POSITIVEAFFIRMATIONS"Challenges are opportunities forme to learn and become stronger.""I am surrounded by positivity andabundance in every area of mylife.""I trust myself to make the bestdecisions for my journey.""I am grateful for the progress I’vemade and excited for what’s tocome.""I radiate confidence, courage, andkindness in everything I do.""I am capable of achievinggreatness, one step at a time.""Every day is a new opportunityto grow and thrive.""I choose to focus on what I cancontrol and let go of what Icannot.""My potential is limitless, and I amconstantly evolving.""I am worthy of success,happiness, and all the goodthings life has to offer."W h a t ’ s a n a f f i r m a t i o n y o u t h i n k e v e r y o n e s h o u l d t r y ?C l i c k h e r e t o s h a r e y o u r a f f i r m a t i o nWeek 3: Gratitude for Your HomeTask: Spend 10 minutes in your favorite spot at home, reflecting on what makes itspecial.Why: Your home is more than just a place—it’s where memories are made andwhere you recharge. Taking time to appreciate your favorite spot (a cozy chair, asunny window, or even your bed) helps you feel grounded and grateful for thecomfort and safety your home provides.Week 4: Gratitude for Simple JoysTask: Write down 3 simple things that brought you joy this week.Why: Life’s little moments often go unnoticed, but they hold so much happiness.Whether it’s the smell of fresh coffee, a kind text from a friend, or the sound ofbirds chirping, acknowledging these small joys helps you cultivate a mindset ofgratitude and positivity.RobinRobinFEBRUARY EDTION
THE RISE OF REMOTE WORK AND ITSIMPACT ON HOUSING DEMANDPlan Ahead: Start 6-8 weeks prior; create a checklist with deadlines.1.Declutter: Sort items to keep, donate, or toss; reduces costs.2.Gather Supplies: Collect boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and use existingbags.3.Strategic Packing: Label boxes, pack heavy items in small boxes, andkeep essentials separate.4.Document Setup: Take photos of electronics and furniture beforedisassembly.5.Notify Parties: Update address with the post office and notify utilitycompanies.6.Hire Movers/Rent Truck: Get quotes from at least 3 companies orreserve a truck.7.Moving Day Kit: Pack snacks, water, cleaning supplies, tools, andimportant documents.8.Clean Old Home: Conduct a final walkthrough and ensurecleanliness.9.Unpack Systematically: Start with essentials and tackle one room ata time.10.Insight: With remote work becoming apermanent option for many, homebuyers areprioritizing larger homes with dedicated officespaces and moving away from urban centersto suburban or rural areas.Why It Matters: This shift is driving up demandin previously overlooked markets and changingthe way real estate agents market properties.
READ MORETo maintain your home, consider these keyactions:Inspect and Clean Gutters Regularly1.Prevents water damageClean twice a year, ensure downspoutsdirect water awayCheck for Leaks and Fix Them Promptly2.Prevents mold and structural damageInspect under sinks and around toilets;fix leaks immediatelyMaintain Your Sump Pump3.Prevents basement floodingTest every few months; replace if older than10 years5 EASY WAYS TOPREVENT WATERDAMAGE IN YOURHOMEBUDGETING BASICS: HOWTO CREATE A BUDGETTHAT WORKSCreating a budget for financial freedom in 5steps:Calculate Income: Total monthly income aftertaxes.Track Spending: Use apps or spreadsheets forexpense categorization.Set Goals: Identify savings targets (e.g.,emergency fund, vacation).Follow the 50/30/20 Rule:50% for needs (rent, utilities).30% for wants (entertainment, dining).20% for savings and debt repayment.Review Monthly: Adjust the budget asnecessary and celebrate progress!4. Seal Windows and DoorsImportance: Prevents water entryduring heavy rain.Action: Use weatherstripping or caulkto seal cracks for better energyefficiency.5. Know Your Water Main Shut-Off ValveImportance: Quick shut-off canminimize damage from leaks.Action: Locate the valve, usually in thebasement or near the water heater, andensure everyone knows how to operate it.
NeighborhoodSpotlight5002 Lofty Pines Cir E,Jacksonville, FL 32210The neighborhood is known for its quiet and peacefulatmosphere, making it a great place for families andindividuals looking for a serene living environment.
File the Will and Petition for Probate 1.Submit the will to the probate court to initiatethe process and validate it.Appoint an Executor or Administrator 2.The court appoints an executor (from the will)or an administrator (if no will) to manage theestate.Inventory and Appraise the Estate’s Assets 3.Identify and value all assets to ensureaccurate accounting for distribution.Notify Creditors and Pay Debts 4.Inform creditors and settle debts to protectbeneficiaries from future claims.Distribute Assets to Beneficiaries 5.After debts are paid, distribute assetsaccording to the will or state law.Close the Estate 6.File final paperwork to mark the end ofprobate and release the executor from duties.Probate CornerRobin IbarraCertified ProbateReal Estate Specialist(CPRES)SCAN FOR AFREE E-BOOK"I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY AND CAN NOT GIVE LEGAL ADVICE."NAVIGATING PROBATE: YOUR STEP-BY-STEPGUIDE TO SETTLING AN ESTATE
Claudia CaceresFEATURED ARTISTSoul of the Earth JewelryTel.: (904) 614-2818Email: n.tona30@gmail.comJacksonville, FloridaSoul of the Earth Jewelry became a concept 12 years agowhen I finally took the plunge to follow a passion. CreatingJewelry. I had been a medical technologist and a cytologist34 years prior, but the funny thing was I always took jobswhere an artist community was active.When I quit my last medical job, it seemed like the starswere aligned......I signed up for the last spot in a wirewrapping class, where I met such interesting artists whoshared generously their knowledge. From there, I foundthe Gem and Mineral Society where I focused my passionon soldering and creating unique designs.I have been doing festivals for the past 11 years and itnever fails that I meet other interesting artists displaying orjust being there as part of the artist community.I have also taught basic soldering and I love it! there'snothing better than having a captivating audience to rattleon about your passion!
LET'S BE SOCIAL NETWORKING EVENTHAIR HISTORY EDITIONWORLD OF NATIONSCELEBRATION 2025February 22, 10am - February 23, 6pm EST Location: Tailgaters Parking, 225 TalleyrandAvenue, Jacksonville, FL 32202 Join the City of Jacksonville for a two-day eventshowcasing global cuisine, artistry, and customs.Bring family and friends for an immersive culturalexperience! February 23, 2025, 3 PM - 6 PM (Doors open at 2:45 PM)Majestic Event Complex, Jacksonville, FLDescription: Celebrate Black History Month by highlighting thebeauty and legacy of Black hair through the decades on the runway.UPCOMING EVENTSTHRIVING AT WORK: MINDFULNESSFOR PROFESSIONAL SUCCESSTuesday, February 18 · 9 - 10am ESTDive into our Thriving at Work series and find out howmindfulness can be your secret weapon. Whether you’releading a team, grinding from home, or just trying to juggle itall, we've got something to help you manage stress, makesmarter decisions, and even enjoy your workday more.
Question&Do you have a RealEstate questionJust click here, and I'lladdress all your questions.Answer
See you later!As we wrap up this month, let’s take a moment to reflect onthe progress we’ve made and the opportunities ahead.Whether it’s cultivating gratitude, tackling financial goals, orpreparing for the future, every small step counts.Remember, February may be the shortest month, but it’sfilled with potential. Let’s carry this momentum into Marchwith positivity and purpose.Thank you for being part of our community. Here’s to amonth of growth, joy, and meaningful connections!