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February 2017 Parent Newsletter

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Office of First-Year Experience February 2017 Inside this Issue: Welcome Back 1 Encourage Students 2 Part Time Jobs 3 Learning Outside of Class 3 Talent vs. Work Ethic 4 Mardi Gras Safety 5 Alcohol Awareness 6 Becoming a Sophomore 7 Academic Advising 7 Grades First Check 8 Ragin’ Cajuns Basketball 8 Majors Fair 9 Parent Newsletter A college education is one of the greatest transformative experiences in a young person’s life, and we are deeply honored that you have chosen to trust us to provide that experience for your child. It is the great joy of all the members of the Office of First-Year Experience to have a positive impact in the life of young adults here at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and we look forward to doing so in the coming semester! No doubt over the winter break you were able to see the beginnings of these changes in your son or daughter, and as they return to campus we stand ready to help them continue in their growth. We are immensely aware of the love and energy you have invested in your child to get them to this point in their life, and we remain true in our devotion to serve both the students of this university, but also you their parents. We are proud to be Ragin’ Cajuns and we are proud that you and your child have chosen to be members of that family with us. We hope to see you on campus over the coming months, and please always feel more than welcome to let us know how we can help you and your child. From: Office of First-Year Experience WELCOME BACK

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2 SPRING 2017 ACADEMIC CALENDAR Feb 27—Mar 1: Mar di Gras Break Mar 6: Last Day to Drop with a “W” Mar 13-24: Academic Advising Period Mar 27: Registr ation begins for Priority and Seniors Apr 14—23: Spring Break/Easter Break Apr 24: Class Resumes Apr 26—30: Dead Days Apr 28: Last Day of Classes May 1—5: Final Exams May 12: Spr ing Commencement May 12: Semester Officially Ends When children are students in middle school and high school they are taught that there are certain ways to study and learn. Due to the uniformity schools try to teach at these ages they often dictate which ways to learn. Once your child reaches college they tend to maintain the belief that they have to continue to study and learn in that fashion. On the contrary, college is a time for students to discover themselves socially and intellectually, and they should choose the method that best works for them. There are three main ways that students tend to compute information: by sight, by sound, and by touch. When a student is a visual learner, he or she performs best when viewing pictures, graphs and diagrams, and demonstrations. This type of student is best served by reading through a text, notes, etc. Students who are auditory learners best attain and retain information through hearing it. The biggest strength for this student is class lecture, where a professor can vocally relay the information. The Academic Success Center suggests all students practice the traits of LADDER Listening, especially auditory learners. And finally, tactile learners are those students who best learn through physical contact, whether that be writing information in the form of notes or partaking in role-playing demonstrations. It is likely that each student will want to engage in all of these at some time. Another variable that can greatly effect how your child learns is his or her personality. The standard method for characterizing personality is the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Inventory (MBTI). This test will identify a student’s predisposed personality characteristics in four groups: social orientation (extrovert vs introvert), information processing (sensor vs intuiter), decision making (thinker vs feeler), and achieving goals (judger vs perceiver). Once determined, the Myers-Briggs test will assign a combination of four letters that are specific to the personality traits of each individual person. College is the place for students to decide for themselves how best they learn and to apply those methods to their study habits; yet the process is often hindered by lessons taught in primary and secondary education. As a parent, you have the influence over your children to nurture their creativity and individuality. It falls to us their teachers, and you their parents to promote the idea that they do not have to go about studying in the same way as the person to their left or the person to their right. ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO PLAY TO THEIR STRENGTHS

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EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM 3 Traditionally when your student speaks of going to class he or she has a set time they must be in the classroom each week. This means getting up, traveling by vehicle or foot to that room, and sitting for an hour or more, listening to the instructor and interacting with their peers. However a new type of class has emerged with the invention of the internet and home computers: online courses. Online courses have several benefits, but two of the most sought out benefits are the self-paced learning and flexibility. Students who choose to enroll in an online course need to be self-disciplined. No one is taking roll or checking to see how many hours they have spent studying and reviewing. Enrolling in an online course doesn’t mean your student spends less time studying, in fact they might even spend more time – but that time is spent learning the material thoroughly on the student’s terms. If 100% online is not the way for your student, he or she may be more interested in hybrid classes. This format merges aspects of both in-class and online learning methods by offering a number of in-person meetings with plenty of coursework dispersed electronically to suite the student’s schedule. Hybrid courses offer many of the same benefits as online classes with a bit more structure for those students who do not feel comfortable in the fully online setting. Distance learning is the way of the future and UL Lafayette is working hard with the Quality Matters Program to become a leading institution by training its teachers on how to succeed and excel in this new setting. Please feel welcome to reach out to the Office of Distance Learning. THE CLASSROOM ISN’T THE ONLY PLACE TO LEARN Your child is now nearing completion of his or her second semester in college. An important preparation for life after college that can easily be done now is gaining practical experience in the work force! A large majority of students in college hold down part-time student jobs that can range anywhere from 5 to 20+ hours a week. Whether it is to gain knowledge of the working world or simply to have some extra spending money, having a job is an important part of life in college. The Office of Career Services is a division of Student Affairs whose mission is to provide services to UL Lafayette students and alumni in developing and implementing their career goals by providing skill enhancement, career and employer information, and maintaining quality university-employer relationships that provide a link between students and potential employers. Career Services maintains an online database where university students can view openings for part-time jobs, internships, and co-ops for course credit. These openings cater to students who live on-campus with numerous university positions, but also cater to commuter students by offering numerous positions in the Lafayette and surrounding areas. Career Services also provides cover letter and resume-writing tips as well as works with students on how to professionally approach the interview process. Besides its online database, Career Services also organizes career fairs throughout the year where they bring in anywhere from 80 to 100+ businesses and post graduate organizations. All UL Lafayette students and recent alumni are encouraged to attend. THE FEASIBILITY OF PART-TIME JOBS IN COLLEGE Please register with the Emergency Notification System. Please encourage your child to register their communication device with UL’s Emergency Notification System. General Information The ENS system is designed to provide immediate notification for emergencies that may threaten harm to people within minutes. Even though the University may utilize the ENS for all emergencies, it is not designed for incidents such as hurricanes, in which there are days to prepare. All students are automatically enrolled in the University’s ENS. As parents, you can sign up for the University’s ENS through your child’s ULink account. Registrants for the ENS are encouraged to update their profile regularly, especially when they change phones or phone service. During an emergency, students and employees can check with the University’s hotline at: (337)-482-2222 for updated information. The University runs a full scale test on its ENS at least once every semester. Any problems or concerns experienced with the University ENS should be directed to For instructions to register with UL’s Emergency Notification System, click here.

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4 What are the tricks to teaching your student how to succeed in life? By definition your son or daughter is now an adult, but they will never stop learning from you their parents, whether they be 18 or 40. You have played a major role in molding your child into the person he or she is today, and as a parent it is something you will always continue to do. So what is the best way to go about it? We live in a culture that values inherent skills, from athletic ability to natural beauty. But the truth is most people do not fit into the category of super model or hall of fame athlete. So how does one teach their children to succeed without super intelligence, prowess, or beauty? You do it by teaching them that life is a process! Modern research shows that when you tell your child that they are just smarter, or are a better athlete, or are just more attractive than the average person, they become content with the status quo. They adopt the mentality that they have what others do not and that will get them through life. Unfortunately once they reach a level where their inherent skills become average, they do not know how to react; they become defensive and shut down. You may have seen this in your child’s transition from middle school to high school. When everything has been easy for them, they do not know how to thrive once the going gets tough. So what then is the answer? The trick to showing your child how to succeed in life is to teach them about life as if it were a process. Extensive research conducted since the 1960s shows that teaching kids about personal growth as a process helps them to learn and practice perseverance. When naturally gifted kids are stumped by a new challenge they panic and become passive whereas kids who view life as a process tend to enjoy a challenge through an understanding that patience and creative thinking will help them to overcome any obstacle, big or small. As parents and teachers what we must do is change the way we go about affirming their success. Rather than praise them for intelligence, we need to praise them for the creative strategies they used to solve a problem, or the persistence they exerted to make it through a tough experience. To learn more about this breaking research, read The Secret to Raising Smart Kids by author and r esearcher Car ol S. Dweck. NATURAL TALENT VS. WORK ETHIC, WHO WINS? RESOURCES ON CAMPUS Academic Success Center Lee Hall Rm. 115 (337) 482-6818 Writing Center H.L. Griffin Hall, Rm. 107-108 (337) 482-6447 Counseling & Testing Center Saucier Wellness Center O.K. Allen Hall (337) 482-6480 Office of Disability Services (ODS) Conference Center, Rm. 126 (337) 482-5252 Student Support Services DeClouet Hall Rm. 106 (337) 482-6828 STEP Computer Labs on Campus Student Affairs Division Martin Hall Rm. 211 (337) 482-6266

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Mardi Gras is perhaps the most well-known, and vibrant, contribution south Louisiana’s French Catholic heritage has made to the modern United States. People from around the country and around the globe flock to New Orleans and Lafayette to take part in the renowned festivities. Though it can be an amazing opportunity for entertainment, history has shown it can also be a recipe for disaster. Soon the first parades will be taking place, we encourage you to talk to your student about how to stay safe, whether they plan to be on Johnston Street or Canal Street. Luckily, the New Orleans Mardi Gras Association, as well as the Lafayette Police Department, lend some suggestions on how to stay as safe as possible over the holiday.  Make your plans ahead of time, not on the fly.  Plan your transportation, including parking, walking, and/or carpooling.  Know the weather forecast and dress appropriately.  Have an idea of where you plan to eat if it becomes necessary.  Always have cash with you. Debit & Credit cards will not always be accepted.  Go with a group of friends and stick with them.  Establish a meeting place in case you get separated from the group.  Know parade rules of whatever city you are in.  Respect the police.  Get to your parade spot early to guarantee yourself a good spot.  If you do get there late, don’t encroach on other people’s space.  Catch only. Do not throw beads or objects at floats or bystanders.  Do not cross the barricades during a parade for any reason.  Be careful when reaching down to pick up beads, you leave your head and your hands exposed. Wait until a float passes and you have enough space around you.  Do not cross the barricades during a parade for any reason. STAYING SAFE DURING MARDI GRAS 5 LAFAYETTE SCHEDULE OF PARADES 2017 Saturday, Feb 18 Krewe des Chiens Canine Parade, 2:00pm Krewe of Carnivale en Rio Parade, 6:30pm Friday, Feb 24 Friday Night Parade, 6:30pm Saturday, Feb 25 Children’s Parade, 12:30pm Krewe of Bonaparte, 6:30pm Monday, Feb 27 Queen Evangeline’s, Parade, 6:00pm King Gabriel’s Parade, 10:00am Lafayette Mardi Gras Festival Parade, 1:00pm KADN/KLAF Independent Parade, 2:00pm

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Alcohol poisoning is a severe and potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose. It is the most serious consequence of binge drinking. When excessive amounts of alcohol are consumed, the brain is deprived of oxygen. Educating yourself and your student on the dangers of excessive drinking plays an important role in your student’s attitude toward alcohol. The two most obvious dangers of excessive drinking are alcohol poisoning and the consequences of drinking and driving. In the State of Louisiana, the legal limit for Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is 0.08%; an of-age alcohol consumer operating a vehicle with a BAC above 0.08% will receive a DWI (for more information see here). Some of the results of having a BAC of 0.08% are a loss of comprehension, reaction time, coordination, and attention (consequences of impaired driving). Though it might be common knowledge that drinking and driving is dangerous, what exactly makes it so dangerous? According to the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission those with a BAC between .04% and .05% have an increased chance of being involved in a crash, and this chance increases rapidly with a higher BAC. When a driver reaches a BAC of .06% they are twice as likely to be involved in a fatal crash as a non-drinking driver. And by the time they reach a BAC of .08%, they are 10 times more likely than a non-drinking driver to be involved in a fatal crash. Alcohol poisoning, even if caught beforehand, may still result in death. Typically, an adult who drinks more than 5-6 drinks will enter into that “danger zone.” BAC will be elevated to 0.08 % and above. Over drinking, going over the 0.08% BAC, may result in immediate effects such as: drowsiness, vomiting, upset stomach, breathing difficulties, impaired judgment, and blackouts. There are also long term effects to consider that could be caused by excessive drinking: high blood pressure, liver disease, nerve damage, permanent damage to the brain, malnutrition, cancer of the mouth and throat. The wisest plan is prevention. When going to drink, encourage your student to set the amount they are going to consume. Encourage them not to binge drink, defined as consuming 5 or more drinks for men and 3 or more drinks for women per occasion. Discuss the dangers of binge drinking, how binge drinking may result in alcohol poisoning and its dangers and effects. If your student is experiencing any symptoms of binge drinking or habitual drinking, encourage them to seek assistance. There are a number of resources on campus for you and your student. If you are worried about your student, we encourage you to drive them to any Emergency Room in the case of alcohol poisoning. You may also call the Counseling Center for information. For information on Alcohol Awareness you may visit the Counseling and Testing Center web-site where information about the University’s Alcohol awareness program SLIDDE may be ob-tained. There is useful literature posted on the website, as well as a “class” on the University’s Moodle website. To view, the student must login with their university CLID and password. We would like to encourage you to view the video and review the information with your student. Click on the following links for more information: Effects of Alcohol College Drinking Facts about Alcohol Poisoning ALCOHOL AWARENESS 6 KNOW THE WARNING SIGNS 1. Developing a tolerance to alcohol. 2. Emotional Changes. 3. Sleep Disturbances. 4. Changing eating behavior. 5. Loss of interest in personal hobbies. 6. Neglecting personal hygiene. 7. Changing social circles. 8. Providing excuses to consume alcohol. 9. Conversations center on alcohol and its consumption. 10. Inability to quit or reduce the consumption of alcohol. 11. Becoming overly secretive about the consumption of alcohol. The above is just a partial list of substance dependence warning signs. For further information regarding alcoholism or for help in dealing with alcohol problems, students can contact the UL Lafayette Counseling & Testing Center at 337-482-6480 and set up an appointment to speak with a counselor. The center offers an unlimited number of sessions free of charge to all students, faculty, and staff of the university.

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7 ACADEMIC ADVISING Advising for Summer/Fall will take place from March 13th— 24th. All students at UL Lafayette are assigned a specific counselor from their academic college. If your child does not know who his/her counselor is, the information can be located on Ulink. Once logged in, click on the “Academic Profile” tab. Once on this page, under the “Academic Profile” section, select the “Spring 2017” term. Advisor(s) will be listed below. Advisor information will include the person’s name, office location, phone number, and email. Students can also view Transcripts and any Holds that might be on their accounts here. View Advisor location by college here. PREPARING TO BECOME A SOPHOMORE It’s either right around the corner or seems like a long way away: next Fall your student will be in their second year of college, a sophomore! Hopefully your student did not have too many challenges in scheduling their classes for their first two semesters; but regardless whether they had difficulty or not here are some tips for scheduling classes—these tips are applicable from now till when they graduate. Before seeing their advisor, your student should review their degree plan. This should have been given to the student by their advisor; most colleges have this available online through their department website, or check the online catalog. If your student has difficulty locating their de-gree plan, they may contact their college’s administrative office to request one (ask for a degree plan, curriculum, plan of study, or major checklist). When your student has reviewed their plan they should check off the classes they have taken and look at the classes needed. It is important to keep in mind that the further along your student gets in their degree plan the classes they need to take will likely have more pre-requisites. Your student should check on those classes to view the pre-requisites and also the course description; course information may be found on the online catalog. Your student should now be able to determine which classes they may take in the following semesters. Their focus should be first on any “core” classes they have not completed (includes but is not limited to Science, Math, English, Humanities, and Social Sciences). Your student’s second priority should be their major classes (classes that are specifically related to their major). When thinking about their next year of college (in this case their sophomore year) your student should compare the classes they need to take in the following semester and then review the course schedule. The course schedule should be updated when advising begins (see academic calendar). Having several classes to choose from and “play” with when looking for class-times and arranging a class schedule will allow for a contingency plan in case a class fills up or does not fit with the other class times. Look at the course schedule. For each course your student wants to take they should look at all the class times offered for that course. Highlight the classes that have a limited number of offerings. When your student begins taking 300-400 level courses the number of classes offered are going to decrease. It is important to look at the class times to make sure none of the classes overlap, but it is also important to look at which building the classes will be in. Your student should make sure they have enough time to travel from class to class. View the campus map. Your student should make a class schedule that they like, and have a couple more plans just in case the classes fill up quickly. After preparing their class schedule, your student should then schedule an appointment with their advisor as soon as possible. The quicker your student meets their advisor, the quicker their scheduling hold will lift. Once that hold has been lifted, your student will then be able to log onto their Ulink where there will be a link titled “Registration”. Once your student clicks here, they can choose “Look Up Classes” which will allow them to see which classes will be offered during the Fall 2017 semester. As we approach the Fall semester, your student can choose “check registration status” and select Fall 2017 semester to see when they are allowed to start scheduling classes. Priority registration begins March 27th. Freshmen without priority registra-tion will register sometime the first week of April.

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8 GRADES FIRST CHECK Your student will be getting feedback during the semester on attendance and grades. This will come to students through Grades First. Students who have grades below a C and/or excessive absences will receive an email from the Academic Success Center encouraging the student to contact the instructor immediately about seeking help. The first grade checks of the Spring 2017 semester will take place between February 15-22, March 8-15, and April 5-12. Academic progress is an important focus of the University. While your student’s academic journey is their own, you can support them by knowing about the various support resources on our campus that help students academically and encourage your student to take advantage of these resources. The Academic Success Center, located in Lee hall, provides academic counseling, career information and tutoring. Counselors also assist students with dropping classes and changing majors. Tutoring is held in the Learning Center where students can get assistance with academic problems. The Center offers free one-on-one tutoring, study group tutoring, supplemental instruction, computer lab assistance, and other services. Tutoring is available for most all 100 and 200-level math and science courses as well as for accounting, economics, engineering, French, psychology, Span-ish and statistics courses. The Academic Success Center also offers Student Success Seminars. These Seminars have many different topics. A few of these are:  Give a Great Presentation  Taking Better Notes  Managing Your Stress  I Failed a Test, Now What? The Student Success Seminars have already begun and will be continued throughout the semester. Encourage your student to take advantage of the Seminars which are pertinent to their struggles. The English Writing Center is also a great place to receive academic assistance, particularly for any writing assignments. The Center will assist students at any stage of the writing process, including:  Helping students enhance their writing skills, and see strengths and weaknesses in their writing  Focusing on writing processes and the value of creating multiple drafts  Helping students learn to proofread their writing while empowering students to own their writing  Nurturing creative ideas in students Studies have shown that students who seek academic assistance receive benefits such as higher academic achievement, improved personal and social development, and increased motivation. If your student is struggling academically or expresses that he or she is overwhelmed, encourage them to seek out assistance. FRESHMAN FAMILY DAY WITH RAGIN’ CAJUNS BASKETBALL  TOPS Tuesdays  Persistence in the Face of Obstacles  Discover Your Learning Style Mark March 4th on your calendar - Freshmen Family Day with Ragin' Cajuns men's and women's basketball is just around the corner. Stay tuned for more details next week coming in an email from Dana Bekurs!

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Contact Information Visit us at our office: 230 Hebrard Blvd. Lee Hall, Room 106 Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5:00pm Friday 7:30am-12:30pm (337) 482-6599 Follow OFYE on Social Media 9 MAJORS FAIR Choosing a major can be a daunting task. In fact, a majority of students enter college undecided on a major or will end up changing their original major before they reach graduation. This is where the Majors Fair can help your student “find their fit.” The Majors Fair provides an opportunity for students to explore undergraduate majors, minors and concentrations offered at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette by networking with and asking questions to faculty, staff and Career Services all in one location. Students can explore their areas of interest, discover a major they never knew existed, and even learn about ways to get involved. With over 115 different majors and concentrations on campus, there’s something for everyone. Have your student visit the Majors Fair and start learning about what possibilities are waiting for them. Spring 2017 Majors Fair Tuesday, March 7 Student Union Ballroom 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Student can also visit with representatives from the following areas: Study Abroad, Graduate School, Internships, Student Organizations, the Academic Success Center & the Office of the First Year Experience. Brought to you by the Major & Career Exploration Center in Career Services.