcoveeer,congratulationstoallthewinnersbutespeeeciallytoJohnBlandandhisgggreatimageofabumblebee.ThepeopleattheNorthEaaastBranchlookforwardtoseeeeingeveryoneatCongress2022,asdoIandbywayofareminderthelastopportunitytobookisMarch21st–seeeepage9.Idohopethateveryyyonehasalreadysubmittedwork–thefishfffacilityteamaretakingacouuupleofpostersandIknowMollyMillingtonannndChloeStevensarepresentiiingworkshops onzebrafishrelatedsubjects.Therearesomeotherverydiiiversetopics thisyear,includingcultureofcare,chick embryosand evenatalkon creatingaaannntttiiibbbooodddiiieeesssfffrrrooommm llllllaaammmaaasss.IIIaaalllsssooonnnoootttiiiccceeedddttthhheeerrreeeaaarrreee aaa cccooouuupppllleeeofpresentationsooonthesubjectofcareerlongevityinanimaltechnologyyy.Howlittlewweeeknew,alifetimeinanimaltechnologyandtheAAAAALACwinner–Reflfleectionson30yearsinLaboratoryAnimalScience.Bothofwhichh hhavearesonnaancewithme,IthoughtIwasonlygoingtobearoundfoorr aacoupleofyearsaatt tthhebeginningand30yearshereIam!Andonthaatt nnote–IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 5 10/02/2022 11:23

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7MARCH 2022It is nearly that time of year again where we celebrate the amazing work Animal Technicians have beendoing for the industry and we are planning many events both online and within your own Establishments.So get your competition heads on ready for the fun challenges -Technician Bingo, Tech Month Quiz andthe new ‘Mouse in the House’ photo competition are just afew of the events available to join in with.There will be various prizes on offer in the form of Amazon vouchers and you can do these challengeson your own or in teams. Evidence of last year’s entries can be seen online.For more information see luck and enjoy!Institute ofAnimal TechnologyGET READY FOR …IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 7IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 7 10/02/2022 11:2310/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin8 • February2022From the latest innovations in animalhusbandry, to the most trusted systems forcustomer care and support, Allentown leaves nostone unturned in our mission to improve lives.Through integrity, care, and advanced productengineering we continue to set the highwatermark in convenience, cost- management,and enhanced animal welfare.Improving Life –it’s in our DNA.LEARN MORE AT WWW.ALLENTOWNINC.COMGlobal challenges requireglobal solutions. In the realm ofbiomedical research, no companyoutranks Allentown in deliveringcomplete services to the full rangeof facilities all over the world.GlobalSolutionsProviderANIMAL HOUSINGWORKSTATIONSWASHING &STERILIZATIONVIVARIUM SOLUTIONSCOLONY HEALTH MONITORINGIAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 8 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 9If youstill haven’t registered,there’stime!BOOKvia DATEMONDAY 21stMARCH 2022➢ Rangeofconferenceattendanceoptionsavailable- full conference(three day)*- individual days**lunch included- eveningmeals andentertainment(individually bookable)➢ Once you have registered book yourownaccommodation- anddownloadthe Congress2022App forall up to dateinformation➢ OurTrade Partners Exhibition is nowclosed- details of theExhibition will bepublishedshortlyINVITATIONTOPARTICIPATEWe’re ready…and looking forwardto seeing YOU!ONLINEREGISTRATIONVenue:HARROGATENorthYorkshireAll enquiries to will take place withintherelevant governmentguidelines inoperation at the time of thiseventCheck outall updates BULLETIN FEB22.indd 9 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin10 • February 2022NOTICE of IATANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2022The Thirty-Sixth Annual General Meetingof the Institute of Animal Technologywill be held at:Congress on Tuesday29thMarch at 18.00 hrsAGENDA1. Apologies for absence2. Minutes of the 35thAnnual General Meeting held onTuesday 9thMarch 20213. Matters arising from the Minutes (as published in full onthe Members’ section of the IATwebsite and in abridged form inthe Bulletin Vol. 57 No. 6).4. Correspondence5. Annual Report /Council objectives6. Financial Report7. Appointment of the Auditor8. Election of Officers:(i) President(ii) Vice President(iii) Council9. Proposals for life and Honorary Membership10. Any other businessDated: February 2022Linda Horan (CEO &Chair of Council)Simon Cumming (Honorary Secretary)THE AGM IS OPEN TO ALL DELEGATESVoting Rights arerestricted to voting IATmembers onlyIAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 10 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 11Looking back at 2021 with theNorth East England BranchAsaRegional Branch, Idonot think we are alone in having struggled toengage with our members over the last couple of years. With restrictionson social events, amembership of key workers who have had tocontinue working throughout and the personal strains of the pandemic, it ishardly surprising that Branch activities have gone abit quiet. We have tried,maybe not always successfully,tofind the right balance between being thereand not being an annoyance. As we look forward to (fingers crossed) aface-to-face Congress in our region in 2022, this is alook back at what we did achievein 2021.AGM (Annual General Meeting) in FebruaryThe country was in lockdown and we had no choice but to hold the AGM onTeams but despite this, we still had areasonable turnout of 17 people andWendy Steel attended to give apresentation on the work of Animals in ScienceEducational Trust (AS-ET).AS-ET is acharity with the objective of advancing education and promotingexcellence in the care and welfare of animals used in science. AS-ET providesgrants, usually in the form of bursaries, to support individuals in educational andwelfare activities. At the time of the meeting, over £100,000 had been given outin bursaries and Wendy explained that anyone can apply and that all applicationsare considered and judged on an individual basis. 2020 was AS-ET’s10th year andunfortunately,anumber of celebration and fund-raaaaiiiisssiiiinnngactivities had been cancelled because of the pandemic–this included apopular danceathon which someoftheattendees hoped would be rescheduled (hinttthint!))).AS-ET held an onlineauction throughoutthe 2021 virtualCongress and Branchcommittee memberCathy donated thisvery cute handmadeIATrat ornament.IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 11 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin12 • February 2022May Bank Holiday Photo CompetitionInitially we hoped to meet outdoors as aBranch, but as spring progressed itbecame clear that Covid was not going away and it was not to be. Instead, weran aphoto competition and encouraged Branch members to get out and enjoynature locally –ifthey happened to clock up some miles for the BING virtualfitness challenge while they were out, then that was abonus.Judges were selected at random from the membership and each chose atopthree from the anonymised entries, it was so close that an extra judge had tobe selected to make afinal decision. Prizes of IATmerchandise went to the tworunners up –Ryan Hill for apic of Tenby beach which could easily be mistakenfor atropical paradise (wishful thinking maybe!) and Joanne Bland for abeautiful Burnet Moth. First place and agift voucher went to John Bland forhis snap of aGarden Bumblebee on aHyacinth.Unfortunately,wedid not do too well on the fitness challenge, but we didreceive some lovely photos, special thanks go to the team at University ofSheffield who really got involved and submitted most of the pictures!Garden Bumblebee by John Bland 1stplace. Burnet Moth by Joanne Bland 2ndplace.IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 12 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 13Bluetits by Joanne Bland Secretary’sfavourite.Tenby by Ryan Hill 3rdplace.IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 13 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin14 • February 2022Dalby ForestAfter what seems like alifetime of video meetings, facemasks and isolation, theNorth East Branch was finally able to arrange an event that saw people cometogether as agroup. Geographically,the Branch is vast and it is always difficultto agree on the best location for ameeting. After much deliberation and aBranch vote, we finally settled on afamily day at Dalby Forest.The Forestry centre at Dalby is afantastic place for adventures, cycling, walkingand picnics with the added bonus of having ahuge “Go Ape” centre with someepic zip lines. Just down the road, you also had the small village of Thornton-Le-Dale which is the location of the now famous Mathewson’sclassic car auctionfrom Bangers and Cash television fame.With ameet time of midday,attendees agreedto meet outside the visitor centre beforeasmall social gathering over lunch/picnic.Numbers were small……in fact, as you wouldexpect from agroup of Animal Technologists,there were almost as many dogs as there werehumans!Members from Bradford and York attendedand everyone there was happy to once againbe able to mix and talk to other Branchmembers. Following the lunch, we all went ourown ways –some cycling and others walkingaround the various routes available. Iamyet tosee any photos confirming whether “Go Ape”was attempted. Iguess Iwould have heard, ifit had been. They would have been braverthan me if they did.Ihope everyone who attended enjoyed theevent. It is our hope that this event will nowencourage more numbers and input for futureevents. Like Isay,pulling people togetherwhen they are spread between Sheffield andNewcastle is not easy,but we do our best.Here’stothe next get together.Dalby Forest reporter:Branch Chairperson Nathan HillIAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 14 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 15Christmas Murder MysteryIn the run up to Christmas the committee were determined to arrange asocialevent, initially we looked to go somewhere central but our first few choiceswere fully booked or did not respond to enquiries. It was looking bleak untilJoanne suggested amurder mystery night run by alocal charity at ahotel inSheffield. As aBranch we’ve done amurder mystery before and it got greatreviews, so we decided to go with it. Despite needing to advertise and book itwithin about aweek, we got agood response and ended up with 14 attendees,half technicians and half trade –with Treasurer Judith on the case, it was sortedin no time and we were good to go.On arrival we were told that it was an interactive experience, we were all extrasworking on afilm production and the main cast and crew would be movingaround the room, so we should all play along and get to know them. Our groupwas split over two tables, and it wasn’tlong before we were joined by some ofthe cast –awoman asking slightly aggressively about the colour of her eyes,and her partner who had been surreptitiously sipping from ahip flask and wason the lookout for his next drink.Then there was aformal announcement that the director had disappeared andthat his deputy would be overseeing filming the next day.This was followedsoon after by apolice report that the Director had been killed in acar accident,that his car brakes had been tampered with and that we, the extras, would beworking on the investigation!IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 15 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin16 • February 2022Over the next couple of hours, wemet all the other characters. Diarypages, pictures and personal emailswere posted up around the room. Wewere told about an affair,there was apoisoning and astabbing, each followedby more updates from the police. Wealso had athree-course meal and afewdrinks and then we had to nominate aspokesperson to present our conclusionsto the room –itwas at this point that itbecame clear,some people had paid abit more attention than others!The team on table four –includingBland and Bland super sleuths, hadbeen sat with some murder mysteryenthusiasts –their table put forward avery plausible scenario and identifiedthe same murderer as most other teams(no names obviously,itmight be aspoiler).IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 16 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 17The team on table three had been alittle more interested in socialisingthan investigating and came up withadifferent theory,Nathan had beenthe hero, offering to go and presentour conclusions to the room, exceptthat when he realised he’d beengiven (probably) the wrong culprit, hewasted no time in telling everyone thathe’d been set up and blaming the restof us for giving him duffintelligence!Thankfully they caught the murdererwithout our help, the police summedup and the brilliant cast came back into take abow.We might not all have solved thecrime, but afew of us won on theraffle, the charity raised funds tosupport young homeless people. And afantastic night was had by all –itwas agreat way to end the year and hopefully ataste of things to come in 2022. Welook forward to seeing you all at Congress.Main Contributing Reporter: Branch Secretary Zoe SmithIAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 17 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin20 • February2022INDUSTRYNEWSIPS ‘Elfie Competition!IPS would like to say abig thank you for all the Animal Technicianswho took part in our December,Christmas competition.The ‘elfies photos submitted were far too good not to share andbring some cheer to our industry colleagues especially in whathad been achallenging year for some.Youwill see that some elves have been much naughtier than others!Can you choose afavourite?We couldn’t–which is why we gave a£50 voucher prize to each facility thattook part! Thank you all for your sense of humour,imagination and puttingasmile on our faces!Mirren AllanIPS Product RepresentativeIPS would like to say a big thank you for all the Animal Technicians ‘elfi es photos submitted were far too good not to share and bring some cheer to our industry colleagues especially in what will see that some elves have been much naughtier than others!IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 20 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin22 • February2022INDUSTRYNEWSIAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 22 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin24 • February 2022WaProPatercoloovidedPETour paiframedAllForwendTPOntingfd.Dimelprofitrmoredy.steeORTrom yoensions£120sgoingedetaiel1@oTRAour chosapprogto AS-ls contutlookAITosenphox. BULLETIN FEB22.indd 24 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 25AS-ET is acharity to advance education and promote excellenceinthe careandwelfare of animals used in science.Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to findout more please visit thewebsite BULLETIN FEB22.indd 25 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 27Aggressivebehaviourisaproblem in many laboratory animal species andcan causestress andpainful injuries.Itcan also lead to single housing, which hasanegativewelfare impact on social speciesand animals accustomed to groupliving. In addition,aggression is undesirable fromascientificperspective, for example where it leadstoanimals beingculledorremoved fromstudies, or where pain anddistress introducevariabilityinto experimental results. It is thereforecrucial to be able to detect aggressivebehaviour early on, understand thecauses, and take steps to minimise its occurrence.The NC3Rs is holding aworkshop at IAT Congress 2022 that will coverthe reasonswhy aggression may occur how this can affect animalwellbeing and science andstrategies and tips for preventing and managing aggression in mice, rats, rabbits,dogs, pigs and macaques. Participants will be able to share their experiences ofmanaging aggression andwillreceive practical recommendations andhandouts withsources of further advice.If you have already registeredfor IATCongress 2022, all youneed to do is wait foranemail fromthe organisers closer to thetimeofthe event, inviting youtoregister forworkshops.When workshop registration is open, sign-up for oneofthe two NC3Rssessionstolearn moreaboutmanagingaggression in laboratory animalspecies.If you would like more information on IATCongress 2022, or youwouldlike to register forattendance, visit: recommendations on minimisingaggression in groups of male mice, seethe findings of thedatacrowdsourcing studycarriedout the by aggression inlaboratory animal species:NC3Rs workshopIAT Congress 2022HarrogateConventionCentreWednesday 30 and Thursday31 March 2022, 11:00 –12:30IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 27 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin28 • February2022POSTERCOMPETITIONFor more details email AN EXPENSESPAID TRIP TOAALAS 2022THE BIG RE-LAUNCHWEDNESDAY 11TH MAY2022MIAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 28 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 29Malocclusion: spotthesigns andcheck is adental disorder wheremisalignment of the teeth leads toovergrowth of the incisors.The teeth of rodents grow continually.Ifmalocclusion is notidentified andaddressed quickly,micewillnot be able to eat or drink,which can lead toconsiderable suffering and eventual death.Everyone who workswith miceshould know how to spotmalocclusion and whataction to take when malocclusion is suspected or clearly evident.Formoreinformation and training resourcesonmalocclusion in mice, visit:Take time to check theteethRodent teethgrowquickly,soamissed diagnosis can rapidly progress intoaserioushealth condition.Knowthe risksRisk of malocclusion is increased for: Pups around weaning age (2-5 weeks). Irradiated animals and oral tumour models. Genetically predisposed strains andpedigrees. Animals without suitable gnawingenrichment.Spot thesignsSigns of malocclusion include: Being smaller and/orthinner thancage/litter mates. Beinglessactivethan cagemates. Abnormally shaped nose or face. Hunched posture or abnormalgait.Healthyteetharestraightand aligned.Micewithmalocclusionhave teeth thataremisaligned,which leads toovergrowth.Malocclusion poster.indd 1 27/10/2021 13:02:44IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 29 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin30 • February 2022Looking forward and looking back - opportunitiesto focus on 'severe' sufferingAfree, one-daymeeting convened by theRSPCA in associationwith theUniversity of ManchesterWednesday20April 2022, 10.30 –15.45 UK timeCentralManchesterlocationwithgood rail linksSessions include:• TheRoadmap to reducing suffering,with casestudies across arange of research areas• Reducing and avoiding severe suffering in studiesonanimal diseases and disorders• Retrospectiveassessment of severe procedures –how is your AWERBdoing? face-to-facemeetingisfreetoattend, including refreshments andlunch,thanks to thegenerosity of RSPCAdonorsand theUniversity of Manchester.For thoseunabletoattendinperson, it is also likely that therewillbetheability to watch online via alivestream -thiswillbeconfirmedindue course.Ifyou wouldliketopresentorregister,please contact AQUESTION ...At Congress 2022 Will Reynolds,Head of the Animals in ScienceRegulation Unit, will be givingan update to delegates.The presentation will also include aQuestion andAnswersession, for whichyou are invited to submit questions.Only questions which have been pre-submitted will be putto Will.Youcan submit questions on-line, by visiting: BULLETIN FEB22.indd 30 10/02/2022 11:23

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BulletinFebruary 2022 • 31Front cover: Garden Bumblebee on aHyacinth Courtesy: John BlandDIARY DatesTo View NowEfficient management ofgenetically altered mouse coloniesNC3Rs/Mary Lyons CentreTo view: View NowProcedures with CareTo view: February 2022NACWO virtual 2day February 2022RSPCA Focus on FishOnlineDetails: March –1April 2022IATCongressSee page 929 March 2022PPL Review for AWERB ½ and 31 March 2022Managing Aggression inLaboratory Animal SpeciesNC3Rs WorkshopSee page 2712 April 2022NTCO virtual One Day April 2022RSPCA: Looking forwardandlooking back –opportunities tofocus on ‘severe’ sufferingManchesterSee page 3011 May 2022North West Poster CompetitionManchesterSee page 2813-16 June 2022FELASAMarseilleDetails: http://www.felasa2022.euIAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 31 10/02/2022 11:23

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Bulletin32 • February2022IAT BULLETIN FEB22.indd 32 10/02/2022 11:23