PURE FOUNDATION 4:53 PM February 11, 2022 י ‘פשת א רדא‘ב הוצת תשרפ Mon, Feb 14 - 6-8B conferences in Williston, 1G - over Zoom Tue, Feb 15 - STEM Fair Feb 17 –23 - Winter Break, no school Thurs, Feb 24 - Classes resume Dear Parents, When describing the דופא, the possuk states: ינב תומש םהילע תחתפו םהש ינבא יתש תא תחקלו תינשה ןבאה לע םירתונה השש ...וכו השש לארשיםתודלותכ. There were two Shoham stones on the straps of the Eiphod engraved with the names of the Shevatim. Six names appeared on one stone, and the remaining six on the other. The Gemara in ול:הטוס reveals that when Yosef was about to capitulate to רפיטופ תשא, he visualized the image of his father telling him: “Yosef, your brothers’ names will eventually be inscribed on the stones of the Eiphod. Do you want your name to be omitted because you have committed this sin?” Yosef immediately conquered his inclination. There were an additional twelve stones on the Choshen. Each stone was etched with the name of one of the Shevatim. The stone of Yosef was a םהש stone. Both Reuven and Yehuda, on their exalted spiritual level, committed some lapse of morality for which they did Teshuvah. Neither were omitted from the stones of the Eiphod. What was different about Yosef that he was cautioned that this could occur should he sin? Rav Schwab ל״צז answers that had Yosef sinned and done Teshuvah, his name would most definitely appear on the Eiphod and the Choshen. However, the Shoham stone – Yosef’s stone – would not have been used as the stones for the Eiphod’s shoulder straps. The Shoham stones were engraved with the names of all the Shevatim. They were foundational and held up the Jewish nation. Such stones needed to be associated with the quintessential Tzadik who had no mark on his reputation. The foundation needs to be pure. When Yaakov Avinu warned Yosef that his name would be left out, he meant that although Yosef would have a place on the Choshen, he would no longer serve as the foundation stone for all of לארשי ללכ. When being mechanech children in their formative years, one is laying the foundation for their future growth. Foundations must be pure and stainless, untouched by outside influences that are contrary to Torah values. ! תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs Thank you to all of the parents who came to elementary and middle school conferences this week. Your participation is an important part of the home school connection. We are looking forward to the upcoming STEM Fair next Tuesday. Students in both buildings have been very busy preparing the displays. Boys in 2B were very involved on developing their displays for the STEM Fair. Grade 5B learned about a new type of chess game, and have done lots of testing for the upcoming STEM Fair. This week, they were working on finishing their experiments, lab reports, and posters as well as practicing their presentations. Mazel tov to Mimi Lowenstein and Dahlia Wiesenfeld, the winners of the NASA Space Place January Art Challenge. The challenge was to draw the NOAA GOES-T satellite observing the weather that they see at home, from space. PreK 1 learned the proper ways of washing netilas yadayim for the letter nun. Kinderlach learned the bracha hagefen for grape juice and wine. They also learned about the Kohen gadol’s special clothing and enjoyed Miriam Sternfield sharing a model version made by her own mommy. This week was N week, so they learned about numbers, names, nocturnal animals and nests; they dyed noodles, too. PreK 2 finished a unit about wind and water, and worked on a unit about camouflage. They also learned about clouds. Continued on page 2
continued Bulletin Board K1 learned the nekudah tzeireh (..), and made glassed for their einayim. They played a matching game. The children had to get a match of the letter and a nekudah and then read it. After they read the card, they were able to keep the match. K2 celebrated finishing their א-ב review with a siyum. Thank you Mrs. Sebbag and Miss O’Campo. Second grade girls have been working on their reading skills and celebrated with a cupcake decorating party. Girls in grade 3 were misayem Parshas Toldos with a pizza party. Thank you Miss Chava Gittel Yudkowsky. Girls in grade 4 celebrated the completion of Parshas Vayigash with a cocoa-and-cake Siyum. They performed skits related to lessons learned from events in the Parsha, including proper Kibud Av V'Eim, and being careful not to embarrass others. Thank you Mrs. Sternfield. Grade 7G was misayem Parshas Chukas. Thank you Mrs. Ochs. This week 4G painted Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night on foil during their art class . We are proud of the girls in grades 2G and 5G who won first place in the benching contest. As part of their Parshas Mishpatim Chumash Curriculum, 5G students studied the halachos of animals damaging other peoples’ property, and acted out the halachos to solidify their knowledge. They also celebrated the completion of Parshas Yisro with a beautiful pizza siyum. Thank you Miss Ostashinsky. Thank you Mrs. Zwick for the pizza delivery. Boys in grade 4 had a chulent siyum on Mishnayos Rosh Hashanah. The students made pickles while learning about the melachos of m’abeid; they even got to choose the spices for the pickles. Girls in 4G learned about the Vikings and made their own shields! 8B boys visited 2B students and read books with them. MONTH OF LEARNING 10 Adar I – 9Adar II – sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. Shalman as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Girsh Lipshits, הרש ןב שרעה , great-grandfather of Rachel Leah, Sheva, Esti, and Sara Shimanovich. DAY OF LEARNING 9 Adar I and 10 Adar I - sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Elchonon Wiesenfeld, Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Katz, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wiesenfeld, Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Selevan, Mr. & Mrs. Zvi Wiesenfeld and CJ Wiesenfeld as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah and successful surgery for Nuta Yosef ben Esther Maryam. CONDOLENCES TO Mrs. Ruth Gluckin (Assistant Preschool Director, K-2 General Studies) and family on the passing of her mother, Mrs. Stephanie Hyams, a"h, on Wednesday. Shiva hours - see page 3. The Solomon, Pirutinsky, and Bursztyn families on the passing of Mrs. Sima Solomon a"h, a long time member of the Boston Community.
COMMUNITY EVENTS Shalom Zachor for the Posy baby will take place at their home this Friday night, Parshas Tetzaveh, at their home, 31 Colwell Ave. The Posy baby bris will take place on Monday, 13 Adar I, February 14, at the Mesivta of Greater Boston, following davening. Shacharis is at 7:30 am. Bulletin Board MAZEL TOV TO Yisrael Coriat (’14) & Nechama Mendlowitz on their recent engagement and to parents, Mr. Moshe & Mrs. Rikki Coriat. Binyomin (‘00) & Leah Chajes on the birth of their son and to grandparents, Mr. Sam & Mrs. Ellen Chajes. Rabbi Akiva & Mrs. Ettel Posy on the birth of their son. Shmuel Chaim Levin (‘04) & Bassi Nussbaum on their engagement and to parents, Rabbi Tsvi Yehuda and Mrs. Dena Esther Levin. Binyomin (‘01) and Sara Axelrod on the birth of their son, to grandparents, Mr. Ira and Mrs. Nany Axelrod, and to great-grandmother, Mrs. Claire Plaut. SHNAYIM MIKRAH: PARSHAS TERUMAH 4B Zelig Bier Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Moshe Segal 5B Natanel Atar Moshe Bark Eli Benmergui Yosef Hoffman Shua Kashnow 6B Dovid Menachem Feldman David Kamoun Ezra Klompas Aron Dovid Luria Yaakov Septimus Moshe Uminer Mendel Zaklos 7B Yosef Chayim Armin Mordy Bier Shlomo Hirsch Feldman Eliezer Moshe Feuerstein Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Yosef Schonberg Yonatan Zazula 8B Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Eliyahu Meyers Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieoff PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Monday, February 14 - please note the change of location! Middle school boys - in the WILLISTON Building 1st grade girls - OVER ZOOM ; 6-7-8G Math - cancelled
Mrs. Ruth Gluckin is sitting shiva for her mother, Mrs. Stephanie Hyams, a"h Shiva Hours Friday, Feb 11 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM Motzei Shabbos, Feb 12 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Sunday, Feb 13 NO SHIVA HOURS Monday - Wednesday, Feb 14-16 10:00 AM - Noon 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 51 Union street Brighton, MA Bulletin Board
Students younger than middle school are welcome to stay for the design challenge with a parent/chaperone present only.